Two years ago Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa made it a priority to mobilize all his delegates to the state party convention to support Ned Lamont for governor. Mario wanted to vote as a bloc and he thought Ned’s moolah was the ticket to a winning race. Despite Mario’s support, several city pols led by the city’s state legislative delegation and former Democratic Town Chair John Stafstrom managed to keep the city close for Dannel Malloy as he croaked Ned throughout most of the state in a party primary. This year with an open U.S. Senate seat Mario has told his peeps you are free to do what you want. Okay says party Vice Chair Dottie Guman, the Mother Goose of the party, I’m supporting Susan Bysiewicz.
Mayor Bill Finch and Stafstrom are supporting Congressman Chris Murphy for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Joe Lieberman. Mario’s being coy about his support. But given Mario’s declaration to set his peeps free he’ll probably spread around alliances as he selects delegates for the state party convention in May. Better to cover your ass.
Black Rock District Leader Danny Roach was among the first established city pols to pledge his support to Bysiewicz before Mario’s declaration. Roach is hosting an event for SuBy Sunday evening at his home.

Guman and Roach both agree SuBy’s presence in the state’s largest city is one of the reasons they’re supporting her. SuBy’s the female version of Dick Blumenthal. She shows up to stuff large and small. Among some pols it’s paying off. It appears a majority–but not overwhelming–of party regulars will support Murphy given the mayor’s support and his lead in the polls. The latest Quinnipiac poll places Murphy a comfortable 12 points head of SuBy, but certainly not an overwhelming lead. SuBy earned her political chops waging primaries, first winning a State House seat and then shocking the party-endorsed Democrat for secretary of the state Ellen Scalletar in 1998 with blistering truth-stretching attack ads that earned SuBy the queen of mean moniker.

SuBy will try to do the same against Murphy. It’s what she does. The Murphy camp will have no problem unloading on SuBy if they think she’s edging too close for comfort such as reminding voters of her using her public office for fundraising gain and politically embarrassing misrepresentation of her legal qualifications to run for Connecticut attorney general. One thing about SuBy, she’s relentless whether raising money or seeking political support.
Game on for the August primary.
Just what we need, another queen of mean. SuBy is all about SuBy. She showed her true colors. I’m backing Chris Murphy and I don’t give a shit what Dottie or Mario say.
*** This Dem is backing C. Shays for US Senate! *** Don’t Settle, Select ***
Who is Auden supporting?
Interesting activities for Sunday in Black Rock. Attend a reception for a Democratic candidate for US Senate at Danny Roach’s home OR attend BRIDGEPORT FINANCES 101 at Harborview Market at 4:00 PM. Spoke with a $35,000 City property taxpayer this morning and he is discouraged with the amount of City information available to him. He will be present to learn, to ask questions, to get answers.
Within the past 24 hours I have spoken with three former City Council members predating the Finch administration. They remember getting monthly financial reports, but not whether they got them for the 12th month!!! What a sorry admission!!!
Perhaps the financial executives at the ten largest City taxpayers (or the 10 largest not for profit organizations, since healthcare is such a major focus of jobs and services in Bridgeport) ought to provide the reasons why that is not only counter to the City Charter language (“the Mayor shall”) but how it leaves recipients uninformed as to what were the annual expenditures, and what was the annual revenue, and whether there was a surplus or deficit on the City side. And since the monthly reports as currently constructed do not compare last year actual monthly to this year actual monthly, those variances are not observed. Talk about blindfolding the watchdogs? It really happens in Bridgeport.
This past Monday I addressed the state of ignorance, arrogance, and fiscal folly of a series of Mayors willfully disobeying the language of Chapter 9, Section 7 of the City Charter. I spoke directly to the City Council in a five-minute address with a copy of comments distributed as well. On Tuesday night in the three minutes provided by Charter Revision Commission (all property taxpayers I assume) I focused on the same fiscal issues. No questions. No comments. Ignorance, arrogance, willful disobedience are strong words. I am a patient man. It is time to see what the big taxpayers say, the ones with financial common sense. They are the ones who know trust must be verified, and errors must be corrected. They are the ones who put money, jobs, and futures at risk when they plan and know a financial system needs to be open, accountable and transparent. They have assumed that is the case, but unfortunately failed to verify. When they see the thin line of Bridgeport watchdogs are cuddled and coddled lapdogs with growl, bark and bite bred out of their lineage, expect changes. After all for the Mayor to plan four public meetings where the public can ask questions is a novel approach in this City. Wonder if you can ask for a copy of the June 30 operating reports for the past 20 years? I wonder if you can ask why the Library Board did not receive its full 1 mil in the 2011 budget year that seemed to keep the City out of the red last year? I wonder if he will comment on the public safety overtime deficits this year and the less than optimistic revenue planning that projects a $3.8 Million City operating deficit by June 30, 2012 in the seven month January, 2012 report? Time will tell.
More importantly who is Sully supporting? We all know Rob Sullivan is building up his war chest and busy campaigning throughout the district, but will he announce who he is supporting? I’m looking forward to a reply.
She’s supporting SULLY!
If that’s true, hope she doesn’t get caught with her pants down also. If so, the shit will really hit the fan.
Nothing like political poop.
Sully wants to curb Auden.
I guess Finch and Vallas never heard of Google.
Speaking of Vallas! The new Super was seen lurking around Testo’s and coming out of a Kitchen Cabinet meeting with John Fabrizi and Mario. Will Vallas be Fabrizi’s new connection?
Much has been written about Bob Trefry’s business acumen. I agree he was a great leader at PT’s favorite hospital. However, I wonder how much direction he took from, rather than gave to, his Board of Directors? Will this be any different from the “Functioning Sicks” who took their direction from Ramos and other Supers?
You people think I’m kidding about Vallas. I am not. Hired by the state to correct all of the mess the calamarians caused in the BOE and he is ‘seen’ cavorting with Fabrizi and Testo at the restaurant. How much of this horseshit are you brain-dead registered voters who don’t vote going to take?
If that’s true then Vallas should be driven out of town. And his appointed BOE should follow him.