UPDATE, includes BOE agenda: The Board of Education with four newly elected members is scheduled to conduct an organizational meeting Monday 6:30 p.m. at the Aquaculture School with Mayor Bill Finch chairing the meeting to select officers. Will Leticia Colon be there? Yes. Colon announced Friday afternoon she has resigned from her City Council seat where she had represented residents in the 131st District that covers the South End, West End and Downtown. She is one of the six school board members who voted to dissolve the board in July of last year in favor of state control of city schools, a move overturned by the Connecticut Supreme Court that led to Tuesday’s special election. The City Charter states the following: No person while holding office as a member of the city council shall be a member of any of the boards of the city.
City legal minds reviewed the charter to help guide this decision. Colon will remain on the school board where her vote is critical to the future of where Mayor Bill Finch and Superintendent of Schools Paul Vallas want to take the district.
Prior to the state takeover of the board the general vote makeup on key issues was 6-3 with two members of the Working Families Party Maria Pereira and Sauda Baraka joining Democrat Bobby Simmons in dissent. In Tuesday’s special election the WFP, by virtue of state-required minority-party representation added new board member John Bagley. Assuming the WFP/Simmons voter bloc holds together they now have four, unless, of course, all the board members decide to hold hands in solidarity on behalf of the students. Does anyone believe that?
In addition to Bagley, Democrats Jacqueline Kelleher, Hernan Illingworth and Ken Moales won seats on Tuesday. They join Pereira, Baraka, Simmons, Colon and Democrat Tom Mulligan on the school board.
The City Charter requires sitting school board members vote to fill a vacancy. From the charter:
If a vacancy arises for any reason in the membership of the Board of Education, the remaining members shall elect a new member to serve for the balance of the term vacated. The person so elected shall be a resident and elector and a member of the same political party as the member vacating such office.
Colon’s resignation from the City Council resolves the question, for now. Colon, who resides in the West End, issued her resignation letter to City Clerk Fleeta Hudson and Town Clerk Alma Maya with copies to Mayor Bill Finch, City Council President Tom McCarthy, 131st District City Councilwoman Denese Taylor-Moye, Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa, 131st District Leader Mitch Robles and City Attorney Mark Anastasi. It reads:
Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes, 7-103 and other pertinent legal authority, I hereby resign my elected office of City Council Member for the 131st City Council District of the City of Bridgeport, CT. My resignation shall become effective today, Friday, September 7, 2012.
Monday night’s agenda:
AQUACULTURE SCHOOL – 60 St. Stephens Road, BPT, CT
1. Call to Order by Mayor Bill Finch
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Adoption of the Board Rules – Bylaws Series 9000 which includes Robert’s Rules of Order
5. Reading and Approval of Minutes of Prior Annual Meeting, as necessary
6. Election of Board Officers – Chairperson/President, Vice-Chairperson/Vice-President, and Secretary
7. Adjournment
I am just wondering what the new school board will do about Paul Vallas and his 10.8 million dollar textbook purchase.
At my kid’s school, there are not enough textbooks for the students in the class. I was told that, for example, if fifth grade had 21 students last year (when the textbook order was placed), then they ordered 21 textbooks for grade 5. However this year grade 5 has 29 students. So 8 students do not have textbooks. I do remember Vallas justifying this huge no-bid purchase with the promise of every student having textbooks. What say you now, Mr. Vallas? Additionally, much of the textbook purchase included the online access to support materials. Yet I have been told the district hasn’t set up the accounts for the teachers yet and plus the sites have been down. I guess that’s what you get when you purchase the order with a company that is in bankruptcy!
Is there any truth to what I had heard, that the books are costing $200 each? If so, where is the $150 overcharge per book going?
Hello OIB!!!
Paul Vallas is a Chicago Democrat. Doesn’t that say it all?
Their idea of corruption would make Joe Ganim blush.
You can bet the ranch Colon will be allowed to keep both seats. The city attorney’s office was in the forefront of the BOE will come up with another mystical ruling that will allow her to have both seats. The charter means nothing to the city attorney’s office, they have ignored the charter since Finch took office.
The city wants Colon in both positions because she does what she is told without question. Having this person make decisions that effect the children of Bridgeport is a travesty.
Andy, is she eligible to be paid for both city council and BOE positions? If so, it’s another instance of “double dipping.”
Nice to know when there are people out of work and the Democrats are spinning the economy to the American people.
Bob, school board members are not compensated. Council members receive a stipend.
When the money is meaningless, OIB readers like to know the trivial stuff. Like this: the world is full of brown-eyed women who wear a corsage and dye their hair blonde. Is Leticia Colon one of them?
Thanks Lennie … her resignation from the city council makes this discussion moot. Unfortunately there are those who double and triple dip …
Bridgeport IS a Travesty. Nothing surprises me anymore. Just last week the director of the Community Development Office left after months of being badgered and harassed by Alanna Kabel. Alanna replaced this employee with her son’s friend. This kid has no experience yet is now responsible for millions in HUD money. Nepotism, thy name is Bridgeport. It’s all about what they can get for themselves for as long as they can get it. Everyone else be damned.
How many good employees has the wicked witch forced out? I have lost track. If there were a legitimate Labor Relations or Civil Service Office, this would be investigated. But not in Bridgeport. A travesty for sure!
The language quoted above from the current City Charter seems clear enough to me. ONE PERSON/ONE POSITION. Of course if it is that clear then we need to search with the assistance of lawyers for alternative meanings, if the clear and initial meaning is not favorable to leadership intent.
But why bother about any small details like this anyway? The City Charter has contained language about ‘monthly financial reports’ for years as a responsibility and duty of the Mayor and they have not been monthly nor regular, have they? And the current City Charter, relative to capital budgets has said views from the public will be solicited and a public hearing held (language and timing different from operating budget that also calls for a hearing) but that is not done each year, why not? And the revised Charter continues to indicate the position of Internal Auditor within the Finance establishment, but while budgets up to this year have claimed such person(s), Council President Tom McCarthy stated to the Charter Review group we have not had such for years.
Is there any doubt in Bridgeport? Rules are not for those in power. They are optional. And rule of law may mean if we hire enough lawyers we can get sufficient opinions to confuse all. And the taxpayers continue to pay for the party and legal representation of all kinds is expensive. What does Leticia say, by herself? After all, each of the positions currently held require her to represent the voters. What/who is she representing? And the answer is? Time will tell.
To me the key lies in the interpretation of the language “No person while holding office as a member of the city council shall be a member of any of the boards of the city.” Is the BOE a “city” board or is it a standalone entity, thereby allowing Ms. Colon to hold both positions? Those returning members who voted for dissolution of the BOE last year should resign immediately as the ethical thing to do. But why let ethics intervene in these matters?
Leticia’s ethics are not all that pristine; it’s about her prestigious title(s) rather than her effectiveness. She won’t resign until she is told to or she has to.
She made her deal for her seat and that’s all that matters to Ms. Colon. It hurts to the core to know Bridgeport voters are so gullible to vote her into back in but shame on Leticia for letting herself become a political puppet.
*** No one should be surprised one way or another, no? Zombieland local government and some of its community leadership is nothing more than a circus sideshow with many blood-related or close-friend puppets all looking for something for nothing. They are controlled by a small group of master puppeteers which have them do their personal bidding on a wide range of things! Many of the residents and voters either don’t care anymore or are just too dumb to really understand what’s going on in their city and do very little to seek real change other than the usual verbal complaints. Real urban development is a joke that moves slowly from year to year with few if any lasting improvements. Crime, quality education, jobs, affordable housing, etc. continue to plague the city and seem to be getting worse. So in other words, does it really matter rules or no rules if Colon stays or goes off the BOE? One puppet for another does not make much of a difference anymore ’cause what this city really needs is an enema! *** FORGETABOUTIT ***
Mojo, I share your frustration with the state of the voter in Bridgeport. Many people I try to get to vote are very good, smart people, but they think they don’t have a chance against Testa. They are so totally alienated from the democratic process they have come to see it not as a democratic responsibility, but as something that is so reprehensible and distasteful here in Bridgeport they totally run away from it. Others are intimidated by the thuggery. Very difficult, but we have to keep trying.
*** Too many bloggers get caught up in hating the political players instead of the political game. For some it may be personal and for others complete disappointment on the extent of how many negative things have been allowed to go on! Love him or hate him, for me Testa has been the best DTC chairman this city has had in doing what he does in general. His great ability to work with so many political egos and wannabes as well as all the “looking for something for nothing” pretenders! A small quiet easygoing restaurant businessman who if he were chairman of the Republican party today, that party would be a lot stronger in the city of Bpt. His experience helps him play well with the deck he’s dealt as well as the cards he deals. In ending I guess what I’m saying is I may not always agree with some of his political decisions or choices,o r lack thereof but I respect the man! *** Large Piece Of The Puzzle ***
Mojo, I understand what you are saying. However, explain to me what good comes from any one person or cabal having so much power. In the end if you are a Bridgeport homeowner, businessperson, parent, concerned citizen and you want to get involved in city affairs in a meaningful leadership role that is to say elected posts … you have one choice. Join the DTC, behave, and maybe you will get tapped to fill a post. It is not encouraging to folks who have moved to the city and want to help move the ball forward. We have seen what happens when folks in BP elective office think for themselves. Their shelf life is short. Again, I appreciate the efficiency with which Mario has done what he has done. I am a Yankees fan. The DTC is the Yankees. Now we need a Baltimore Orioles to sneak up and remind folks only having primaries that matter (that is to say uncontested general elections) is not ever a good thing.
*** If you understand then there’s no reason for me to explain the good or bad that arrives from the power of the DTC chairman, no? In life some people are better at certain things than others. There are 90 members from “different” districts, ethic backgrounds, religions, economical levels, jobs, political beliefs, etc. yet for whatever the reasons, they continue to pick this man as their DTC leader, that says a lot regardless of the reasons for it! Like the Yankees, their manager’s job is safe provided they keep winning more than losing. ‘Til the other teams get better and start winning more than losing you’ll see Yankee fans come out of the woodwork! I’m a longtime Mets fan so I guess I’ll continue waiting for the change! ***
Mojo, I will be waiting with you, brother. I love this city too much to give up. I will save my dissertation on voter apathy in Bridgeport for another day. My wife can’t handle hearing it again. As far as the Mets, I can empathize. I am putting on my green tomorrow and heading to MetLife Stadium to support my Jets. We are loyal if nothing else, Mojo.
Mojo, I must say this is one your best posting because it really sizes things up in Bridgeport; sad but true, “NO?”
How does the 131st get a new councilperson? Council appointment or election?
countdown, the town committee members from the 131st District led by District Leader Mitch Robles will submit a name to be approved by City Council members.
So in other words one hack will be replaced with another hack!
I have been told Robles is going to name his daughter to fill the council vacancy. This is what the city needs, one drone to replace another drone.
Mr. Fardy,
While I always believe a gent in a bow tie, I hope you heard wrong on this one. If Mitch does name his daughter to fill that seat, this system is even more corrupt than I had feared. That is very frustrating news indeed.
I have been told Robles is going to name his daughter to fill the council vacancy. This is what the city needs, one drone to replace another drone.
Yeah, because the council needs more ornery old white guys on it! smh
*** Let’s hope they pick someone with potential like Jack Banta, no? ***
I would like to see them tap a young man with much integrity and good values named GeJuan Williams.
Mojo, I agree 100% with the choice of Jack Banta to be the new City Council member from the 131st district.
Lennie, what is the correct time for this BOE meeting, is it 6:00pm or 6:30pm? I have seen both times listed.
Jack Banta would be a great asset to the City Council. I just hope Mitch, Adam and Bill don’t mess this up!
I must also ask Lennie to beg the question to Board of Education members if they will be supporting the charter change question?
Interesting. It is more important to Mario Testa that Leticia Colon be on the BOE rather than the Council. How come?
yahooy … good question. I am sitting here wondering the same thing. As a one-time candidate for this very seat (Council District 131), it makes me sad to see it treated as an afterthought. Ms. Colon says she was elected to the BOE, so she has decided to return to serve out her term. She was also “elected” to the council. I guess what upsets me the most is, it does not matter if it’s Leticia Colon or another Robles/Testa android. As long as it’s a DTC-molded candidate. Same difference!
Colon was told to take her seat on the BOE. I don’t believe she wants to be there. If Colon does not take her seat it would mean her replacement would be named by the sitting BOE members. This would open the door for Carmen Lopez. The administration does not want a lawyer or a former judge on the panel. Why you may ask? Because the city attorney’s office could not get away with some of the bullshit interpretations they come up with if Carmen Lopez were on the board.
By the way, how is the curfew working out? How many politically tied-in people will be hired for this exercise in futility?
Lennie’s explanation of the replacement process is not quite accurate. The simple and accurate answer is the City Council members nominate and vote on a replacement.
There is no written or legal requirement the Town Committee nominate a candidate and definitely no obligation on the council to accept a TC recommendation.
Rarely in the past the council has rejected individuals referred by the TC and elected someone else. See Michelle Rettemar.
Reap, according to the City Charter:
You’re correct, but the practice has been to follow the recommendation of the district leader et al.
Leticia did what she was told because she had no choice. If she insisted on keeping her council seat and giving up her BOE seat, then there would be no DTC support for her going forward. Mario would have put up a candidate against her and she would have lost her council seat next year. That’s your punishment when you disobey.
This is exactly what happened to Bill Finch when Mario forced him to primary Chris Caruso. Bill didn’t want to be mayor. He knew he had problems at home and he was enjoying his no-show BEDCO job along with the prestige of being a State Senator. But Mario gave him an ultimatum. You do this or we won’t back you for your senate seat next time around. Bill had no choice.
Mojo, you call this a good town chair? I call this a dictator.
This is how they ruin good people. There are many “good” people working in city hall today. However they don’t say a word when they see no-bid contracts or when someone’s son’s friend gets hired for a job he didn’t earn and isn’t qualified for, or when a senior employee like the woman who just had the kidney transplant is harassed and bullied. Nope, the “good” people don’t say a word because they are afraid for their own jobs. Many of these people got their jobs through a political connection and they can be taken down in the blink of an eye. So they all stay silent and watch tax dollars be misused and other good people be destroyed. This is what the DTC machine has done to our city. It is very sad indeed.
*** chs: Your info is wrong. When Finch was asked to run for Mayor and primary it was J.S. who was the DTC chairman not Testa! Testa replaced J.S. shortly after Finch became Mayor and was not supported by Finch & Co. along with a few district leaders like Robles, etc. during the campaign for DTC chairman. Also, one of the main reasons Testa came back as chairman was he did not like some of the moves Finch was making and direction the DTC was heading! Also Mario has nothing to do with Colon’s choice to stay with the BOE for now, that’s Robles’ call figuring his daughter if picked would make a better fit on the city council than BOE of which Colon already has experience with. Town chair or dictator, he’s still the best chairman the city Dems have had so far in doing what he does with 90-plus in Zombieland! Even though I’m on the outside looking in and seeking positive change, I still respect his ability to do what he does so well. *** Hating only clouds your vision to see clearly! ***
Mojo, you do have to have a respect for Testa’s ability to pull so many diverse groups together and it is quite phenomenal how he is able to control people. It is amazing. That he works across racial lines the way he does is amazing, but you cannot ignore the fact it is only the chosen few people of color who benefit, most of whom do nothing to help their brethren and I believe the minority communities can do much better, much better with whom represents them. Then there are the forgotten ethnic communities: the Brazilians, the Portuguese, the Haitians, the Bangladeshi, the Jamaicans, the Cape Verdeans, the Salvadorans, the Hondurans … the list goes on forever and these people who are left out don’t even know what the DTC is. Not good. There is nothing to celebrate with this man. I’m sorry.
*** Bpteur: I’m not celebrating anything but just merely blogging an opinion. And as for the forgotten ethnic communities, if citizens are registered to vote, they obviously are either not voting or voting for machine candidates which will not help them towards positive change for their neighborhoods! There are not enough citizens voting or getting involved in their communities to educate the masses on the dos & don’ts of city and; local government representing the city of Bpt. Complaining when something affects you personally is not enough for change! *** ACTION ***
Well the Democratic Party “machine” in Bridgeport continues to steamroll the citizens? And the upcoming vote on the Charter Review question is just another example of “vote or voter suppression” that has become a popular topic of pundits recently.
Think about it, folks. We live in a town with decreasing poll results. We live in a town where it is common knowledge ‘street money’ is available to get votes for certain people out on election day. We live in a town where the Republican Party (so weak in recent years) is so avoided, people don’t want to vote the Republican line in a Democratic Primary. We live in a town where the Mayor already has the power to appoint approximately 130 people to Boards and Commissions for a given term, but where the Mayors have seen fit to let those serving expired terms to continue in office (subject to doing the bidding of the Mayor or losing said office). The CRC is providing nine more such controlled puppets. And Mayor Finch has called himself accountable. And no one stands up when I ask that question repeatedly to say where he has been accountable.
So folk,s when you lose your right to vote you will need to blame it on someone who is more clever than you, who is taking advantage of you rather than helping you become educated about the way the world works. Time will tell.
Leticia = BOE board Chair???
This is where I would hit the “like” button. Not because I think this is a good decision, but because I think countdown is right.
I came across a very nice apartment in the South End …
Everything Mojo says about Mario Testa is true … if you are part of the crowd in this town who profits off the backs of the taxpayers. In this regard, Mario Testa is, the BEST, Democratic Town Chairman this burg has ever seen.
Anyone who “respects” Mario Testa or “admires” Mario Testa can kiss my ass.
*** Typical clouded complainers and blog tigers with horse blinders on tend to only see what’s in front of them and become out of touch as to the world around them thus becoming paranoid with society. It is what it is and to be able to understand and recognize as well as what needs changing is a plus towards positive gain in the future. ***
Mario Testa is NOT the future of this city. As I stated previously, anyone who ‘respects’ Mario Testa or ‘admires’ Mario Testa can kiss my ass. This is what it is and what it will be.