Governor-elect Dan Malloy thanked a packed audience of city pols–some who love each other, some who can’t stand each other, some who stick pins in the voodoo dolls of their enemies–for putting aside their differences and running up a huge plurality in the state’s largest city that helped vault him to a squeaker win over Republican Tom Foley.
Yes indeed, it was quite a collection of city pols at Murphy’s Law downtown: former Town Chair John Stafstrom, State Rep. Chris Caruso, State Rep. Andres Ayala, State Rep. Auden Grogins, former City Council President Lisa Parziale, Black Rock District Leader Danny Roach, all of whom supported Malloy over Ned Lamont in the primary. And a whole bunch of folks who had supported Lamont in the primary–Mayor Bill Finch, City Council President Tom McCarthy, Town Chair Mario Testa were also on hand. Yes, one big happy family (or so it appeared).
Former State Senator Ernie Newton also stopped in to make the rounds. And although the crowd was there to say hello to the new governor many could not help but wonder that a mayoral cycle will start very soon.
Stafstrom did the honors of welcoming Malloy, by his side, but not before a shout-out to everyone in the room including Testa, an old political adversary, for their help. Mario’s not accustomed to these kinds of events from outside his Madison Avenue restaurant where most of the party action occurs. Finch told the crowd, two days before Thanksgiving, he was thankful to have a governor who understands cities. The mayor and governor-elect compared their lucky green ties, a trademark of Malloy during the campaign.
Malloy was in good spirits in a place known for its spirits and he opened his speech by cracking that this was his third visit to Murphy’s Law which has become a regular venue for Stafstrom-run political gatherings. Malloy rapid-fired a bunch of reasons he wanted to thank the audience including “Because you begged so many people to stay in line when they wanted to leave!”
Malloy said he’ll not forget his urban agenda and the work of Bridgeport supporters. The first two years, he says, will be difficult as the state struggles out of a projected $3 billion deficit. Years three and four, Malloy assured, will be better.
Check out his remarks here: {running time: 6:19}
What is Murphy’s Law?
Perfect location to hold a thank-you party after what happened at this year’s election. “Everything that could go wrong, did.”
Maybe Malloy was showering the flora-dora crowd with Forget-Me-Nots!
What would Mojo say???
Happy Thanksgiving to all you Turkeys!
Did I have one too many merlots because I did not see Chris Caruso. John Stafstrom (deliberately?) did not acknowledge Mario or Dottie until the end of his speech and then only by title, not name. And is it my imagination or are Bill Finch and Adam Wood not speaking?
Bridgeport Girl // Nov 24, 2010 at 7:54 am
responding to your posting
As the song says,”Not your imagination” …
which is the best reason for this happening.
What would you guess … one too many wrong calls by Adam that went wrong when it came to winning the needed elections?
Chris was there, he was sitting at the bar.
Thanks, Ernie. I didn’t see him.
I did not see Caruso near the bar or anywhere else and he’s kinda hard to miss.
Well everyone should have received the message. The first 2 years, nothing for the cities. The third year probably not much and the 4th year because he will be seeking reelection is the year the city will get a token amount of help thus assuring the governor that the lemmings will come out and vote.
I still do not understand how no one from Bridgeport is on the transition team. To me that is an insult. It’s still part of let’s ignore Bridgeport until we need their votes. All the ass-kissers were there last night and it did not seem to bother them that Bridgeport was ignored. Of course each and every one of them had their own agenda, screw Bridgeport.
town committee // Nov 24, 2010 at 8:30 am
to your posting
I’m surprised you didn’t come up with this conclusion.
Malloy doesn’t need to put on the Transition Team the individuals from Bridgeport he’s going to appoint to serve in his administration.
Who does he trust after that?
Carolanne it’s a prestige thing. Jobs are a dime a dozen when a new administration takes over Hartford. I think Malloy has 600 appointments at his fingertips.
*** As everyone jockeys for position with Malloy, the local election race is on, no? *** Who’s zooming who? ***
I concur with Mojo, will be interesting from here on in.
Did someone say Dennis Murphy was interested in running for Mayor? If this is true, he would be a formidable opponent to any of the already mentioned candidates.
Hector, what makes you think Murphy would want the headaches involved in being mayor? He is sitting in the catbird’s seat with Malloy. I can see a judgeship or a spot as an arbitrator.
If he ran and won the mayor’s spot would that present a conflict of interest for Stafstrom as bond council?
TC, Happy Thanksgiving. You are a tireless contributor to the wisdom that comes from this blog on occasion.
However, while we have an Ethics Commission and a statement regarding “conflicts of interest,” if no one understands the situation or the description is so refined as to be meaningless, then it is called “corruption” by more than a few, and it is just like “pornography.” You will know it when you see it, but there will be no practical consequences.
Hector, if Dennis Murphy were running for mayor he would be a hard sell to unions, blacks and Hispanics. He is smart, knows how the City is run but his past dealings with unions in Bridgeport and Stamford, well let’s see what he says IF he decides to run for mayor.
TC no judgship. I believe you have to have practiced law in order to be a judge. For arbitrator I’m not sure of the qualifications. Wasn’t he laid off by Malloy? He may be able to secure a paid commission. He would need help from the Bridgeport delegation to get anything from the State.
Oh the Caruso mancrush continues *** I WAS there, and Caruso wasn’t!!! Did meet and share a drink with Gomes, John Gomes. Good dude *** smart fella.
Serpico, Chris was at the bar with Don Clemons. I spoke to them.
As someone said before *** hard man to miss *** guess we MUSTOf.
Hector, Murphy is a lawyer in good standing and where does it say he has to be practicing law at the time of appointment? Hector, Murphy left when Malloy announced he was not seeking reelection. Laid off, I don’t think so. Jesus Hector, know your subject. Murphy has negotiated many, many contracts and is eminently qualified to be an arbitrator. I sound like a Murphy fan when in fact I am the opposite but you do have to recognize a person’s expertise and intelligence.
Oh come on TC *** do you like anyone? ‘Sides yourself *** of course *** forgetaboutit.
Serpico: There are very few people I don’t like, but as a group I don’t LIKE career politicians. They are nothing more than bottom-feeders who really can’t compete in the private sector. They prey on the poor and the less educated, promise them the moon and give them squat. They also lie with a straight face.
Sooo +++ you voted for Lamont +++ Foley +++ McMahon, right? And will vote for Boob McPalin too? Hmmm TC me boy.
Serpico: I voted for anyone who has not held elective office before. I am tired of the career politician. If we had a box that said None of the Above I would have checked off that box. Just look at the mess this country is in thanks to those assholes we keep sending back to Washington. Look at our senators Dodd and Lieberman both there over 30 years. DeLauro approaching 30 years Larson over 14 years. Christ West Virginia elected Byrd who was almost 100 and almost dead.
“Know your subject” that’s sorta funny coming from you. You probably didn’t notice the question mark.
Sooo TC *** I a$$ume you will be voting for Gomes this November as he has never held an elected office? *** Hmmmmmmmmm???
Ohhh getting out 35 minutes early *** what a great boss … LMFAO *** happy gobble day y’all.
Ohhh TC *** no answer means yes you are or you tripped on your own bullshizzles.
Hector the Bridgeport delegation could not and would stop an appointment such as Murphy’s plus they don’t have the power to do it on their own.
Perfect example. Any member of the legislature can doom the appointment of any post referred to them from the Governor. Especially a post offered to someone from their home district. It takes work, but easier to get someone denied than approved.
Stafstrom, Murphy, Ayala can write their own tickets. Caruso and Gomes too.
Mr BPT // Nov 24, 2010 at 2:20 pm
to your posting
How do you see any one of these names being able to “write their own ticket”?
Remember there had to be 168 towns in Connecticut bringing the end vote to Malloy. Are you suggesting Malloy owes to such an extent that each has their own ticket?
Bridgeport put Malloy over the mountain and I don’t suggest he owes anyone. I do suggest he is going to be loyal to those who worked their asses off for him. He seems like a man who is not as fake as the rest of the people that TC despises.
Fontana may say “Cheese” to Insurance post!
Because I’m bored and wasting time at work, I will throw in my $.02 worth.
How Bpt backed Lamont over Malloy never ceases to amaze … How Finch “forgot” Malloy’s endorsement when he needed it will bite him in the butt for quite some time … As it should.
I think Murphy would make a very good mayor. To Mackey’s point, last time I checked the unions don’t select the Mayor … And since all the well-paid union members overwhelmingly live out of town, who gives a rat’s ass about their vote?
Malloy said he owes Bridgeport; we’ll see. To the victor goes the spoils. I feel Bpt is in good shape. Malloy knows how he got there.
*** As an attorney, don’t be surprised to see Judge D. Murphy’s law sometime in the near future, no? Also some type of state bonding gig for Comley & Pullman & of coarse a milkbone for the Park city! ***
TC you’re always telling people to kiss your ass my response to that is TC pick a spot because you’re all ass. You and Mario your best bud where was he when you ran against roly poly Richie Paoletto and that other dirt bag where was his support for you maybe you were kissing his ass. You said earlier in another story that you don’t agree with everything Mario does pray tell what do you agree with if only you can pry your lips off his ass.
Bpt Guy: I am flattered that you read my posts, that does show you do have a small amount of class. Now to your post.
I was going to stoop to your level but just could not do it. What a dumb-ass like you does not understand is that there is politics and there is friendship. They are 2 different things.
When Ann Barney and I primaried Curwen & Paoletto they had the party endorsement thus Mario supported the party candidates which is what he should have done. Ann and I understood that.
You just don’t understand friendship. Do you think I really give a shit what you think about my friendship with Mario? The answer is NO he is my friend and that’s just the way it is. He was my friend before he ever was chairman.
TC Mario is the party endorsement. That’s how much he thinks of you.
Again you have no clue. The endorsement for the council is on the district level not the town committee level. Look I don’t know the purpose of your last 2 posts and I really don’t care. Have a nice holiday. Time for NCIS.
tc, why is it you hate career politicians? Have you ever run for office before? People run for office because they feel they can make a difference. Could one call you a career politician? What about people and their families who live well off the city for years and years? Just a thought …
Since when did “career politician” become dirty words? Richard Blumenthal is a career politician and by anyone’s definition, he has served this state admirably. He is not the only one. Why is public service considered a bad thing? Admittedly there are many who take advantage but there are also those who tirelessly toil on behalf of their constituents.
TC the purpose of the last two posts is to expose you as a pontificating hypocrite. Mario has all the district people feeding from his trough. Everyone sees how they come to his kitchen to get his blessing, you included. In your lifetime you have five fingers of friends the rest are just acquaintances.
bpt guy it must be tough being on the outside looking in. Again I thank you for reading my posts and if they have gotten you off your fat ass to write to this blog then I accomplished my purpose. Keep blogging and maybe you eventually will come up with some insightful posts. Have a happy thanksgiving, I will tell Mario you said hello.
These are quotes from Ernest T. Newton:
“People run for office because they feel they can make a difference.”
“I feel Bpt is in good shape.”
Ernie, career politicians after a number of years in office forget why they ran for office in the first place. They become all-knowing and forget their constituents. Just look at our 2 senators Dodd and Lieberman each in Washington over 30 years and what have they brought back to Connecticut, not much. They couldn’t even keep the building of the presidential helicopter at Sikorsky.
Yes Ernie I ran for the council and lost. The Dems in this city are for the most part assured of reelection no matter what. Look at the condition the city is in.
Ernie you are equating a person who works full time for the city to a career politician? Are you kidding me? If the politicians worked half as hard as the city workers (not appointees) we would not be having this discussion.
TC is a homophobe which is why he hates Stafstrom yet he has a man crush on Mario. Go figure! Mario has done more harm to this city than any career politician. Murphy would make a great mayor but why would he want to bother. He can pick his job in the Malloy administration.
OUCH *** CHS kicks some BOOOTY.
TC ~~~ quit while you still are the BEHIND ~~~ or run for office and win one.
CHS you really are stooping to sewer level with this latest charge that I am against Stafstrom because he is gay. You are a pure lowlife who hides behind a screen name and makes nasty charges.
You moron if you knew the story you would have shut up. I along with all of the 138th district were the first to back Stafstrom for town chair, we also campaigned heavily for Stafstrom. John won the seat and then walked away from the 138th. He did not return calls and ignored district requests, pure and simple he forgot who his friends were.
Man crush, you really are sick but I will tell you this I will take a decorated combat veteran as a friend anytime over an office working want to be like you. CHS spend a little more time on a subject before you post, this latest one really makes you look like the total asshole you are.
Looks like I struck a nerve! Seriously TC, I respect Mario for his military service. I sincerely do. However Bridgeport government is full of Mario’s people who do not want or cannot do their jobs. Yet they are protected because of their affiliation with Mario. This is why the city is in such bad shape. And I will believe that to my dying day.
Happy Thanksgiving TC and all the OIB family.
TC off the canvas with a right hook from out of nowhere, down goes CH Smoker *** 1, 2, 3, …
Now THAT made me smile! A good ending to this thread. Lennie … let’s move on, you’re done eating aren’t you?