UPDATE: Ernie Newton, the self-proclaimed Moses of his peeps, was endorsed Wednesday night at the Democratic convention at Testo’s Restaurant setting up his return to the State House seat he occupied for 15 years that includes his East End voter base. William Marshall, a city minister who attended the Democratic Party convention, had contemplated a primary but told OIB Thursday afternoon he will not be a candidate.
Newton occupied Connecticut’s 124th State Assembly seat prior to election to the State Senate that followed a federal corruption probe forcing Newton from office and subsequent prison time. Newton also awaits a trial date on state charges accusing him of violating campaign finance laws. Newton denies the charges.
In his acceptance speech Newton echoed the words expressed to him by Nelson Mandela at the Democratic National Convention in 1992: “Some people call me a saint,” Newton said Mandela told him, “I’m just a person who keeps on trying,” a reference to his legal challenges and effort for elected office once again.
School board member Andre Baker had contemplated a primary against Newton but bowed out when Marshall, a minister at City of Life on Boston Avenue, decided to wage a primary. With Marshall out of the mix, it’s unclear if Newton will have a primary opponent. A primary challenger has has until June 10 to turn in roughly 400 certified signatures from registered Democrats within the district.
Chris Rosario, the city’s anti-blight chief backed by Mayor Bill Finch’s political organization won the endorsement for the State House seat occupied by Christina Ayala who told OIB she’s poised for a primary. “We Ayalas embrace them.”
She said she would take out petition papers to seek signatures to qualify for an August primary.
City fire commissioner Dennis Bradley is also in the race. Will he qualify for a primary?
State Representatives Auden Grogins, Charlie Stallworth, Jack Hennessy and Ezequiel Santiago won endorsements without apparent primary challengers.
Judge of Probate Paul Ganim was endorsed for a fifth four-year term.
Democratic Registrar Sandi Ayala, Christina’s mother, was endorsed for another two years.
Will all of those bloggers who were bashing Andre a few minutes ago please start posting their apologies???
Starting with Dave Moore.
Bashing Andre isn’t wise or appropriate. But bashing Bob Walsh is hip, stylish and wise. Critics consider him a political liability. When will this become apparent?
Answer: November 5, 2014.
Updata: this blog is what happens while making other plans.
By August, 2014, apparancy will start!
I apologize Andre, for calling you a Finchette.
Simon says, Sonny Fox desires to be Finchette.
It wasn’t me!
www .ctpost.com/local/article/Trumbull-panel-reprimands-DTC-chairman-5496060.php
“I know it was you, Fredo.”
www .youtube.com/watch?v=lv00uh1XsHs
“You broke my heart.”
It wasn’t personal, Sonny. It’s business.
Don’t EVER talk to Sonny about his business.
Newton believes in the $2 for the campaign $1 for the pocket platform.
“Crisp” is my favorite slang term. It means clean, fresh, vibrant and/or new.
“Moses” needs a crisp t-shirt on the campaign trail.
And a new motto has emerged …
“I’m only going to steal half as much as my opponent.”
And what did they (the incumbents) deliver to earn the endorsements besides what we already know?
Payback for XL Center getting this deal.
I don’t get it, I don’t get it, I don’t get it … A felon … really … Bridgeport move on … get some new … honest blood … must you always live to your rep … corrupt politics!!!!!!!!!
Ditto, ditto, ditto.
What’s it like to be a sitting rep and see your party’s endorsement go to a recently announced challenger?
Answer: you could ask Christina Ayala, she’s an expert on that topic.
Christopher Rosario’s current position is fantastic preparation for the incumbent he seeks to unseat.
Anti-blight. In this case, the blight would be Tita.
*** Once again the Bpt. Town Committee has followed the usual “Rogue Political Way” in choosing to endorse once again “some” candidates who have not done anything worthwhile for this city or have proven time and time again to be nothing more than a political black eye on the city of Bpt. In the end, the DTC and city voters who either voted for these candidates or don’t vote at all will be to blame for this city’s overall continued downfall. ***
Mojo, glad you’re back.
Will Baker un-decide not to run now? This is making me dizzy.
And he goes to trial.
www .ctpost.com/local/article/Newton-faces-trial-over-campaign-funds-5500775.php