Mayoral Candidates Enter Compressed Primary Cycle

In the swirl of city politics, the election calendar dictates timelines that both election officials and candidates must meet.

August 1 kicks off a six-week time frame in anticipation of a projected September 12 Democratic primary for mayor and other municipal offices.

All Democratic endorsed candidates have qualified for the ballot, based on last week’s convention. The opposition is a work in progress, according to the calendar established by state law.

Challengers to Mayor Joe Ganim – Lamond Daniels, John Gomes and Marilyn Moore – are courting signatures of Democratic voters to qualify for the primary ballot. Just over 2,000 validated signatures must be approved by election officials to appear on the ballot.

From the election calendar:

AUGUST 9, 2023
4:00 p.m.

PRIMARY PETITIONS — FILING. Primary petitions for opposition candidates of
a major party for municipal offices must be submitted to respective registrars by
4:00 p.m. of this day. Registrars of voters, deputy registrar or assistant registrar
must be in their office or office facilities between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to
accept petitions. (Secs. 9-405 and 9-406)

AUGUST 16, 2023
NOMINATING PETITIONS. Last day for town clerk to file nominating petition
pages, received by clerk on August 9th, with Secretary of the State. (Secs. 9-
453i and 9-453n)

Once the above is settled, then absentee voting starts in advance of walk-in electors at polling places.

AUGUST 22, 2023
ABSENTEE BALLOTS. Absentee ballots for municipal primary become
available on this day. (Secs. 9-135 and 9-140(f))



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