Following a violent weekend of shootings, Mayor Bill Finch today announced a new Civil Service list he expects will lead to the hiring of 100 new police officers within two years. Former Mayor Joe Ganim once again criticized police staffing levels.
“We worked hard to find not only the best people and also people who reflect the diversity of our great city,” said Finch in a statement. “I’m proud of the work by our recruiters. They were out in the community and worked with the community.”
From Bill Cummings, CT Post:
A spray of bullets in one case and a man found slumped over the steering wheel of his car in another, as two fatal shootings strike the city in less than 24 hours.
The first shooting occurred Saturday evening at Rootsman Kitchen at 500 Park Avenue when a 33 year-old man was shot and killed at the Jamaican eatery.
A second shooting victim was discovered Sunday afternoon after police were called to 36 Staples Street at about 2 p.m. over reports of a man hugging the wheel of his car. Police found the man dead of a gunshot to the head.
Full story here.
Statement from Joe Ganim:
I am saddened to hear about yet another gun death in Bridgeport. That is two murders in the past day. After these back-to-back incidents of gun violence, it is not an answer to claim crime is down when it is up with this senseless violence. It must stop.
The police department is down over 100 officers, while others continue to retire. Finch’s continued refusal to provide funding and police manpower is insensitive–at best.
I have called for and will hire 100 new police officers and reinstate substations around the city to adequately cover Bridgeport and protect our residents.
I hope the city’s elected leaders take action before more innocent lives are taken.
Bpt is a war zone, our police dept is doing the best it can, but being so understaffed is taking its toll now, it’s a serious situation Finch tries to not talk about. What’s Finch going to do about this, have another gun buyback program?
I guess Mayor Finch can just hold another press conference tomorrow touting the lowest crime rates in decades while also announcing another gun buyback program for elderly gun owners from the suburbs. I am sure this strategy will be as effective as it has been in the past.
Finch is out of touch and will still say Bridgeport is getting better every day.. that’s because he doesn’t talk to the common bridge port citizen
So I am on the train heading home from an unbelievably fantastic day in Manhattan. This is just another tragedy that was clearly premeditated in both cases. Any surprises here? What is shocking is Joe Ganims unnecessary statement as nobody in the city cares what a Mayoral has been has to say. This has nothing to do with Mayor Finch, the buy back program, the number of cops on the street or the city having lower crime numbers or Maria Pereirras very skewed perception of reality.
This is sad and when you live in the largest city in Connecticut and the poorest there are things that happen. Turning them into political conversations is pathetic and while the opposition are enjoying these moments of sadness, they do not score points with voters. They comments appear opportunistic, pre written and the concern sounds like pure bullshit.
This is just my opinion of course.
Steve, as usual you are wrong again.
Ron, don’t you get tired of responding to me with deep one-liners> What exactly am I wrong about?
The fact I continually ask you who you are supporting and you never answer?
Nobody cares about Ganim’s scripted comments. What happened is a tragedy. Enough said on that.
Well, I think it’s political when a family’s child is shot and the Mayor puts out a podium in the middle of the street and delivers a speech, and then says crime is the lowest it has ever been. I would love for Finch to write that to the family in a sympathy card. That is the most a$$hole thing someone can ever say or write when they are grieving. This is why I say he is out of touch with normal Bridgeport living. If he had a clue to what families experience, this is the last thing he would say. Whoever write his speeches should be fired, that is if someone write his speeches.
The opposition? Pass me the crying towel. We’re not the “opposition,” Steven. We are the people of the city of Bridgeport and we are fed up with a mayoral administration that is complacent and nontransparent. According to Bill Finch “Bridgeport is safer than it has been in more than 40 years.” The day he said that there was a shooting at the Trumbull Gardens public housing facility on Reservoir Avenue. One person was killed and eight others injured by gunfire. A few days later there was another shooting at the same housing complex. Now we have two more fatalities. The gun buyback program is a crock of shit. No one in Bridgeport twho owns a piece is going to part with it these days, not for the nominal sums the city is paying. Uncle George’s hunting rifle that languished in an attic in Trumbull, Stratford or Fairfield is going to be sold to the police department. Not the Uzis, Mac 10s, .25 automatics and 9mm semiautomatic pistols that are preferred by Bridgeport’s drug-dealing street gangs.
100 new police officers by 2016? WE NEED THEM NOW. Hizzoner only made the announcement because current events forced his hand. He was elected to represent ALL the people of the city of Bridgeport, not just the members of his inner circle. Bill Finch promised transparency in his administration. He never says what he’s up to unless and until circumstances grow beyond the spin abilities of his chief of staff. The announcement the city will hire 100 new police officers rings more than a little hollow, as if it were a knee-jerk reaction to current events.
This is a city of second chances. A few people who recently died of lead poisoning will not get a second chance.
Hi Local Eyes, now that one I got. Good post!
“This is sad and when you live in the largest city in Connecticut and the poorest, there are things that happen. Turning them into political conversations is pathetic and while the opposition is enjoying these moments of sadness, they do not score points with voters …” Hey Steve, do you ever look in the mirror? You are a regular participant in this political conversation. None of my comments are opportunistic, pre-written or unconcerned. Everything I say is based on observation. This town has been run by machine politics for too long. Unemployment is 8.7%, violent crime is up 152% over the same period last year. There is more than a little poverty in Bridgeport, some of it grinding. The current administration has done next to nothing to alleviate the socioeconomic problems created by a lack of gainful employment and educational opportunities. Bill Finch promised a $600 tax rebate; it never came. Bill Finch claims taxes have not gone up during his watch; WRONG–he’s raised them four times. Bill Finch claims to have created “thousands of jobs;” very few of them went to Bridgeport residents. Bill Finch’s favorite campaign slogan is “JOE GANIM IS A FELON!” Gee, Bill, tell us something we don’t know. There are more than a few convicted felons who call Bridgeport home. A few of them did worse things than take bribes. What about Bill Finch? He tried to whiz a 35-year tax abatement, no strings attached, through a City Council committee. The full Council voted and a majority shot him down. No worries, Steve. The Finch campaign was able to keep the $4000 contribution.
We’re engaging in more than a political discussion here, Steve. This is the First Amendment in action. I’m not politicking, just pointing out obvious inequalities and injustices and lies and half-truths. I live in Bridgeport and have an interest in how the election turns out.
www .nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/Bridgeport-Police-Department-Seeking-Recruits-289198311.html
Economic despair. No living-wage job creation. Misdirected “leadership” in City Hall. Deliberate economic neglect of Bridgeport by Governor Malloy/Hartford and Blumenthal-Himes-Murphy/Washington. (Purposeful capitulation to the “regional” non-agenda for Bridgeport by ALL-OF-THE-ABOVE.)
Joe Ganim would be remiss as a mayoral hopeful if he didn’t beat the drum on TWO MURDERS IN 24 HOURS.
Whether these murders were premeditated, or spontaneous crimes of passion, doesn’t take the onus off our elected and appointed leadership in City Hall, Hartford and Washington in regard to their responsibility to pursue the creation of living conditions and public safety conditions for Bridgeport residents that would prevent the blood-letting in this city. Living-wage jobs/economic hope, the use of all available crime-prevention technology, and the full staffing of a properly directed police department are the places to start.
We have been failed in all respects by City Hall, Hartford and Washington for 50 years, with official policies only putting us farther behind the 8-ball during the past eight years.
It is time for Bridgeporters to clean house here and to send a message to Hartford and Washington. We must not allow the Finch-Malloy-Blumenthal-Himes-Murphy gang of five to maintain their pathological influence over the direction of our city.
Political rebellion is the order of the day for Bridgeport.
Jeff, if we have to clean house, right now the only election is the Mayor of Bridgeport. Who do you think is cleaner, Bill Finch or Joe Ganim?
As a new poster on OIB are you aware there are other candidates for the office of Mayor where a debate about who is less corrupt is not required? Do you know these other candidates have deep levels of RESPECT within their own communities and have, independent of seeking political office, for years? Howard Gardner went to Bridgeport schools from age 8 when he came to the US from Jamaica, graduated from the University of Bridgeport with an engineering degree and worked for several large multinational corporations at important management levels of responsibility. A man of faith, member of the Board of Education who comes to the public with “no strings attached.” And Mary-Jane Foster likewise has an independent and competent spirit. She is a hard worker, has vision on economic development, and many contacts around the larger community necessary to engage change. Those are two people you might listen to and others are out there also. Bridgeport is diverse and many people have not been heard because the early money, and large amounts of it, have gone to those who want to play so they pay. But on election day the people when they wake up, they will have their say. Time will tell.
John, yes I’m aware of the other candidates for mayor.
Bridgeport doesn’t need “squeaky clean”–which doesn’t exist, anyway. We need someone competent who isn’t a tool of our regional handlers. The only candidate who fits that bill this time around is Joe Ganim.
Electing Joe Ganim will also send a message to our regional handlers that their tool in City Hall is no longer available and their political vote-lifeline in Bridgeport has been cut off. The next crop of state and federal candidates for office will get the message that Bridgeport is no longer ripe for exploitation and Bridgeporters need, deserve, and expect the support and promotion of a powerful economic redevelopment agenda in Hartford and Washington. Steal Point does not even come close to fitting that bill.
So walking Lake Forest it is clear, Jeff. The people want Finch. Go figure!
Getting off the train in Downtown Bridgeport. I want to know, who did those beautiful murals?
Side bar: Before the Keiko Matsui concert, we went to this outrageous Italian Market called Eataly.
Eataly Alti Cibi. 200 5th Avenue. There had to be 9000 people there. This place is enormous, a Farmers Market, many different restaurants, fresh seafood, the largest selection of Cheese and Chocolates, the most delicious gelato, wines, kitchen gadgets, everything Italian plus plus plus.
The reason I mention this is this is a huge tourist attraction as well as market for locals. This is a destination.
Steelpointe developers take note. This is what can make Bridgeport a destination as well as Bass Pro. This is what thousands of people coming from Long Island will enjoy before they explore other venues in the city. This place is a magnet like I have never seen. There are currently only two locations in the United States, Chicago and New York. There are many locations in Italy. We have the demographics. People will come from 50 miles in all directions. I urge the City and Steelpointe developers to make a pitch. Now would be the time. Steelpointe would be a perfect location and hotels and housing would complement the business. It is almost as amazing as being in Italy.
Steve, you like running your big mouth! Too bad nothing of any substance comes out of it. Take a nap!
Problem with Steve’s big mouth is it’s surgically attached to Finch’s buttocks. As for substance? Great question! Have no fear, there will be a press conference this morning to announce crime is down as scripted. Gaudett will be there to support the lie as Finch the puppeteer controls his movements. If he were smart (and we know he isn’t), he should have fired Gaudett by now and at least look like he cares about the state of the PD and crime in the city.
Wingnut and Phantom,
Although I appreciate Lennie Grimaldi allowing two disrespectful trolls to use their freedom Speech option to attack me on this blog, only an idiot with a hillbilly mentality would not appreciate my input. Your posts are personal and insulting. I am sure Ganim supporters love it hoping I will stop supporting Finch. My posts generally support the future of Bridgeport.
I see beyond the dollar stores and church fronts of our city that will become Ganim’s economic development plan. When your net reaches way beyond the city limits and you experience the amazing and the horrors, you are able to have insight that others just don’t get.
If insulting me as a Finch supporter and an individual who believes in Bridgeport’s future beyond politics, by all means have a field day. I certainly do not suffer from low self esteem.
If Phantom and Wingnut are the best Ganim has representing him, I’d say his future looks very dim. You may disagree with everything I post but at least you know who is saying it, my name address and phone number. I do not hide behind an alias and have a field day at another’s expense. I may not know who you are, but Lennie Grimaldi and Ray Fusci do. If they allow others to use an alias, who am I to judge. I like yourself am only a guest here.
No one gives a rat’s ass about Steel Point, not after four murders in the space of a month. The “tourist destination” talk is a nonstarter. The city of Bridgeport forced many out of their homes and businesses to obtain the Steel Point peninsula. The rest of the poor folk in this town are living in what amounts to concentration camps. That’s what the housing projects have become. The culture of hopelessness and despair is reinforced by a justifiable belief the clown in the mayor’s office doesn’t give a shit about the residents in public housing, and neither does the chief of police. If anyone living in P.T. Barnum Apartments, Trumbull Gardens, Greene Homes believes Joseph Gaudett and Bill Finch would rather they just killed each other, who can really blame them? It’s class warfare.
We live in the United States of America, damn it. We are morally obligated to help one another in times of trouble.
What is Ganim promising those individuals living in the “concentration camps?” More barbeques? Swimming pools and tennis courts? Oh wait, Mayor Finch has been taking care of that. Do you really imagine the residents of the “concentration camps” believe Joe Ganim offers them hope? Like the 10 years he was in office? You are naive. Mayor Finch has respect in Hartford and Washington. These people are partners of the city. Developers are looking at Bridgeport and will not under Ganim. Bridgeport Kid, you are naive. Nobody gives a rat’s ass about Steelpointe? Think again. Before the election people will be flocking there and see a great future. They certainly are not going to want to change course. Bridgeport Kid, you paint a very dismal picture of Bridgeport. Unfortunately, the people I speak to are optimistic and believe better days are coming.
You have gone so far off the deep end I am seriously worried about you.
“Bridgeport doesn’t need squeaky clean” because if it did, your Joe Ganim would be eliminated from the competition. Period. And that is the only reason you say that.
Secondly, Joe Ganim did not only give Paul Timpanelli and the BRBC a seat at the table, he gave them a seat at the head of the table and rewarded John Stafstrom his lifetime appointment to Bond Counsel.
You are as guilty as Joe Ganim as far as twisting the truth about the Ganim years as he is.
Really Jeff, did Joe promise you a job?
Give me three examples of living-wage jobs Ganim helped create as mayor.
You cannot.
As a matter of fact the Grow Bridgeport Fund, started under Ganim, helped locate low-wage no-benefit jobs to Bridgeport.
And tax breaks and PILOTS and other bennies to politically connected business owners is what got him headed on his way to the Federal Pen.
Really Jeff, did Joe promise you a job?
Hector, do all Finch’s supporters have be careful of secret societies or just me? I’m already homeless, disabled and I only have one VOTE. Why would secret societies be concerned about me?
Robert, my post was directed at Bob Walsh and it was tongue in cheek. I will direct my comments to you as Robert or Mr. Teixeira, if that is okay.
My Bad. 🙂
Jeff, the only bill Ganim is selling is a bill of goods. I believe in helping people up when they get knocked down. Everybody gets knocked down, you can only try to help them up, they have to get up and change. I donated to Ganim’s campaign and volunteered for his campaign and when I went down there to help him, I voiced my concerns and offered some remedies to pressing issues. Not only did he not want to hear my voice, they kicked me out of his headquarters and called the cops on me from something that come from my heart. Just because you want to help someone up doesn’t mean they want to get up. If they don’t want to help themselves evem Jesus can’t save them. There’s no free ride for anyone. He doesn’t want help and he surely doesn’t want mine. While this is all very local insider politics and voters tend to vote with their heart, investors are going to look at it with their minds. No one like losing money on a bad investment and when investors evaluate Ganim they will come to the conclusion he maintained his innocence for over a decade and only finally admitted his wrongdoing when he decided to run for mayor. A Ganim mayor will dry up investment for Bridgeport and it will dry up like the Sahara Desert. Bridgeport will suffer under a Ganim mayor for four years in a time when it shouldn’t. Finch was and is a responsible mayor. I don’t agree with everything Finch has tried to do for Bridgeport. Some of his tax incentives are too generous for the times. If it were 2008 during the financial global depression then yes I could see such a tax break to keep people working. During the Global financial depression Finch had to make some tough decisions on spending cuts and tax increases to keep Bridgeport from becoming Greece.
Hector, it sounds like your story, no?
No Steve, you may never understand, my issue has nothing to do with “me.” It has everything to do with your candidate and his overseer.
Hector, first I supported Finch in the last election, I gave money and my time to help out Joe because I believe in second chances, I got kicked out because Joe didn’t want to listen to what I had to say. I don’t think he cares what Bridgeporters have to say or Bridgeport itself, I could be wrong. I think Maria summed it up. It’s all about the Bridgeport operating budget. He only said he was sorry and maned up to his deeds when he decided to run for mayor. I wish Joe the best for his life. However I will not support him for mayor. I would like my mayor to listen to me, wouldn’t you?
Robert, good luck with that. I don’t believe any of the candidates are the LISTENING TYPE EXCEPT MAYBE FINCH, BUT YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE A STAFSTROM OR WOOD FOR him to listen.
On my way to headquarters yesterday I drove down Wood Ave and saw Staples Street blocked off by a Police car and Yellow tape. This location is one block south of Woods End Deli.
This incident is very troubling for myriad reasons. It is deep into the Brooklawn section of the 132nd district. If I were outside at home when it happened I may have been able to hear the gunshot. It is during a signature drive in the neighborhood that I, and at least seven other activists live and are canvassing, and it’s the second murder in our section of town this weekend. I am hoping our police car, B17 has help for at least a few days following this and can help to assure we are safe when actively petitioning and beyond. If any one of our activist or paid canvass gets hurt, there’s gonna be hell to pay.
Of note as well is the fact two of the folks who are canvassing are State Senator Marilyn Moore and City Councilwoman Patricia Swain.
IF YOU ARE SCARED, STOP BY “A HAND FOR A PAW” AND GET A DOG. Are you telling us there is a police car (B17) assigned to Mary-Jane’s campaign? Who is paying for that, is the vehicle and gas included in whatever the policemen are getting paid?
Also what makes any of your activist or “PAID CANVASS” any more important than the people who have to live this every day? If you’re scared to go into a section of the City, any section of the City, you really shouldn’t be trying to represent the people who live in them.
Enough, Hector. Stop coming after me. I am not going to indulge your pettiness.
Gab, I know what you meant, it just didn’t come out right. I had the same experience on Norman St and I was too shocked to remember I should have called 911. I always thought of myself as impervious to things that scared other people. I think it’s because I come from Yellow Mill Village and we were pretty tough little guys in an innocuous way. But now I’m careful, as we all should be. I love Bridgeport, but I guess I’ve lived long enough to see a scary change. I’m not blaming anybody.
You scared?
I love you, Hector. Naaa, you’re right, I just want to fit it. LOL. I did get a little nervous though.
Hector, read her post. “I am hoping our police car, B17 has help for at least a few days following this and can help to assure we are safe when actively petitioning and beyond.” She never said Mary-Jane has a patrol car assigned to her. That is bullshit and what you posted about it is bullshit.
Andy, if you’re scared you can get a dog too. I on the other hand can find out what police car B17 has been doing for the last few days.
Hector. The car in the upper Brooklawn section of the 132nd district is B17. That fact has nothing to do with any Mayoral campaign. Not Foster, not Finch, not Ganim. It’s my neighborhood and that is the car that patrols it. Please stop this ridiculous reach. It’s annoying because it is a flaccid but mean-spirited attempt at accomplishing I don’t know what. What are you trying to accomplish?
Thank you, Gabrielle. I really misread your post on the police car, for that I apologize. I do still stand by the other comments concerning the campaign workers versus residents and my comment on being scared yet wanting to represent, you can’t possibly do both.
I still have no idea what you are talking about. I am not running for office. I have three dogs, btw. Please stop trying to turn my post into something i’s not. I am wasting not one more second on this string.
Scared of what? There is nothing here that scares me, least of all you. You’d better get back on your meds, your posts are mostly gibberish.
I forgot, as long as you have your spinach you’re good.
Thank you for reading them Andy, it is for you I post.
Hector you really are fucked up. Take your meds and call Local Eyes. He has an aluminum helmet for you.
Very disturbing news. People noticed this car in the neighborhood before, it says. Perhaps it’s time for a better dialogue between police and the residents and the residents among themselves. I would like to take a page in my district, the 132nd from the Black Rock people who have a network of communication and reporting with each other and Captain McCarthy.
What Jeff Kohut says about lack of employment opportunities drives people to a gang and drug culture that is too deeply rooted. The danger is good neighbors will retreat and this culture will become the “norm.” A culture of peace, love and understanding takes decades to develop yet a 24 hour period of violence can tear it all down.
More creative community policing programs and more hiring on the force as Ganim says, are the only options.
There are many reasons why we have these murders in Bridgeport. This is largely a black on black crime that does not seem to stop. Does anyone talk about it or blog about it? NO!!!
We do not offer kids a way out of poverty, we do not do this in their early years and we don’t do it in their late teenage years. The education system is a failure in many cases because we are teaching the same old junk we were taught 50 years ago when I was in school. We need to get young people ready for the real world. We need to ensure they have the beginnings of marketable skills by the time they reach graduation age. Right now many of the young see no way out and they are right so crime appears to be the only way out.
Saturday afternoon I was out petitioning for MJF. I took a break to get some water and a little AC. What did I see?
A Bridgeport Police car parked in the shade of the parking lot at St. Andrew’s church.
Problem number 1.
Neither Bill Finch, Joe Gaudett nor Officer Shady understand community policing. Park that car up near Reservoir Ave, Lower part of Park Ave, Stratford Ave. or any other place with a high crime rate and it would do 1000% more in assuring the community the Bridgeport Police Department cares.
But Joe Ganim and Bill Finch will not say this. They simply don’t understand.
Like any other issue between them, it is I’m gonna hire 100 cops, no I’m gonna hire 101. I’m gonna hire 102, no I’m gonna hire 103.
So pathetic. So very, very, pathetic.
Well, keep in mind the police are supporting Ganim. This is a taste of what you will get.
I’m sure Bill Finch is good for something; governance is not his forte. The Bridgeport Police Department has seen its ranks shrink through retirements, resignations, etc. The department is understaffed. It is far too easy to blame Chief Joseph Gaudett. He deserves more than a little of the blame to be sure. An old rule applies here: You climb high enough you always come to one man. That man is the mayor, Bill Finch. He must take responsibility for not hiring more police officers, for the lack of resources to fight crime in high-crime areas like Trumbull Gardens, Greene Homes, etc.
I wasn’t going to mention this, but hey. This past Saturday at Blackham school there was a huge turnout and barbeque. Joe Ganim attended and the word from so many is, Finch did an amazing job supporting the efforts of these incredible parks and the audacity of Ganim showing up was a joke. Showing up at a Finch success is just making the voters remember you more clearly. I was just told by one of the parents, “how does Ganim have the balls to show up to the house that Finch built?”
You know Steve, many of your posts come across like campaign propaganda. Bill Finch has obfuscated the facts so often it is more accurate to call him a pathological liar.
Steve, back to the money thing, please. “Incredible parks” and the audacity of Ganim? There has been a major initiative in the past year on renewing and improving existing park and recreation facilities. Agreed? Where was the plan for this and where did the funding come from? Did the City Council review, monitor and support or was its Watchdog function ignored?
Any taxpayer should be able to come out and see what is going on without begin accused of audacity, no? And presumably Ganim is a taxpayer. Aren’t the parks a “taxpayer success” because we are the ones who are paying for it, but still cannot tell whether it was with local, State or Federal tax dollars? Steve, will you raise the question in between your entertainment visits and empenadas? Time will tell.
JML, sorry, I will stick to my agenda of pro-Bridgeport and entertainment. As for Joe Ganim showing up at the park, may I remind you he is not a taxpayer. Furthermore, I wonder if any campaign figured out if Joe Ganim has his car registered in Bridgeport. It doesn’t matter to me JML, but that minor issue may resonate with you. I do know a young man is sleeping in Ganim’s apartment but I am not so sure it is Joe. Doesn’t anybody watch Scandal or Revenge? Didn’t the police go through Ganim’s apartment for bugging and video devices? So JML, after you find out where Joe has his car registered and pays taxes, find out if he is eligible for a Park sticker. Than we can talk money. Btw, I am happy Ganim has “moved” back to Bridgeport. I am sure he would agree downtown Thursday nights was happening as well as all the construction making Bridgeporters feel real good. Finally!
It does not look like Ganim has a car registered in BPT. Steve does, a Nissan Versa and JML a Maxima but no car or property listed for Joe Ganim. The list could be out of date if he ‘just’ registered in town.
www .mytaxbill.org/inet/bill/home.do?town=bridgeport
John Marshall Lee, here is a perfect example of why people shouldn’t pay attention to Steve. You asked a very good and honest question and look at Steve’s reply, there is none.
If Finch did the same he’d have to stay at his home office. Every single act of development has Ganim fingerprints.
Bill Finch is being handled behind the scenes the same way George Dubya Bush was handled, the same way Warren G. Harding was handled. There’s a cabal of ’em over there in Morton Government Center. It’s all a power trip for them. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the people of the city of Bridgeport.
The biggest issues faced by the people of the city of Bridgeport are crime, education, unemployment and the economy. Bill Finch and his cronies have no interest in any of those issues because it is not in their best interest. They have shown a clear and convincing antipathy to the voters and the people of the city Bridgeport, whom he was elected to represent.
The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where
But I’m strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother
So on we go
His welfare is my concern
No burden is he to bear
We’ll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother
If I’m laden at all
I’m laden with sadness
That everyone’s heart
Isn’t filled with the gladness
Of love for one another
It’s a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we’re on the way to there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn’t weigh me down at all
He ain’t heavy he’s my brother
He’s my brother
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother
Hi Bridgeport Kid, thanks for reminding me of that song. I don’t where you were going with it, but those words would make me teary when I heard it.
“… I’m proud of the work by our recruiters …”
Bill Finch, if you’re so proud of them why not mention them by name? I’m sure you are very proud of one of these so-called recruiters. Eric Amado works in Civil Service, is the son of Carmen Colon and stepson of former State Senator Andres Ayala who soon after getting re-elected walked away on the people who elected him to make money, gain a good position and to continue his old ways of lying like you, Bill Finch. Eric Amado is a DTC member from the 130th district who gave you his TC vote recently. I’m sure that makes you proud of him. Tell us who are the others and tell us what are or were their recruiting qualifications and experience. The Rootsman shooting happened across the street from 433 Park Avenue, the house owned by Jack Banta, city councilmen of the 131st. He had a lot to say about your Seaside Solar Project. What does he have to say about this? When you needed the City Council to support your airport expansion project, you stated if they didn’t, “They’d have blood on their hands.” You and the entire City Council have blood all over their bodies.
Last week, you touted your gun buyback program and immediately you guys fucked that up too. Had you guys not fucked up so bad as you have with this program by running out of money, I’m sure the guns used in these shootings would have been off the hands of such ruthless criminals, right? Steven Auerbach, you’ve been reluctant to take on my comments as of lately. Don’t be afraid of me, I sold my guns to the City of Bridgeport. I kept my 9 Millimeters (9 fingers).
FINCH ANNOUNCES BEEFED UP RANKS. What does this mean as the police are already at capacity looking for all the other murderers? As I said before I turned in my gun in the first buyback for $200. M y mother called me from Wolcott CT this morning to ask if she could turn in three guns my deceased father left at the home. I told her when more money comes I will try to turn them in.
Bob; for the record, I have asked for nothing from the Ganim Campaign or future administration, nor have I been offered or promised anything. You simply don’t get it; but you are intelligent, and once you are past the anxiety of this campaign, you will understand my motives, reasoning, and the correctness thereof. (If you don’t think Bridgeport’s problems are located down-county, then try having a heart-to-heart with Dan Malloy and Chris Bruhl about doing something to create enough living-wage jobs in Bridgeport to bring our workforce back here–and thereby solve the I-95/Route 15 congestion problem. Let me know how red they turn before they excuse themselves to leave the room for a hysterical laugh break.)
Steve; you were not walking Lake Forest in this decade when you received that alleged feedback. Unless maybe you had encountered some daring souls from Trumbull who had accidentally wandered into Bridgeport.
Robert: Are you talking about this campaign? Might I ask what suggestions or offers of help to Joe Ganim/the Campaign precipitated the extreme reaction? (Why would you support Bill Finch as the Joe Ganim alternative?)
I really don’t get it, I have one vote and it means nothing. Ask Ganim’s campaign what I suggested?
I supported Finch in the last election. Obviously this is a side thing. I’m not a side, just would like to see my hometown be a decent place for people to live.
Jeff, you know I love you, and my Bubba also. Two great minds.
If Joe Ganim thinks staffing levels are too low, he should ask the BPD to deputize him. That badge would make the whole city feel safer. If he’s happy to accept their endorsement, he should be thrilled to walk Bridgeport’s streets of fire and find out what public safety is all about.
According to www .usa.com Bridgeport has a crime index rating of 87, 3,267.66 (the state has a crime index rating of 1,192.04). That really sucks. (The city’s motto should be “Thank God for Hartford.”) The mayor and police chief weren’t even contemplating a substation at Trumbull Gardens until Joe Ganim offered space in his neighborhood campaign headquarters for police officers to interview witnesses and write reports. According to the Connecticut Post “Bridgeport officials maintain that the city’s Building 10 substation was in the works for months, but the press release announcing the move wasn’t emailed to the media until 48 minutes before the city’s opening ceremony was staged.” Great response, don’t do a fucking thing until there’s another shooting.
SNL’S church lady would say “now isn’t that special,” with a joke mayor.