East End City Councilman Ernie Newton, acknowledging it’s a dramatic step for his community, announced on Thursday he’s proposing a controversial “stop and frisk” policy following the death of 12-year-old Clinton Howell who police say was an unintended target of a drive-by shooting.
“When you’re killing our babies, it’s time to send a serious message,” Newton told OIB about the policy adopted years ago–since pulled back by New York City police–that temporarily detains, searches and questions pedestrians for weapons. It came under fire for racial profiling that disproportionately impacted African Americans and Latinos.
In 2013 U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled the policy, as implemented, violated the rights of minorities.
Newton contends Bridgeport must implement a policy not a drastic as the one in New York City, adding he will discuss it with police officials and City Attorney’s Office. Still, it’s a bold step by Newton who expects some pushback on his proposal.
He received it quickly from former Board of Education member Kate Rivera, a social justice advocate whose family has been impacted by gun violence. She provided grief counseling to students at Bridge Academy that Clinton Howell attended.
She describes Newton’s proposal as an “inherently racist policy that does not work and puts Black and Brown boys at risk in our city. Stop and Frisk has proven to be successful 1% of the time! ONE percent! … This knee-jerk reaction to tragedy will just cause more (harm). Our community will not allow stop and frisk to occur here … I did grief counseling at Bridge yesterday with 12-year-olds about their murdered friend. I get this. I am there. But we don’t backtrack and unearth ineffective and racist policies as a knee-jerk reaction to tragedy.”
She told Newton that his proposed policy is misplaced.
“I told him what he can do is help fully fund our schools, best practice diversions & resources, mentoring programs and youth employment initiatives.”
More from Rivera
Yesterday, Councilman Ernest Newton proposed instituting the infamous policy failure Stop and Frisk here in Bridgeport. This is an ill-conceived knee-jerk reaction to unspeakable tragedy. Stop and Frisk has proven time and again to be ineffective as guns were found in 1 out of every 1000 stops. The policy is inherently racist as 87% of those stopped were people of color and would serve only to put our community’s Black and Brown men and boys at greater risk. Our community will not accept Stop & Frisk or any variation of it. If Bridgeport is serious about stopping gun violence we will invest in fully funding our schools including a monumental increase in guidance counselors, social workers and school psychologists to deal with the constant onslaught of urban trauma our scholars face on a daily basis. We will fund best practice interventions, proven community resources, paid mentoring & youth employment programs. We will triple the staff and funding to StreetSafe and the Juvenile Review Board. Data shows these two programs are effective in preventing violence and juvenile justice involvement among our most vulnerable and high risk youth. Yet shockingly they are the first to lose funding when there is a budgetary crisis! In short, we know what works. FUND IT!
Sincerely, Kate Rivera
Social Justice Advocate & Educator, Bridgeport Generation Now Action Council Member & Former Bridgeport Board of Education Member
WOW!!!! C’Mon Man, do some research and speak to others in big cities and get the pros and cons, this is a terrible idea.
Kate Rivera is 100% correct. Stop & Frisk in NY was challenged in a court of law and the plaintiffs prevailed.
Who does Ernie Newton think is commiting violent crime in Bridgeport? Those that received an appropriate education with wrap-around services or those that are likely drop-outs who feel they have no other opportunities or options other than gang banging, drug dealing, crime?
If you want proof that fully funding public schools dramatically impacts outcomes and communities just look at our bordering towns. Does Fairfield, Trumbull, Monroe and Stratford have the same social ills as Bridgeport? No, they don’t.
You want to fix Bridgeport, invest in the education of our children.
Maria, Kate is the real solution to gun violence or crime in general solely the need for more funding for the BOE. While I’ll agree with Kate on the need for youth employment , mentoring programs, yet a lot of these program far exceed the scope and expertise and should not be in the hands of the BOE. Like summer programs, boys and girls clubs, places for youths to go. Maria didn’t the BOE try to prevent some after school program that helps towards these ideas that Kate mentioned. Maria wouldn’t the BOE not let them use building under control by the BOE, be it building paid by the state and city taxpayers, until they paid the BOE? Way to go to put your funding over the needs of the students in the port BOE Lets not deflect about funding or racism people, over the issue. Maria surly your Thomas Hooker “diverse “Affluent” community students don’t have such a drop out rate, crime, gang banging, drugs over “those” black and Hispanic community. You, BOE, are allotting the the BOE funding to the city schools equally right. While the school system has and can have a hand in preventing crime by our youth, you know who also has a has a hand in prevention along with solving crime, the police. Because when there’s a crime or a situation is a perceived threat, people are not calling or seeking the BOE intervention, Maria. So lets not prevent one hand to help curve the crime, violence be it by or our youth or an adult. Since Ron likes to tout the city is 70% minority racial profiling is like throwing a rock in the ocean, you are going to hit water. the real problem about racial profiling would not be stop and frisk but stop and ticket by the police that no one seems to have an out cut for. You know FUNDING. off point real quick. Is it me but are pedestrians get hit by cars more frequently, something need to be done on that? Ernie’s on point. It’s a tool cops can use. Like anything and everything in these world. It’s who and how it’s implemented and nothing has been more abused in this world then the concept of the need of “FUNDING”
Just so much to unwrap here. Robert, you truly lack just basic knowledge on BPS and anything to do with the Lighthouse Program which serves as a slush fund for patronage jobs for Mario Testa and Mayor Ganim. It is run by someone who is not a certified educator and is Mayor Ganim’s former lover. She is married to John Ricci’s longtime partner’s brother.
You simply don’t know what you are posting about.
She was married. Her husband passed away many, many years ago.
Tom Kelly, she is married right now. Tammy Pappa is married to the brother of John Ricci’s longtime girlfriend.
Tammy is not married to anyone connected to John Ricci. She was married to my second cousin, Michael Rizzitelli, who passed away many years ago. Tammy has remarried and is happy and proud of her daughter Jackie who was born when she and Michael were married.
Who cares who married married who? Maria I know you are not a bright person so I’ll give you time to unwrap it. 🙂 My point was simple You placed lack of funding as the reason to Bridgeport problems, specifically gun violence because that was the topic. Regardless of the funding BBOE allots its resources equally among the schools and its districts, right? so if BPS lacks funding every school and neighborhood should have the same ills because of it, but they do not. So Lack of Funding in not the sole problem. PS I’m glad you were able to unwrap lack of base knowledge and named the after school program I brought up, and all government is a form a patronage jobsand slush fund, including the school system.
Who cares about who f***s who. THe problem is that the BPT Lighthouse program does not pay for its use of BPT BOE property. Maybe there is some some whoring around to get that done
Your first statement is on point, while Maria maybe smart she lack grace. Who does the BPT lighthouse serves. Bridgeport student, the city residents. They should pay for lights, clean up supplies, ects, the operational cost, but not rent to the BOE. It’s the school was built for the student and the city. They just want a cut of their “funding” that’s seems like the whole game. In the end it’s all taxpayer money right ?
Ernie, I know you are frustrated and saddened about recent and past senseless shootings, but you know what will happen if the suggested policy becomes practice. It will start out with practices and limitations while conducting such a search, and will result in excessive actions towards those subjected to “frisk and search.” This has not worked in the past, it resulted in unfairness, and in some cases was not justified. I admire your concern and willingness to address and toss around possible means to attempt to curb the violence and loss of life to innocent people, but this is not the way to go. Please keep trying. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thanks, Lisa
When innocent people are dying on our streets and Our Babies can’t walk the street and feel safe.Something is wrong. I know a lot of people don’t trust police officers because of whats going on in our country from past to present. We can’t let the bad guys WIN! We will be having a forum in the New year and have discussions on this issue. Lisa have a Merry Christmas you and your family.
Michelle Alexander: Why is Racial Profiling Such a Critical Issue?
Stop-and-Frisk: The Police Officer
Brother Newton, you know I love you like a play brother, but this is probably the worst idea you have ever had. “stop and frisk” policy violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s promise of equal protection, as Black and Hispanic people are subject to stops and searches at a higher rate than whites.
C’mon man I feel your frustration and the sadness of another young brother being taken away before he could reach his full potential as a person, but stop and frisk isn’t the answer.
Don, At lease I will not sit back and watch innocent people being killed in our streets especially OUR BABIES! I’ve been in the Struggle a long time Stop and Frisk may not be the way But our way isn’t WORKING!
Ernie, you said, “our way isn’t WORKING,” what is our way? One way and only one way is NOT hiring new police officers who have no background or history of working with black children and especially young black men, hiring Bridgeport residents is s start plus these children see somebody who looks like them and reside where they do.
Ron your way is it just black and white. Like a black officer can’t go afoul. https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/12/us/baltimore-police-beating-video/index.html
I can see where some people are taken back by Ernie’s comment. The mere suggestion of Stop and Frisk has people saying no way not here. Ok what would work that no one would object to? What is going to prevent the next gun related death in Bridgeport because sadly there is going to be another one. When that happens the same comments are going to come up again.
It seems there is no fear with carrying a gun especially with juveniles. They know it’s just a slap on the wrist. People say it’s the Black and Hispanics that are going to unfairly targeted by the police with Stop and Frisk yet it is Black and Hispanics that are also dying on the street. Even if a shooting is not life threatening it’s life altering. Crystal balls are not in police cars so there is no insight where the next gunplay is going to be. Then people are going to say where were the cops? The cops need to do a better job. The shot spotter gadget will not tell you who squeezed the trigger. It’s going to tell you what you already know. People are quick to record the cops when they are doing something wrong, where are the same videos of these people with guns? Where is the cooperation with an investigation? When is enough enough?
I agree there has to be a balance with public safety and people’s rights. Guns are here and will always be here. Give kids choices and jobs that’s a good start but once again where is the money coming from? Any program that can reach kids at the elementary level is great but what about the high school kids or the kids and young adults that feel it is okay to carry a gun and quick to use it?
It is going to be a community effort to put a stop to gun violence. Parents and care givers talk to their kids. Know where their kids are, who they are with and what they are doing. Sadly a funeral can be a teaching moment especially if the death was by a gun. A long sentence in jail is another teaching moment an example of bad choices.
Perhaps it is time to ask the kids what they would like to see done about gun violence? You have to start somewhere.
. Parkland school shooting: It happened on Valentine’s Day — an act of senseless hate by a gunman with a semi-automatic rifle who killed 15 students and two staff members at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Previous mass shootings had prompted passionate calls for tighter gun-control laws, but this time was different. A group of student survivors at the school, soon joined by allies nationwide, launched the March for Our Lives movement that organized massive walkouts and peaceful protests at schools across the country. The movement remains active, and has helped energize the broader campaign for tougher gun laws.
That was a news article from the Sun Sentinel Dec. 20, 2018.
A twelve-year old boy was killed by a bullet meant for someone else. That is tragic. The police department is hamstrung due to low staffing and a police chief that owes his job to kissing Mario Testa’s ring and Joe Ganim’s ass. I applaud Mr. Newton for this bold step. It may not be to everyone’s liking but it is effective in taking guns off the streets. If previous administrations had done more to stimulate the local economy and create long-term jobs that pay a living wage the city’s young men, whatever their color or ethnicity, would not be so easily tempted by a life of crime.
Address the problem here. Knock off the political correctness. That’s just so much bullshit. Bridgeport is one third Latino, one third African-American. Stop and frisk EVERYONE and there’s a 60% chance of finding a black of Latino in possession of an unregistered firearm that is also stolen.
Having the police stop and frisk individuals just because they “look suspicious” I do not strike me as a way to make the people trust the police more. Rather, I think it will take a bad situation and make it worse and drive the wedge between policy and community even further. Wouldn’t creating substations in the community and having the policy do patrols, building inroads be a better, long term solution?
Bad idea!! Let’s have the cops stop stop innocent people all over bridgeport to frisk them wtffff. No no no to this dum idea!
I just left Bridge-Academy and it wasn’t a dye eye in the school. An innocent baby killed by a person or persons with a gun. I asked them how many of them felt safe. I’m sure Kate nor Maria has ever been stop by a police officer and searched. I have and my sons have. The Family thanked me for at lease trying to get guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. I for one will never be a prisoner in my community or my city. Stop and Frisk may not be the best answer but for evil to prevail is for Good Men to do NOTHING!
You are correct when you indicate that whatever STOP AND FRISK as a police measure means to City residents today, pro or con, it does seem a step towards keeping the current evil situation from rolling on without hard study of possible alternatives and good community discussion.
In the background we are not learning about success in carrying out a policy with care that might move towards COMMUNITY POLICING where respect and trust are part of human relationship in the City. This is unfinished business that has been unimportant to Ganim2- not a priority and not something he has emphasized to his Police Commission appointees or his Police Chief. It was easier to make sure that ‘long standing personal relationship’ was honored in the appointment of Chief Perez. Significant professional education and training of other candidates and exemplary career success administratively were not part of the winning resume. Rather the CTPost chronicled dropping the ball (police overtime with outsider Nardozzi fails to move dial; Linda Lee – van destruction turns into claim against City and legal fee paid by taxpayers; white supremacy evidence uncovered but not thorough going investigation with report to community in case of “retirement” of former Captain Mark Straubel’s internet postings to one of Chief’s secretaries; communications and lengthy delays in death of Jayson Negron; questions of record keeping and availability of info in Records area at time of Police Commission Chair re-appointment; and more)
And finally there is genuine concern in Bridgeport about money of all kinds that is budgeted, borrowed, raised in fees and how it works to create a “great living” for a few, but a dead end of info, evaluation or citizen burden as taxes for the many.
As the Chief moves into his new contract and out of Union membership, can the community look at his salaries in recent years (said to be averaging $175,000 annually) and see how and where Compensatory Time fairly fits into the financial equation, where rumor has such comp time payout at over $300,000. Personnel funding is an expense for taxpayers locally. It does not come from Federal grants, which also is paid by income taxes. Yet contract details and other specific cumulative fiscal data is closely held back. Why is that? Time will tell.
Maybe GB NAACP needs another forum on community policing? We did it once. Let’s do it again! Work groups and a conversation with the community and leaders who are already doing this work, like Street Safe. Rather than trying to invent something, let’s support the organizations that are already making a difference. I’m sure Educators 4 Excellence, Fairfield County Community, and other non-profits would partner together with the people to discuss the issue and bring ideas to the elected leaders. The answers will come from working together with each other and then together to change the system. The people must change and become educated, before moving government systems. Community organizing is key. Kudos to Kate for her letter and kudos to Ernie for offering an idea that sparked debate and got folks thinking—that’s all positive steps in the right direction.
Tina, you’re correct!
“Ernie Newton says he wont pursue stop and frisk bill” good!!! This was a bad idea! I’m 100% pro police but no innocent person should be singled out and frisked. When people sacrafice their rights for security they will lose both! How about fixing that bad school system bridgeport is known for and the high taxes. Working class people are moving out of bridgeport in droves and people do not want to buy houses in bridgeport because of high taxes and bad school system!! I’ve known tons of people who have moved out of bridgeport in the last 3 years because of bad school system and high taxes. These are college educated minorities who are from Bridgeport and soon as they make it they move out especially to the valley. We need to keep those people here not make them move out and invest in another town. Stop and frisk targets minorities especially black men. I would not want to live in a city where I can be stopped by police for anything!!! I feel your heart is in the right place ernie and I respect the efforts you are making but something else should be done.
The problem with Ernie’s solution and the choir of Stringfellow and Derek’s response to this senseless shooting is they are laying the blame on black’s and Latino’s rather than on the propensity of Guns.
This year, 113 people have been killed or injured in school shootings in the United States. Not one of those school shooting were done by a Black or Latino and not one time have I heard either one of these individuals say to start stop and frisk of young white males in the suburbs.
The answer can’t be to violate the civil rights of inner city young Black’s and Latino’s who for the most part are good kids who have never owned or shot a gun and that one’s race is a precursor to violent activities. The reality is that the individuals that perpetuate these killings are a few malcontents and not our youth as a whole. To say that just because a young Black or latino shoots someone then every young Black and Latino is a possible shooter of innocent people and they deserve to be subjected to this humiliating practice.
No they (whites) want to arm teachers to stop white youths from shooting schools , but no schools have to be gun free zones. Arming teacher is the white, black stop and frisk, (kind of) It Just no good, ( we need common sense gun laws)
. Ernie Newton is trying to make the city a safer place. Little Joe Ganim and his administration of the politically appointed are interested in photo ops and media coverage
Well, for once, I agree with Ernie Newton on this issue ! The only way to take illegal handguns off the street is by either “Stop And Frisk” or by doing apartment to apartment searches for illegal weapons, which would be a much greater invasion of privacy than “Stop And Frisk”. Any sensible person would have to agree with this policy; unless of course, you value the rights of Criminals above the rights of Victims !
PavlickInTheNorthend, let’s go into the home’s of white males and check them for guns because white males are responsible for almost all school, movie theaters and mass shootings. Only a fool would hold every Black and Latino guilty for the actions of a few. I am outraged and appalled that Ernie subscribed to white logic that says when a Black does something then all Black’s are governed by the actions of that particular individual (what wrong with those people). Yet when that crazy white boy killed those lovely young kids in Newtown it was never an indictment on all white males, just him. Ernie, I thought you were better than this.
Donald, exactly what part of “Stop And Frisk” mandates that police only stop Blacks ?????
Basically “Stop and Frisk” allows police to stop ANY people who are loitering, “hanging out”, blocking doorways or otherwise misbehaving in public, or who are acting in a suspicious manner. For example: it is odd and suspicious for a person on a hot summer day to be wearing a bulky coat and a hoodie, unless they are concealing weapons and their identity as well. But that kind of behavior is not limited to Blacks only. Are you being racist, by implying that only young Blacks are capable of loitering and those other actions described ????
And now YOU are being racist by attributing some Headline shooting by mentally disturbed Whites, where the total number of deaths are minimal compared to the 30-40 youths murdered in Chicago and other US cities on a weekly basis! Where is the outrage about THAT? And since the victims of most shootings in Bridgeport are either Black or Hispanice, don’t THOSE LIVES MATTER ??????
C’ Mon Man, are you for real, when has that ever happen in America’s history that whites have been treated like blacks with police?
So the Bridgeport Police Department should not be allowed to stop and frisk black and Latino men because it might infringe upon their civil rights? Pardon me for saying so but that would allow the proliferation of illegal firearms on the streets. A twelve-year old boy is dead because a gangbanger with lousy aim shot up a street corner. If the suspect is African-American should the police just let him go to offend again simply because his people have been oppressed for 300 years?
Ernie, let deal with fact and the history of stop and frisk and not emotion.
The facts about stop-and-frisk in New York City
Trump pledges to introduce the controversial policy to Chicago — despite a lack of evidence it was effective in his home town.
Will ‘stop and frisk’ protect “black and brown men and boys” from the “onslaught of urban trauma”?
Not likely.
Will spending non-existent funds for more guidance counsellors , social workers, and school psychologists and taxpayer funded programs make a difference? Wishful thinking.
I don’t know what educational or clinical background Kate Rivera has that would qualify her as an expert to be listened to. I know that Ernie Newton is a graduate of the ‘school of hard knocks’ and may ruffle feathers at times.
Ernie is endorsing a short-term policing approach. There are no guarantees of measurable success, but it sends a message to law abiding people that the police are trying to indentify possible trouble-makers.
The ultimate solution is reestablishing parenting, family values and norms of behavior that is evident in groups that do not have violent behavior.
Tom White..most respectfully..do you have a plan that will” re-establish parenting,family values and norms of behavior.” I am curious. That is a pretty broad statement. Can you give us any day to day details?
PavlickInTheNorthend, until you educate yourself on the intricacies and the pros and cons of stop and frisk and how it was being used in violation of people’s civil rights, then you and I have nothing else to talk about.
Let’s get real here ! I doubt very much that a Black church lady has ever been stopped and frisked anywhere ! The only people being stopped are those who are loitering, hanging out in groups that resemble gangs, and those blocking doorways of stores and other buildings, who also look suspicious. Never mind the “rights” of gang members” ! What about the rights of minority children like that little 12 year old, gunned down in the street !
Let’s have curfew for blacks and brown children and teenagers and men and let’s make sure that they have their ID with them, sounds like South Africa apartheid.
Get off your high horse, Ron. Crime is crime is crime, no matter who the perpetrators are.
This proposal from Ernest Newton is simply wrong. This proposal belongs in totalitarian states(countries). It has been discredited as being wrong,unfair and ineffective. Ernest Newton lost a lot of credibility with his proposal and may pay for it a long time. “A rising tide lifts all boats” is a better policy than putting everyone under suspicion and creating a police state.
Derek, so are you suggesting that gangbangers are wearing signs that say Gangbanger here or are you saying that all young Black and Latino youth are suspected gangbangers until such time that the police search them to make sure that they are not strapped. How do you tell the difference between said Gangbanger and just another kid from the neighborhood who happens to be passing by and stops to talk to his friends. Now he’s asked to consent to a stop and frisk. He did nothing wrong just stopped to talk to friends while living in a certain neighborhood. So now every young Black and Latino Male that lives in certain neighborhoods are suspected gangbangers? Derek, you’re sharper than man.
And I ask.,, The Mass Butchering at Sandy Hook did do nothing. Sandy Hook was an existential moment. The United States of America walked away from this mindless butchery.
That shows the power of the NRA, 20 white babies are shot dead by a young white male and nothing happen to change gun laws. Here in Bridgeport we have the tragic death of a innocent 12 year old Clinton Howell who is black and the answer to this crime is to stop and frisk, so who are you going to stop and frisk, will the police have there body camera working and their car camera working.
Derek, what’s this bullshit, “Get off your high horse,” I see that you are showing your true color now. I stand up and speak out as a black man about a life and death issue concerning blacks with facts and comments from those in the field and your reply to me is “Get off your high horse,” now that’s being white.
Get over yourself, Ron. You’re tacitly suggesting it is acceptable for black men to commit crime.
Derek, the subject is not me. Tell us some of the history of where stop and frisk has been successful?
I understand the history of “stop and frisk” policies being abused by uniformed law enforcement personnel. I also understand the need for safe streets and keeping guns out of the hands of individuals that intend to do harm. So let’s just abandon “stop and frisk,” let the police just skip cruising Stratford Avenue and East Main Street. Tell the uniforms not to detain anyone in those neighborhoods for suspicious behavior.
Most states in America have “open and carry” laws that refers to the practice of “openly carrying a firearm in public,” Derek, here is your answer, the police can just keep on doing what they have been doing but citizens will do the work.
C’mon Derek, no one is tacitly or otherwise insinuating or intimating that crime is acceptable for black’s. Most of the culprits of the worst mass shootings since the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999 have been white males. That’s 223 people killed and yet you or no one else has suggested that we do stop and frisk on white males. Why?
Let me answer that for Derek, because on has nothing to do with the other. A white kid shoots up a school doesn’t mean all white kids will shoot up a school, just like if one black shoots another doesn’t mean that all black’s will shoot another. If we are going to abridge the constitutional rights of someone let’s do that to everyone that owns a gun and take them away rather than some innocent Black kid that happens to live in a certain neighborhood.
When it comes to school shooters you’re right. They have all been honkies. I think they should all be put to death. “Diminished capacity” is not a valid defense. If the defendant is that fucked up its time to cull the herd, get rid of the mutants.
As I said above, CRIME IS CRIME IS CRIME. I’m not going to sort it out according to race or ethnicity. It’s not a deck of cards.
Derek, while you don’t want to sort crime by race or ethnicity you are advocating solutions by race or ethnicity. You advocate violating the civil rights of black’s by random checks of black’s, but you’ve never done the same thing for white school shooters, white mass shooting killers or white mass killers of innocent church goers. Why is that?
I’m not advocating the violation of anyone’s civil rights. If the police observe individuals loitering and behaving in a suspicious manner they have the probably cause to investigate. That includes searching persons and belongings. If the police turn up illegal firearms, narcotics, stolen property or other nefarious contraband should the cops let the suspect walk because he or she is black or Latino?
Let me first say, “I am tired of watching innocent people in our community being killed by unlawful gun carrying people”. Today, I spoke to Scott Esdaile, President of the NAACP of the State of CT. He made a great point that the stop and frisk policy would not accomplish what I’m trying to do and that is to stop young men from shooting up our community and killing one another. He made it clear that good people in the city of Bridgeport did not kill the young boy. It was my intention to try to stop all the violence in our city. I will find other ways to keep these guns out of the hands of bad people.
Derek, this is the problem, ” If the police observe individuals loitering and behaving in a suspicious manner.”
Who determines who meets the criteria? Young Black men hanging out in their community is loitering whether it be on a certain street or area? I did it as a young man growing up on the East End and I was never a gangbanger. Who determines exactly what is behaving suspiciously and who meets that criteria? So all the police has to say he was acting suspicious so we frisked him whether they found anything or not. I’m in the neighborhood 2 or 3 times a week and I’ve yet to see someone behaving suspiciously, but I’m sure white suburban Bridgeport police will see a myriad of young Black men acting suspiciously. What you see is in the eyes of the beholder and that what makes stop and frisk so dangerous to anyone that isn’t white.
You ought to direct your inquiries to the police officers that carry out “stop and frisk” protocols. The BPD is not all one color, race or creed.