
Two months away from Tsunami Tuesday. For political junkies like me, it’s heaven.
Who’s your pony in the various primaries for congress, governor and other state seats?
Republicans are duking it out August 10 to determine the standard-bearer against Democrat Jim Himes. GOP-endorsed Shelton State Senator Dan Debicella, a Bridgeport native, faces a multi-field primary that includes former GOP Town Chair Rick Torres.
On the gubernatorial side former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy, the Democratic endorsed candidate, has a challenge from Ned Lamont who has the support of most of the Bridgeport establishment. Is it lip-service for Ned from the local party or will they hump? Local pols work hard when there’s something in it for them. How much will Ned open up his pocketbook to grease the local party campaign hands? Oh, yeah, I can just imagine the long line from the local apparatus, such as it is, looking for a primary payday. Town Chair Mario Testa must feed his peeps. I don’t miss those days when party pols pined for an election payday.
The latest Q Poll gives Ned, who has higher name recognition than Malloy, a solid lead, but that lead will dwindle as Malloy’s camp unleashes its paid media campaign backed by more than $2 million in public funds. Will Mayor Bill Finch loan his Chief of Staff Adam Wood to run the local operation for Lamont?
Malloy has his share of support in the city from former Town Chair John Stafstrom and East End District Leader Ralph Ford. Hey, who’s former State Senator Ernie Newton supporting?
On the GOP side guber front-runner Tom Foley, former ambassador to Ireland, is being primaried by Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele and Hartford area business chief Oz Griebel. Foley’s in great shape to win the primary.
If economic guru Peter Schiff qualifies for the ballot against Linda McMahon it will be a blast, or as Linda says maybe a smackdown. Some Republican political operatives are lamenting the fact that Linda received the GOP endorsement for U.S. Senate sending former Congressman Rob Simmons to the sidelines although he’s keeping his name on the ballot. GOP buyer’s remorse? McMahon has spent more than $10 million and is still 20 points down to Dick Blumenthal even with his war gaffe. Even GOP lightning rod Ann Coulter is begging Simmons to get back in the race full time.
Republicans are planning on running a World Wrestling Entertainment “impresario” against Blumenthal. Yes, in Connecticut … a state that is among the wealthiest and most highly educated in the nation … a state that isn’t Minnesota. The average Nutmegger doesn’t even know what a turnbuckle is, and that includes me. Republicans could run Rob Simmons, a Connecticut legislator with a distinguished record of service in the House of Representatives, the CIA, and as a Yale political science professor — who actually did serve in Vietnam, winning two Bronze Stars and retiring as a colonel. But defeat is so close! Republicans can almost taste the bitterness of yet another crushing loss!
Hennessy’s Proof
The other day we heard from Bob Barnes, a retired jeweler, who’s looking to take the shine off State Rep. Jack Hennessy. Jack shared this response:
For 6 years, it’s been my privilege to represent the good people of Bridgeport’s 127 district, as state representative in Hartford. You’ve put your trust in me and I, in turn, have worked hard for you and produced real results for Bridgeport. I look forward to bringing my record directly to you in the weeks ahead as I again ask for your support.
Mr. Barnes’ post, however, merits a brief response. In my three terms in Hartford, my hard work has been rewarded by the Democratic leadership with leadership positions of my own, as has the Town Committee with its endorsement — assistant majority leader, vice-chairman of Planning & Development, member of the Continuing Legislative Committee on State Planning and Development, member on the national Council of State Government’s Committee (CSG) on Suggested State Legislation, co-chair on the 2009 Smart-Growth Sub-Committee on Economic Development, and following it up in 2010 as co-chair of the Regional Entities Sub-Committee on the MORE commission that passed key legislation this session to begin to reduce property taxes for Bridgeport residents. We’ll do that with new options for cities and towns to purchase health insurance and prescription drugs, and with mandate relief. I was proud to support a budget resolution that did not raise taxes and, importantly, protected education and municipal funding for Bridgeport. Because I stood with other Democrats in the General Assembly, we kept libraries open and courthouses open, protected seniors and the disabled from potentially devastating budget cuts, and saved programs like dental care for adults that so many rely upon.
Perhaps most importantly, we worked across party lines to produce a jobs bill that will begin to put so many who are suffering from the recession in Bridgeport and elsewhere back to work.
It’s easy to criticize from afar, without facts or an understanding of the complexities of the legislative process. I know that it takes hard work, negotiation, compromise, and conviction to produce results.
In the days ahead, I look forward to talking with Bridgeporters about the issues that matter to them. In my many conversations with voters of the North End, I find that’s what they care about too, not gratuitous comments about a picture that captures a moment of a six year record of accomplishment in Hartford. For the record, I have acknowledged an error in judgment and apologized to my constituents. I do so again.
Let’s get on, then, with the serious matters before us as together we protect important services, cut state bureaucracy and create a more efficient government, give overburdened property taxpayers even more relief, and put people back to work.
MCAT’s Paws
Hey, let’s not forget about OIB friend Michele Mount (aka MCAT) who’s challenging Republican incumbent State Rep. DebraLee Hovey, Ms. anti-Bridgeport, who waged a myopic suburban-urban cultural war against Michele for the state house seat in Monroe two years ago even though the taxpayers of Bridgeport put food on Hovey’s table. Hovey loves to kick the city in the teeth even though the city supports her family. Amazing. From Michele:
Michele Mount, local attorney, Town Council member and government relations advocate, is the unanimously endorsed Democratic candidate for State Representative of the 112th District. Mrs. Mount has lived in Monroe for thirteen years with her husband of 22 years and two children, a son at Masuk high school and a daughter at Chalk Hill upper elementary school.
“It is time for a change, I will bring a fresh perspective to Hartford,” Mount stated. “My experiences as an attorney, government relations consult, and former Director of Legislative Affairs for Bridgeport has afforded me the opportunity to build strong bi-partisan relationships with our leaders in Hartford,” stated Mrs. Mount. “Working together is the only way to a brighter future for Connecticut. I have worked with area Legislators, Mayors of both parties, and businesses supporting legislation to increase jobs, stop rising property taxes, increase state aid to education, and lower costs for municipalities.” As a Town Council member and community advocate, Mount sees firsthand the needs of her community and she can be responsive to those issues in Hartford. Mount has a strong foundation of service to the public, learning from her father, former Attorney General, Carl Ajello, who was also a state legislator for 18 years.
She will once again spend the summer and fall, going door to door meeting with the citizens of Monroe and Newtown to share how she can use her rich experiences to advocate for them as their State Representative. Mount stated that, “I believe that a person who listens to all citizens and works tenaciously for their future can make a difference. I ensure that the concerns of my fellow taxpayers and our struggling small businesses will be heard in Hartford. That is what the people of the 112th expect and deserve from their State Representative.”
As a Citizens Election candidate, Mrs. Mount will refuse to accept special interest money, removing that influence in political campaigns, and instead will qualify for a state grant. For more information you can go to her Web site at www.michelemount.com. You may also contact her by phone or e-mail at mountforstaterep@gmail.com to share your ideas and concerns.
Donj absent a week and mad it happens no primary for state sen!!! Mad about that!!! Lamont has my vote and look for big numbers coming from Wilbur Cross and Black Rock for Lamont. I am hoping for a victory from Waterbury Mayor for the race for comptroller and also undecided for Sec of State. Garcia is an urban guy which is a plus. August 10th will be the day Bridgeport stands tall for Lamont!!!
Might not always agree with MCAT but I’m rooting for her in this race!!!
Thanks, donj. Don’t forget we will all be together in November!
www .ctpost.com/local/article/Bids-to-redevelop-Black-Rock-property-again-fall-522483.php
Black Rock Bank Bid Goes Bust!… AGAIN!!!
The building is a tear-down and not cost-efficient to rehab and re-engineer. The Black Rock Homeowner’s Association wants everything to be perfect in their little Black Rock Bubble World. Get the damn thing onto the tax rolls. Eversley, who is a real nowhere man, is asleep at the wheel.
Wake Up Little Snoozie!
Where is Joe Celli when you need him???
Oh, I forgot. New London!!!
Looks like Jack Hennessy didn’t like what he deemed to be a “gratuitous remark.” Barnes didn’t take the photo, nor did he make the numerous comments in the Hartford Courant in response to that photo.
Additionally, Hennessy, for all his committee attachments, didn’t stop the Bridgeport City Council from raising the mil rate. His committees didn’t fund any money to remediate Ox Brook for his constituents in that area. Nor did Hennessy create any jobs with any of his committees. But it’s nice to know he reads your blog Lennie.
Black Rock Bank … formerly the Black Rock Art Center … another bid by a developer is lost, per CT Post article today.
I thought one of the organizations in Black Rock–which I will not name here–was supposed to look into making request for bids public. It was agreed upon.
In other words, we have no idea who is bidding on this building and the decision is, what, made by one guy in an office downtown? Or does the community get to participate? And they say Black Rockers are involved.
Here’s something else that was missing … the mayor at the Black Rock Day parade.
Eversley said he has shown the building at least once a week to brokers and parties interested in purchasing or investing in the property.
Is this what we are paying this guy big bucks for???
To be a real estate agent???
This is just another economic development joke.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, …
I hear Countdown getting ready to come to the city’s defense as to why nothing gets done.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
But you don’t understand how difficult it is in this economy. How difficult it is to move an empty building?
If only there were vibrant nightlife in the building it would be so much easier to see.
Hey, I was actually impressed they were showing the building that often, once a week! But who are the interested parties and what were their proposals?
Is is it possible to know the response to RFP, who the developers are? Or only after-the-fact-disclosure to the public and local community organizations? According to CT Post some time ago, the BRHA was to be informed of this process. Maybe they are, I don’t know.
What I do know is this corner in Black Rock is very important, with a new train station coming and new Whole Foods. There are new restaurants on Fairfield Ave. What are the NRZ requirements?
Should discussion and determination for the fate of this building be more in the public domain? Maybe a discussion group at the Black Rock Library? I got Marty’s City Council email and saw him at the parade, maybe he could get involved with this.
Should there be interest in having this discussion, let me know and I will make sure there is a meeting room available.
John Soltis
Community Librarian
Black Rock Branch Library
I agree with Bpt Teacher’s comments made over the weekend. I am very disappointed Lennie has not pried open the juicy stuff concerning this administration, the wasteful spending, back-room hiring and ballsy requests for more union concessions. Lennie, we are counting on you to expose these liars. Here’s a hint on where to start:
1. How much have we spent so far on outside legal counsel who are paid $250/hr? This while Larry Osborne’s salary is going up to $119K. What other mayor used outside legal counsel? I can’t remember any.
2. What are the Finch appointees planning to give back? Why are there 4 – 4.5% increases built into the budget for them? What did they give back the last time? Some only took 2 or 3 furlough days and some took none and got their raises too.
3. Get a list of the new hires and consultants and how much they were paid over the past year. BTW, Alanna Kabel just fired another employee and called in a high-priced consultant to do his job.
C’mon, Lennie. Where’s the juicy stuff?
Well Smoker, if you talk to administration officials about OIB they’d say this site is a pain in the ass.
Lennie You did not answer the question.
tc, Smoker claims I’ve been soft on Finch. I disagree. I can list dozens of items, stories, insights, and facts raised on OIB. I don’t have a monopoly on raising issues here, nor enterprise reporting. Many of the items Smoker raises have been covered here, and will continue to be covered whether by me or a contributor. You don’t like Finch. That’s fine. Smoker doesn’t like Finch. That’s fine too. You’re free to come here and write that and any observations that bring you to that position.
Lennie a little thin-skinned. NO?