Whom do you support in Bridgeport’s mayoral race?
- Joe Ganim (38%, 215 Votes)
- Mary-Jane Foster (37%, 212 Votes)
- Enrique Torres (16%, 92 Votes)
- Charlie Coviello (6%, 36 Votes)
- Chris Taylor (2%, 11 Votes)
- David Daniels (1%, 5 Votes)
- Tony Barr (0%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 572

FYI many people texting me they are getting already voted on their effort to vote. Lennie, this might not be scientific or non-scientific for that matter. I hope it’s honest.
Rick, you act like voting multiple times in Bridgeport is a new thing.
Well because he only votes once, however your statement is very funny.
Lennie advised me some time ago during another poll that only one vote can be made per IP address. That means one vote each from our desk top, one vote from our laptop, etc. Ganim and Finch people appear to know this. The votes registered seems larger than normal. Where’s my tablet and smart phone, I need to vote again.
The way the software decides if you’ve already voted is whether your IP address has already been seen, and also whether your browser has already been seen. So if two people are in the same physical location using the same machine or machines connected to the same router, only one will be able to vote. Also, if two people use the same computer and same browser, only one will be able to vote.
Whoa, Cowboy!!! Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Looking at these numbers, a vote for Torres is a vote for Ganim!!!
That’s just bullshit, Bob. A vote for Rick is a vote for the future. Ganim and Foster will send us back to the Dark Ages.
Keep sipping the Kool-Aid and eating the croissants.
The Bridgeport Kid // Oct 2, 2015 at 10:15 am
To your post
Just so you’re aware, in Bridgeport we are now in the dark ages of politics when a morally conscious woman is co-opted by forces that are determined to compromise her intentions, her goals, and her reputation.
A continuation of the current status quo at 999 Broad street is what’s in store for every Bridgeport voter, taxpayer and resident.
Think about it.
carolanne curry couldn’t be more wrong. The Mary-Jane Foster of today has little to do with 999 Broad Street and everything to do with Bridgeport.
Carolanne Curry, for those of us who love Bill Finch and Mary-Jane Foster, this is an amazing and exciting Foster/Finch fusion. The legacy of Bill Finch bringing downtown and Steelpointe to fruition and restoring credibility to the city by investors and elected officials. It is so ironic that two woman, yourself and Lisa Parziale have been rather obnoxious in your critique of Foster considering you both supported her four years ago. I am thinking your candidate is praying Foster continues to run her campaign the same way by just sending out press releases without voter contact. I think she understands the idea of knocking on every door and business. I am actually shocked Bob Walsh did not instill the obvious basic concept.
I find the Curry and Parziale bitchy comments about Foster laughable. Foster’s credentials are outstanding. Ganim’s record is seven years and 16 felony counts. You really want to talk about political whores?
Think about this. You and the Ganim people write crap and act like Ganim running is the second coming of Christ. He is still an ex-felon who betrayed our trust. He lied to us and stole from us. Curry, you are looking for a job pure and simple, so you will say anything to be in Joe’s favor.
Andrew C Fardy // Oct 2, 2015 at 1:28 pm
To your post
Weak response.
But you have nothing else to say to defend the indefensible.
Not a weak response, just a truthful one.
Funny, Christ would have been considered a “felon” also, though I’d never compare the two as you did.
Why would Christ have been considered a felon? Not sure I understand. Please elaborate.
Hector, Jesus Ben Joseph would have never been considered a felon nor would he have given the keys to the kingdom. On these analogies, the primary chose Ganim over Finch much like the ancient Hebrews chose Barabas over Jesus. Think about that analogy, Hector. Sometimes people just make mistakes. They will not make that mistake again. Foster is the ticket to Bridgeport’s future. I would believe 99 percent of the Finch supporters would agree. The 1 percent are Town Committee members who are just sad in the first place. They do not care about the city. They care about themselves.
Tell that to the people yelling “Give us Barrabas!”
Hector, those people are long gone and the news cycle was word of month. Jesus was not a rock star in his life. That happened 400 years later. Ganim has reached his highest level of support and you guys did a fantastic job. Pat yourselves on the back. Ganim is about to slow down to a crawl. His endorsements will all be sloppy seconds and unimpressive. I think the Foster camp is awakening with Finch allies. This is bigger than keeping Ganim out of office. This is about keeping all the image-enhancing economic development projects on schedule, keeping credibility in city Government and moving the city forward. It’s not that we deserve better, we need a breath of fresh air. A coalition builder, a woman of substance and strong ethics, a city taxpayer, a woman who doesn’t have Channel 12 News on speed dial every time there is a fence to mend. Though to be honest, I would have News 12 on speed dial! 🙂 It’s not what you are saying, it’s about face time.
*** How about the write-in Eco-candidate in this poll survey? ***
In other words, Ganim’s return to Bridgeport can only be topped by Christ returning to the world. Nowhere does it say Christ is a felon. Jeez.
I think Andrew Fardy may be concerned the voters, taxpayers, and residents of Bridgeport are smart enough to know they were betrayed. But they are also smart enough to vote their trust and their willingness to give Joe a second chance. Based on many apparent reasons. The best is he was a superb Mayor.
Superb? Omg!
Really, put down the Kool-aid cup and think about this one. Ganim leased out the golf course to an entity that had no money. He knew that as did his two negotiators, Murphy and Marsilio. For two years the city meaning the treasury received nothing from this lease. It is estimated the city got screwed out of over $1 million in revenue. You see, there is a lot the voters don’t know about Ganim and his crew.
OIB audience poll may bring one result but I can tell you I talk to many Bridgeport residents every day in my North End business and what I hear is they voted for Joe Ganim as a protest to Bill Finch never expecting Joe to win and will not vote for Joe in November, so I don’t believe Ganim will muster up the 5800 votes again. They also believe MJF is relevant and her new-found relationship with Finch is a net negative. What amazes me is the respect people of all color and background have for Torres. I believe these people will quietly put Torres way over the top. A win for the good guy.
Please, people of color supporting Rick Torres, please, what are you smoking?
Some are, Ron. Marlboro Lights, and I really must commit to quitting.
Jen, if you don’t quit you will end up like me laying in a hospital bed waiting for the doctor to tell you either have lung cancer or COPD. I guess I lucked out with COPD and not cancer. Quit.
Jennifer, I used to smoke 2.5 packs a day and eight cups of coffee. As a master scheduler I was all over the place. I quit a year after my father died of lung cancer. That was 28 years ago. Take Fardy’s advice–quit!
Thanks, guys!
You are insane!
If I were to guess, this blog does not represent a cross section of the Bridgeport population. I would say it is 98% Democrat fighting Democrat. I have not been on the site for four years and it is the same group of people making nasty comments about each other, set in your ways and never convincing another of an opposing view. I cannot believe amongst your population Torres did as well as he did. But talk to the average citizen in Bridgeport (yes, of all colors) and you will find they are fed up with business as usual and are ready for something new. I know a lot of horrible things are said about Torres here by people who are not open minded. I challenge you to go to
www .TorresforBpt.com,
spend some time and read Rick’s real views, not the made-up stuff posted here and learn Torres would be the biggest social justice mayor Bridgeport has ever had. At the same time a fiscal conservative who will put an end to the enormous waste of our tax dollar. I have little doubt with the competition that exists, Rick wins. The good news is if he does a bad job he can be easily be replaced with a new honest Democrat administration because this will end the decades of self-serving politicians we have had.
Rick Torres is a Rush Limbaugh “dittohead,” he was so happy and proud after calling the Rush Limbaugh radio show for 10 years, he finally was able to get on the air to talk to Rush. Rush Limbaugh is really the leader and head of the Republican Party, that’s where Republicans nationwide get their talking points, just listen to Rush for just 5 minutes and then listen to Torres and the Republican candidates running to be President and you’ll hear for yourself Rush and the “Tea Party” point of view.
And Rick called to and did tell Rush he was wrong on the Cuban issue Rush was discussing.
Now that’s about right! The “social justice” mayor! Not a ringing endorsement for many.
You should know Rick was a Democrat until his early 40s. During that time he tried to be involved but was always on the side of the non-machine Democrats. He was involved in fighting the destruction of historic homes, he ran Democrat Jackie Cocco’s campaign for mayor, he ran for Board of Ed and City Council as a Democrat. In one case he lost to a dead man! After years of frustration he backed away from politics and focused on his family, his business and community organizations. He reentered politics after the Ganim fiasco in 2002. At that point he joined the Republican Party mainly because he believes the welfare state has done nothing to elevate people and instead has held them back for generations. If you listen to Rick speak, his message is all about fairness. Fairness to the poor, to the taxpayers and to the children. No one disputes he is honest and non-corruptible. Seems like a good place to start to remove the stigma that has been associated with Bridgeport for decades.
I was a Republican for exactly two years. I was an unaffiliated prior to 1989. In 1991 I became a Democrat and have never regretted it! Just thought I’d share.
Jennifer, what kind of deal did Rick Torres make with Democrat Chris Caruso when Chris was running for mayor and Rick was the top Republican in Bridgeport? Why was Rick stripped of being the Chairman of the Republican Town Committee? It seems Rick only looks for what is good for Rick.
I suggest you call Caruso and ask him if there was a deal. Rick was tossed from leadership because he publicly supported–oh no!–a qualified Democrat for mayor. I do not recall anyone on the Democrat side, or newspapers even hinting a deal had been made.
As an MJF supporter I probably shouldn’t post this but here goes. To the best of my knowledge, there was no “deal” between Caruso and Torres. At the time I was pretty close to Chris and had there been anything shady going on I’m pretty sure I would have known about it.
Having said that, I will now move on and urge everyone to work and vote for Mary-Jane Foster.
Oh and Jen, lose the cigarettes. Believe me you will feel better than you have in years once you quit.
Thanks for both, John!
The silly poll here is very telling. Foster is very tight with Ganim and her new campaign (G-d please let there be a completely different campaign, please G-d!) hasn’t even begun. I am getting excited. I expect Foster to become highly visible and her name to be seen everywhere in this city and not just on John Stafstrom’s front lawn. 🙂
Wutch you talkin’ ’bout, Willis?! 🙂
This type of poll has no statistical validity. When are we going to see a real poll? More importantly, when are we going to see a formal debate between the candidates so the voters can make a more informed decision?
OIB polls are inaccurate, to say the least. I’ll venture a guess Lennie sees a spike in new registrations and new activity by members who have been active for a long time. Ganim is a shady but savvy operator. He probably had a few stalwarts and campaign minions vote for him.
Rick Torres has no support in the black and Hispanic communities if Ron Mackey is to be believed. He underestimates the intelligence of the majority of voters in those communities by implying they will vote for a crook over a libertarian reformist.
Not everyone is as shortsighted.