UPDATE: Milta Feliciano, director of the city’s Veteran’s Affairs office, wins recount by one vote picked up at Barnum School. Recount took place on Friday. Feliciano was supported by Mayor Bill Finch.
City Councilwoman Lydia Martinez isn’t the city’s queen of absentee ballots for nothing. Tuesday night, once again, absentee ballots saved the day for her in the Democratic primary in the East Side 137th District that has Lydia’s council running mate Milta Feliciano knotted at 424 votes with Maria Valle. A recount is scheduled for Friday.
Maria Valle and her running mate Aidee Nieves both won on the machines at Marin and Barnum school precincts. At Marin School Nieves and Valle had 195 and 194 votes respectively to Feliciano’s 152 and Lydia’s 175, according to unofficial returns from the Registrar’s Office. At Barnum School it was 141 for Nieves, 151 Valle, 124 Feliciano, 122 Lydia. But the absentee ballot count put Lydia over the top. She ran up 80 absentee ballots at Marin and 69 at Barnum School. Lydia and Feliciano had roughly twice as many absentee ballot votes as Valle and Nieves.
What happens if after the recount Valle and Feliciano are still tied?
According to state statute, this: www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_153.htm#sec_9-446
Lydia is such a bad apple, why she is even allowed to run for anything is deplorable.
If you ask me, a bar from running for any elected office for life should have been part of her “fine” for voter fraud.
I feel kind of sorry for her if all she has going for her is this council position. It’s obvious the folks who care enough to get to the polls did not want her. Why she chooses to keep running and manipulating seniors to win is serving no one other than Lydia herself.
Shame on you Lydia, because of your selfish needs the 137th does not have the Council representation they truly wanted. GO AWAY. You are way past your expiration date.
Maybe they should just throw out all of the AB’s for the 137th, for both slates. It’s just too messed up over there.
Mustang Sally, you hit the head of the nail. Lydia is the biggest waste of time as a person and as you stated she is serving only herself. She offers nothing to the City or the people of Bridgeport. Finch should sent her away. Sadly, she is a refection of what goes on in the City on a daily basis.
Maybe an investigation, absentee ballot by ballot. See if they are legit. Did the person actually vote or a CNA friend fill out the ballot? Absentee ballots on senior centers and senior care facilities are just pure BULLSHIT! Maybe it should be a law all absentee ballots are filled out under as strict guidelines as it is for people who actually go to the polls. I say push for a major investigation. If you are winning an election by absentee ballots from seniors who are Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, then maybe a law needs to be written. If a doctor deems a patient in this condition, should they vote? Geez, maybe we can contact the 100,000 residents of this city who never vote and offer them 10 bucks to get an absentee ballot. Isn’t that the way it’s done?
As I have said before, a lot of addresses on the voting list are vacant lots, etc. A thorough canvass of the absentee voters’ addresses should be done. This is public info.
Steve, I like the Australia rule better, you must pay a fine if you do not vote. As Bridgeport is hell bent on taxing us out of the city, a new revenue stream of a tax for not voting might really appeal to our council members. Much better than being accused of buying votes, yes?
Every absentee ballot must be examined with a microscope. Did the person who assisted the voter sign their name?
The least the Dems could do is help Valle contact the absentee voters and verify the candidate they thought they were voting for was checked correctly on their ballot.
Lydia is one of the major reasons people refer to Bridgeport as “Third World.”
No one is supposed to help a voter fill out an AB except in rare circumstances such as the person is unable to fill it out themselves and even then that is restricted.
According to the lady who lives at 1241 Main St. in Joel’s YouTube video, teenagers were all over her building getting seniors to sign and date blank ballots, which weren’t filled out in front of them.
www .youtube.com/watch?v=BoOaH1ALfA4
Just one of many reasons for an independent investigation. The other candidates and the people should demand one.
I know Beth and she is an honest and very credible person. Absentee ballot apps have to be strictly accounted for. I have worked an AB applications myself. You have to sign and date if you help a voter fill out the application. If they get enough people to come forward, which is not an easy task, they may be able to do something. The actual ABs are another matter. NO ONE is supposed to touch an AB except the voter except in very limited cases. There are a lot of people who are supposedly voting at what are non-existent or vacant addresses. Canvass the addresses on the ABs. These things seem to lose their urgency after the elections are over and people get busy with other endeavors. Most of the suspicious addresses tended to be in the East End and the West End; at least the ones I noticed.
Very curious to know what actions Joe Q. Public can take to get an investigation started for AB fraud. Does anyone know? It seems like it would need to originate somewhere but does it start at the State for a City position or does it need to go through the City’s election offices?
In the words of the esteemed Loej Zelaznog: Paging Max Medina. Or Bob Walsh?
The dramatic difference in voting results between the machines and the absentee ballots is a key indicator of potential fraud. Given Lydia’s past track record, this cries out for an independent audit or investigation.
But how does one “action” an investigation?
First, I’m not supporting City Councilwoman Lydia Martinez but I’m not going to hang her on the absentee ballots because there is no “smoking gun.” The dramatic difference in voting results between the machines and the absentee ballots is NOT a key indicator of potential fraud because of the number of people who are older and who cannot travel in her district. If there are complaints from absentee voters or their families, from observers or from campaign workers, then let’s hear them.
With all due respect, a large variance between the machine results and AB’s is one of the key factors the FBI considers. It is not dispositive but it is a key factor. There are others, including complaints.
With all due respect, Ron happens to be correct about the difference between the AB voters and the people who vote at the polling place.
And while Lydia has been caught in the past, you still have to prove it in a court of law. I would think a retired govt official would know that. With secret ballots it is not that easy. You can prove an AB was cast from a phony address, that is the easy part … and a canvass is definitely in order. Proving Lydia did it is another story and that is one of the reasons she gets away with it.
Cleaning up the voting list of vacant lots would be a start.
I certainly believe Lydia probably was up to her old tricks without being there. But what I believe or anyone else is not by itself enough.
Ron, there isn’t a smoking gun, just empty shells all over the floor.
Thank you, that shot was very accurate!
Ron Mackey, what good would letting you or others hear the complaints? Most of you are just sitting on your asses waiting to read about it here or on the CT Post. I filed one complaint or joint complaint weeks before the primary. The day after the primary I received a letter from the SEEC stating the commission had not met yet to hear the complaints and decide whether or not they’ll investigate. You or anyone who thinks everything is fine with these ABs are nothing but morons to think in such a way. Ron, explain this: From what I understand, over 200 ABs were void or rejected because the people who filled them out didn’t know what the hell they were doing and marked the ballots wrong. Who the hell requests ABs and doesn’t know how to vote by AB?
Joel, a person who requests ABs and doesn’t know how to vote by AB is called a moron. On the other side of the coin, who the hell would requests ABs to commit AB fraud and not know how to fill out an AB? If you know enough to commit AB fraud, you probably know how to fill the things out.
Steve is right about the CNA’s going in under the guise of assisting the elderly and then tricking them to sign absentee ballots and doing them the “favor” of stamping and mailing them.
Given the history here, the Elections Commission should audit 10% of the ballots. Compare signatures. Ask the seniors who they intended to vote for and see if that’s reflected on the ballots.
Contact BHA and the CNA company and put them on notice. This cannot be tolerated.
That is a smoking gun. Completely illegal under state law. You still have to prove who signed them. How are you going to do that with a secret ballot? Especially after the ballots have been cast.
This would not happen anywhere else but this corrupt city.
*** A united voters front from the challenging slates needs to place a written complaint with the SEEC to have the entire A/Bs collected in the 137th district East Side city council race checked for any signs of fraud! You never know what mistakes could have been made, no? ***
We pay the FBI guys and women in wages and pensions and health care, does anyone investigate them to see if they are doing their jobs, or are they too in “a Bridgeport frame of mind,” i.e. not seeing?
Black Rockin, maybe I’m missing something, but why are you throwing stones at the FBI? Are they to assume something is wrong without anyone saying or making a complaint?
Ron Mackey, I’ll take a shot at your question.
I filed a complaint against Santiago 2008 Candidate Committee. They received $50,000 in a State Grant from CEP. The committee didn’t show an Employee Identification Number (EIN). Some workers received in excess of $10,000 in salary and reimbursements. Do you think they claimed these payments in their tax returns? Don’t think for damned second the SEEC will notify the IRS about any of this. You can bet I will make sure the IRS is made aware of these people and the moneys received.
Joel Gonzalez, I’m not the bad guy in this, make some good points and I’m glad you are involved. My comments were very basic, why are you throwing stones at the FBI and the first step must come from the candidates, Maria Valle and Aidee Nieves and I have read nothing about the filing of a complaint to anyone. Joel, I have not questioned you on anything about this process.
Remember how Malloy won! The Dems pulled out a stack of ballots at the last minute.
The only person who had anything to gain by not having enough ballots was Tom Foley. I was working for the GOTV for the Democrats in that election and if Sandy had walked into the phone bank room she would have run out again. This almost cost Malloy the election since the precincts that didn’t have enough ballots were all heavily minority and Democratic … in other words districts that were not going to vote for Foley. If you want to cast stones, start looking at Tom Foley, he was the only one with something to gain.
Make sure you send that thought to Foley. He has a lot of ammunition to use against Malloy and that fact certainly could be added.
Read my other comment. No Democrat would gain anything by there not being enough ballots in a heavily Democratic district.
*** How many other A/B’s were used in other districts during this primary election and where? If strictly the majority of A/B’s used were in the 137th district, then a bell should sound off for an SEEC check to put rumors to rest. No? ***
Ralph, the SEEC has little juice to punish offenders and are very rigid in their requirements as to who is to blame. They are not a pro-active operation and rely solely on bureaucratic requirements that are easy to get around by the likes of Lydia Martinez. Their punishment of her was not even a slap on the wrist.
Bob, thanks, the first step must come from the candidates, Maria Valle and Aidee Nieves and I have read nothing about them filing a complaint to anyone. Logically the result seem to be suspicious but not illegal. When will these two candidates file a complaint?
Honestly. Who is minding the store up at the SEEC? Isn’t anyone asking why so many folks living in the same building are out of town or too physically challenged to make it to the pols, all at once? Why are they not looking at Lydia ANY time she may have cause to put grimy little paws anywhere near an absentee ballot? Why isn’t the SEEC triggered immediately when AB application requests come in from Lydia or her district? Is there a way to know that?
I thought ANY time more than 20 returned AB’s come out of one location, the party returning them is required to do a filing or report to the SEEC with the reason for the volume.
Who the hell is asleep at the wheel in Hartford? Good Lord, this state sucks.
It’s not Hartford. It is the Town Clerk who is asleep.
The Town Clerk’s hands may be tied. Every Finch appointee and department head lives in fear for his/her job. On September 9th, Town Clerk Alma Maya posted on her Facebook, “What’s the point of being an elected official (or working for one) if you can’t help those deserving of help?”
It’s sad Lydia stole another election and it’s sad our regulatory agency does nothing to enforce the absentee ballot laws. But it’s funny as all hell Tom McCarthy will have to deal with Milta on the City Council. Be careful what you wish for, Tom! LMAO
Feliciano and former Councilwoman Maria Valle had been tied with 424 votes each following Tuesday’s Democratic primary. That changed Friday when the recount found one more ballot had been cast in a voting machine for Feliciano.
This is totally impossible! Not without someone feeding the Machine, after the polls closed, just check the time counter of the last vote.
In the 2009 primary, Lydia Martinez violated absentee ballot guidelines in state statute (Harborview Towers Senior Public Housing), was fined $500 and agreed to comply with state statutes. I hope, based on this track record, Maria and Aidee will request the State Elections Enforcement Commission oversee a review of absentee ballots in the 137th district primary. Unfortunately, the SEEC moves slowly.
What day are we going to stop being polite about the voter fraud in Bridgeport? Lydia should be in jail along with a bunch of her peers. Those who endorsed and supported her should take a break and think about their own ethics and if supporting someone like her is really worth their integrity. Very disappointing. The next time the Finch administration and their allies get smacked in an election, I hope they will remember integrity, or in their case, lack of, might have had something to do with it.
Supported her–Senator Ayala, Carmen Colon. Integrity? What Integrity?
You are correct. Lydia is a serial offender and the AB results do not make sense given the machine results. CW4BB will do what it can to help ensure the ABs are reviewed and Lydia is held accountable for any violations. If she or her campaign violated the election laws again, she should be banned from elected office in CT.
Right on! It’s time for an independent audit/investigation and appropriate accountability for any and all violations.
It’s bad enough Lydia will be on the council but now she will train her partner Milta in how to do whatever the mayor wants so she can do whatever she wants. Her title of Director of Veterans Affairs is a joke. She does nothing!
Milta should be fully investigated by the Labor Relations Dept. Wait, who leads that department? Larry Osborne and Tom McCarthy?
I’ll tell you all what is really “sad.” It’s sad after Maria Valle and Aidee Nieves did all they could do to help the BOE candidates on Row B, none of them nor any of the many supporters who joined hands (as a team) have taken a single step to stand up for and support Valle and Nieves at a time when they need support. As long as the favorite horse wins, who gives a damn about the ones who came in second or third? So much for “teamwork.” I’ll be helping Valle and Nieves until we have gathered sufficient facts to file another complaint with SEEC or when they say to me, “Thanks Joel for all you’ve done, we are done.” Instead of bitching about Lydia here and pretending you know the facts of what transpired during the primary process, call me at 203-360-6094 and help establish the facts. If we really had a “team” working together, it would be so much easier on the trio working on this for days now. Put up or STFU!
Thank you for ALL YOU DO, JOEL! 🙂
AND TAKE THIS STATEMENT BACK: I’ll tell you all what is really “sad.” It’s sad after Maria Valle and Aidee Nieves did all they could do to help the BOE candidates on Row B, none of them nor any of the many supporters who joined hands (as a team) have taken a single step to stand up for and support Valle and Nieves at a time when they need support.
I’ll take it back when I see action (not words) on their part.
JGHHNPATGSHHHGAN–Joel Gonzalez has his nose pressed against the glass so hard he has got a nosebleed.
I’m gonna grab a videocam and record it.Giddyup!
Well, since you pulled my original commentary, which was the truth, let me say this in a “kind” way. I hope our new council person, Ms. Feliciano, does more on the council than she does in her current position of Director of Veterans Affairs, which is next to nothing. She has volunteers, be it retirees or young interns, doing her job in every aspect while she is AWOL. But Finch and the Administration don’t care, as long as she does what she will be told to do on the Council. She will join the looong list of lazy do-nothing city employees stealing from the taxpayers.
I’m paraphrasing but didn’t the Mayaahh say just before the 2012 election about the Murphy campaign “we’ll get the votes … may take a couple days …”