Meet John Gomes

I love Taco Loco. Genial owner Miguel Tomasio hosted an OIB party there. Democratic mayoral candidate John Gomes has scheduled a meet and greet for Jan. 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Taco, 3170 Fairfield Avenue in Black Rock. Live music, complimentary appetizers and prizes for the first 25 guests. Prizes? Maybe I’ll do prizes at the next OIB party. When you see Miguel tell him he needs to place white anchovy on the menu!!! He’ll know what I’m talking about.



    1. Lake Forest Guy // Jan 14, 2011 at 1:59 pm
      To your posting

      Come around to seeing this as NOT a machine-formula meet and greet. Think of this as an opportunity for a multi-cultural event in a great friendly atmosphere

      You’re right Lake, this “Meet and greet” may not be set up the way it’s always been done in the Campaign and election circles we’ve traveled most of our political lives …

      However I’m more than ready to be very supportive to genuine leadership in the Mayor’s office, come the next Mayoral election in Bridgeport …

      Piñatas can be everywhere in that scenario …



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