Monsignor Kevin Wallin, the ex pastor of St. Augustine Cathedral in Bridgeport and a long-time member of the Sacred Heart University Board of Trustees has been indicted by a federal grand jury with conspiring to distribute methamphetamine. In 2010 Wallin was honored at Sacred Heart University’s annual Discovery Awards and Scholarship Dinner that benefits low-income students in Fairfield County. Wallin is accused of selling methamphetamine to an undercover officer.
Connecticut Post story: www.ctpost.com/news/article/Feds-Priest-arrested-for-selling-meth-4200164.php
News release from U.S. Attorney David Fein:
David B. Fein, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, John J. Arvanitis, Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration for New England, and Colonel Danny R. Stebbins of the Connecticut State Police, today announced that a federal grand jury sitting in Bridgeport has returned an indictment charging three Connecticut men and two California residents with conspiring to distribute methamphetamine. The indictment was returned on January 15, 2013.
According to statements made in court, this matter stems from a joint investigation by the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Connecticut State Police’s Statewide Narcotics Task Force. The investigation has included the use of court-authorized wiretaps, controlled purchases of methamphetamine, physical surveillance and the use of an undercover officer. The investigation revealed KEVIN WALLIN of Waterbury allegedly received shipments of methamphetamine from individuals in California. On six occasions between September 2012 and January 2013, it is alleged that the undercover officer purchased methamphetamine from WALLIN.
“This case is a model for cooperation between federal and state law enforcement agencies,” stated U.S. Attorney Fein. “The hard work of the DEA and the Connecticut State Police in this case resulted in the dismantling of what we allege was a significant methamphetamine distribution organization that spanned from California to Connecticut.”
The indictment charges the following five individuals with one count of conspiracy to distribute 500 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing methamphetamine, and 50 grams of actual methamphetamine:
KEVIN WALLIN, 61, of Golden Hill Street, Waterbury
KENNETH DEVRIES, also known as “Lyme,” 52, of Golden Hill Street, Waterbury
MICHAEL NELSON, 40, of Buckland Hills Drive, Manchester
CHAD McCLUSKEY, 43, of San Clemente, Calif.,
KRISTEN LASCHOBER, 47, of Laguna Niguel, Calif.
The indictment also charges WALLIN with six counts of possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine.
WALLIN and DEVRIES were arrested on criminal complaints on January 3, 2013. According to statements made in court, a court-authorized search of WALLIN’s residence on that date revealed suspected methamphetamine, as well as items that government alleges are drug paraphernalia and drug packaging materials.
McCLUSKEY and LASCHOBER were arrested on criminal complaints in Las Vegas, Nev., on January 10, 2013.
NELSON was arrested yesterday after the indictment was returned.
All five defendants are currently detained, and the investigation is ongoing.
If convicted of the charge of conspiracy to distribute 500 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing methamphetamine, and 50 grams of actual methamphetamine, each of the defendants faces a minimum term of imprisonment of 10 years, a maximum term of imprisonment of life and a fine of up to $10 million. If convicted of the charge of possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine, WALLIN faces a maximum term of imprisonment of 20 years and a fine of up to $1 million, on each count.
U.S. Attorney Fein stressed that an indictment is not evidence of guilt. Charges are only allegations, and each defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
This matter is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Patrick Caruso and H. Gordon Hall.
Seems Rev. Wallin was on the Board of Trustees at SHU … seems they are not too choosey who they appoint … jailbird Bob Scinto and Linda McMahon of WWE fame.
Guess the diocese doesn’t pay that well …
This is about as disgusting as you can get. I wonder who will pay the court costs? The Church? Will parishioners have to foot the bill as well as for the sex scandals? It seems to me the Pope must now make sure he increases his war against gay marriage as this has become the greatest attempt to divert the flock from focusing on the real problems of the Church. Pure greed and politics. This priest is the scum of the earth and found it more offensive the diocese asked for prayers for Monsignor Wallin as he has a rough road ahead. Really? How about the poor and ignorant who purchased the drugs and send their lives on a downward spiral? This is not an insult to Christians, it is a downright abomination that never seems to end within the Catholic Church. Even his association with Cardinal Egan. Burying sex scandals. What has happened to humanity? I wonder if they will use this as part of the campaign to bring Christians home–To the Catholic Church–a marketing attempt to increase membership of a church that is falling apart all over the world! When I saw this ad on CNN I thought I was in a parallel universe. The monsignor is a pig. That is being way to kind. Hundreds of people looked up to this man. The good news is Jesus hates the sin not the sinner. Isn’t that what many believe? I believe he deserves the death penalty or a life sentence. I believe he deserves the harshest sentence any minority would receive just based on his position in life. When will all of this insanity in the Church end?
Wallin is no longer a priest. He was stripped in 2012 of priestly duties and any affiliation. So he is on his own for his defense.
I understood he was on sabbatical. I understand the diocese attempted to reach out to him. As a priest on sabbatical I will also safely assume he was on the church’s payroll and insurance and retirement. I am certain he had to be receiving some compensation from the Church. Either way, he kept company with others of the Church who have been elevated politically like Egan who had covered up many sex scandals in Bridgeport and sorry but no different than Pope Benedict’s coverup of sex scandals while an archbishop not to mention politically his rise to the holy see. I suppose his membership in the Hitler youth couldn’t hurt his quick rise to to the Holiest man alive … not!
In search of a ‘higher’ power?
From 20+ years ago I will admit I never liked Wallin; found him pretentious and arrogant. Expected he might leave the Church but never for something like this.
This is what courts are for and he will receive a fair trial and pay dearly if found guilty … as he should.
As to Steve Auerbach, get a grip.
The Church has made many mistakes, the most hurtful was sweeping under the rug those who preyed upon vulnerable children. Painfully, they are learning that lesson. Still not all the way there just yet.
*** What’s the big deal whether he was a priest or not, he’s still human and capable of making poor decisions with or without the Lord’s blessing, no? This man has stepped from the light into the darkness at a late age, why? Depending on his circumstances, maybe the church should not completely turn its back on this man yet without finding out more info. first, ex-priest or not? *** PRAY ***
I would pray for the victims of his misguided dark path. As for him … let him suffer!
Has anyone read the follow-up article? This man was relieved of his priestly duties when staff at the St. Augustine rectory witnessed and reported him dressing as a woman and engaging in sexual activity with other male crossdressers on church grounds. Another black eye for the Catholic church, like sweeping child molesters under the rug wasn’t bad enough. This is an abomination.
You can’t make up this sort of thing. A priest is relieved of his duties after the church discovers he’s a transvestite who enjoyed engaging in sexual activities in the rectory. So he buys a porn shop and launders the proceeds from drug sales. The surreal twists of this story are breathtaking.
You are kidding, right?
I needed an out loud laugh. Thank you Godiva and Kid.
Omg … I just read that update in a California paper. Is that a joke? I thought you guys were putting me on.
I have heard of falls from Grace but this is a plummet.
I love this story for many reasons. It’s got drugs, sex, cross dressing and the Church. Fun for the whole family!
Now everyone repeat after me: “My life is great, My life is great …”
My heart goes out to all those good Catholics who must be terribly hurt by all of this. There are so many great people who have done so much good and the Church has done so much good in the world.
Now, it’s time to seriously change Catholic Church policy. Allow gay marriage. Allow marriage for priests. Support pro choice. Without big change the schism within the Church will widen as those with blind faith will buy into the program and those with independent minds will continue to leave. That Cathedral on Washington Avenue and all the other large churches will be boarded up in twenty years, if not … This brings heartbreak to a new level.