From Dan Tepfer, CT Post:
The three finalists to be the city’s next police chief have one thing in common–the city has spent thousands of dollars in legal fees in lawsuits involving them, get more information by visiting the online solicitors Knutsford.
While Captain Lonnie Blackwell may have scored second in the candidate ranking, he is by far first in generating legal fees.
According to the city attorney’s office, it has cost the city $199,263 to defend against lawsuits Blackwell has filed against the city, and that doesn’t include the settlements the city has paid out to Blackwell as a result of those lawsuits.
Recently retired Captain Roderick Porter came in second with a total cost to the city of $118,884 to defend against his lawsuit. And that figure is expected to go up with his appeal.
Acting Police Chief Rebeca Garcia has so far only cost the city about $9,000 to defend her against a lawsuit brought by Porter and other police captains. But that figure is also expected to increase.
Full story here.
I have attempted to read Dan Tepfer’s full story but after two tries, wordpress or whatever, is not providing what it is offering to all of us. Let that not hold my comments back!!!
My goodness, does this story reveal all of what our public style practices and processes of employment practices costs the City? Certainly not:
**Who keeps track of the time when grievances are filed, just in terms of a complaint and timely response?
**Does anyone keep track of time used to mediate or settle an issue before it gets court bound?
**Where there is no annual review of performance between a City employee and supervisor, what other way is there to get attention for a problem that metastasizes?
**Perhaps such complaints, costing taxpayers as they do, are the only WARNING SIGNALS that personnel practices need to change?
**Each of the three candidates have made reference to providing advice to those in their direct supervision (and others) on developing their skills for greater responsibility and compensation. Opportunities for public safety officers are not routinely discussed by their direct bosses and filed in their personnel folders. Why Not?
We live in a City where the past twenty years have seen careers ended or interrupted by corrupt actions and illegal activity, in Mayor’s office, Police Chief and Civil Service Director (Acting). Is the focus of this moment on a personnel practice that treats employees with disrespect and forces them to respond personally and in the courts because a sanctioned alternative is not authorized at present? What amount of work is lost to City purpose where a disaffected employee fails to work the job optimally, needs to learn more, or is deficient in skills from the start, but does not get a place for the matter to be dealt with honestly and as part of the record? Time will tell.
JML, my apologies. Link should be live now. Thanks for heads up.
JML, have your Red Boots not taught you anything? It’s not about monetary cost. It’s the political cost for the white man, G2.
Outside of the internal black orgainiation, the Gardians, with in the police department whos backing Blackwell, maybe perhaps the NAACP attaching itself to it. There’s no real fire storm against a Latino, Garcia. IMO.
Politically speaking, there’s may be some issuses with her being less in degrees but it has no bite. I would thing throwing a Latino, Garcia, under the bus to please the black organization within the Police department because of “unfair” claims against black officers, to conjure up black community support/sentimant to publically/politically influence, department capacity and/or G2 to drop the latino woman and choose the black guy is walking on racial political thin ice. JS
In spirit of JML, Can G2 politically survive this political conundrum? Can Garcia? Can they both avoid the bus. Time will tell. 😂
Internal/external troubles, top to bottom, with associated legal actions, have been the story of the BPD for much of its modern history. All that we have to do is go down memory lane a bit and recall the Police Chief (Superintendent) Joe Walsh – Mayor Lennie Paoletta feud — where both players wound up losing (professionally) in the end. Walsh was forced into retirement by Mayor Paoletta, and Mayor Paoletta was defeated at the polls as a consequence of the draining of the City’s time, money, and public-safety wherewithal in the course of Paoletta’s personalized pursuit of Walsh’s removal from the BPD. While the BPD had more than its share of internal problems prior to this period, the “feud” situation, with all of its ramifications for the BPD and public safety in the City, can probably be described as one of the situations that has led to the present, dismal reality of Bridgeport, in terms of its image and functionality. Like most of the big moves by Bridgeport’s mayors in our modern history, the Paoletta plan to get control of the historically renegade, Walsh BPD was ill-conceived and not thought out past the initiation of Move 1… (Paoletta might have pondered the reasons for the FBI’s failure to entrap Walsh some years earlier, before he decided to drag that “tiger” out of BPD HQ by his tail…)
Fast forward to the present: There has been nothing but embarrassment and failure in the handling of the BPD by the mayors since Paoletta — with a great toll exacted from Bridgeport public safety in the process. Perhaps the exceptions in this regard were under Mayor Mary Moran — with her appointment of the effective, professional BPD leadership of Police Chief Thomas Sweeney, who found his office under siege, from the beginning, by a Ganim Administration determined to rid the department of the professional approach, policing methods, and City municipal-operations scrutiny brought to bear by the “outsider” approach of the professional, nationally known and regarded Sweeney… The other exception would be the full embrace of community policing by the administration of Mayor John Fabrizi, who recognized the value of an organized, fully supported approach in the creation and operation of a public safety system defined by the organized cooperation of the BPD and BFD with the community/neighborhoods — an idea that has been discarded as anathema by the Ganim Administration and its appointed BPD “leadership”.
The present situation of the BPD is, at best, precarious — being describable in terms of the rot of long-term internal strife, the latter ultimately being traceable to a lack of leadership from City Hall and the lack of interest of higher levels of government.
While the needs of the BPD and the City of Bridgeport will not be met by the present cast of characters in City Hall, the BPD could be positioned for significant positive change/healing, by the appointment of the highly qualified, equanimous candidate, Captain Roderick Porter, rather than the firebrand candidacies of Rebeca Garcia or Lonnie Blackwell — who both demonstrated a lack of conciliatory virtue in the context of antagonistic, abrasive approaches to BPD organizational needs.
As a lifelong resident and block watch participant that has worked in cooperation with Captain Roderick Porter, my hope for the community and the BPD would be that Captain Porter is named Chief. That would go a long way in bringing some calm/stability, and efficacy, to the BPD and its mission…
I stated my support for Porter,(among the many choices), in the very beginning during the first go-around.
He’s the “cleanest and neatest” choice.
Rich, have you taken retired Captain Porter up on his comment, “look me up / google me,” because what I uncovered is that your “Cleanest and neatest” choice has some dirty laundry in his closet.
I took Captain Porter up on his offer to “look him up / google him” on the topic of being “honest, trustworthy, and full of integrity.”
What I found on google was disturbing that Captain Porter was the division commander, where a former Police Lieutenant under his command spent more time at home than at work. Also, from reading the affidavit, I found that Captain Porter’s “gross negligence” is what allowed this to go on for some time. Mighty funny would tell the public to google you, and we found this out when reading the affidavit. You were made aware of this Lieutenants behavior and habit of not coming to work, and when he did, he only spent a few minutes of the day at work, and you allowed it? Nevertheless, you want us to trust you with a $100 plus million dollar budget when you could not even get this, right? After being notified on numerous occasions? Porter allowed this larceny to continue. Therefore he is responsible and was not held accountable. (Link is below)
I also learned that you sheltered an unregistered sex offender in your home in 2015. Captain Porter, you were in charge of overseeing the public schools and School Resource Officers at that time, weren’t you? Was this ok in your eyes? (Links are below)
After watching round 3 of 3 last night, it seemed that Porter could not hold it together and not take jabs at Ganim. Pretty dumb, especially if that is the man youre hoping will pick you to be the next top cop.
Porter talks about corruption within city government but was involved in an overtime scene that he allowed for months after being notified by two different supervisors and did nothing but tell those who made him aware, “do your job, and don’t worry about the other guy.” If you have not read the affidavit yet I suggest getting a copy, and you will see that your “Cleanest and neatest” pick is not that clean. Unfortunately, he too comes with plenty of baggage.
Hey Rich, take a look at this case to see that your “cleanest and neatest” candidate Captain Porter is heavily named in it.
Martinez V City of Bridgeport (Federal Case 3:20-cv-00916-JAM)
His actions contributed to over one hundred thousand dollar settlement to a recently retired Sergeant, and he never took any disciplinary action against those named in the suit.
As a retired Stamford Cop, I thought you would be a better investigator. But I guess those years at the liquor store have slowed down a bit.
Ben- I said “during the first go around”. That was quite awhile ago. I’ve been out of there for quite some time, thankfully!
What a city. Good luck.
You will ALL need it. I hope things get better but I wouldn’t hold my breath!
Law suit settlements cover many areas of public policy and activity. The City Attorney office is not a sports team, but who keeps track of wins or losses in legal cases? In a more nuanced manner who tracks hits, runs, and errors? How much gets worked out and settled with a lesser cost than what we have been facing? How did things get arranged for the convenience of former City Attorney Meyer who has retired, but no replacement of a long term nature? When will we see a respected legal leader, who can share info publicly where she/he is able, and build trust?
Law? Police? Personnel area, especially Civil Service? Videographer at City Council Meetings? Chair of Fair Rent Commission? Chair of Fair Housing? And probably more. Leadership needs in the City beyond, empty, vacant, or acting? Time will tell.
Missing leadership in School Superintendent Office, soon.
For a moment think how this pattern of empty leadership would seem in a company you were looking to invest in? Who is responsible for maintaining forward movement? Where is the governance blockage? In the City Charter? In the Executive Suite? Who are the political appointees with assignments critical to City success, paid good compensation by taxpayers, but who are essentially secret agents for an agenda not articulated at the beginning of each year, and not held accountable by the public? Why do Bridgeport voters sign on to this when they fail to vote, show up with their voice, or allow autocratic rule that costs serious money? Time will tell.
Rich, “Cleanest and Neatest” those got to be some code words. Is he a law-abiding citizen too?
Well, the press/officials gave a version of what took place in Bristol, but is anybody hesitant to believe they are telling a complete account?
We know officials’ “reporting abilities”, but to only release two minutes of bodycam footage of just one officer taking a single shot from behind his car, in the road, a ways back from the house, that killed the suspect, and nothing leading up to it to this reported ambush that took these officers souls, as well as the suspects, leaves many questions.
The released footage alone poses questions. The officer seemed to have no line of sight, with trees in his way when he took the shot. I mean he walked across that field to his car. It looks like he only had a line of sight when he walked up and turned on his flashlight up the driveway past the trees, and someone yelled to him, “he’s down”
It sounds like a single shot rang out then a burst of shots before this officer took his shot, which was practically silent by then. You had a woman out front screaming hysterically throughout the footage. While it is a version it leaves many open questions.
I depart with the Prophet, God, imaginary, whatever coded side you find yourself on, or version that floats your boat. Peace out.
I think this article in CTPOST is misleading and is missing many lawsuits that Acting Chief Garcia has been a part of. Not only been a part of the she has spearheaded as the “Lead investigator” and has cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars.
As the Internal Affairs Commander, Garcia had many cases with wrinkles and holes in them that the city could not defend and was forced to settle because of her incompetence, according to a source. It is funny that these lawsuits were left out of the dollar amount it took to settle and fight these cases for Garcia. Acting Chief Garcia’s incompetence has cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawsuits throughout her career, which is only growing. Wait until several more lawsuits get filed. I am sure our friends from the ctpost will keep us up to date on the many more lawsuits to follow in the next few months against Garcia.
Again, the “Acting incompetent Chief” has caused the city to settle many cases because they could not defend her unlawful actions as they have done for her entire career and “cover up her tracks.”
Little fun fact Acting Chief Garica was asked a question last night about racism within the police department, and she said it should not and will not be tolerated. Nevertheless, Garcia was just sued by a caucasian police Lieutenant in federal court for reverse discrimination. The federal court judge ruled that Garcia did, in fact discriminate against this caucasian lieutenant, and the city was forced yet again to settle for more money due to the Incompetent Acting Chief.
Here are two cases left out in the article that cost the city well over the alleged report of $9,000 to defend Garcia, not including settlements.
Sapiro V City of Bridgeport (Federal Case 3:17-cv-00746-JAM
Gale V City of Bridgeport (Federal Case 3:19-cv-00631-MPS
Garcia’s actions over the past two years have been disgraceful. However, what do you expect when you have an uneducated individual who received her Assistant Police Chief position illegally and should have never been appointed Acting Chief.
Last night, a good question for Garcia should have been with your “so called qualifications and accomplishments” what other police department in the country could you apply to without a degree? I can answer that for you, NONE!!!!
No department in the country or city would take this “Acting Embarrassment we call Acting Chief” seriously if she applied. However, here “onlyinbridgeport” she makes number 1?
I wonder who coached Rebecca because there is no way she did this on her own without any help. I will have to pull out my Rolodex to make a few phone calls to see whom she reached out to for HELP.
Alveres, as I said to John, it’s not about monetary cost more than political cost, and a Latino, Garcia, being “unfair” to whites will not get much political sympathy in the black and brown community. JS
Alverez based on your critique of Garcia and Porter. Can I assume you are in support of Blackwell? If so, with regard to racism do you think you can find some laundry on Blackwell?
Actually Robert, I was in full support of Rene Dominguez, who was in the top three. Unfortunately, because of the city of Bridgeport’s politics, they stalled the announcement knowing that she was in contention for another job just to place Porter in the top three.
She should have been Bridgeport’s next top cop.
Therefore, this process is fraudulent.
You can’t really be in full support of some one who was never named to be on list. That’s a weak political reply, I would think. As I stated based on your critique of Garcia and Porter can I assume you are in support for Blackwell?
BTW How does kicking the can down the road and Rene being placed on the list influence her decision to take a position else where? It’s not like if she was being offered the position, no garrentee she would have been picked over the others, Garcia or Blackwell, consider the enteral politics of it all. JS
At this point, I would like to see the most qualified candidate get the job. So let’s let go of (black, brown, Latina, female, etc.) and go based on who did the best job outshining and answering questions during these forums. Again I was in favor of Captain Porter before these forums began, but after watching 3 out of 3 forums, Porter has veered off to the left. Did you not see how often he continued to take a shot at the mayor, mentioning corruption within politics/city government? Also, being the fact that I did what he told us, the public, to do? So sorry I can’t say he is no longer the “safest” pick.
As a resident of this city for over 50 years, we have lacked a qualified police chief for quite some time. But unfortunately, the last qualified police chief the department had was Wilbur Chapman from NYPD, which was over 20 years ago.
Also, Rene would have been runner up for the job since everyone in the city government wanted an outsider. So there you go, she was your outsider; instead, we are stuck with three candidates from within.
Garcia, Blackwell, and Porter.
I think after all this, everyone is going to need a drink.
It’s politics. You can’t take the white, black, and Latino out of it. G2 is. Your own post alludes to its race. For the most part that’s all that this is, politics. Even if there isn’t a white person present in one of the choices, police, and politics go hand and hand, along with the exploitation of it. We see that all day long, well you wish to see it. Stuff like that tends to be selective.
I wouldn’t say, everyone though. There was a “call” for someone outside for chief, considering the internal aspects of black, Latino, and white and the politics in and outside of the department. Rene would have given G2 some cover in that regard, being basically of Latin descent.
But that doesn’t mean anything. I mean while AJ was beyond under qualify based on his public speaking abilities which is basically needed as Chief and it didn’t stop Joe from appointing him.
Neither of the three candidates was underqualified in that regard.
Regardless, the city has been making some process in the really 21st policing, outside of the pandering of politics of it. They got there body cams. JS
Ben: at ‘any point’ would be more correct! 😂
I’ve said that the “best” candidates should be professionals from not only out of town but out of state- AND I’ve said they won’t apply because ‘they know’ about the corruption and all the other issues in the Port.
I knew Chapman from NYC as my best friend who also worked at 1 PP with him in NYC. I agree with you that he was qualified, absolutely. Chapman used his contract provision(s) in Bridgeport to his advantage before he left as soon as he knew and learned what really was going on in Bridgeport. Didn’t take him too long did it?!
Anyway, as I said: good luck!
RT- Very observant to direct us to a video clip from Ch 12 three years ago featuring $1M investment, fusion center with over 1200 cameras, comments from Nardozzi, etc.
But for that to be of use to citizens as well as “public servants” FOI must be in operation. Headed to Hartford for a second hearing that shows how control of the info denies citizens a right to fair and timely access, and how the Attorney office obstructs fair outcomes. More later.
Please read Tepfer column on front page of CT pOST. More later. Time will tell.
John, I said they are making strides in 21st-century policing. Like a camera, big brother, information is based on how it will be used. In politics, it is very selective with political means. There is nothing fair about reporting/information when politics is involved. Just look at the political and media coverage of information between Lauren’s and Brenda’s untimely deaths and notification and the effects on the masses by selective reporting.
Not one is calling for the full release of the body cam leading up to the shoot/ambush. in Bristol, Would there be a call for more information if it was a black person? Perhaps the NAACP would more interested in information regarding the shooting.
My point of the clip was, no matter how unqualified AJ was or the politics that surrounded it the Port has been making progress for its citizens. I stand by my claim/sentiment that Body cam is the best disinfectant in Police abuse, Even though you would have thought for the many years the tech was available and leading up to the implementation there would have been more of a public call/outcry for then.JS
You do have to be careful with information, No? Panic or no Panic, depending on the information you selectively receive to adhere to, or how thing change over time from those who witness it and those who’s information is receive after the fact. JS
This is what I mean about selective information based on politics.
The NAACP claims they don’t want Garcia, “Anybody but Rebeca” and it’s not about race. On one hand, they claim “Rebeca’s not the best qualified, period,” and “She does not have the educational background to do this job” Yet on the other hand they said “the NAACP was not, however, going to choose between the two captains because “we have a relationship with both (and) I wouldn’t want to drive a wedge in-between.”
How can the black organization say the Woman Latino is not the best qualified. They say they want the best-qualified person for the job but want choose the state which of the black officers is the best qualified. How do make such a claim without it being “biased” towards the Latino.
I mean clearly, it’s not about the best-qualified person for the Job. If it was you would state the best qualified person. Since the won’t the best-qualified person for the Job as long as it not the latino and one of the black officers. it would seem choice is selective on black.
At least that’s how I read it. JS
No to mention education/experience is not just in the classroom, considering Garica has many more years in law enforcement both (I believe)
It’s all selective in one form or another or at least the appeace or it. But that is the game of politics/ Public interview. 🙂 To be fair I am sure Latinos want see a latino which is also part of the political game. It jsut when laying that race card that was traditionally black and brown blacks can’t attach brown, latino this time around. However it was rich to read the black race card being play with the attach whiteness to racist latino, Garcia, “UNFAIR’ treatment 🤣
At any rate I have my employment issuse, Peace out, I am out of here. maybe I’ll see you November, good luck 🤣
P.S I depart with the prophet Eminem-ish 🙂
Lennie delete this one (proof read ) 🙂
Two works submitted? One perhaps not (proof read)?
Where are you “quoting” the NAACP position on Chief Garcia from? As Greater Bridgeport NAACP Communications Committee Chair for a few years now, I try to keep track of official statements which I may have a hand in producing, but I cannot recall that position on the Police Chief appointment.
What causes you to treat this information as quotable? Time will tell.
John I will post the link.
Lets take what the Gardians, who is in support Blackwell, said about Porter “Captain Porter does not speak for us. Captain Porter has not been an active member of the Guardians for a decade.”
Ok but he’s still was black police officer who claims to be mistreated, Garcia. Do the Guardians speak for him? Or is this selective representation, based on membership?
Politics as usually
I will leave it at that 🙂
No I won’t. I’ll depart with the real Prophet. 🙂
This is what I mean about selective information based on politics.
The NAACP claims they don’t want Garcia, “Anybody but Rebeca” and it’s not about race. On one hand, they claim “Rebeca’s not the best qualified, period,” and “She does not have the educational background to do this job” Yet on the other hand they said “the NAACP was not, however, going to choose between the two captains because “we have a relationship with both (and) I wouldn’t want to drive a wedge in-between.”
How can the black organization say the Woman Latino is not the best qualified. They say they want the best-qualified person for the job but won”t choose or state which of the two black officers is the best qualified. How do you make such a claim without it being “biased” towards the Latino.
I mean clearly, it’s not about the best-qualified person for the Job. If it was they would state the best qualified black person. Since they won’t and imply it doesn’t matter as long as it not the latino and one of the black officers. It would seem they are selective/”bias” for the black candidates and against the Latino
At least that’s how I read it. JS
No to mention education/experience is not just in the classroom 🙂 considering Garica has many more years in law enforcement both Porter and Blackwell (I believe)
It’s all selective in one form or another or at least the appearse that way. But that is the game of politics/ Public interview. 🙂
To be fair I am sure Latinos want see a latino, which is also part of the political game. It’s jsut when laying
down that race card that was traditionally black and brown, blacks can’t attach brown, latino this time around. However it was rich to read the black race card being play with the attach whiteness to this racist Latino, Garcia, “UNFAIR’ treatment 🤣
At any rate I have my own employment issuse, Peace out, I am out of here. maybe I’ll see you November, good luck 🤣
P.S I depart with the prophet Eminem-ish 🙂
Those who hold positions with community organizations do not give up a civil right to hold a personal opinion about a matter of community interest. What I raised and questioned is my comprehension that the GBNAACP has not discussed the Chief of Police decision faced by Ganim2 in the upcoming week or so, and nor has it chosen a candidate to support.
The fact that a Post reporter may have misreported an opinion or that the “news” was reported in such a way to discuss the decision by a group, as in a press release, or that you read it in such a way was what I was challenging.
Ganim2 has one vote, at this time. Three choices to keep in mind. He has faced this before. But is there as much on the line for him this time as in the past? Are each of the individuals to get on with the duties of the job with an understaffed employee chart, grievances and court challenges on the table that need defense, and a labor settlement on the table at the moment? Any room for professional input by the new chief into the labor agreement on the table? Time will tell.