Three weeks to the general election. Does anyone care? Are all these negative ads turning you off?
I stopped into Dan Malloy campaign headquarters on North Avenue on Saturday to catch up to local pols. Former State Rep. Americo Santiago was directing Democratic troops on behalf of his gubernatorial candidate. City Councilman Angel dePara was also in HQ doing his part to reelect State Senator Anthony Musto. Bridgeport turnout will be key to the election fortune of their candidates.
Bridgeport Probate Judge Paul Ganim, with his children helping out, was filling a pickup truck with lawn signs. Paul was in good spirits. He’s running unopposed in November, but it never hurts to keep your name out there, especially with a mayoral election on the horizon next year. Could Paul get in the mayoral race? As probate judge he has a safe seat and also can maintain a law practice. But ya never know.
Former Mayor Joe Ganim hasn’t slammed the door on running for public office, so he says in a recent television interview. The only place he can do that is Bridgeport where there is still some goodwill for Joe. Something tells me Joe’s itching to get back in the game, he’s a competitor, but for now he’s living on the family compound in Easton, clerking for his family-run law practice while trying to regain his law license which could happen next summer. Unless his wife Jennifer gives him the green light to run I don’t see candidate Joe on the horizon next year.
Former State Senator Ernie Newton is a different story. Ernie will run for something. The question is what? Newton is very close to satisfying his court-imposed restitution that was included in the five-year sentence set by U.S. District Judge Alan Nevas, now retired. Once that’s resolved, and that could come this week, Ernie will register to vote allowing him clearance to run for public office in 2011, a mayoral cycle, or perhaps 2012 for his old state senate seat.
Here Comes the Judge!!!
He could always run for mayor as P. Joseph Ganim!!!
*** Tea Party Queen Ann Coulter is being investigated for using her parents’ CT home address to vote by A/B while actually living in New York. Is the Tea Party desperate or what, patriots or just hype? *** Back to Basics ***
Speaking of A/B how can I get one to vote because there is a strong possibility I might not be here on election day. Also how likely is my vote to be counted accurately as opposed to if I were to vote in person what do you guys think? I do not want to miss voting in this election but this time around I might not be able to make it to the polls.
donj, here’s a link to access an absentee ballot application:
www .ct.gov/sots/cwp/view.asp?a=3179&q=392214
Your AB vote will be counted accurately as long as you fill it out properly–the AB’s are scanned in the same manner as if you voted at the polls–but it can be rejected if two ovals are filled in for the same office (but all other offices are counted if completed correctly).
I have worked with AB’s for over 20 years and notwithstanding any improprieties that might occur before the ballot is returned, every effort is made to insure that the voter’s intentions are honored when the ballot is counted.
FYI Bridgeport uses Centralized AB casting of ballots–meaning they are all processed in one central location and those results are added to the school results at the end of the night.
donj, You can actually vote in person at the TOWN CLERK’S office. Just go down and explain that you may be out of town and would like to vote.
Just stop by the Democratic HQ and tell them you need an AB.
All you need to do is fill out the form and you don’t even need to worry about filling out the ballot.
They’ll do the rest for you.
AND your vote will count as Democratic all the way across.
Oh, my!!!
Lennie you act shocked and dismayed. Grin is right on the money. My god what’s wrong with me I mentioned money!!!
I had a visit from a campaign worker from the SEIU union. He asked 2 questions: 1. Was I going to vote and 2. Was I going to vote for Malloy? I asked him about the other candidates and he said he was told to ask the 2 questions I mentioned above.
What’s going on at Democratic Headquarters?