With the legislative session of the General Assembly now complete, a special session looms to address some unresolved issues. Will Electronic tolls, commercial marijuana and sports betting be included? Something else? Meanwhile the CT Mirror shares winners and losers:
The 2019 legislative session ended at midnight Wednesday. As usual, some folks came out of the process happy. Others are already plotting their strategies for next year.
The impact of these decisions will take years to determine. But here’s an early assessment of who came out ahead and who didn’t.
Cities and towns: The state budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1 slightly increases the $2.3 billion in aid that cities and towns get each year. The education grant program that accounts for most of the state’s municipal aid will rise by 2 percent next year. And Gov. Ned Lamont’s plan to send some towns a bill to help cover teacher pension costs got shelved.
Full story here.
Winners: corrupt politicians.
Loosers: the people of the state.
Real winners: the sponges of the state.
Real losers: the states producers, soon to be leaving this God forsaken state
Loser #1 — BRIDGEPORT. Bridgeport got played, as usual… Bridgeport Delegation: Get smart and play some hard-ball with Ned and the other Oligarchs. NO CASINO FOR BRIDGEPORT, NO TOLLS IN CT. (No more, easy, cheap Bridgeport housing/labor for the Gold Coast… The “free ride” for the Oligarchy is over…)
Bridgeport and the urban centers need to STIFF NED AND THE CT OLIGRACHY during special session… NO TOLLS and NO for anything that might continue to support Gold Coast primacy on the backs of the state’s urban centers — especially with respect to exploiting Bridgeport housing/Bridgeport labor (by facilitating the down-county commute and/or building more workforce housing for Stamford-Greenwich…).