A Democratic primary for mayor could include Bill Finch, Joe Ganim and Mary-Jane Foster. Do you think three marquee candidates will juice a higher turnout?
- Yes, there's more interest in this race. (77%, 141 Votes)
- No, it will not make a difference. (19%, 35 Votes)
- Not sure. (4%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 184

If Finch keeps the muzzle and leash off Kooris, this campaign will be interesting if Finch is the only candidate in the race. Bitter every day? You betcha.
The turnout will be low no matter who is running. There are no platforms, just anti-Finch rhetoric. That does not win elections.
Steve Auerbach, I’m sorry but I must have been sleeping for the past seven years so would you update me on platform accomplishments of Mayor Finch and his platform for this campaign, besides “Bridgeport’s getting better?”
Steelepointe, downtown, new schools, going green, new train station, building up Bridgeport’s image, huge support from the Governor. Other than that, not a damned thing.
Illegal takeover of our BBOE, trying to take our right to vote away, illegally underfunding the BPS for three consecutive years, bringing the racist and discriminatory Bass Pro to Bridgeport, building an idiotic train station on the East Side 10 minutes away from the downtown train station, placing solar panels on historic park land, spending $600,000 on a driveway in Stratford, promoting charter schools that siphon millions away from the BPS, etc.
Ron, let me help Stevie out.
www .youtube.com/watch?v=jzN3yJXlWrg
Jimfox, thanks a lot. I thought I was sleeping for the past seven years but now I know I wasn’t because that YouTube video was what I was hearing all along.
Jim Fox,
Thank you for your humor. Did you actually watch this for 37 minutes? One thumb up, 88 thumbs down and you thought to pass this on?
Steve is so far off base on this it is more than laughable; it is downright riotous. There will be more interest in this race than any mayoral race in decades. In fact, there already is.
Stevie is OIB’s Joe Btfsplk!
quarterhorse, you are confused. There is no interest in this race at all, it will be a year of reliving the Ganim scandals and the anti-Finch vote will be spread between MJF and Joe Ganim. I just read a book regarding corruption in the city of Bridgeport and Joe Ganim’s photo was on the cover. quarterhorse, let me ask, whose campaign are you contributing 5 dollars to? Will any developer contribute to any campaign other than Finch? No.
No one sees life as IT is. They see it as THEY are. It’s the human condition. And it’s been true as long as man has recorded his tenure on earth.
The next year will be about Hillary and she will be in Bridgeport supporting Finch. It’s all about the endorsements, you know.
Finch will be gone by “next year,” therefore Hillary will not be here supporting Finch.
Stevie Btfsplk, every contractor, subcontractor, every vendor, every political person in a 50-mile radius will be contributing and helping with the reelection of Joe Ganim!
Everyone who knows Joe will send a check! IT’S CALLED SAFE MONEY!
I have grandmas on my street who are in their 80s telling me they can’t wait to vote that asshole out of office! People have lost their homes because of Finch’s high taxes, and soon it will be payback time! The people of Bridgeport and the DTC will give Joe Ganim a mandate!
“The support for Ganim is getting better every day!”
Sonny, you going to Ganim’s fundraiser next week?
Jim Fox, do share all the contractors and former roommates of Ganim’s who will be at his little gathering. I understand there will be cameras and press there. Maybe a great photo op for you. I know his donations will be scrutinized closely. I am sure it will be a nice event. I hope you enjoy and make sure you tell the grandmas on your block Ganim will be lowering our taxes.
OMG, everyone who knows Joe will send a check? Those who are brain dead, ill-advised and ill-informed.
Steven, I wrote a check to Ganim. That doesn’t make me “brain dead.” One could say the same of those who donate to Finch. Why do you consistently berate those who want Finch out?
You bet!
Stevie, so what time do you want me to pick you up for Ganim’s fundraiser?
This might be your last chance to get on board and become part of the winning team, Stevie, and maybe I’ll help you take those old Musto signs to the dump! I know it’s hard for Finchettes like you to break away from all of Finch’s false promises, always running out to the mailbox every morning looking for that $600 tax rebate check. But Btfspik, I mean Stevie, you’re batting 0 for 4 and even Mary-Jane would have benched your ass by now!
So stop clicking your heels and open your eyes, take off those ruby slippers!
You don’t have a dog named Toto! And the two scary men behind the curtain are just Timpanelli and Stafstrom! So let me know!