Supporters of the resilient effort to pass an ordinance regulating strip bars in the city got their wish Monday night, albeit a watered-down version, as all members of the City Council in attendance supported the measure. Sue Brannelly, the council member from Black Rock who spearheaded passage, says it’s a good start, but she will work to add criminal background checks as the ordinance allows within four years. CT Post scribe Mike Mayko reports:
The strip bar regulation, minus criminal background checks on dancers and containing a watered down definition of lap dances, took nearly three years to make it through the council. The proposal allows both the police and the Health Department to conduct inspections of facilities. It also sets requirements for new strip bars, including restrictions on how close a dancer can get to a patron.
“With the passing of this ordinance, together with the prior amendment of the massage parlor ordinance earlier this year, we’re providing our law enforcement officers and public health officials with the tools necessary to ensure the health and welfare of both the customers and the workers at these facilities, and the public safety of our residents,” Mayor Bill Finch said. “Strengthening this ordinance sends a clear message that the city plans to curtail the spread of human trafficking in our city.”
Fifteen council members voted in favor of the strip bar ordinance, while Blunt abstained because of his position as the city’s environmental health director. Four members were absent.
Just a week ago, Councilman Martin McCarthy pushed through numerous revisions, then still voted against the proposed ordinance while it was being considered by committee. Following his vote to approve the ordinance at Monday’s meeting, he said his “constituents were very vocal” in demanding its passage.
But Sue Brannelly, McCarthy’s councilmate from Black Rock’s 130th District, said she was not through yet.
“The next step is to have it amended and restore the criminal background requirement,” said Brannelly, a driving force behind the ordinance during the three years it took to pass. The ordinance allows the council to review it within four years.
Several women, including state Rep. Auden Grogins; former mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster, Stephanie Barnes, Helen Losak and Jennifer Buchanan, all urged the council to pass the proposal.
Losak said residents of the upper East Side have been dealing for years with the “debauchery” dancers brought into that area. She said this included prostitution, illegal drug use and assaults.
“We have been told this is an art form, that dancers have First Amendment rights,” Losak said. “Now, today is our First Amendment.”
Foster said the ordinance is an important message to send to Bridgeporters and people doing business with Bridgeport “that we care about our self-respect.”
Still, Foster was angry that only six of the 20 council members (Blunt, Holloway, Lydia Martinez, Martin McCarthy, Thomas McCarthy and John Olson) were present for the ordinance committee’s public hearing, which began at 6 p.m.
“It’s outrageous,” she said. “I would think they would show a little more respect to hear from the public. This is a subject they were all going to vote on tonight.”
Full story here.
Big Deal. These places should have been regulated years ago. I’m all for adult entertainment. I do not think these places should openly practice prostitution or drug dealing. Any guy who wants to go see beautiful women strut their stuff should be able to. But there has to be limits to what can go on in these establishments.
On another matter … Ross Perot is strutting his stuff again because he has just published a book. I worked for the man in 1971 and thought he was the greatest businessman in the world and possessed the highest caliber of honor in his business and in his life. I was truly honored to be selected to work there. Only 1 out of 30 applicants were picked. Over time, my attitude toward this weirdo has changed. This guy is moaning that the US is going to be taken over because of our fiscal mismanagement. He claims his 1990s prediction about economic maladies has come true. That prick forgets he was the driving force behind NAFTA. NAFTA made it possible by virtue of government sanction and tax breaks to offshore all of our jobs. Anybody who buys this book would probably support Newton.
Free lap dance for Marty!!!
Bob Walsh and Mary-Jane Foster led this charge about “SOBs” in the spring of 2011. SuBy, Auden and the Ordinance Committee sat on their hands because Foster was running and Bill Finch thought Walsh was an “SOB!”
I am glad this ordinance passed. I thank all those involved in getting this ordinance passed.
The public-speaking part of the council meeting is a joke. It’s the majority of the council showing contempt for the citizens of Bridgeport. Many times those council people who are present are really not paying attention. This is just one of the ways the council shows disrespect for the citizens of Bridgeport.
I have attended almost all of the B & A hearings and not once have they started on time. The reason they don’t start on time is they don’t have a quorum at the time the meeting is scheduled. Eventually enough people show up so the meeting can start 15-30 minutes late.
*** So much for “reach out and touch somebody’s hand” type of bonding to make this world a better place, no? ***
Well, they really “DRILLED” this one down didn’t they? So who’s job is it to “NAIL” down acceptable lap dance parameters? If there is an “OPENING” soon I know plenty of candidates who would love to “FILL” it.
Sorry guys, I could not help myself, I am very glad this passed. Good God, we need to address everything in this City. Now more than ever. Good work Council Members, Auden, Mary-Jane and all other players.
Can anyone tell me which council people were absent last night?
***The ones at the strip club were missing, barney!*** ONE BOURBON, ONE SCOTCH AND ONE BEER! ***
Lots of naysayers and critics on this one, but you know what? This is good and important for the city. It gives some context in the redevelopment efforts, it gives enforcement folks tools and it sends a message we are serious about public safety, health and blight. And by the way, this is not adult entertainment, it is entertainment for people who don’t care about the lives of women. And if you don’t think that is true, please tell all of us you can’t wait to watch your mother, aunt, sister, wife or daughter strip, hump a pole and give a lap dance to your best friend. Every time this “entertainment” is condoned, another woman becomes an object and less valued.