The City Council Monday night is expected to vote on a land acquisition agreement for a portion of the General Electric property on Boston Avenue to be the location of a new high school replacing the antiquated Harding High. Also on the council agenda for Monday night are communications from the Economic Development department regarding redevelopment of Downtown North, a series of buildings north of Fairfield Avenue. Those matters will be referred to the council’s Economic and Community Development Committee. Council agenda follows:
City Council Citation: In Recognition of The University of Bridgeport Women’s Gymnastics Team for winning their 5th National Championship in a row.
Approval of City Council Minutes: April 1, 2013
Communication from WPCA re: WPCA’S Fiscal 2013-14 Proposed Budget, ACCEPTED AND MADE PART OF THE RECORD.
Communication from Labor Relations and Benefits Administration re: Proposed Settlement of Workers’ Compensation Claim with Wilmer Carde, referred to Miscellaneous Matters Committee.
Communication from Labor Relations and Benefits Administration re: Proposed Agreement with United Healthcare Insurance Company to provide Medicare-D Prescription Drug Benefits for Medicare-Eligible Police and Fire Retirees for the period of January 1, 2013 –December 31, 2013, referred to Contracts Committee.
Communication from Labor Relations and Benefits Administration re: Proposed Agreement with Joseph G. Pulitano Insurance Agency, Inc. to market Long-Term Insurance to Employees and Retirees of the City and Board of Education for the period of May 15, 2013–December 31, 2014, referred to Contracts Committee.
Communication from Mayor re: Appointment of Andrea L. Townsend (D) to the Ethics Commission, referred to Miscellaneous Matters Committee.
Communication from OPED re: Proposed Request for the Discontinuance of a Portion of School Street as a part of the Black Rock Elementary School Expansion Project, referred to Public Safety and Transportation Committee.
Communication from Health & Social Services re: Grant Submission: 2013 Neighborhood Assistance Act, referred to Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee.
Communication from OPED re: (Ref. #151-11) Proposed Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Property located at 1163 and 1149 Main Street in the Downtown North Redevelopment Area and Ordering a Public Hearing relative to the same, referred to Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee.
Communication from OPED re: Proposed Resolution concerning the Disposition of Properties in the Jayson-Newfield Block in the Downtown North Redevelopment Area and Authorizing a Tax Incentive Agreement in support of the Jayson-Newfield Block’s Historic Renovation and Redevelopment as a Mixed-Use Residential, Retail and Commercial Complex and Ordering a Public Hearing relative to the same, referred to Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee.
Communication from OPED re: Proposed Resolution concerning the Lease Agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation re: I-95 Rights of Way Properties at the Intersection of South and Myrtle Avenues for Roosevelt School Construction, referred to Economic and Community
Communication from City Attorney re: Proposed Settlement of Pending Litigation with Theresa Timpanelli, referred to Miscellaneous Matters Committee.
Communication from OPED re: Proposed Resolution Authorizing a Tax Incentive Development Agreement for the Rehabilitation of Augustana Homes at 525 Palisade Avenue, referred to Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee.
Resolution presented by Council Members Banta and Taylor-Moye re: Request that a Streetlight be Installed on Utility Pole #3117 located in front of 57-59 Milne Street, referred to Public Safety and Transportation Committee
Joint Committee on Ordinances and Public Safety & Transportation Report re: (Ref. #39-11) Informational Session Meeting to Review Chapter 9.12 Offenses by or Against Children, Article I Curfew for Minors Ordinance
Economic and Community Development and Environment Committee Report re: Land Acquisition Agreement for a Portion of the General Electric Property located on Boston Avenue for the purpose of constructing a new high school.
Save money and only build classrooms up to grade 14 (Sophomore). The kids don’t graduate Harding anyway.
Black Rockin, that’s a pretty nasty comment and insulting to students and faculty. Also you are aware 14th grade is a sophomore in college. People like you are the problem with Bridgeport. So miserable, dark and negative. I hope they rename the school and give these students a first-class facility. The current school does nothing for the self-esteem of the students and the rebuilding of HARDING is decades overdue.
Do you realize you react with vitriolic abusive responses to posts for which you take exception? Unless you are leaving ass-hickeys on your DTC minions, you generally post in opposition just to post. As the law of diminishing returns indicates, your thought-challenged harangues are of little consequence. It would appear it is not only I who regard you to be a putz.
yahooy–are you hearing voices? My comment was vitriolic and Black Rockin was sweet. yahooy, when you grow a pair and identify yourself, I’d like to meet you face to face. Rip your head off your shoulders and shit down your neck. I have no interest in your comments. This was about a new High School. Let’s make a deal, yahooy. If you do not have a comment that is positive or referencing the article, it is not necessary to respond to me unless it has value. You keep mentioning what other people think about me. What’s your point? I do like the word schmekel. My question to you is this, are you a schlemiel or a schlemazel? My point was clear, Black Rockin was insulting to the students and I am supportive of a new high school for students that have been going to a school that was antiquated years ago. Self Esteem and environment are key components to a good education. I have seen first hand what students have to deal with at Harding. It is sad. It would be nice if the people on this blog would show support for things going on in this city. I will say this, I am shocked if in fact there are more than 10 people on this blog. I find it shocking they do not come forward with anything positive to say.
‘Rip your head off your shoulders and shit down your neck.’
The truth yahooy, was that not a classic line?
Steve, what to say that’s positive? Do we need a new Harding High School? Yes we do. Do we need a new Bassick High School? Yes we do. We have a huge number of kids going to the new science high school so why not build one high school for Harding and Bassick?
We also need a change in what is taught in high school for kids twho are not going to college, this is seldom mentioned.
There has not been much going on here that is positive. Am I happy about that? NO I am not. Should I ignore all this bullshit brought on by this administration? No I won’t.
Yes. The truth. It is, indeed, a classic line. But when delivered by a schmekel it loses a little something.
No pun intended.
Poverty is conquered by the rapier of education. Build a Harding High School … build a Bassick High School. Educate. Educate. Educate. Replace Vallas with someone with vision and ability while you’re at it.
Put your rapier away until you finish your homework. You have unsheathed your pen that has been called “mightier than the sword,” but the evidence of a broad education, respectful of others in the community is missing so often.
Building schools is the easy part … as long as you have money … but if you had been listening, those schools are moving towards choices for the kids going through them. Real world, real choices that will mean something when you complete four years and have evidence of competence as well as a certificate.
Of course Bassick HS had another bomb scare today. What does that type of disruption do to the community? Certainly interrupts whatever education is ongoing.
When Vallas came to Bridgeport he had a handful of ideas as part of his reforming vision. No one disagreed with the fact reform was necessary. However when you have over 2,000 employees who are working with over 20,000 youth challenged by family and neighborhood circumstances, if not language and culture, the degree of difficulty is great. Vallas put the plan on paper and keeps the five-year funding vision on the public school web site. For starters that is a novelty for any branch of government in Bridgeport.
Become a mentor … one hour per week … talk to a youth, but more importantly listen … you can learn a lot about the dreams and aspirations of those who will be the workers and taxpayers of the future. Share something of yourself with another. That’s part of education (without a rapier point). It just might make you less cocky about firing (from the hip) and thinking about what, then? Time will tell.
You pedantic putz. I’m going to rip your …
Seriously. You’re beginning to give me a stomach ache with your righteous I know everything the rest of you know nothing.
Plenty of Verba Non Acta coming out of your blow hole.
I say again, Bow Tie Bozo, POVERTY IS CONQUERED BY THE RAPIER OF EDUCATION. How on earth can you refute that mantra? You truly are an odd fellow.
A gourmet to be sure, is a connoisseur
In foods that are dainty. Yum
A pedant will perorate, proclaim and reiterate the need of good food for the cranium.
But I coldly disdain, any food for the brain. Its efficacy I brashly question.
While the food that’s tonight, a gastronomic delight, tomorrow will cause indigestion.
But I digress. Mentoring a student is most definitely an opportunity to impact the life of an individual that lacks the support system at home. I have personally met a young man at Central High School who is mentored by JML and it does make a difference. Hats off to John Marshall Lee.
Sidebar … my home today was broken into and sadly of the few things taken, personal mementos from my father and grandfather. It took 2 hours for police to respond. When they got here they were the best. I am heartbroken over a gold ring with my initials SA. Chinese lettering … emerald sapphire and ruby and it was a snake … unique ring that has great personal value. If anyone sees it at a pawn shop please call police. I am only mentioning it on this blog because to me it is priceless and still I have faith in this city. If I catch this creep you may find him in my vegetable garden … compost! Seriously. If I could afford a reward it would be more than the worth of the gold and stones.