Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa loves to wax about the good ol’ days. For Mario it’s back to the future with his pal Joe Ganim. Both are delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Joe was a Democratic shooting star and Mario a high-profile town chair back in the day. Now the band’s back together, and that’s just fine with Mario.
From CT Post reporter Neil Vigdor:
Sitting in the audience for Ganim’s break-through moment was Mario Testa, Bridgeport’s Democratic boss and a delegate for Hillary Clinton.
“It’s like the old times back in the 90s,” Testa said.
Testa credited Ganim, who was the only speaker to step out from behind the podium to engage the audience, with cracking down on crime in Bridgeport.
“Since he took over, violence has been going down,” Testa said. “He’s going in the right direction.”
Full story here.
Great nosebleed seats, mayor! Though that would have a different meaning if it were Fabrizi.
Clever, and sad, and clever.
Explain how this headline spells good news.
It is shocking and sad the DNC would have a convicted felon for public corruption address their convention. That would not happen at an RNC convention after the person had been convicted.
Oh great, a convicted felon who did wrong when he was in office speaking at a convention for crooked Hillary!!! I voted for Obama twice, this time around I’m voting for Trump!!! Time for a non-politician. Hillary is a part of the establishment!!!
donj, Trump will look after you and your concerns so you don’t worry about a thing because you’re not Hispanic or a Muslim or black so donj Trump will be good for you and your family. In fact you might be able to get a job building that wall in Mexico.
I’m white and male. Trump will be horrible for all of us. I can’t believe anybody would think otherwise.
donj is black but he’s trying to pass for white.
Please be gentle with donj. He has made the OIB audience his “shoulder” over the past several years telling us who and why he is favorably looking at a candidate. I am not sure why he feels such a need or desire, but there it is.
Could donj be working on a comedy script, with your assistance? Isn’t anything and everything possible this year? Time will tell.
The convention is awesome! President Obama is speaking at this very moment! I think that is a great picture. That is our Mayor. Mr. Walker, the Republican convention was about as embarrassing as it could possibly be. Your candidate is an asshole. He is the most unqualified individual ever to run for the office. He is not sane or competent and certainly does not have the temperament to be the commander in chief. How irresponsible it is of you to support him. Mike Bloomberg made that clear tonight. As for the picture of Mario and Joe and Ganim’s young son, I think it is great. I think young Ganim will be a politician. As a taxpayer in this city, I am proud our Mayor is at the convention. I think talking about his past is just degrading and unnecessary. Joe Ganim does not read this blog. That is good for him. How embarrassing to his family to hear the same redundant sour grapes. Are we going to hear the same tired shit for the next three years? Bill Finch moved on and it is time for the negative mean-spirited redundant comments to stop. It will not enhance your movement and just insults the people of this great city.
Did I mention I am supporting Tom McCarthy for State senate?
Love Obama’s speech! I hope Ganim is watching this live! Lucky!
So it’s okay for you to give your strong negative opinion of Trump, complete with a clinical diagnosis, but when an opinion you do not share is expressed, only those folks are negative and mean-spirited? #notvotingTrumpfortherecord
Early morning chuckle with my coffee. SA having the unmitigated gall to call anyone mean-spirited. RAF (rich as f**k).
Zena Lu, did you really get a chuckle with your morning coffee? Did my comment really invoke that, to the point you felt necessary to comment anonymously? Shouldn’t you be doing something more important for your candidate? BTW, I know who you are, Thank you!
Everyone knows who I am, Steve. That is precisely why I brought this handle back. Chuckles galore.
The picture looks like a Sing Sing reunion shot. What is the over/under on the number of ankle brackets in the room?
Our First Lady gave a speech worthy of a Nobel prize the other night. I love her. She is smart, beautiful, classy and a role model for my children. I hope she runs for office herself in the near future. I would support her. Mrs. Obama has a way with words that touch your heart, make you think in ways you never would have before. She will be quoted for years to come and words are not easily forgotten. I remember what she said back in 2008 in regards to Hillary. She said, “If you can’t run your own house, what would make us believe you can run run the White House.” Yep, still got that stuck in my head. It really made me think.
Well Mary Filo, in 2008 they were running against each other. Political rhetoric. Meanwhile, Clinton and Bill are still together and their house is in order. Barack Obama made it very clear, she is now the most qualified individual ever running for office and that included himself and Bill Clinton. First lady, State Senator and Secretary of State. I think that is what should stick in your head. Michelle Obama’s speech supporting Clinton was about as strong as you can get!
So it’s only political rhetoric when running against someone, but it’s not when endorsing? Good to know!
Jennifer, thank you for clarification on my point to SA. That was exactly what I was trying to say. That said, I meant every other word I wrote about our First Lady.
It is refreshing to see the DNC support anyone for political office regardless of sex, race, creed or color. Just as long as you’re not a Jew.
If you want to compare resume to resume for candidates Steve, Nixon was equally as, and with his VP experience, even slightly more qualified than Clinton. Which speaks volumes about resume qualifications.
Benghazi and e-mails.
This headline says everything. You can almost read his thoughts: “Even the Clintons are moving back into the White House. It’s DESTINY! Long live the ’90s!!!” Mario and Joe: the only two living souls who think the ’90s were a heyday.
To all the women out there. If Bill Clinton were your husband and fooled around with all the women he admitted to, would you still be married to him? To all the guys out there, would you still be married to someone as shrill as Hillary?
Putting it that way Andy, the Clintons obviously have a match made in heaven. Gotta give it to the Democrats–their candidates live family values better than the Republicans.
Now Playing! Donald Trump in The Treasonator!!!
Theme song, Putin on the Ritz?
You crack me up!
And you set me up, what a team!
A majority of US scientists agree, just because the fraud was found by the Russians doesn’t make it not true. Besides, it is the moral obligation of civilized countries to help backward countries uncover fraud and corruption in their political systems. Trump and Russia–helping to make America great again.
The Clintons love convicted felons. Chelsea’s father-in-law is one.
Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would see two more unworthy candidates for the highest office in our country.
A lot of silly comments here. All I can say is it makes me sick to my stomach to see Joe Ganim and Mario Testa. It’s so revolting.