Former Mayor Joe Ganim has once again apologized for crimes that drove him from office. Do you believe he's sincere?
- No, he's a phony (51%, 94 Votes)
- Yes, he deserves a second chance (43%, 80 Votes)
- Not sure (5%, 10 Votes)
Total Voters: 184

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As of 8:42am March 12, 2015 it is clear from this poll with 18 people voting so far, there is a tidal wave of support for Joe Ganim to run. Let’s see, we can name some of them. Fox, Parziale, Day, Mackey, MAGOO, etc., etc., etc. Good Luck. This is going to be exciting. Did someone say the Ganim supporters are the former Foster supporters??? I will say maybe Joe’s plan is just to get the bad press and PR out of the way this election cycle and then in four years go for the gold. Other than this blog there really isn’t any news about this. Besides, Charlie Coviello is running. 🙂 Watch out!
Q. How many times in your life do you get invited to vote more than once on the same question?
A. (From OIB) Are you talking about the suburbs or Bridgeport?
Q. I am talking about Bridgeport and your offer above.
A. Well those of us who have observed behavior at the polls or over the absentee ballots know multiple votes are part of history in the City. So just answer, please, and don’t make a Federal case out of it. OK?
Time will tell.
Hey Lennie, I just checked the poll numbers and I have a feeling all appointed city workers have been ordered to vote in the negative, or else!