More Topless Stuff–They Could Hire Anthony Weiner

Maybe Gus Curcio should invite Congressman Anthony Weiner into town. They could call it “Weiner pulls a boner.” From Keila Torres, CT Post:

Several people with ownership interest in at least three strip clubs in the city are planning to open two more–with or without zoning approval.

Read more: here.



  1. This is a no-brainer. If these clubs open up as topless clubs without the proper approvals arrest the permittee, the owner and the dancers. It’s time to stand up and be counted. Who the hell do these people think they are?
    Would they try this crap in any of the surrounding towns? NO they would not. Play by the rules or pay the price.

  2. *** When it comes to zoning regulations, permits, etc. the city is all bark & no bite. Small example, Portuguese parade & small fair last week, no permits of any kind taken out nor issued by city! Election year, money talks, no? *** FORGETABOUTIT ***


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