Mayor Seeks Public Support Following Burglary

From city Communications Director Brett Broesder:

Mayor Bill Finch asked for the public’s support for the Daughters of Charity following a burglary at the North Avenue convent that also houses a daycare center and food pantry for the poor.

“All she does is help the poor,” said Mayor Bill Finch, who visited Sister Theresa Tremblay Friday after learning about the break-ins. “There are people all over the city of Bridgeport who have felt this saint’s generosity. She is a lady of faith, great deep faith, and it has served this city very well.”

The Daughters of Charity operates a daycare center, a pantry and convent for the sisters at 1490 North Ave.

Police responded to a burglary there on Jan. 22 in which a computer was stolen. A week earlier, items were stolen including diapers and sundries that were collected for the needy.

Detectives are investigating the burglaries but wanted to do more. They started a collection in the detective bureau to help the charity recoup its losses. Detective Joe Badolato, the lead detective, said he has witnessed the work Sister Theresa has done in the community and felt the need to help.

“She is a great person. She is completely selfless,” said Badolato. “The Daughters of Charity give so much, so it struck a nerve when someone stole from them.”

Click here for video: (Source: City of Bridgeport)

Donations already have started.

When officials at Wheelabrator Bridgeport, a trash-to-energy company,  learned about the theft, they pledged a donation. The company has donated money yearly to the Bridgeport Police Explorers, the Daughters of Charity and the Champion Mentoring Program.

Sister Theresa said the theft “breaks my heart” and she would like to have the items back. The computer belongs to the convent. The diapers and other supplies belong to the needy.

But she said she was more concerned for soul of the thief.

To the thief, she said with a forgiving heart, “If you ever need anything, I give with all my heart. Whatever you need.”

“The mayor had a kind heart to offer his services. The police department has been working with me closely,” she added.

The Daughters of Charity is a grass-roots rescue mission that ministers directly to the needy people within the Bridgeport community, regardless of their ethnic background or religion. While trying to meet the immediate needs of their clients for food, clothing, child care and furnishings, they also try to tackle the underlying causes of poverty so that people can become self-sufficient. The Daughters of Charity was established in 1908.

Mayor Finch asked the community to come together to help the Daughters of Charity.

“There is a silver lining here,” he told Sister Theresa. “I really believe that with all my heart.”

Anyone willing to donate to the Daughters of Charity can mail checks to 1490 North Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. 06604, or contact the convent at 203-334-7000.



  1. Very sad. I have seen lines at that facility. Sister Theresa, a truly selfless person. I am certain all merchandise will be replaced so she can continue her good works.

  2. Sister Therese Tremblay is present with daycare for families in need, clothing, food pantry and other regular as well as holiday initiatives, and she has worked with youth who have left or have no homes and are on the street, attempting to help them find their way to a road to productive adulthood. She showers love on all and her work schedule shows little concern for herself. She is a role model for the entire community as “a person for others.”
    Lennie, thank you for featuring Sister’s program at this time of need. I have observed her putting everything and everyone to work. Will her belief in the humanity of this thief create a change in that person’s life? Time will tell.


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