OIB Election Fraud Story Highlighted By New York Post – CT Republicans Seek Election Investigation From Feds

Days after OIB wrote this following an exclusive with arrested City Councilman Alfredo Castillo, one of five charged with election fraud, Connecticut Republicans called on U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi to launch a probe into allegations of election fraud in Bridgeport after “eyebrow-raising comments by one of the accused spurred concerns about systemic scandal in the state,” according to the New York Post.

From the NY Post story:

Connecticut General Assembly Republicans sent a letter to US Attorney General Pam Bondi after Bridgeport City Council Member Alfredo Castillo claimed he was only “following orders” from Democratic leaders to get out the vote as he denied wrongdoing in connection to allegations of fraud in the city’s 2023 mayoral race.

Arrested Councilman Castillo: “I’m innocent – I’m Following The Orders Of The Democratic Party”

“I’m innocent,” Castillo told Only in Bridgeport after his Feb. 21 arrest. “I’m following the orders of the Democratic Party. This is what they tell us to do, get out the vote. Then we get criminalized.”

Days after those comments Connecticut Republicans like State Rep. Vincent Candelora wrote and sent a letter to the DOJ requesting an investigation.

“Councilman Castillo’s own words suggest a broader operation at play, involving efforts to benefit high-profile Democratic candidates at the state and federal levels,” Candelora said of the investigation during a press conference Friday.

Castillo in his interview with Only in Bridgeport also bemoaned that he’s “pissed and frustrated” to face the criminal charges, claiming, “If we don’t get out the vote, Ganim loses.”

When responding to the allegation that he registered a non-citizen to vote, he said, “How am I supposed to know? She gave me a social security number.”



  1. In military life, “just following orders” has a special importance, if factual. But it is not often an excuse for behavior in business, government, or church affairs when considered from a legal viewpoint. However, if it is a strong part of the explanation for widespread Bridgeport-style behavior, as well as the ‘silence of the lower level political lambs’ for far too long, then perhaps attention to such longstanding activity is due. When recognized by so many, if not those with oversight, corrective, and/or enforcement obligations, is it time to seek confirming evidence? “Trust but verify” has a special meaning in these days.

    Where are statements from all suspected participants, in a legal setting and under oath, to describe a system that prevailed and produced such underwhelming use of the ballot on election day? Does lack of trust or belief in the rights of each citizen as being meaningful result? Does this result in poor CIVICS when 3-4 times as many do not share their response or preference on Election Day, thereby preventing neighbors and other taxpayers learning what is on the minds of fellow non-voters from a governance viewpoint? Do we need to talk more about this subject locally? Who will listen and become concerned enough to act? Time will tell.

  2. In seven (7) words: Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

    Is any OIB reader, ‘reading between the lines’ of Alfredo Castillo’s statement? Castillo is indicating his willingness to testify against Wanda Geter, who is the Bridgeport DTC Secretary as well as DTC district leader of the 136th. district; his closest friend and political ally, facing 95 plus counts of AB fraud.

    Alfredo Castillo did not learn his Absentee Ballot Magic Skills from Wanda Geter. Alfredo Castillo is a graduate from the Andres Ayala School of AB Magic.
    One doesn’t get to be: Elected to the City Council; Rise to Council President; Get elected and re-elected as Stare Representative; Get elected and re- elected as State Senator; Finish the political climb as Connecticut Department of Mitir Vehicles Commissioner.

    How do you think Alfredo Castillo has managed to acquire false documentation and drivers licenses for himself and others?


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