Navigating Sherwood’s Forest


What’s the morale in City Hall?

It’s difficult for city officials to lift spirits among city employees when there’s a multi-million budget hole to close nearly halfway through the spending year and a layoff hatchet poised. Mayor Bill Finch submitted a budget to the City Council last year that had an $8 million gap assuming union concessions (or an equal number of layoffs) would close the hole. The city’s legislative body approved the budget.

It’s difficult to know just how big a gap now exists. City bean counters aren’t always forthcoming with accurate numbers for several reasons including keeping unions in the dark for negotiating purposes. Sometimes they’ll feign numbers in the cause of concessions. “If we tell them everything’s okay they’ll never agree to concessions.” Financial reports are issued to the City Council, but sometimes they cover the period a few months prior. The picture is never current.

The guy who knows the budget better than anyone on the planet is Tom Sherwood, director of the Office of Policy &  Management. That’s a fancy title for budget director. He’s the guy who built the budget, squirrels away some extra dough for a rainy day, talks mayors down from the roof of the City Hall Annex. He’s been doing this a long time. It’s almost like we need to check Sherwood’s cholesterol level every day. The budget is Sherwood’s Forest. He knows it completely when almost everyone else could get lost in it. Robin Hood knew something about Sherwood Forest, did he not?

Perhaps Sherwood wishes he had rich to rob to help the poor. Unions aren’t exactly rich these days. There was a day a taxpayer could scream “cut the fat” with meaning. Unions once had large numbers, but through the years jobs have been cut, hacked, unfilled. How much fat is left? When do you hit bone?

The city is telling unions to cough up the concessions to avoid the bone. Easy for you fat cats to say, the unions respond, you’re all making $100K and more.

It would nice to know how large the budget hole is not just for this budget cycle but also for next year. When we turn the page into 2011, department heads will submit their budgets, Sherwood will hack away at the requests with Finch screaming in his ear “We’re not raising taxes in an election year!” So how do they avoid raising taxes in an election year if some of the large revenue items the mayor’s counting on led by a regional sewer authority don’t happen?

You submit another budget with a large hole again. “This budget is balanced predicated on union concessions.” Don’t you just love municipal budgets with predicate holes? But how big will the hole be next year … $10, $20, $30 million? But what happens if you don’t close the gap? When does the money run out? When do you have trouble making payroll?

Want to take a walk though Sherwood’s Forest?



  1. “Financial reports are issued to the City Council, but sometimes they cover the period a few months prior. The picture is never current.”

    This was not true during the years the Financial Review Board took control of the City’s finances and during the Joe Ganim years. We may not be able to get Ganim back soon enough, but the FRB is a vehicle we need now.

  2. There comes a time that taxes need to be raised and that time probably was this year. The powers that be are of the opinion that money grows on trees and that you don’t have to raise taxes.
    This is really a tough time to raise taxes but as long as the people in power refuse to actually stop unnecessary spending taxes will need to go up.
    Some of the steps that Finch & Company need to do and stop screwing around about it.
    1. Get rid of all political hires that have been made in the last few years. They really don’t provide votes and neither do their political leaders.
    2. Get rid of CitiStat. They know and we know that nothing is going to be done by political appointees against political favorites. It’s pure bullshit.
    3. Stop BS’ing the public and actually stop the take-home cars for everyone except the Police & Fire Chief. The mayor’s so much into this green crap buy him a bicycle he can peddle his ass around town.
    4. Get the PD under control, get rid of the horses, community Relations division, ATV patrol, Segway patrol, Bicycle patrol and every other type of patrol except a PATROL CAR.
    5. Really meet with the unions instead of what you are doing now and get realistic givebacks.
    6. Cut everybody’s budget by 10% including the mayor’s bloated staff.
    The other thing is FIRE SHERWOOD.

    1. town committee // Dec 10, 2010 at 4:04 pm
      Responding to your posting

      Does everyone already know that the Mayor intends to get his money in a Monroe/Trumbull sewer deal … The frat club from the Mayor’s Office must be salivating in Sherwood’s office with the thought of playing with $40mil.

      But if that deal caves, then TC there is going to be a big problem for the whole City … wouldn’t you say?
      The only other suggestion I have is to tell you that my candidate has made your “other thing,” your last suggestion the number one item on his list of things to do on DAY ONE.

  3. TC,
    Right on with CitiStat. Total waste of taxpayers’ money. Not a dime in savings has been realized and just more money wasted on this half a million dollar department.
    Get rid of any police form of transportation that does not take them directly into the neighborhoods. Bikes and ATV’s may have a purpose but it must be part of the regular patrol division. And if you think the PD is that mismanaged then you have to say get rid of Guadett.

    1. Grin Reaper // Dec 10, 2010 at 5:34 pm
      To your point about CitiStat.

      Today, this department is nothing, and it has been nothing since July 14, 2009, when Bill Finch, Adam Wood and Andy Nunn killed the program and told John Gomes to stop all CitiStat efforts. This on the heels of a very contentious CitiStat meeting with the Mayor and Andy backing away from any negative interchange with the Director of Public Facilities/Parks.
      I would hope you would read this article about the real CitiStat model that has been so successful in cleaning up a pretty corrupt City:

      Or just google “citistat in baltimore” and read all there is.
      When there is this kind of successful model to work from and it comes to Bridgeport and gets killed in its first year … something’s pretty bad …
      The restoration of the original CitiStat model is item#2 that will happen on DAY ONE of a Gomes administration. That’s a no-brainer.

      1. Director of PF/Parks? *** ??? *** Chuckles the Clown???

        He runs the city??? Not the figurehead cheese?

        OOOh Nooooooooo – – – peoples dat know say he couldn’t put 2 wires together and he runs our beloved city??? HELP – – – Bpt’s fallen and can’t get it up.

        1. Chuckie Carroll doesn’t run Public Works/Parks. Public Works/Parks runs Chuckie. Look at the OT paid to a select few foremen last year. I would estimate that some of them more than doubled their salaries. Chuckie is totally out of touch with what is going on in the depts he is supposed to supervise. He is sitting in his renovated office in the annex right next door to his new wife. At the end of every day, they take their city vehicle back home to Newtown or wherever they moved to. And on Friday they laugh all the way to the bank. This should be #3 on Gomes’ list for his first day in office.

          1. A real CitiStat would monitor wasteful spending and abuse of take-home cars. That was the problem. We had a real CitiStat whose director challenged big Charlie. CitiStat got shut down real quick, didn’t it? This administration is not interested in good efficient government. They are interested in taking all they can for themselves until there is nothing left. Unfortunately Tom Sherwood accommodates them.

  4. The one major problem I see in the PD and I am sure there are others is there are 4 Deputy Chiefs all of whom are members of the union. There are very few departments where the chief officers are also members of the bargaining unit.
    The Deputy Chiefs should serve at the pleasure of the Chief and the Board of Police Commissioners. As it is now situated the Police Chief can come up with a new program and if the 4 Deputies all who have served together for 30 or more years decide they don’t like this program it does not fly. When deputies first came into existence there were only 2 now we have 4 plus a chief of the department, then Gaudett, we are top heavy in brass. Time to thin the herd.

  5. Yeah Sherwood knows the budget better than anyone else and that is the PROBLEM. No one else–not the Finance Director–not the Mayor–not the Council Budget Committee–understands the budget. Because they don’t understand it, they are all dependent on Sherwood and they all take his word at face value. He could be telling them ANYTHING–and sometimes he does–and they have no clue whether he is right or wrong. How many organizations have only one person who controls all the money? No checks and balances? That’s a problem. That’s a BIG problem.

    1. city hall smoker // Dec 10, 2010 at 9:32 pm
      responding to your post

      You are 1000 percent correct!

      This kind of governance has got to stop if this City is to survive.
      What will happen if Sherwood gets $40 million to play with from a Trumbull/Monroe/Bridgeport sewerage deal?

  6. town committee, you are correct when you said, “The one major problem that I see in the PD and I am sure there are others is that there are 4 Deputy Chiefs all of whom are members of the union. There are very few departments where the chief officers are also members of the bargaining unit.
    The Deputy Chiefs should serve at the pleasure of the Chief and the Board of Police Commissioners.”

    Well Andy, that was the City’s position. When I was a member of the the firefighters local 834 negotiation team from 1995 to 1999 they petitioned the State Labor Board to remove ALL FOUR DEPUTY FIRE CHIEFS from the union and their reason was “The Deputy Chiefs should serve at the pleasure of the Chief and the Board of Fire Commissioners.” Well, the City stop trying to petition the state in 1999. It is a case that the City can win with no problem. Why won’t the City remove all eight of these Deputy Chiefs?

    1. Ron the city doesn’t do anything because they do not understand the ramifications of having these lifetime people in place. The city and whoever they hire to negotiate do not understand or do not care that the present system in many cases ties the chief’s hands when he wants to implement a new policy or he wants to get rid of one of his bad deputies. The other question is why the hell are their 4 deputies and just what do the captains do?

  7. There is a general mistrust of Tom Sherwood among many depts and most employees and unions. In fact, when Finch was running for mayor, he promised that Sherwood would be the first to go. When he became mayor, though, he changed his mind. He soon realized that Sherwood can be useful. He can hide money to produce a huge budget deficit which is helpful when shaking down the unions. He can find money when Finch wants to create new positions or give raises to political cronies. A budget director with these qualities may be useful to a mayor but is dangerous to the employees and the taxpayers.

  8. The forest is getting greener ‘n’ leaner. The morale is at the lowest it has ever been. Anyone who isn’t a Finch crony is scared of losing their job. He just laid off single mothers who don’t know how they will feed their kids when he just gave raises to his peeps that make over 100 grand. The unions need to stand strong and NOT give any concessions. Bump, bump, bump. Bump some of Finchy’s new hires right out the door!

  9. It is not what he knows, it is what he is willing to do … that is what makes him valuable. Anyone can figure the budget out with a little time, but will anyone be willing to pull off the tricks, games and lies … probably not … so he has survived for too long. If there is one single change that could be made to begin to turn around the City, it would be to get rid of Sherwood. Unfortunately, Finch promised to, but decided for some reason to keep him. You figure it out.

  10. I have asked my Council representative for the current amount in the City Unrestricted Fund Balance on two occasions this year. I have no response yet. I thought that reports were forthcoming monthly in arrears. I am told they come out quarterly, and how far in arrears and with what info that is of use to Council persons, I am no longer sure.
    Why not ask your Council person, too? Who knows the answer? Mayor Finch? But it’s not a green answer! CAO Nunn? But his lips are sealed! Former Feeney? Not my job any longer! Sherwood Secrets? Catch me if you can? Budget Chair Curwen? Got it locked up tight and can’t find the key?

  11. Beacon: The members of the council for the most part are part of the problem. They sit on their hands and say and do nothing. Unrestricted Fund Balance the best answer you will get from a council member is Duh!!!
    When you consider that the great majority of the council either works for the city or has a relative working for the city you cannot expect honesty or pushback.
    Unfortunately we the voters keep voting for these dolts because they are on the Democratic Line not because they are qualified.

    1. The council members should remember that 2011 is election time for them too. Every single one of them (except Walsh and maybe Vizzo-Paniccia) should be challenged. This budget season will be one to watch. Will the council stand up to Sherwood or will it be business as usual?

  12. There are sufficient rules and regulations laid out in the City Charter and City Ordinances to provide adequate controls over the OPM Director. However, you need a mayor or a City Council that is willing to enforce those rules and currently in Bridgeport you have neither.
    I have seen budgets where Police and Fire OT will be under budget by millions and yet not a single budget transfer is presented to the council for approval.
    And yet these rules say you CANNOT overspend a line item. But you have a City Council that believes they report to the mayor. And because of the number of city employees and spouses on the payroll it’s probably truer than we realize.
    You get what you pay for and besides Beacon and maybe TC, I don’t read here where ANYONE else is questioning their council representatives.

  13. Beacon, I wouldn’t worry about the fund balance right now. The city is showing in its monthly report a projected deficit of $8.5 million. Oops, there goes the fund balance.
    Now this deficit has build into it $6+ million in union concessions not taking place so it may be only $2 million short.
    As to what your council reps are saying about quarterly reports, the council receives a monthly financial report of the operating budget, the projected year-end numbers, the deficit or surplus as well as how the numbers compared to budget.
    But on the expense side all expenses are projected to be on target with the budget with the exception of the union concessions on wages and benefits and Police and Fire OT. Totally remarkable. No one questions any of this.
    I tell the Budget Committee that Sherwood makes a fool out of them when they meet for two months, approve a budget and the next day he goes about and does whatever he pleases.

    1. And just how are they going to pay the pensions fund money?
      Doesn’t that puts the city closer to a $27 million deficit?
      Bob, you really believe the figures you are getting from the administration? Remember what happened when you guys accepted the figures from the Fabrizi administration.

  14. *** Knowing what the city’s RFB is helps no one when the city’s OPM dept. has the lucky charm to hide & find pots of gold @ the Mayor’s request, no? After all Mr. Sherwood does work for the Mayor, not the council or taxpayers in reality. And with his experience do you really think he would have trouble finding another job? The monster was created a long time ago & its chains run long throughout city hall, even sometimes without the master’s approval. And as far as asking my district reps. for any info. *** FORGETABOUTIT ***

  15. Getting real sick of this city and its bs. Last night we had our Xmas party at Testos and as I said before Gomes was invited and then uninvited because they said it was overflow crowd and had to be kept to union members. I was there and can tell you there were MANY empty seats and Finch and Wood were there and they aren’t 1522 members. I’m ashamed of my union for bowing down like that. Ashamed. I also heard a VERY high ranking BOE asst superintendent was nailed for sexual harassment and they kept it hush hush and he didn’t even get in trouble. What did that cost the taxpayers I’m wondering. And to make it worse the super wanted her to still report to the guy as her boss. Shameful.

    1. C’mon Mr BPT, are you really surprised that 1) The 1522 leadership was kissing up to Finch and Wood? or 2) that sexual harassment was pushed under the rug? This is after all the administration with the worst reputation when it comes to mistreating female employees. Smart women are viewed as a threat and either fired or forced out. No need to mention names–we all know who they are. Then when Rich Paoletto was convicted of the worst kind of sexual harassment, his suspension was cut by 2/3 because it was a financial hardship to his family. What kind of message does that send? Oh and forget about 1522, their leadership will be mud if Gomes is part of the next administration. What goes around comes around.

    2. Mr BPT // Dec 11, 2010 at 4:48 pm
      Responding to your post:

      I am personally disappointed that your union leaders felt that threatened and intimidated.

      Had John Gomes attended, there would probably have been some retaliatory actions against the 1522 leadership. That’s the pattern of this administration.

  16. Wright Story! Wrong Message from BRBC Head!!!

    “Retailers come and go,” Paul Timpanelli, president of the Bridgeport Regional Business Council, said of the store closing at 156 Boston Ave., in Bridgeport. “It’s a highly trafficked area so I’m sure another retailer will take its place.”

  17. I see this admin grip on their dictatorship looosening by the minute *** forgetaboutit.

    Yo Mr Bpt – – – that’s old news – – – that mini super is well known news – – – except for the non-newspaper in this city and the under-investigating blog we call OIB.

  18. To BEACON2 and any other willing to do so. Why don’t we all unite and circulate a petition among all Bridgeport residents, taxpayers, and in particular target prime voters (those who do vote regularly). I propose the wording of the petition requests that Gov. Elect Dan Malloy–Gov. by that time it’s ready for delivery–forms a Financial Review Board in the city of Bridgeport. Asking your City Council representative for any city-related information is simply a waste of time. Keep in mind that not even Councilman Bob Walsh is afforded this type of information. The practice of keeping Councilmen and the public in the dark goes back to the Dark Ages.

  19. In spite of what some might say, CitiStat was doomed to fail in Bridgeport before a single penny was spent. It was simply a PR stunt by both Finch and Fabrizi.
    I told this to Tom Sherwood when it was first brought up and I told it to John Gomes when he was introducing himself to council members.
    The entire culture and mindset must change in the city before a CitiStat program could work.
    And now when we are in this mood of union concessions where it’s give back or get cut with no rhyme or reason, CitiStat makes even less sense. So give up all of this nonsense for at least five years and then based on who is in charge maybe, just maybe it might work.
    And I will tell you this, if it does come to a FRB, they will care even less about CitiStat and care only about the bottom line.

  20. Did you expect Paul Timpanelli to come up with something that makes sense, they are still waiting for retailers in downtown Bpt and Steal The Money Pointe. He is not even good at Doo Wop any more which happens to be his main job.


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