Update here. From Cedar Attanasio, CT Post:
City police said the man who was shot to death as he was working on his car on Sixth Street did not appear to be the intended target of Thursday morning’s shooting.
Cadell Moore, 34, of Connecticut Avenue in Bridgeport, was fatally shot while he worked on his car in front of houses in the 50 block of Sixth Street, police spokesman Av Harris said.
Moore’s mother, Pamela, is the legal assistant for Bridgeport attorney Edward Gavin, who said the incident is heartbreaking.
“He was just a good guy, a good father who was just stopped there changing the spark plugs on his car when these kids with guns came up to shoot up a house. Moore was totally innocent,” Gavin said.
Full story here.
“This is now a homicide investigation,” said Bridgeport Police spokesman Av Harris. Really? No shit. Gun shot wounds are not categorized as “natural causes.”
Last week a 15 y/o girl was shot Monday or Tuesday someone was shot near the Sunshine Deli last night someone was shot on Newfield Avenue, now this. Ganim said he would do a better job fighting crime than Finch. He has the police chief he wanted yet the shootings still continue.
Admiral swift the 7th Fleet Commander was relieved after TWO collisions at sea. He was not at the helm of either ship but he was in charge.
Mayor Ganim had three Police Chiefs working for the City at the same time, Armando “A.J.” Perez, Joseph Gaudett and Wilbur Chapman and what has the taxpayers of Bridgeport gotten for all of those high salaries, nothing.
The taxpayers got the bill, that is what they got.
If the Mayor and CC spent more on education, they might have less incidences of violence and less need for a bloated police budget.
What the hell are you talking about, that’s too much like doing the right thing. Joe has now has just two police chiefs with Chapman making $128,000 a year and Chief Perez making even more and for a quarter of a million dollars being paid for police chiefs killings are out of hand.
Call Joseph Gaudett and Bill Finch. Maybe they will set up a gofundme account to buy back all the firearms in the city. Finch can use the leftover funds to pay his mortgage.
With Hillary Clinton lost to 45 is bringing hard times to Governor Malloy, Mayor Ganim and former mayor Bill Finch for future employment. Bill Finch needed the help of Mayor Ganim and Mario Testa for employment in the past but now Finch is NOT on the list of friends of Joe and Mario he will really need help in getting a job.
I’m sensing the people of the city of Bridgeport, at least a few of those that voted for him, are seeing Mayor Ganim for what he is: a fraud, a huckster. He sold snake oil by the liter.
There was a shooting in Black Rock the night before last. Man and a woman arguing in a car in the parking lot. According to Doing It Local “Police received a couple calls on shots fired near the movie theaters at Fairfield Avenue and Alfred Street, possibly inside a white car. Police arrive but cannot locate the car nor a crime scene. A short time later police received a call from St. Vincent’s that a person was shot…”
In Bridgeport There is a culture of retribution. Get a gun, shoot thevnext guy to show disrespect. Bill Finch and Joseph Gaudett only paid lip service to gun violence in the city, never made the effort to understand the gang culture that spawns most of the gun play:. “As long as it stays on the East Side and The Hollow…”
Opening police department substations in public housing projects is all fine and good but not very effective. Good luck with that. There is a culture of “Stop snitching!” that is enforced by retribution. People are rightly afraid to talk to the cops.
Among the underlying causes of this are an absolutely shitty public school system. It is so bunged up by politics, lawsuits, pettiness nd bickering that the needs of the students are an afterthought.
Another is an appalling lack of job creation.
So there you have it, ignorance and no legitimate income. And guns. Lots of guns.
This situation is a byproduct of the proliferation of guns. Now any fool can buy a gun and unlike when I was young and my children were young if you had a beef you fought, you kick my ass or I’d kick yours. Now with the proliferation of guns fist fights have changed to I’ll shoot you. Guns, guns, guns.