
Former State Senator Ernie Newton, the self-proclaimed Moses of his peeps, says he’s considering a run for the East End City Council seat he once occupied that catapulted him to the presidency of the city’s legislative body 30 years ago. Running a close second last year in a Democratic State Senate primary won by Andres Ayala, Newton is weighing his options that would place him back in play as an elected official.
Newton’s considering a run for office as he defends state charges of violating campaign finance laws stemming from his senate run in 2012. In weighing a race for council, Newton says he’s being encouraged to run in an area of the city that serves as his political base where he has a history of running up large numbers. In last year’s senate primary, he carried the two precincts that represent the East End council district.
Andre Baker and James Holloway currently represent the city’s 139th District. Baker is considering a citywide run for Board of Education. Holloway, with more than 20 years, is the longest-serving member of the City Council at a time some political activists are encouraging new blood, or in Newton’s case new old blood.
Holloway is one of five City Council members who’s also a city employee in violation of the City Charter but allowed to serve through a loophole in state law cited by City Attorney Mark Anastasi. State Representative Jack Hennessy sponsored legislation this year to close that loophole, but it never came to a vote despite support for its passage in the State House. Opponents to city employees serving on the City Council say taxpayers are burdened by conflicts of interests such as councilors approving their own wages and benefits while also serving at the pleasure of the mayor.
Newton, for one, opposes city employees serving on the City Council. “You can’t serve two masters,” he says.
A Newton run for City Council creates a dilemma for Mayor Bill Finch. Once politically close, the mayor and Newton are no longer the best of buds.
Irrespective of his past and current legal troubles, Newton is a popular figure in the East End, and it would be difficult to deny his election if he chooses to run. Finch operatives successfully backed Ayala for a State Senate seat that covers roughly two-thirds of the city, an effort to block Newton’s comeback to the position he was forced to give up following federal corruption charges eight years ago. The East End, however, features a highly concentrated area of Newton supporters including District Leader Ralph Ford.
Newton emerged on the political scene in 1981 winning a council seat from the East End. Republican Mayor Lenny Paoletta, governing with a Democratic majority on the City Council, delivered enough Republican council votes to hand the council presidency to Newton in the hope of a decent working relationship. In the long run Newton and Paoletta did not hit it off.
Newton leveraged his council platform to election to the State House and then the State Senate. Rejoining the city’s legislative body would provide Newton another platform to both be a nuisance to Finch and perhaps regain higher office, depending on what happens with the pending state charges.
“The city needs stronger leadership in the East End,” says Newton. “We’re not getting that from City Hall.”
Will he run for City Council? “I’ll make my decision in a few weeks.”
Party officials will endorse candidates for City Council next month. Party primaries will take place in September. The general election is in November.
I don’t want you to represent us on the City Council because you are not smart enough to consider the challenges that are brought before the council. Secondly, you consistently demonstrate a propensity of criminal behavior. You have been incarcerated and you are currently under indictment. We deserve better. You are not it and you never will be.
yahooy, do you really believe Ernie Newton cares about his constituency to withdraw his proposed candidacy? He is an egotistical, self-absorbed ex-convict who violated the public trust and consistently defies all those who believe he is unrepentant and unrehabilitated.
I care about Newton’s constituency. They don’t deserve to be led by Newton. Let’s face facts. The man is too stupid to take on a serious role in government. He is illiterate and ignorant and portends criminal practices. He knows not of right and wrong.
I didn’t like what Newton did because Ed Gomes who is a stand-up guy and was standing up to Finch long before the coffee klatchers were, probably would have won in a two-way race against Ayala. That said, anyone who thinks Newton is stupid or illiterate is fooling themselves. I don’t think it is a good idea for Ernie to be on the City council but it would be fun to see him on the Council with Walker or one of his naïve admirers.
“Your” City Council is composed of neighborhood representatives.
Ernie Newton is well-liked in the East End.
Unfortunately, well-liked isn’t the answer to legitimate representation.
I think we need to look elsewhere for better, more qualified City Council candidates. May I suggest that large brick building, surrounded by a large barbed-wire fence on North Avenue? Bet there are a few folks in there who are more qualified than Newton. 🙂
What a sad commentary.
OMG … only a complete ass would vote for this piece of shit.
Well-liked in the East End. Damn, guess that explains why the East End has never improved.
Coach T // Jun 25, 2013 at 1:55 pm
Well-liked in the East End. Damn, guess that explains why the East End has never improved.
The East End will support and elect previously failed candidates and felonious pols or support candidates who live outside the district. There’s presently one elected official in that district who actually lives outside of the City–always has, and everybody knows it. Granted, if Mr. Baker wasn’t elected, the East End would have zero representation on the City Council, as Mr. Holloway is useless.
Hopefully, Ernest Newton will get sent back to prison.
I wonder how many individuals on this blog would be as cruel and insulting if they had their names attached to it. That being said, one has to wonder how Ernie was capable of racking up votes and support from the DTC and his constituency. Ernie had been guilty and served his time. If there is a candidate who can bring home the bacon so to speak then bring her forward and let her/him put their credentials against Ernie. Character assassination against Newton is not constructive. There are bloggers on this piece I have never seen before. Is there no redemption for Mr. Newton? It is painful going into Ernie’s district and not seeing much positive over the years when Ernie was in a real position to improve the quality of life for his constituents as well as improving the area as it relates to the rest of the City. Maybe there is hope for Ernie to redeem himself. Maybe there is hope he can reinvent himself. Starting over on the local level just may be his chance to do right for his district. I would refrain from kicking the man who has seen his fair share of public humiliation. Let him put his platform on the table. Let his opponent do the same. This could end up being a movie on LIFETIME, BET or O.
Ernie has been running his district for years. Because of him there has been no progress and his people live in despair. All the time Ernie was spouting redemption he was being investigated for campaign violations. What more do you want? You amaze me with your childlike naïveté. Just as we don’t need any more of Newton, we certainly don’t need any more of you.
So wave your magic wand, altar boy, maybe I will disappear. Lol. You know that isn’t going to happen. Maybe your friend Charlie Coviello will run instead. Lol lol lol lol lol.
yahooy, weren’t you and Ernie tight during Mary-Jane Foster’s primary run? With friends like you who needs friends?
Yeah. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Then he got arrested again. Bite me.
yahooy, thank you for being honest.
So Steve, does this mean I know yahooy if he also volunteered with Mary-Jane?
Off-subject news flash
Lo and behold, in my mail was a special invitation to Captain’s Cove. For the tidy sum/donation to the Mayor William Finch campaign warchest, I get to shake his hand, I guess.
Must be getting low on funds and scared of 2015.
Chosen 1, does anyone really care you got one of 450 invitations? Finch running scared? Sounds like he is running smart. He is building his war chest early. Sycophants like yourself who work for the City are always the front-line suckers to contribute. We accept that realty. Just write the check. Your presence is most likely not necessary or required.
Did you get one Stevie, or are you jealous you didn’t?
You can have mine, I earned my job by taking a test, passing the required stress and physical testing and even a polygraph.
You, Stevie, are what’s wrong with this once-great city, getting on your knees for a job to anyone whom you perceive to have juice.
Chosen 1–gratefully I have not received an invitation. You confuse me with someone else or are just plain ignorant. I am not now nor have I ever been employed by the City of Bridgeport in over 25 years. Snap out of it! You give a bad name to city employees. You are what happens to miserable employees who display antisocial behavior on a regular basis. Your perception of the City is through the eyes of a miserable person working third shift and living the life of a vampire that sucks the life out of a room. You hide behind an alias because you have nothing constructive To say. You work for a city you hate and you’re lost in a time warp of days gone by. I am sad for you. Your calling me Stevie I assume is a term of endearment. I could not imagine an idiot like yourself would be so demeaning.
You have no credibility, you were sucking up for a teaching job. You told many people that, I was once standing close enough to hear it come out of your mouth that you talk out of both sides of.
Seek professional help Stevie, all the sucking has warped your brain.
Chosen, last word to you regarding teaching job. I am not certified to be a teacher. I could not be a teacher in the Bridgeport Public School system. If I were certified there are 12 school principals in this city who asked for me. I am not certified and therefore not qualified to apply. You, Chosen 1, are a total moron. Seriously, could you be more of an ass? Look, honestly, you are amazing and totally and embarrassingly misinformed. For that I am sad. BUT FOR THE RECORD, UNLIKE YOURSELF, I WOULD LOVE TO WORK FOR THE CITY. The problem is the wheels of government go way too slow for me.
You have no morals as to whom you suck up to, first MJF, then John Gomes, now Mayor Finch.
I’ll give you some inside info, go hang around CHS and suck up to Johnny Fabrizi, I hear he wants to run for mayor.
In your own words, suck up smart and early.
Dude or woman or whatever Chosen 1 identifies with. Where are you coming from? What city job are you imagining? What individual did I ever have an agreement with? What about John Gomes, I respect the man. Mary-Jane Foster? I respect her. I can assure you, not only did I never request a job, it was never suggested she would offer a job. You, Chosen 1, are most likely the product of politics. You are just a miserable disgruntled wart on the nose of humanity. You are just sad. So very sad. You go through your days as an invisible entity and use this blog to vent your frustration. I have never heard a positive constructive non-insulting blurb coming from your anonymous existence. Your vain attempt to knock me down and insult me is a waste of time. After 13 years at Home Depot I have dealt with every personality. You are just annoying.
Teaching jobs were never offered, no matter how you were on your knees begging, which you are on your knees a lot, begging.
Oh, and for the record Stevie, you attacked me over my posting of the Finch Fundraiser. You reap what you sow, little man.
Maybe Ernie can be a C4BB delegate for the East End.
Maybe he is. 🙂
And people wonder why outsiders, including officials in Hartford and Washington, think of Bridgeport as a corrupt backwater where anything goes so long as you know the right people.
Chosen 1, we all reap what we sow. Your assaults just make you look pathetic.
Back to Ernie Newton. Ernie, if you believe you can be constructive and reinvent yourself, do not let anyone stand in your way. When you worked for the Senate you embarrassed the City. I was very vocal about having you removed. I believe as a member of the City Alderman you can benefit your district with past experience. Of course your run will obviously cause controversy but you are entitled to run. I know you have a lot of support out there. You have to want it bad enough and be willing to work hard. Starting over is never easy but always exciting. Make all of these past experiences, good and bad, work for you. Good luck and hopefully you will make the right decision and go with it full speed ahead.
There are no words. Please, brothers and sisters of the East End: C’mon!!! There HAS to be someone else who will represent you. You can love Newton, but don’t VOTE for him! Bridgeport deserves so much better. Please get out of your own way and find a better candidate to put on Council.
Running Newton is a big mistake. Unless the State of Connecticut uses their Lydia Martinez methodology and just issues a petty fine for his transgressions, Newton will miss a lot of meetings from jail. Do they allow Skype from the hoosegow?
Doesn’t matter what anyone else says, Ernie will do what Ernie wants to do. “May you Live in interesting times!”
Does anyone know whatever happened to the Martinez investigation regarding the complaint Dr. Ford submitted? Don’t tell me she is getting another slap on the hand … and call it a day!
First let me start with yahooy, the only thing you know about Ernie is what you’ve read in the papers. Ernie is not nor has he ever been illiterate or ignorant. Ernie is indeed one of the most intelligent individuals I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and I have known him for over 40 years. Ernie has made mistakes like all of us, but he has admitted his mistakes, accepted the consequences of his mistakes and moved on with his life.
Why do the people of the East End love him so much? Because they know when they call for whatever reason Ernie is there? They have never called on Ernie and he said he was too busy to come and answer their concerns. Ernie has demonstrated to the people of the East End no matter what happens he has their backs.
Coach T you say because of Ernie the East End hasn’t improved, have you lost your damned mind? The improvement of the East End isn’t in the hands of Ernie or the other political leaders from the East End, it’s because of the white Mayors from Bridgeport and the white Directors of OPED never thought the East End was worthy of the time and effort to change the circumstances of the East End for the people of the East End. I saw the Mayor patting himself on the back for bringing a water park to Newfield Park all the while the parents of children don’t have access to a grocery store and a pharmacy. Yes, a water park that will be used for maybe 3 months of the year but no grocery store where they can feed their children with quality foods and get this, fresh vegetables without the need to shop at corner stores, which offer limited surplus at exorbitant prices.
Finally you assholes hide behind the cloak of anonymity and inscrutability while continuing to disgorge your ignorance like you have an electric motor in your mouths. Say what you want about Ernie, but he has never hidden behind a pseudonym while casting aspersions on other people’s characters. Yes, if he decides to run they’ll vote for him again because other than being arrested he is no different than the current 20 council people who haven’t done shit for the residents of Bridgeport, other than what the Mayor and the Party tells them to do. I invite any of you to come to the East End and tell the residents of said community why they shouldn’t vote for Ernie. Come on down!
Mr. Day, I am not certain if I have ever made your acquaintance. I was hoping Ernie has constituents who would defend his character. You sir are a true loyalist and I assume a friend of Ernie’s. I agree with everything you said and if there is another candidate wishing to lead, let them come forward. Casting aspersions on Ernie is just a sad, nonconstructive waste of time. Now, can Ernie get on here and defend himself to these bold anonymous bloggers?
“Ernie is indeed one of the most intelligent individuals I have ever had the pleasure of knowing …”
Seriously? Are we talking about the same guy? It’s a common name. Maybe you’re mistaken. Placing Ernest Newton in the same category as those who are intelligent is comical.
Auerbach will vote for Newton. Do you know why? He’s stupid, too.
“Except for being arrested (more than once, BTW, and having been convicted of a felony and incarcerated), he is no different than most of the 20 other members of the current council.”
On this I agree. Most of them are certainly as dumb and without character as is Newton.
yahooy, thank you for calling me stupid. I live in the North End. Michelle Lyons and AmyMarie Paniccia are my council women. They are my choice. yahooy, I was not endorsing Ernie Newton, I was defending him against morons like yourself who have no respect for others when hiding behind an anonymous handle. I simply stated Ernie has every right to run. He does have support. Most important, he should not succumb to chronic complainers like yourself who offer no alternative.
You’re welcome.
Mr. Day has a good point. One I bring up. Many of the people who claim to be against the mayor are concerned about their taxes but that seems to be all. I have yet to hear about Mr. Walker taking a walk down Stratford Ave and talking to people .. .they would trade their problems for Mr. Walker’s tax bill in a Bridgeport minute! The people in these neighborhoods have been ignored for years. They have suffered incredible violence. Where is the concern of CW4BB? I worked on several campaigns there during the last two years before I moved. Don’t talk about reform and then ignore the problems these neighborhoods suffer year in and year out. The snow removal problem Walker suffered was nothing compared to what they had on the other side of town.