The thought of voting for a Democrat, unless of course it’s his wife, is something of a stomach churner for U.S. Marine Jack McGregor. Semper fi, always faithful, is a dedicated McGregor mantra in life. But Donald Trump is a different animal; he’s not a Republican, he’s not even a Democrat, he’s a demagogue, a point McGregor hammers home in this lively commentary that also appeared in the Connecticut Post. McGregor and wife, two-time mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster, co-founded the Bridgeport Bluefish baseball team. McGregor, 82, has enjoyed a Forrest Gump life covering sports, law, politics, government, business, world travel and more. Check out his commentary. Full disclosure: I am proudly his biographer. And, by the way, you Hillary haters and Trump stumpers are free to send in your own commentaries as well.
I write to explain why, after 60 years as a Republican, I will not support Donald Trump for President of the United States. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, I was elected as a Republican to the Pennsylvania Senate in 1962 after my service in the U.S. Marine Corps and just out of the University of Pittsburgh Law School.
I served in the Senate for eight years in Harrisburg, and then spent many more decades as a very active Republican. I knew and worked with Presidents Eisenhower, Ford, Reagan, and both Bushes, and strongly supported Republican nominees who came up short, like Dole, McCain and Romney.
Gov. Bill Scranton was my mentor as a young elected official, and over the years I counted as friends and colleagues many great Pennsylvania Republicans like John Heinz, Hugh Scott, Arlen Specter, Dick Thornburgh and an equally-great former Pennsylvanian Orrin Hatch.
In my three decades in Connecticut, I have been a supporter and ally of such Republicans as Jodi Rell, Chris Shays, and Tony Hwang. I’ve even supported independent-Republican-thinking officials such as Joe Lieberman.
I also learned a thing or two about business and professional sports: in 1967, I was a part of the group that brought an NHL team to Pittsburgh. As the founder of the Pittsburgh Penguins, I had the honor of dropping the ceremonial puck on October 11, 1967, at the Penguins’ first home game at the old Pittsburgh Civic Arena. I’m excited that the Penguins have asked me to drop the puck again next month, to celebrate their 50th year as a franchise.
But back to Donald Trump, and why I–a lifelong Republican and former elected official–simply cannot support him. Over the years I have spent some time with Trump. I consider him to be the single most self-absorbed and least substantive public person I’ve ever met.
His demagoguery knows no bounds; he has zero intellectual curiosity; he “wings it” on every subject; he’s turned on by one-liner insults and he’s an insufferable blowhard. As the entire nation has now seen, Trump is incapable of discussing any topic without making it all about himself.
He is the ultimate “me, me, me, I, I, I” guy. And face it: despite the bluster, Trump has been a frequent failure in the private sector, with repeat bankruptcies and unpaid bills. And, they say, he cheats at golf.
But how do I really feel? Donald Trump is an immoral liar. He would be a diplomatic disaster, a congressional-relations disaster, and we’ve already witnessed that he is a Republican Party destroyer. He’s turned the Republican Party, which was my home for 60 years, into something I can no longer support; I recently re-registered as “unaffiliated.”
Donald Trump is a developer who destroys rather than builds, and a golf course owner who cheats at golf. As a candidate, he has been vastly more polarizing than either President Obama or Secretary Clinton; as a President his divisiveness within our country would be even worse. Did I mention that they say he cheats at golf?
Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns is despicable and his explanation is an obvious pretext. He’s against free trade, which is bad; and he’s a crudely prejudiced bigot, which is far worse. Does anything better sum up Trump’s character and personality defects than his denigration of our great hero and national treasure, Senator John McCain? The notion of reality TV star Donald Trump as President of the United States would be funny if it weren’t so scary.
I’ve been involved in Republican presidential campaigns for more than 60 years. It took the selection of Donald J. Trump to drive me out of my party. My old political heroes and mentors like Ike, Bill Scranton, John Sherman Cooper, my father and both grandfathers must be turning in their graves about my change in party registration. But I’m confident that every one of those honorable and dignified men would be repulsed by Donald Trump, and saddened by what has become of their Republican Party.
The only political bumper sticker on my car this year is “Paul Ryan for President in 2020.” If an honorable Republican had been nominated, from any wing of the party, I would be supporting him or her this fall. But Donald Trump is not honorable. This is serious stuff, and I won’t waste my vote on a protest candidate. Since the future of our country may depend on preventing Donald Trump from becoming President, I’m with her this November, and I urge other Republicans to join me.
Jack is a very honorable man. He is a cross between Gump and George Bailey. If I ever had to go to war it would be with him in a foxhole versus the asshole.
He is very fond of Ah-Beetz and hot dogs. If he owned a pizza parlor it would be called Semper Pie! He has a birthday coming up later in the month. Franks for the memories, Jack!
It’s a Wonderful Life!!!
Jack, you don’t think Clinton has the same bad character flaws? I will only say two things, Benghazi and e-mails.
Andy. I’m with you! You’re actually being too kind to Hillary. She and Bill are as crooked as a three dollar bill. They’d take the gold out of your mouth if they thought they could get away with it.
Andy, I will only say three things about your commentary. Terminal Dumb Ass!
Grin, take the blinders off.
I’m a Mudder today!
Hey Grin, better than a Gelding, you Mudder, you!
I have the filly in this claimer!
Notice how McGregor never mentions her by name?
Maybe he’s a RINO, hoping she (Hillary Clinton) will spit the bit!
I grew up voting and supporting candidates regardless of what gang the politician was a member of (Dem. Crips or Rep. Bloods). I’ll stand on my ground firmly and say I will be voting for Donald Trump.
Just so everyone knows, the namecalling, shaming, intimidations, threats, accusations and the judging all have been said and done. And I haven’t changed my mind, Donald Trump for President.
Gary, that’s what’s great about America. You can be wrong and it’s okay.
Mr. Mackey, very interesting statement. When it comes to voting is there a wrong or right? And who decides who is wrong and who is right?
Excellent choice, Jack McGregor! With every one of her character flaws she stands head and shoulders above any candidate on both sides of the aisle to lead this country. With every flaw! As though she hasn’t been vetted when she ran against Obama, they are still manufacturing “stuff.” Trump has way more faults, least of which is his temperament. He just doesn’t have what it takes and as well he is a bigot. He does have support. Look into the hearts of those who are supporting him and why, and you will have your answer.
When the wind changes direction the weathervane will, too.
I will make it short and sweet. I like history. I love HISTORY. IMHO, Donald Trump is the worst Presidential candidate in the history of the United States, unless you you add Third Party candidates. Then I need to consider George Wallace and Strom Thurmond. Then it’s a harder decision.
Those two were both Democrats or Dixiecrats. Strom was one of a very few Dixiecrats who changed to Republican.
For me it is about the issues. I can do without the name calling.
secure the borders
Bring jobs back from China
deport illegal immigrants
path to citizenship.
I wish Hillary would talk less about Trump and more about her plans for her presidency. I am sure she has a plan and I wish I knew what it is.
Trump’s products are “made in China.”
This is an interesting history video:
www .youtube.com/watch?v=SnLR1tuqI5k
BOE SPY. I dare you to reveal yourself and use your real name. This is your last chance.
Oh no, not my last chance! I will take my chances. Why does it matter?
Okay, you convinced me. I am Frank Gyure. I can use any fake name. You wouldn’t know me anyway. Really, explain what difference it would make to you if I use my real name.
I work for the city and if I were critical of people on this site I am sure my job would be in danger. Talking about nonsense on this site is not worth losing my job. Sorry.
That was funny.
Love you, BOE SPY. Keep posting. I will keep reading!
And who cares who Jack M supports? I certainly don’t.
Back to the topic.
Never underestimate the “Brexit Factor.” Earlier this year, Britons voted to leave the EU because the 99% wanted to screw the 1% and voting was their only way to do it. Same thing here. People lack agency, which is the ability to control their lives.
Jack McGregor seems to be choosing the lesser of two evils instead of selecting a candidate of his choice. American voters will soon face the same dilemma. Every Presidential election is a referendum on the previous administration.