From Republican State Senate candidate David Pia. (His incumbent opponent Anthony Musto weighs in under comments.)
Legislative Platform Includes 7 Bills to Create Jobs, Reduce Government Spending and Balance the Budget
HARTFORD – state senate candidate David Pia joined Republican legislative leaders and candidates from across the state to sign the “Common Sense Commitment to Connecticut” pledging to support a seven-point legislative agenda of smaller government, lower taxes and economic policies to create jobs.
The Commitment is rooted in fundamental American virtues and the tenets of the Constitution. The Common Sense agenda is founded on such principles as “Spend No More than You Make,” and “Borrow No More Than You Can Afford to Pay Back.”
“State government has become too big and is too intrusive in our daily lives. By signing the Common Sense Commitment, I am making a promise to the people of the 22 senatorial district that I am committed to changing the direction of our state and reversing the recent trends of job losses, out of control government spending and record budget deficits. This pledge is a detailed, responsible and realistic plan for reorganizing state government and creating jobs that directly reflects the common sense principles of my neighbors in the 22 District,” said David Pia.
“We have had enough of the tax, spend and borrow platform. It is time to get serious about reducing the size and cost of state government.”
The principles of the Common Sense Commitment include:
• Spend No More Than You Make
• Borrow Only What You Can Afford To Pay Back
• If It’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It. But If It’s Not Working, Get Rid Of It
• The More Government Tries To Do, The Less It Does Well
• Government Doesn’t Create Jobs, People Do
• All The Government We Need, But Only The Government We Need
• Empower Local Governments To Make Local DecisionsFor more information visit www.commonsensecommitment.com.
*** Musto, MIA as usual, physically & mentally! ***
Sorry Lennie–I didn’t know you were so anxious to hear from me. I’ve been campaigning, marching in parades, and generally around the district for the past two months. Feel free to call anytime.
You should not be surprised to learn that the Republicans did not ask me to sign their pledge. But here is my website, and it should answer any questions you have. Look under “Issues” at the jobs piece and the public statements and let me know what you think. There’s a great deal of information on my positions there. Sewer regionalization, jobs, tax issues, education, gun laws, etc.–this is what I wrote. To be fair, here’s David’s website as well. Read both and vote your conscience.
*** Generally around “what” district besides the political P/R campaign? Political positions are like opinions, everyone’s got one! ***
Is Musto actually running? I have seen only one Musto sign in my travels. I have read very little about Musto and what he is doing. Musto takes laid back to a whole new level.
Let’s face it the only things David Pia can say are worn-out Republican platitudes. Tighten our belts, government doesn’t create jobs. They never say what they are going to cut or how, as to jobs, ever hear of the TVA? When government builds roads, bridges and other infrastructure it creates proportionally more jobs than a regular corporation that ships jobs oversees looking for cheaper work and higher profits. At least government jobs are jobs that stay in CT. Another thing Pia signs are an eyesore. He puts 3 or 4 signs on every supporter’s lot. Won’t one do? David is a nice guy with no experience. Musto is on several committees he already knows how difficult it is to make a state budget work. He has done great work on affordable health care, education, streamlining government with the Probate restructure and education. It’s easy for someone to say I would do this or that when they have no idea how the process works, he has no training or experience at the state level in his background. Republicans are an angry bunch saying the same things because their entire ticket lacks any real experience or substance.
Johnb. Musto just got to Hartford 2 years ago and now he knows everything. He did not know people in his district did not want a jail. What has he done for affordable health care that the Obama administration has not done?
John I suggest you not watch the countrywide results on November 2nd because Obama and his crowd you included are going to be very surprised at the results.
To all the seniors another year without a social security cost-of-living wage. We were able to payoff the auto workers, the bankers, the Wall Street types but in the end the Democratic-controlled congress said screw the seniors.