New Wrinkle To Public Financing Of Campaigns

From Ken Dixon, CT Post:

Two little-known changes in the new state budget may make it easier for those in wealthier districts to run for the General Assembly while putting time constraints on state election regulators whose staffs in recent years have been targeted for reductions.

Common Cause Connecticut, the election watchdogs, and the League of Women Voters have joined in an effort to overturn the new laws, which raise individual contributions for legislative and top-of-the-ticket candidates to $250, instead of the $100 limit approved in the state’s landmark 2005 campaign-finance law.

Both groups are also asking incumbents and prospective General Assembly candidates to abide by the $100 limit during the 2018 elections.

Full story here.


One comment

  1. “It will prevent the agency from investigating the most-serious cases.” How is the public served with this last minute, hidden and previously unreported, and probably by most legislators unnoticed provision? Has it anything to do with our failed budget process? Does it contribute to a healthier budget? Should we be worrying about serious cases, or just those that can be settled within one year? And for the wag who indicates that the $100 limit stems from 2005 and needs an inflation adjustment to $250, what table did he use as a resource when banks are paying 1-2%? Political movement without politicians knowing what they voted on? Time will tell.


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