The first mayoral debate between Bill Finch, Joe Ganim and Mary-Jane Foster will take place Wednesday (tonight) at 7 at the Holiday Inn Downtown. It will be broadcast in English on Radio Cumbre 1450 AM. CT Post scribe Brian Lockhart chronicles the allegation slime between the camps of Finch and Ganim. It sounds like they’re just warming up three weeks from the Democratic primary for mayor.
Joseph Ganim wants so badly to be mayor again after his 2003 corruption conviction that he has allegedly had allies on the city’s police force intimidating voters.
And Mayor Bill Finch is so desperate to hold onto his job that the incumbent is–according to unsubstantiated accusations–doling out bribes in the form of promotions and taxpayer-funded raises to politically influential City Hall personnel.
Bridgeport, the marketing campaign claims, is “getting better every day.”
But going by the so far unfounded accusations the mayoral campaigns are lodging against each other, politics in Connecticut’s largest city is often slimy.
Full story here.
Somebody? Anybody want to tell the voters Mary-Jane Foster is running? I am really looking forward to the debate tomorrow. If headlines do not read Foster Crushes Ganim, she is done! I expect Mayor Finch to stick with his accomplishments and keep his composure. I expect Finch to expose Ganim again and again and again. People need to remember! Otherwise, I would like a respectful and informative debate. Let’s hear the vision.
Steve–do you think Finch will try his recent-mailer line about “holding the line on taxes” and “increasing the tax rolls by millions?” How can you tolerate such lying?
Come Back Bridgeport, I do not see Mayor Finch as a liar. I do believe there is one candidate who has lied to himself and the city for over 10 years. We have another candidate who for some reason is not acknowledging the very candidate who has her votes. What is that about? I like most voters will look to the future and hope progress continues. I will not get caught up in silly rhetoric. We do know Mayor Finch has full support in Washington and Hartford, minus two State Senators supporting Foster who could care less about the future of the city, let alone Steelpointe. There really is only one clear choice. Mayor Bill Finch and I look forward to your invitation to Dolphin’s Cove.
Steve, you must be the only politically involved person in The ‘Port who doesn’t think Tax Bill is a born liar.
Extreme sinning beats whatever you call lying.
That’s what your mama said.
Steve, you need to worry about your candidate Mayor Finch, don’t worry about MJF.
Ron Mackey, I need not concern myself with Mayor Finch, you however would be wise to echo my sentiment. With less than three weeks and low funds, Foster needs to knock Ganim out of the game. You cannot raise funds when donors think your campaign has never taken off. Ganim has eclipsed her every step of the way. Most people think this is only a two-man race. It is shocking even to me.
Ganim may well lose the election by a landslide, but a convicted felon coming in second place is pretty nausating but not at all surprising to me. Now why don’t you prove me wrong, Ron!
Mary-Jane Foster, kick Ganim’s ass!
Mayor Finch, kick Ganim’s ass and remain cool, calm and collected.
Joe Ganim, just be humble and grateful for all the support and forgiveness you have received.
Steve, your guy Bill Finch needs to be a man and take on Joe Ganim if he expects to get anywhere because after his loss in the primary he will be so low he won’t have anything left as he attempts to try to win in November, but he’s out.
Ron, you are kidding me, right? Seriously? So I understand your post, you are conceding Mary-Jane Foster will be a third-place candidate behind Ganim and the city is going to elect a convicted felon because they are deaf, dumb and blind and oh yeah he was endorsed by a few clergy? Lololol Ron, you made my day! You and Bob Walsh always do!
Ron, how true!
Ganim will beat Finch by 2 to 1 in most districts.
Brooklawn and Black Rock will send Finch, Sherwood, Chief Fife, Hamilton Burger, Wood and Nunn their pink slips, you heard it here first!
Sonny, you’re predicting Ganim beats Finch by 2 to 1 in Black Rock and Brooklawn? Simon says ‘No way!’
Lennie, no! In the Brook and Rock by 3 to 1. The Taxpayers’ Justice!!!
Tax Bill is going to keep his cool? Oh yeah. Good advice. Ain’t gonna happen. By the third Ganim comment Tax Bill will be burning up. And if I were Joe or Mary-Jane, every time I see him looking at his cell phone or iPad I would’ve pointing it out just to knock him off his pace. “Excuse me. I think Bill has another phone call.” “Bill, don’t your friends know you have a debate tonight?”
We’ll see how long he keeps his cool.
“Lies have expiry dates but the truth never expires.”–Oche Otorkpa
Why do I see more Finch signs in Stratford than Bridgeport?
Really, Quentin? That is terrific. Those people want to live here. So we have Finch signs in Stratford, dozens of Bridgeporters have been waiting for weeks. Ganim has five signs per property, signs on public property, overgrown lots. Unaffiliated and Republican homes. I see Coviello signs everywhere and I have not seen a Foster sign. Signs do not vote! No big deal!
Those signs belong to city employees.
Andy, most city employees do not have Finch signs, much to your chagrin. I have city employees living in my neighborhood who believe they must remain neutral. Personally, I’d fire their ass. But at least everyone is wrong about Adam Wood demanding from city employees. Can you see Maria Pires putting a Finch sign on her lawn? I think she would rather stick screwdrivers in her head. Can you see Adam Wood demanding anything from her? She would stick needles in her eyes and scream lawsuit, you gotta love her. I do and I think she absolutely is disgusted with my support for Finch. So Andy, Finch does not demand city employees put signs on their lawn and truth be told, the Finch campaign would rather not use signs at all. Signs do not vote.
Steve, re-read my post. I did not say anything about Finch. I said the signs I saw were on the lawn of city employees. I know the people. BTW Adam Wood is a bully and a bitch.
My God, does anyone know Foster is even running? I’m so sick of Ganim vs Finch, political whores. Those two are a perfect example of what Bridgeport has been for many moons, PLAIN OUT CORRUPTION. When are the people of Bridgeport going to realize a completely fresh face is needed?
Come on, Mackey. Use a little common sense. Steve A is Tax Bill’s biggest supporter and claims to have seen polls. So the polls right now must be showing Ganim kicking Bill’s ass. So in spite of the vile statements Maryli is spewing, it is not enough. So they want Mary-Jane to join in on the Ganim bashing. It is below Tax Bill to do it but he wants a free-for-all from everyone else.
Bob Walsh,
Mary-Jane does not have to bash Ganim. Only the Foster campaign doesn’t believe it is a two-man race. I do not know if I am Bill Finch’s biggest supporter, but I may be pretty close. My instigating on this blog has nothing to do with mean spiritedness. Personally, I like Joe Ganim, but this is a political race. What he did is factual and I am not manufacturing this information. Does he deserve a second chance in life? Absolutely. Do I care his kid never went to a public school? Hell no! Do I believe Ganim has support out there? Most definitely! Do I believe Joe Ganim will become Mayor? Well, NO! Mary-Jane Foster need not go after Joe Ganim, it does not make her a class act. Calling Mayor Finch incompetent and inept and a liar made that clear. Not going after Ganim just made Foster invisible and all but unelectable. To me, I take that as a personal affront, but hey, you cannot say Steven Auerbach, former Foster supporter, hasn’t tried to light a fire under your asses. But alas, you just continue down this path of shadows. Too late to step into the light.
See you all at the debates!
“PR guys get paid to make people believe that a pile of shit is an investment in soil fertility. Professional liars.”
Manannan’s expression lit with comprehension. “They are politicians?”
–Kevin Hearne, Trapped
Stop it, enough with this childish bickering, enough with the adolescent bullshit. None of you is convincing the others to see your point of view and that is causing tempers to fray. So everyone, please, take a break. Go to the kitchen for coffee, step outside for a smoke, whatever. Just leave the iPhone, the laptop, the PC, whatever you are using to pontificate your view of the world. Walk away for a few minutes.
www .ctpost.com/business/article/Bridgeport-foreclosure-cases-tops-in-state-6389023.php
You know Kid, you’re right. Some of this is starting to sound like a 4th grade “My Dad’s tougher than your Dad” playground argument. So instead of posting I’m just going to enjoy my day off.
Of course, after tonight’s debate I’m sure we will all be back posting about how well our particular candidate did and how poorly the others did.
On well, so it goes.
I understand Mayor Finch is giving his development plan to the business community as I am typing this.
I think many of you may start posting your negative comments without hearing it. Bob? Ron?
Ron posts many negative comments without knowing much of anything.
It is hard to see things clearly from your perch on the telephone line in Trumbull. Finch and Ganim have been running nasty campaigns, hurling accusations and casting aspersions toward each other. For all the belief people have in the candidates, their behavior on the campaign trail is beginning to backfire. People are growing weary from the mudslinging. A growing number of voters are seriously considering other candidates.
I’m the guy with the squadron of cannoli drones, remember? Touching the sky is what I do all day long.