Polls, The Barack Factor For Himes, Plus: Jepsen Challenges SuBy

Update, new Q polls

Ronald Reagan’s polling numbers after two years as president showed he was toast. Then the economy rebounded and he croaked his Democratic opponent Walter Mondale in 1984.

Bill Clinton’s polling numbers after two years were dicey as well. Then the economy soared. And he dispatched his Republican opponent Bob Dole in 1996. But mid-term races for both Reagan and Clinton showed a revolt against the White House occupant. And that’s where Barack sits today unless the economy improves dramatically between now and November. One year into his presidency Barack’s polling numbers aren’t so great, according to a new national Q Poll. Barack’s Connecticut numbers are better than his national numbers but his standing in Fairfield County isn’t what it was when he ran much better than anticipated in wealthy Republican suburban towns. And that’s a challenge for Congressman Jim Himes who overwhelmed in the three cities of the Fourth Congressional District in 2008 but lost in every other community.

If the generic Democratic candidate–one who places a name on the ballot and doesn’t do much or is money challenged beyond competitiveness–was good for 35 percent of the vote against former Republican Congressman Chris Shays, I say it’s at least that and probably closer to 40 percent against Himes. Now throw a lot of money at that and now the Republican is competitive. Himes has not shown enough independence to sidestep voter unrest with Congressional spending. The Bridgeport vote that delivered a massive plurality for Himes will not be as large this time around. Bridgeport’s midterm percentage vote falls off more than the percentage vote of most suburban communities in Fairfield County.

But Himes has two mighty things going for him. Money and likability, with the chance to build voter good will throughout the district. The challenge for the Republican, and right now Shelton State Senator Dan Debicella has a leg up on former Bridgeport State Senator Rob Russo through his fundraising efforts, is focusing voters on Himes’ record by contrasting how he’d spend their money (or not).

Barack Q Poll


American voters are split 45 – 45 percent on whether Barack Obama’s first year in office is a success or failure and split 35 – 37 percent on whether the U.S. would be better off if John McCain had won the 2008 election, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released today. As he marks the first anniversary of his inauguration, President Obama’s approval has slipped slightly into an even 45 – 45 percent split for the first time.

By a 43 – 30 percent margin American voters think Obama has been a better President than George W. Bush, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University survey finds. Voters blame Bush more than Obama 55 – 20 percent for the current economic conditions, but they say 35 – 24 percent that Obama’s policies have made the United States less safe than those of his predecessor. Another 38 percent say safety is about the same.

Looking at his characteristics, voters say:

· 56 – 37 percent that he is honest and trustworthy;
· 66 – 32 percent that he is a strong leader;
· 50 – 46 percent that Obama does not share their views on the issues they care about;
· 53 – 43 percent he is being fiscally irresponsible in his spending of federal money.

“President Barack Obama’s approval rating is dead even for the first time, which is more of a symbolic low than any large movement in public opinion against him,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.  “When asked to compare, voters give Obama a higher rating than George W. Bush, but that’s not much to write home about since Bush’s approval at one point was among the lowest of any president in history.

“President Obama’s report card from the American people on his first year in office is a mixed one. He gets better grades on his personal qualities than his policies and compared to his predecessor he is viewed more favorably on the economy than on national security.”

:His split verdict from voters on whether he is a failure or a success pretty much sums up divisions among the American people, divisions that are perhaps magnified when the subject is Obama,” Brown added. “But it is important to understand that this overall split masks deeper divisions that fall across gender, racial and age lines.”

By a 47 – 40 percent margin, independent voters rate Obama’s first year in office as mainly a failure; 81 percent of Democrats say it’s a success and 75 percent of Republicans say it’s a failure. Men say failure 50 – 40 percent, while women say success 49 – 40 percent. White voters say failure 54 – 37 percent, while black voters say success 82 – 7 percent.

Obama’s job approval is only slightly lower than his 46 – 43 percent rating in Quinnipiac University’s December 23 survey. But it continues a gradual but consistent downward move that began last summer when his approval rating was 59 – 31 percent positive June 4.

Except for terrorism, Obama’s approval numbers on specific areas of domestic policy are lower than his overall rating:

· 41 – 54 percent for his handling of the economy;
· 34 – 59 percent for creating jobs;
· 35 – 58 percent for health care;
· 48 – 44 percent for handling terrorism.

“These ratings on the economy and health care probably are why more voters say they don’t share Obama’s views on the issues they care about,” said Brown. 

Obama’s policies generally favor the rich, 18 percent say, as 15 percent say the middle class; 21 percent say the poor and 35 percent say he treats everyone equally.

Obama gets a split 45 – 46 percent for his handling of foreign policy and a split 45 – 45 percent for Afghanistan. Voters say 50 – 46 percent that he hasn’t been tough enough standing up to the rest of the world, but agree 53 – 43 percent that he has improved America’s image around the world.

Another Q Poll Gives Blumenthal a Large Lead


Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has 35 to 47-point leads over three Republican candidates for the 2010 U.S. Senate contest, thumping former wrestling executive Linda McMahon 64 – 23 percent, bruising businessman Peter Schiff 66 – 19 percent and smacking former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons 62 – 27 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Simmons tops McMahon 37 – 27 percent in a Republican primary, with 4 percent for Schiff and 28 percent undecided, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds.  

Blumenthal, who only announced his candidacy January 6, leads Merrick Alpert in a Democratic primary 82 – 4 percent.

In matchups with Republicans, Blumenthal gets 89 to 90 percent of the Democratic voters, 60 to 64 percent of the independent voters and 30 to 38 percent of Republican voters.

Connecticut voters approve 84 – 11 percent of the job Blumenthal is doing as attorney general and give him a 74 – 13 percent favorability rating.

“Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s job approval is unbelievably high, higher than any other politician we’ve ever measured, other than former President George W. Bush after 9/11,” said Quinnipiac University Poll Director Douglas Schwartz, PhD.

“Rob Simmons must be wondering what happened. In September, prior to McMahon’s entry, he was the clear frontrunner for the nomination. He was at 43 percent and no other Republican was in double digits. He also was ahead of Dodd. Now, Simmons is in a real Republican primary race with Linda McMahon and gets destroyed by Blumenthal.”

Connecticut voters say 82 – 11 percent that Blumenthal has the right kind of experience to be a U.S. Senator; 81 – 9 percent that he is honest and trustworthy and 80 – 12 percent that he cares about their needs and problems.

McMahon does not have the right experience to be a Senator, voters say 43 – 24 percent, but she is honest and trustworthy, voters say 35 – 15 percent, and she cares about their needs and problems, voters say 37 – 26 percent.

Simmons has the experience, voters say 53 – 16 percent; is honest and trustworthy, voters say 49 – 14 percent, and cares about their needs and problems, voters say 51 – 19 percent.

Lieberman, Dodd Approval

Connecticut voters disapprove 54 – 39 percent of the job Sen. Joseph Lieberman is doing, one point off his worst grade ever and a steep drop from a 49 – 44 percent approval November 12. Republicans approve 61 – 35 percent while Democrats disapprove 67 – 27 percent and independent voters disapprove 57 – 36 percent.

Voters disapprove 58 – 36 percent of the job Sen. Christopher Dodd is doing. Only 12 percent are disappointed Dodd is not seeking reelection, because they think he is doing a good job and another 13 percent are disappointed because a Republican would have a better chance against Dodd. But 38 percent of voters say they are glad, because Dodd is not doing a good job and 27 percent are glad because it gives another Democrat a better chance to win the Senate seat.

Connecticut voters approve 64 – 28 percent of the job Gov. Jodi Rell is doing.  President Barack Obama gets a 55 –41 percent approval, his lowest ever in Connecticut.

“The voters are in an anti-incumbent mood. Connecticut’s Senators and President Barack Obama have seen their job approval numbers drop,” Dr. Schwartz said. “Sen. Lieberman has suffered the biggest drop – to a low approval rating of 39 percent.  Apparently, the national headlines Lieberman made during the health care debate have taken a toll on his popularity.”

Here Comes George

Former Senate Leader George Jepsen isn’t letting Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz zoom into the Dem nomination for attorney general. Jepsen has built numerous political relationships through the years that will come in handy at the state convention to endorse candidates in May and a potential August primary. From the Jepsen campaign:

George Jepsen Will File Papers for Attorney General

Today, attorney George Jepsen will officially file his exploratory campaign for Connecticut Attorney General. Over the next few weeks, Jepsen plans to meet and discuss his vision for the office with the leaders of the state. He is also looking to discuss future endorsement potential with unions, civil rights groups, law enforcement and consumer protection groups.

George Jepsen has practiced law for over 26 years. He was the former State Senate Majority Leader from 1997 to 2003, and he chaired the Judiciary Committee from 1993 to 1994. He graduated with honors from Harvard Law School and the Kennedy School of Government, after attending Dartmouth College. His first job after completing a Harvard teaching fellowship was working for the Connecticut Carpenters Union. In 2003, Jepsen joined the law firm of Cowdery, Ecker & Murphy. He previously worked at the law firms of Shipman and Goodwin, and Abate and Fox.

As a legislator, Jepsen is known for being a vocal champion on several issues including public ethics reform, women’s rights, environmental preservation, workers rights and campaign finance. He co-authored Connecticut’s 1990 codification of Roe v. Wade and then led the successful fight to establish prescriptive contraceptives as an insurance mandate. Jepsen became a nationally recognized leader for his work on the 1993 Assault Weapons Ban, and he further spearheaded legislation addressing domestic violence and rights for crime victims.

The committee’s name is “Jepsen 2010” and his treasurer is lawyer and Hartford Democratic Town Committee member Thom Page. Supporters looking to help and volunteer should email: gjepsen2010@gmail.com.

Supporters looking to contribute may send individual donations to:

Jepsen 2010
Attn: Thompson Page
9 Lewis Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06103

The individual contribution limit is $375. George Jepsen has pledged to uphold the long term tradition of Richard Blumenthal by not accepting political donations from law firms doing business with the office. Further, if he becomes Attorney General, he plans to enforce and argue for the current campaign finance laws. He has asked other candidates for Attorney General to match this pledge. Unlike Susan Bysiewicz, who has said she will not participate in the campaign finance system, Jepsen will participate in the campaign finance system.

News release from Jim Himes

WorkPlace, Inc. Awarded $4 Million from Recovery Act to Create Green Jobs

Himes, Finch, Carbone say grant will create hundreds of jobs for those who need them most

WASHINGTON, DC—The WorkPlace, Inc. and dozens of partner organizations will receive a $4 million Recovery Act grant for the Green-Up Bridgeport project, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) and Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch announced today. This Pathways out of Poverty Initiative grant will provide resources for local service organizations and the city to train unemployed workers for in-demand occupations. Participants in the program will ultimately be placed directly into employment.

“This investment in training and education for green jobs is a tremendous opportunity to build better futures for people in Bridgeport,” said Joseph M. Carbone, President and Chief Executive Officer of The WorkPlace, Inc. “We look forward to working with our great partners to prepare and link this workforce with the emerging green economy locally.”

The WorkPlace, Inc., along with partner organizations, will provide an overview of the core sectors of the green economy to 700 participants. Then 500 of those participants will complete education and training activities in areas such as HVAC, electricity and plumbing; resource management, drinking water and wastewater treatment; landscaping, recycling and remediation; construction; architecture and engineering; installation, maintenance and repair trades; and transportation. Training program participants will earn a certificate or credential that will facilitate entry into an in-demand occupation or trade. The training and job placement program will target disadvantaged individuals for the training and job placement they need to help get them back on their feet.

“Putting Americans back to work now is absolutely critical. A job is more than a paycheck. It is dignity and hope for the future,” said Congressman Himes. “This grant combines the right training, the work, and the right long-term vision to help make Bridgeport and its citizens leaders in the clean energy economy.”

The City of Bridgeport will donate a foreclosed home now owned by the city to serve as a real-life classroom for the program. Throughout the course of their training, participants will upgrade the house to be fully energy efficient. Green-Up Bridgeport will support Bridgeport’s B-Green 2020 initiative.

“Working together with the WorkPlace and our local and state education partners, this funding will enable the city to move forward in creating a ‘green jobs ladder’ that will help Bridgeport residents access training enabling them to get in on the ground floor of the green jobs revolution,” said Mayor Finch. “Creating jobs that will stay here and provide a living wage for our residents is one of the core tenets of my administration’s B-Green 2020 sustainability efforts. This grant is a crucial part of our efforts and we are very thankful to Congressman Himes and Senators Dodd and Lieberman for their diligence in securing this funding for the city.”

Partnering organizations include: Career Resources, Inc., Applied Behavioral Rehabilitation Institute, Inc., FSW, Inc., Mount Aery Development Corporation, Family ReEntry, Inc., Action for Bridgeport Community Development, Inc., Urban League of Southern Connecticut, Inc., City of Bridgeport, Bridgeport Social Services, Pivot Ministries, Central Connecticut State University, Institute of Technology and Business Development, Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport Public Schools Adult Education Department, Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport Regional Business Council, United Illuminating Company, 5Million Green Jobs, Connecticut Retail Merchants Association, City of Bridgeport, Office of Planning & Economic Development, Carpenter’s Local 210, and Sikorsky Aircraft.

From Mayor Finch

Mayor Finch Announces Third Round of Funds for Social Service Agencies

Advancing Capacity Together grants to go to 14 local Nonprofits

WHAT: 14 area nonprofit agencies are receiving more than $150,000 in capacity-building grants in the third round of Advancing Capacity Together (ACT) grant funding. The awards, which range from $8,000 to $19,990, will be used to expand staff and program capacity for organizations benefiting homeless and at-risk residents in Bridgeport.

WHO: Mayor Bill Finch; Alanna Kabel, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for Central Grants & Community Development; Kelly McDermott, Senior Manager of Development for Central Grants; Dr. James Crispino, Senior Vice President of Community Impact for United Way of Coastal Fairfield County; Ali Wimer, ACT Grant Manager for United Way of Coastal Fairfield County; Kristin DuBay Horton, Principal of DuBay Horton Associates; Sean Campbell, Director of Project Learn for The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport; Mike McCarthy, Director of bluegreen Research Institute at The Workplace, Inc.

WHERE: City Hall Annex, 999 Broad St. , Conference Rooms A & B

WHEN: Friday, January 15, 11 a.m


Advancing Capacity Together (ACT) is a program funded by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Administration of Children and Families, Compassion Capital Demonstration Program. ACT provides capacity-building funding for local nonprofit organizations serving the homeless/at-risk community.

ACT is administered locally by the City of Bridgeport Dept. of Central Grants & Community Development. Partner organizations are United Way of Coastal Fairfield County , DuBay Horton Associates, The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport, and The Workplace, Inc. Since receiving a grant from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services in 2007, the City of Bridgeport and its partners have awarded more than $430,000 to 25 organizations in two rounds of ACT Sub-Awards.

The following organizations are receiving capacity-building funds through the third round of ACT Sub-Awards:

ACT Spooner House

ARK of Christ

Burroughs Community Center

Children in Placement

Community Placement

Family ReEntry


Helping Hand Center

Homes for the Brave

Kings Pantry

McGivney Community Center

Spirit Led Ministries

Universal Church of God

Women for Change

More from the mayor


Bridgeport, CT (January 14, 2010) – Mayor Bill Finch joined Cities United for Science Progress (CUSP), a partnership between The U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) and DuPont, at two schools for Bridgeport’s Science in the School Day event. The schools that participated in the day were Barnum Elementary and Black Rock Elementary schools.

In the morning Mayor Finch and Thomas Stilley, DuPont Corporate Remediation Group Project Director, Thomas Stajkowski, DuPont Corporate Remediation Group Construction Manager and Scott Martin, URS Corporation Project Manager worked side-by-side with over 130 fourth and fifth graders at Barnum Elementary School. Mr. Stilley jump-started the event with a fun, hands-on project exploring basic engineering principles. Students applied the techniques learned from engineers to conduct the “puff mobile” science experiment, which was derived from the popular children’s television show ZOOM. Mayor Finch joined the students as they built “puff mobiles” using everyday materials like drinking straws, lifesavers, paper, scotch-tape and paperclips.

In the afternoon the Mayor and Thomas Stilley, Thomas Stajkowski and Scott Martin, visited Black Rock Elementary, where more than 60 4th and 5th graders joined in the fun and built “puff mobiles”. Students raced their inventions to determine the “fastest puff mobile in the school” and the Mayor presented them with Engineer for the Day certificates that were signed by the Mayor and the engineer.

“We are indeed honored that the U.S. Conference of Mayors and DuPont chose Bridgeport for this important Science in the School Day program,” said Mayor Finch. “Today, we highlight the ‘science’ smarts of our public schools. We are aiming to make Bridgeport a ‘cleaner and greener’ city, and preparing our future leaders with a strong math and science background will be an asset in the growing ‘green’ economy. We anticipate that this experience will spark an interest in our students to consider a career in math or science, and perhaps one day they will aspire to become engineers,” he concluded.

“DuPont is pleased to be with Bridgeport elementary students today at Barnum and Black Rock Elementary schools. We hope to excite these students about the importance of math, science and engineering while engaging them in a fun engineering experiment.” said Thomas Stilley, DuPont’s Corporate Remediation Group Project Director. “We want to thank Mayor Finch for all of his efforts in bringing this program to Bridgeport. We stand with him in his goal of creating a brighter future for all the young people of the city.”

“We are excited to have a partnership that benefits children who are the future of our cities,” said Tom Cochran, executive director of The U.S. Conference of Mayors. “CUSP serves as a useful tool for teachers, students and children across the country and helps revive a much-needed interest in science.”

DuPont is a science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel.

CUSP is a partnership between The U.S. Conference of Mayors and DuPont. Through the $4 million Lead-Safe…for Kids’ Sake grant program and the acclaimed Science in the School Day initiative, over 30 cities have received grants, 150 cities have been visited, and over 25,000 elementary school children have participated in the USCM-DuPont partnership. CUSP provides assistance to mayors in promoting and inspiring student’s interest in science and engineering.



  1. The Bridgeport vote that delivered a massive plurality for Himes will not be as large this time around. Bridgeport’s midterm percentage vote falls off more than the percentage vote of most suburban communities in Fairfield County.

    I disagree.

    Here’s why:

    Bridgeport’s new voters are anxious to confirm their earlier choices and will use this opportunity to repeat their prior voting pattern. I expect suburban voters will increase their votes for Himes, too.

    Local Eyes thinks President Obama will campaign vigorously for Congressman Himes resulting in a re-election.

    Bridgeport offers a concentration of Obama support that The President will utilize for two reasons: Himes and himself … ! Prepare to see Bridgeport become a bellwether.

    Those who think the rearview mirror holds a certain, specific outcome are likely to be disappointed. Young voters have been emboldened by Obama and quite frankly, they like it. It’s an under-reported story.

    1. Here is why you are wrong about the upcoming election and the Obama effect: The people who registered and voted in the presidential election have not been showing up in elections that have already been held in New Jersey and Virginia. It was also obvious in the primaries and in the elections held in November here in Bridgeport. The Democratic registrations in my district doubled for the presidential election but that did not translate into more voters this past November.
      The key to many elections is the turnout of the independents and national polls show them moving away from the Democratic party in droves. Himes has done nothing to distinguish himself to date other than be a go-along with the party vote.

  2. Let me say that I really want Barack Obama to succeed in his presidency because if he does good the American people win and lead a better life.
    My feeling after his first year in office is that he has not done a good job to date. He has tried to do too many things at one time.
    Health Care: He basically took a hands-off approach to health care. He did not have his own health care program that he should have guided through congress. Instead he allowed congress to write the entire bill. We now have a health care bill that has grown to 2,500 pages and will ultimately cost the American people more than they are paying now. It will cover 30 million uninsured but at what cost? Where are the doctors going to come from to handle an additional 30 million people? This bill is so complicated that no one understands it all and that includes the people writing the bill.
    Cap & Trade: If this passes we can all expect to pay higher utility costs. Do we need this when we have an unemployment rate exceeding 10% and with people who are lucky enough to have jobs just scraping by?
    Guantanamo Bay: Who gives a damn what happens to enemy combatants? Do I really want to spend $200 Million to try a sheik in New York? When did enemy combatants start to get covered by American civil rights?
    Tarp & Stimulus plan. Made the banks whole but did it help the people? Stimulus? Where are the jobs? Please don’t tell me it saved jobs as there is no real way to quantify that claim.
    JOBS, JOBS, JOBS: Nothing happening, nothing planned. BTW Green jobs, for every green job created 2 other jobs are eliminated.
    I believe he should have concentrated on one major item at a time. BTW I am not blaming him for the economic meltdown but I think his approach could have been better.

  3. O.I.B. Rumor Mill:

    President Obama will do in Haiti what President Bush never did during Katrina.

    And here’s another difference: Haiti isn’t part of The United States of America.

  4. I must say for the first time in OIB history that I agree with Local Eyes 100% on his first comment. You are correct Himes will do better in the suburbs this election then he did in 2008 and there are a lot of reasons for this, 1 being Shays always appealed to suburban Democrats. And yes young voters will turn out but obviously not like 2008 but they will turn out in the Park City. I know friends who did not vote in this past election but I sure as hell know they will vote in 2010. I will be voting for Himes and trust me if Obama comes to Bpt to campaign for Himes the Republicans can kiss any chance of winning back the 4th goodbye!

    1. donj a friendly wager. If Obama comes to Bridgeport for Himes I will buy you lunch at the Metric. Obama has a lot more to worry about in the 2010 elections. There is a slim possibility the Dems will lose control of the house and they are definitely going to lose control of the senate and by that I mean they will not have the built-in 60 votes they have now.
      donj I suggest you look at next week’s senatorial primary in Massachusetts for Kennedy’s seat. The Dems stand a good chance of losing that seat or at the very least it will be a very close race, closer than anyone thought. The independents will tell the tale there.

      1. Presidential visits are tricky. Barack’s poll numbers will always be strong in Bridgeport. But what will they be in the ‘burbs that could possibly crank up the opposition should he make a Bridgeport appearance? That would be weighed against the money his appearance sweetens Himes campaign. My guess is he comes if they think he’s needed.

        1. Lennie with all the fires that are developing in the swing states it would be highly unlikely he would come here as he basically has a lock on the state when 2012 comes around. The swing states are where he can really get burnt and he needs to keep the Republican victories in the off-year elections to a minimum in these states.

          1. And I do agree with Local Eyes today. Call Mr. McWhirter at the Guinness Book of World Records.

        2. That would be my guess also, and Mr. Obama is needed. Mr. Himes did well in the urban centers of Fairfield County, which is not surprising–that’s usually how it works in the northeast. $4,000,000.00 in Recovery Act funds to provide unemployed and displaced workers with marketable jobs skills (and providing job placement assistance) goes a long way toward winning the hearts, minds and votes of Bridgeport’s voters.

          I’m willing to bet a large pizza from Beverly’s on Fairfield Avenue that Jim Himes is re-elected to a second term.

          1. That’s a large pie with everything but anchovies. Where I come from anchovies are a bait fish.

  5. Local Eyes

    You are correct again that is just to show you that Obama is a great guy at heart, something GWB was not. Props go to Obama for being a great president in very difficult times. He inspired many of us young people to go to the polls in November and up to this day he still inspires us.

  6. When did George of The Jungle Jepsen move back from Florida? His campaign theme song will be: “If I had a Hammer.”
    Suby is going to be quoting Ella Grasso, her hero, like Finch quotes JFK.

    1. Finch’s hero is that guy that does the voice-overs for Major World Auto Park’s radio advertisements, the screaming, Crazy Eddie-type pitchman. He could sell flame throwers to the devil.

  7. This just arrived in my mailbox from the FBI:

    The FBI today reminds Internet users who receive appeals to donate money in the aftermath of Tuesday’s earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical eye and do their due diligence before responding to those requests. Past tragedies and natural disasters have prompted individuals with criminal intent to solicit contributions purportedly for a charitable organization and/or a good cause.

    Therefore, before making a donation of any kind, consumers should adhere to certain guidelines, to include the following:

    Do not respond to any unsolicited (spam) incoming e-mails, including clicking links contained within those messages.

    Be skeptical of individuals representing themselves as surviving victims or officials asking for donations via e-mail or social networking sites.

    Verify the legitimacy of nonprofit organizations by utilizing various Internet-based resources that may assist in confirming the group’s existence and its nonprofit status rather than following a purported link to the site.

    Be cautious of e-mails that claim to show pictures of the disaster areas in attached files because the files may contain viruses. Only open attachments from known senders.

    Make contributions directly to known organizations rather than relying on others to make the donation on your behalf to ensure contributions are received and used for intended purposes.

    Do not give your personal or financial information to anyone who solicits contributions: Providing such information may compromise your identity and make you vulnerable to identity theft.

  8. The Fourth Congressional District does not follow the normal rules for the northeast or just about anywhere else.

    With Obama, Himes won. Without Obama? Don’t be so sure.

    Obama made the election almost unique.

    That stated, the Democratic strategy forever has been to carry Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport. Himes was the first Democrat since Don Irwin of Norwalk to do that in the Fourth.

  9. Nice to see earlier debate going on here. Getting needed Fed money for Bridgeport can help Himes and Obama in next elections.

    Regarding Obama, he has some problems, to say the least. Not sure it was wise to try keep on Bush staff people in key areas of military and finance, even though he came to power with the word “change.” Not sure what he really meant by that word really. Anyone know? Each of those areas has received endless money no strings attached. Wall St. gets bailout w/out full disclosure, regulatory reform, or audit of Fed and secret AIG deal.

    And the military, there is no string, no ‘or else’ if the “surged” Afghanistan fails to make good on our treasure and blood invested there. Only health care has strings attached, some things like pro choice people could even lose ground on this one if passed.

    As for the push for financial reform, it’s backwards. The current Wash D.C. hearings (Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission) should have been completed before requesting reforms so we could find out what really happened. Can you fix something you know very little about? I am not sure Obama really takes this seriously. It’s funded at a measly eight million bucks for inquiry after spending over 1 trillion as bailout? Worst crash since the depression? That’s serious. Postpone the whole thing until the terrible earthquake issue headlines go away.

    Perhaps Obama’s greatest failure is to not seize the moment of unprecedented Democratic rule and get things done quickly. He even had many Republicans on his side at that time, who voted for him. He should have closed Gitmo right away instead of waiting a year and now he got stuck with Yemen issue, since many remaining there are from there. He just adds to being baited by the right-wing noise machine. He should have moved quickly addressed the demands of his Democratic base, which he has somewhat alienated. He should have also investigated the Bush era’s alleged violations of rights in this country, there is a list somewhere. Nothing on that.

    Obama wanted to be partisan, but why keep those who were against him in power? He decided to keep Lieberman there as head of homeland security committee in the Senate. And you see how he held back Obama’s health plan. What is wrong with Carl Levin or other Democrats on that committee? Lieberman is friends with Cheney, who is outspoken and critical of Obama. You might even think that Obama is not in power when it comes to military issues, or even financial, for that matter.

    Can someone tell me what change Obama was talking about, when he got elected?

  10. *** The world will not really know the “facts” on just how successful or not Obama’s time in the oval office was, ’til his 4 yrs. are up or no longer U.S. President. The amount of world problems, war, economy failures & overall political B/S he’s inherited as commander-in-chief of this nation are enormous without a doubt, not to mention the overall racial barriers that have existed, past or present! His & the nation’s success will depend on him and his family & the people he surrounds himself with to work as a “team” towards the same goals & ideas to get the mission done. *** Local elections in general will never equal the #s that were seen during the Obama presidential election but hopefully voters will do their “voter homework” first, before actually casting that all-important vote for just “any” party choice candidate running for office. *** Reminder, 131st district resident voters interested in running against the present dictatorship & puppet committee. Now is the time to really think about making a positive political commitment for you & your neighborhood. It’s not hard, just takes some time, a little work & small “$” donations from all 9-once chosen running candidates to get the little “citizen engine” that could, started. Please give it some thought, there’ll be more info. soon! *** Euros seem to be getting quite popular as investment reserves in South America, could a currency change be possible if enough S/A countries become interested? What damage could that pose to the USA economy recovery plans present & future? ***


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