Mutiny: The Trump Resistance Inside The White House

From The New York Times:The Times today is taking the rare step of publishing an anonymous Op-Ed essay. We have done so at the request of the author, a senior official in the Trump administration whose identity is known to us and whose job would be jeopardized by its disclosure. We believe publishing this essay anonymously is the only way to deliver an important perspective to our readers. We invite you to submit a question about the essay or our vetting process here.

(Denials follow.)

President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader.

It’s not just that the special counsel looms large. Or that the country is bitterly divided over Mr. Trump’s leadership. Or even that his party might well lose the House to an opposition hellbent on his downfall.

The dilemma–which he does not fully grasp–is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

Full commentary here.



  1. Lennie, I assume that you are suggesting that President Trump is the Captain Queeg character.

    Perhaps the ‘anonymous senior official in the Trump Administration’ is the true Captain Queeg character.

    That’s right, this senior official in the Trump Administration has proved without a shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic that Donald Trump is not fit to be president. He / She proved it by going to the New York Times op-ed editor who agreed to publish it anonymously. He / She has proven to the world that there was a duplicate key.

  2. *** This is nothing more than “fake news”, its all been fake news written by hollywood drama writers to bring more smoke & fog over the present GOP & the Trump Admin, no? *** Thats what Trump supporters, GOP R-wing nationalist supporters & those that have horse blinders on due to their underlying “wolf in sheep’s clothing” prejudices that will never allow them to see the truth in front of them minus any type of politics. “America is broken”, and has sunk low with Trump & allowed our discourse to be stripped of its civility; as written in the Op-Ed essay.***WHAT SAY YOU?***

  3. There was a dust up at JML’s house recently. His wife was harassed by an angry bird. The angry bird’s supporters stooped to a Trump tactic, calling reports of the incident “fake news.” The only people that believe that are the bird feeders.

  4. At least 36% of the voting public believe Donald Trump is doing a great job. It’s a safe bet they also believe in the Easter Bunny and that fluoridation in the public water supply is a communist plot.

    I was in high school during the Watergate scandal that ended in Richard Nixon’s resignation. The Trump presidency has grown much bugger than that. Several current and former members of the Trump administration went on the record for Bob Woodward. Several others opted for “deep throat” anonymity. Now an administration official has written an oped piece for the New York Times detailing the lengths the West Wing must go to thwart Trump from his own worst inclinations.

    This is very real now, not to be dismissed as “fake” news. Donald Trump must realize that.
    He called the essay an act of treason but didn’t call it “fake news.”

  5. Don’t worry about who the Captain Queeg character is because next week when Woodwards’s book comes out he will have the names plus the tape recording that he always does when writes a book.

    In ‘Fear,’ Bob Woodward Pulls Back the Curtain on President Trump’s ‘Crazytown’

    Woodward’s latest look inside a White House offers details of an administration in chaos.

  6. Great film clip. Thank you,Lennie. I’ll have to rent that on Amazon. As for Trump,the People of the United States are seeing a disturbed person with psychological problems. Starting off,he exhibits Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And that’s only the beginning. We do have a Madman in the Oval Office.

  7. Woodward’s book will likely have as much impact as Omarosa’s book. (Who?)

    Mackey is anxious to dvr episodes of The Veiw so he can make notes of Whoopi Goldberg’s analysis of Woodward’s book.

      1. Frank, Tom White is sad that his hero is falling apart in front of the world and guess what, 45 can’t blame the NFL, MS13, blacks, Hispanics, in fact it looks like those that Bob Woodward book are all white males that 45 selected. Tom needs some talking points from Steve Bannon.

  8. *** Tom apparently has blinders on & is fighting his gut-feelings on the continued 20-month saga going’s on in the W/H. I cannot remember any other sitting president that has had so much so called negative “Fake-News” written & talked about on T.V. Yet his supporters continue to look the other way in hopes of it all going away & their great white father Trump make “america great again”! Time to wake-up Trump supporters, you voted & put your money on the wrong guy! ***WHAT SAY YOU?***

  9. With a 36% POTUS approval rating at a downward inflection point, heading into Congressional mid-term elections, I think that we can look forward to Holiday wishes coming from a new POTUS this Holiday Season… Talk about meltdowns! We should just refer to the September 2018 White House as Chernobyl (a double entendre presents itself here, I think…).

  10. *** A government run by a small few, for personal gain & reasons is not being conservative, its not republican or democratic. A government that threatens “freedom of the press” is not interested in the truth. A government that’s worried about who stands & who sits during the national anthem at football games has lost its real focus. A U.S president that is interested in claiming credit for everything that hasn’t happen yet is a narcissistic dreamer! This is the president, the government, the party, that the so-called disenfranchised american nationalist in the USA has decided to back to lead them to the promise land.***SHAME,SHAME,SHAME***

  11. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I have an online subscription to ‘In These Times’. I have been exposed to the most radical socialist concepts and opinions. It also dwells in hateful depiction of anyone who is not committed to their ‘values’.

    I suspect that many of the uninformed and misinformed that post on OIB are influenced by a mix of these hateful positions taken by radical socialists and ‘media outlets’ such as CNN, along with the wit and wisdom of Whoopi and the others on ‘The View’.

    Donald Trump is an odd person. As Barrack Obama said recently, Trump did not create this mistrust, he is a product of it. Trump became president because he appealed to people who were not supportive of the direction that Obama and presumably Clinton represented.

    Now, Obama is on ‘The Risistance Tour. Thank you Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat party for giving us Donald Trump.

  12. *** Don’t thank them, thank yourself & your nationalist dreaming brothers & sisters that were con into voting with their hearts instead of their heads by a con-man that hasn’t payed taxes in years, or shown his past tax with-holdings like past presidentcial candidates & fooled you into voting for him by telling you he’s going to make America great again & make Mexico put up the “great wall of the south”! ***

  13. *** Trumps claim to fame & introduction to nationalist America, other than the tri-state area that knew him all to well as being an old real-estate con-man was the show, “The Apprentice”. After that show actively stopped & went into re-runs, the con-man was convinced by backers, etc. to think about possibly running for U.S president. Even though he & his backers felt it was a slim chance in hell, it would still be great for future business! Besides with all the financial backers, political donations, state & or fed. political funding’s if qualified & tax deductions, etc… it could be a national win-win! The political strategy is simple; make lots of promises, tell white america what they want to hear but were afraid to say in public, blame the democrats & Obama for everything & anything that is or has gone wrong with political America & call people negative names. However, always lie or claim to forget whatever the media claims you said or did? Then there’s the all time favorite excuse,”Fake-News”, no? ***WHAT SAY YOU?***


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