In August of 2013, OIB began requiring the handles of all new registrations to include their full last name, with a few exceptions such as allowing an anonymous handle for a city employee who feared retribution for speaking out. All handles existing at that time were grandfathered.
What OIB handle policy do you support?
- The current OIB policy is appropriate. (39%, 74 Votes)
- Who cares? (31%, 59 Votes)
- No handles under any circumstances. (29%, 55 Votes)
Total Voters: 188

So long as a poster is respectful of others and does not engage in ad hominem attacks, then he/she should be able to use a handle. We can exchange differences of opinion without getting nasty.
I don’t care either way. If I know someone’s name or I don’t know someone’s name, that is not going to change my remarks. There are city employees and others who could get in trouble if they post on the blog. I don’t understand why this is a big deal to some.
Andy, why did you go from Town Committee to using your real name? You were one of the few who from time to time would have your name inside your comment.
What does my handle and every Bridgeport municipal pension have in common?
Answer: they were both promises made by an organization with Bridgeport in its name.
Lennie Grimaldi, THANK YOU for the poll. I have been reviewing eight years of OIB postings to catch up because I joined within the last year. I have found the HUGE MAJORITY of Handle postings to offer no super secretive background information that benefited the members here or helped to improve the qualitative/quantitative aspect of living in Bridgeport. The overwhelming amount were nasty remarks that had no information as to the behind the scenes dealings in Bridgeport. If someone wants to report something, let them report it to you directly and you can use your own journalistic and personal experience to report any information. To use handles as a license to say nasty things benefits NO ONE.
To be clear, I was born in Bridgeport and have been a life-long resident.
Frank Gyure, you have really summed it up the way I view it in not using your real name. Lennie said for a city employee who feared retribution for speaking out. Frank, you got it right when you said, “If someone wants to report something, let them report it to you directly and you can use your own journalistic and personal experience to report any information.” I really think that is the direction to go.
Nonsense, Ron and Don spew racism all the time. Andy (Rooney) Fardy often post derogatory comments strewn with expletives. The quality of the posts between Named and Handled posters is about even. There is also the idea you cannot be sure a named person is the person who belongs to that name. I do not know who you are and your name means about the same to me as a handle would. I could use any name as my handle. I could have chosen Frank Gyure or John Smith as my handle. I cannot be sure you are Frank Gyure and knowing your name does not add credence or quality to your posts.
My posts whether you agree with them or not, have been fair and balanced. If the post was a function of research a citation was provided. If the post was a matter of opinion, I could have been wrong. That is up to the reader. Please show one post from anyone that is nothing but a derogatory attack.
I agree with Frank.
Golly Gee, I wonder how the anonymous bloggers voted? How about those with the dynamic two handles who actually carry on conversations with themselves? Then of course you have Andy Fardy who really doesn’t care who is anonymously kicking his ass. I maintain, who in hell are city employees to get special treatment? Everyone out there who uses their real name has to deal with retribution and most times they do not know who is doing it because, well, they are anonymous.
When I began blogging it never crossed my mind to use anything but my name. I would have felt foolish using a made-up handle, plus I’m not very creative. However, I know when Finch was in office city employees were told not to blog unless what they had to say was favorable to the administration. I can’t help noticing no member of the city administration blogs using their names. I further believe Carolanne Curry was pulled off. Although she’s a strange one and had nothing to offer other than being offensive, the response to her by those who use their names was overwhelming, and I think she was told to stand down. In her situation she was creating a worse image of the administration than already exists. I personally prefer to know whom I’m responding to, but it really makes no difference to me.
To allow these anonymous posters the latitude to hide behind the cloak of anonymity and inscrutability is wrong in my not so humble opinion. If you’re going to post and what you are saying is supposed to be true and factual, then use your name so everyone knows who’s putting that opinion out in the atmosphere. Like Lisa, I never considered using anything but my real name, good, bad or indifferent. Whatever I say I want everyone who reads OIB to know what I said and who said what I said.
Right, Donald. I further feel knowing who’s saying what allows us to know each other better.
I agree with Donald Day, Frank Gyure, Lisa Parziale and Ron Mackey. To vote is silly since the majority of people who read and post are anonymous. Why should city employees who offer nothing get special treatment over anyone else? The shouldn’t and that is perfectly clear to any blogger who uses their real name. That’s like putting to a vote, How many Bridgeport residents care that Black Rock pays the highest property taxes in the city. Let the entire city vote and let’s see who cares!
How do you know City-employed or retired persons who read this are “giving nothing?” Some of us enjoy writing and sharing facts and opinions about our Bridgeport. Others enjoy reading. In so doing they form an opinion of the gravity and accuracy of material presented and develop a feeling of trust for a writer. Some of those reach out to a writer, off-line, and share information they feel unable because of personal fears to state under their own name.
Andy Fardy was TOWN COMMITTEE and I wrote under BEACON2 back in the day. When we became a duo looking at City financial matters we began to use our own names and presented our thoughts as B.O.B. standing for Budget Oversight Bridgeport. It was a responsibility we did not see in the City and despite the difficulties through the years in obtaining solid info, we have tried to point to those things that are not getting the job done, that are not fair or just, and that really demand improvement by City-elected structures including Mayor, BOE and City Council.
“Snitches” are described negatively in places, while “whistleblowers” are honored. Matter of perspective. Some people know the right things that should happen and wish to share the wrong things they see, but they want to do so safely. I get it. Maybe that’s why I am safe to approach. Courage is required to be a public watchdog, but so is perseverance, humility (to know when to apologize for being wrong or back off at other times) and integrity. Want to learn about being a City watchdog? Stay tuned. Time will tell.
Interesting vote totals. Thank you Mr.Grimaldi and all those who participated.
Name is Raymond Currytto. The handle comes from back when. I don’t care about this issue enough to change my handle. Peace.
Ray, I knew you back when your Mom and Dad were still here. I hope all is good for you. Now when I see your handle, I’ll pay more attention to what you say.
Hi Lisa, thank you, my parents were good people. Thank you for thinking of them. I am well, have a wonderful 9-year-old daughter. Hope things are good for you and yours. All the best.
My policy from now on is I will not address aliases either directly or indirectly. Their comments are a waste of time anyway.