From CT Post scribe Brian Lockhart:
But on Monday Testa, while still sounding a bit skeptical, was not so dismissive, citing the support Ganim appears to be receiving in the minority community as he continues his apology tour at churches and other welcoming venues.
“This is a minority city,” Testa said. “If they forgive him and come out to vote, then (he) definitely has a very good chance.”One veteran Democratic insider said it makes sense for Testa, who has not had the warmest relationship with Finch but has said publicly the mayor is doing a good job, to welcome Ganim back.
Full story here.
Maybe if we keep talking about Joe people will start believing, stop donating thousands to Finch, maybe a grassroots campaign for Ganim, a dollar here and a dollar there. And finally, drum roll please … Mary-Jane FOSTER, the announcement we have been waiting for other than Ganim’s apology, ten years in the making. Speaking about Ganim, I noticed Paul Ganim has relocated to the former Jewish Family services on Park Ave. Is that an attempt to create distance?
If “they” come out and vote and forgive him he has a very good chance. THEY? Well if they stand in lines like he is Barack Obama and hell freezes over his chances are incredible. Can you just see all his endorsements? I can see him as Mayor as clear as the pigs flying out of his ass.
Stevie, not the pig metaphor again?
Sorry. 🙂
“He was very upbeat and he said to me, ‘I associated with the wrong people’–because he never spoke to me about what was going on,” Testa said. “He says, ‘Listen, I apologize. I should have apologized early but we had an (court) appeal going’.”
Lennie, who is Joe talking about by “the wrong people?” You and Paulie? Mario didn’t know Joe was dealing with Uncle Sal? It was Uncle Sal who took him down to NYC and bought him a wardrobe from Sal’s personal tailor, right? And Mario didn’t know Joe was cutting deals with Sonny Lenoci? Mario didn’t know Chuck was involved in some of this stuff?
Boy, Joe was a greater master of deception than I gave him credit for.
Buddy Cianci and John Rowland associated with the wrong people too, right?
If Mayor Ganim reads this blog, I want him to know I have a place for him on my campaign committee. He can contact me at (203) 666-9361, it couldn’t hurt.
Hector, how could Joe not read the best rag in town?
Joe, a word of advice. You apologized, it came off sincere, leave it at that. Saying you associated with the wrong people makes it sound like you are again blaming others for your actions. Be a man and take responsibility.
Bob Walsh, one thing is certain. Joe is a very smart man and he is charming. Joe Ganim running for Mayor and winning is not only redemption for himself but many of his associates. This should be a very interesting next few weeks, at least for news, speculation and political pundits.
How quickly we forget about all the complete bullshit Finch has pulled these past eight years. From the city council to the UI deal at Seaside to the driveway in Stratford. Everything that comes out of his mouth sounds like utter BS. I would take Ganim any day.
Mario’s tone and message seem more Ganim friendly and supportive when compared to his comments last week. Hmmmmmmmmm.
That’s because Joe was dining in his restaurant. Bill probably rarely if ever dines at Testo’s. 🙂
Mrs. F: “Shut the blinds and come to bed Bill, it’s freaking 3:30am!”
MF: “I can’t, I know he’s across the street in the Park with a pair of night vision binoculars, watching my every move!”
Mrs. F: “Ever since Joe’s apology, you’ve been paranoid, up every night thinking he’s going to run for Mayor!”
MF.: “Never mention him by his first name in this house again!”
Mrs. F: “Come on, you have $300k and another $150k in the other accounts with Woody the SEEC will never find, he can’t possibly raise that kind of money by August!”
MF: “No! But he can raise that kind of money by November! I got it! I’ll have Kooris, Billy Minor, McCarthy and Hamilton Burger put together an RFP for the downtown Majestic and Palace theaters, we’ll twin it together with the Main St. North project. The voters will love it!”
Mrs. F: “Come to bed now, the voters will think you’re making this shit up just to get reelected.”
MF: “Hey, if Grogins can make Black Rock think they have a walking bridge coming, and a streetscape, then I have to keep making this shit up all the way ’til November! Will Apply for Grants from the National Trust Preservation Fund, will do a Press Conference with all the suck-ups, Auerbach, Tippie, McCluster, McGee, Blumie; and bring in some theatrical people like Tommy Tune, if he’s still alive!”
Mrs. F: “Now come to bed, I’m sure Joe’s home sleeping now.”
MF: “Joe who?”
Jim Fox, thank you so much for that celebrity status. I do so love seeing Auerbach in print, billboards, museums, Atheneum, Hartford University and The Only in Bridgeport blog. Doing something with the Poli Majestic theater is brilliant. Finch should take your advice because it will remind people nothing was done during Ganim’s administration, while Waterbury refurbished their theaters as well as Torrington, we still get to look at the same dilapidated theaters that look as desolate as they did in 1967 when my family moved to Bridgeport.
Jimfox, no one makes me laugh on this blog more than you. I heard from a reliable source Moales announced he was runnin for Ayala’s seat from his pulpit this past Sunday. I wonder how loud the laughter was.