We’re not scientific, but then again, we don’t limit our audience to only those with a landline telephone.
For whom will you vote in the November presidential election?
- Democrat Hillary Clinton (52%, 161 Votes)
- Republican Donald Trump (39%, 122 Votes)
- Libertarian Gary Johnson (5%, 16 Votes)
- Green Party Jill Stein (4%, 12 Votes)
Total Voters: 311

Gary Johnson didn’t even know what Aleppo was. Then again Donald Trump probably doesn’t either.
That dirty dog,Trump, thought they were talking about Alpo! It’s time for him to get off his Gravy Train.
Jill Stein met with Putin, need I say more? Also insists on being called Doctor. So does Stallworth, lol.
How any person with any scintilla of intelligence can support Donald Trump is beyond me.
Really, what has this bimbo done in the last 30 years?
Hillary Clinton has NOT filed multiple bankruptcies, which Trump has done. Shame on Trump for using and abusing the U.S. Bankruptcy laws so he can run away from any obligations.
And then there is that famous quote, IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD. We can use that same quote and apply it to the mess we are seeing on the Bridgeport Board of Education. Dennis Bradley, Joe Larcheveque and Eric McSpirit are walking away from the responsibilities they sought election to. Shame on these Three Stooges.
She did “take” $200k worth of items from the White House when she moved out, and was forced to return them. She claimed they were essentially broke when they left the White House, now have a net worth of, did I read about 200 million?
Four bankruptcies, which by law are legal, bankruptcy courts will throw a case out if it does not meet guidelines. Hardly qualifies as abusing.
According to you I don’t have a scintilla of intelligence.
Saw funny cartoon. Choice is the lesser of two evils or the evil of two lessers.
Votes for Johnson and Stein are wasted votes. Admirable but all votes for Johnson and Stein are, essentially, votes for Trump. Keep that in mind, please.
NY Times is reporting Donald Trump has not paid federal income taxes in nearly 20 years. The lying, thieving bastard. This is why he has not released his tax returns. Here’s a new flash for all of you Trump supporters; The Donald pays nothing, YOU pay more.
Trump is under fiduciary obligation to his stockholders to take every tax deduction allowed by law. Trump has stated he is audited almost every year, so either his taxes are legal and correct, or he pays fines. The point is, the US tax code is broken. Remember, Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary? I have no idea what Trump’s plan is regarding the tax code, but the narrative the US government is not your friend because of the tax laws and loopholes, just look at how much I legally don’t have to pay, plays pretty well to the fed-up public. And looking at the taxes his companies pay in payroll, local, state and property taxes is most likely a pretty high number.
Wait a minute, the entire 435 members of the House and the entire 100 members of the Senate do the bidding to get as much money for their own district and State and that’s what the voters expect so when we are paying farmers not to farm or giving tax breaks for digging for oil everybody gets mad because their district or State is not getting that break but it’s okay here in Connecticut when we get those contracts to build jet engines. Trump and others in the same situation lobby to get those tax breaks and they make big donations to those House and Senate members.
Exactly, Ron. Which is why I like Ike, or Johnson.
Keep drinking that Kool-Aid, Jennifer. If no one else loves you The Donald does. And this is why he has refused to disclose his personal tax returns? Because he has a fiduciary responsibility?
Spoken like a true Republican.
I think he absolutely needs to disclose his tax returns. Which has nothing to do with fiduciary responsibility to stockholders. Golly gee, you should be a DJ.
Trump would not confirm or deny the fact but a spokesman for the campaign said he would SUE the New York Times.
Four years with this buffoon as president and the United States will be looked at as a developing banana republic by the rest of the world.
The USA Today, the Washington Post and the Arizona Republic editorial board endorsed Clinton, marking the first time it had backed a Democrat for president in its 126-year history. The Dallas Morning News, the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Houston Chronicle, all with traditionally conservative editorial pages, have also backed Clinton in recent months. The Enquirer has supported Republicans for president for nearly a century. The Morning News hadn’t backed a Democrat for the White House since before World War II.
Andy and Gary, a scintilla of intelligence, right.
For me, I decide for myself on whom I vote for. I’m not intimidated by the name-calling or opinions of others. There are a few guides I use when voting for the President of The United States. A couple of them are who is pandering/lying more for votes and who would do the best job for EVERY citizen of the USA.
The beauty of secret ballot voting, IT’S A SECRET.
PS, and you don’t have to be intelligent to vote, God Bless America.
just look at her speaking fees from Wall Street. Look at the countries that have contributed to the Clinton foundation. At first she was for the pacific trade agreement then changed her mind when Trump came out against it. Again Benghazi and e-mails.
Andy, please. Trump changes his stance on an issue in the middle of a sentence. He has no credibility and no plans.
Tell me about Hillary and Benghazi plus Hillary and 33,000 missing e-mails. Tell me about the pay-to-play Clinton Foundation.
Trump just wants to become Twitter-in-Chief.
That is hilarious, Bob; Twitter-in-Chief. That I might vote for.
And the NY Times actually said: “Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.”
Could have–being their opinion. Could have allowed.
All your questions could be answered with The Donald making his tax returns public.