Democratic Congressman Jim Himes today released a schedule of debates with his Republican opponent Steve Obsitnik whose campaign lashed out at the incumbent for what it claims is Himes’ refusal to join a debate at Sacred Heart University moderated by political science professor Gary Rose.
“Jim Himes has demanded that Gary Rose step aside as moderator in favor of Himes’ good friend, a past National President of the League of Women Voters,” claims Obsitnik campaign spokesperson Amanda Bergen. “Rose is the department chair of political science at Sacred Heart University, and has a long history of moderating 4th District debates. In fact, he moderated a Congressional debate between Jim Himes and Congressman Christopher Shays in 2008. Rather than defend his legislative record, Himes is resorting to political tricks to avoid an honest debate on the issues. Steve Obsitnik has accepted every invitation to debate Jim Himes. He believes the voters of Fairfield County deserve an honest, detailed discussion about the economic crisis in this country, and the best path forward. Himes has agreed to only four debates, and now he’s attempting to shape the circumstance in his favor. His good friend is already slated to moderate half of those debates. Does he really need a safety net for another one?”
The Obsitnik campaign did not release the name of the LWV official.
Statement from Himes for Congress Campaign Manager Justin Myers:
Steve Obsitnik is desperately trying to mislead voters and rig the debates to hide the fact that he doesn’t have a plan to create jobs or reduce the deficit. Jim clearly respects Dr. Rose and recently participated in a collegial forum moderated by him. The campaign suggested to Dr. Rose that he possibly combine his debate with the League of Women Voters, as many other local organizations have done to create the best possible debates and ensure the largest possible audiences–in case Obsitnik finally proposes an actual plan. Since he failed to vote in six elections since registering to vote in 2005, we don’t have high hopes that Obsitnik will even attend all the scheduled debates.
The statewide average for debates in a Congressional race is four, the same as in this race.
Gary Rose is a registered Republican.
Obsitnik and Gary Rose are colleagues at Sacred Heart.
The campaign suggested to Dr. Rose that he possibly combine his debate with the League of Women Voters, as many other local organizations have done to create the best possible debates and ensure the largest possible audiences–in case Obsitnik finally proposes an actual plan.
Debate schedule from Himes:
BRIDGEPORT, CT — Today Jim Himes announced the debate schedule for the Congressional race in Connecticut’s Fourth District. The diverse set of debates will provide an opportunity for voters to hear from the candidates on a wide range of issues from the economy to the federal budget and the future of Medicare and Social Security.
“I look forward to discussing my vision for the future of southwest Connecticut and our nation and to hearing any plans my opponent is ready to propose,” said Himes. “I look forward to high turnout and a robust discussion.”
Debates will include:
Sponsor: World Affairs Forum
October 10 in Stamford
Sponsor: Greater Norwalk Chamber of Commerce, Stamford Chamber of Commerce
October 18 in Norwalk
Sponsor: League of Women Voters
October 28 in Wilton
Sponsor: AARP
Date and time TBD
Take off the skirt, Jimmy!
www .youtube.com/watch?v=nbZEkFLXh9Y
Steve O–if your best shot is against the League of Women Voters (who are actually trying to help people know and articulate your last name), you need to maybe think this through. Like issues. Like substance. Unless you can tell us otherwise, you have none …
At least Himes and Obsitnik are talking about debates. Rosa DeLauro is avoiding her opponent like he’s got some kind of disease. Well, I guess she just takes all the folks for granted. Oh, did you know her opponent is a black man? Dodgin’ a Brother, Rosa?
www .youtube.com/watch?v=YWdaZeWrwzk