From Brian Lockhart, Tara O’Neill, CT Post:
A restaurant owner shamed on social media last fall by the governor for breaking coronavirus rules has been arrested for his alleged involvement in a recent downtown party where two people were killed.
Police said they took Mitch Noel, owner of Ten20 Lounge on the East End, into custody Wednesday afternoon after securing an arrest warrant to charge him with second-degree reckless endangerment.
Noel, 37, is the third individual targeted by local law enforcement over an early morning May 16 party at 1023 Main St.–leased by the Temple of the Way House of Worship–where Charles Barnes, 38, and Norman Peters, 40, were shot and killed around 2 a.m.
Last week, police arrested Josiah Israel, Temple of the Way’s pastor, and Christopher Mojica, on charges of illegal sale of alcohol, conspiracy to commit illegal sale of alcohol and second-degree reckless endangerment. Following the deadly shootings, Israel told Hearst Connecticut Media his storefront church subleased the party space, and Mojica said he organized the May 16 event.
Full story here.
I don’t understand, Donald day said it was a fundraiser for the church??!!!! Corona virus rules broken? The governor might be wrong too. It was probably corona beer???!!!
What say you Don ??
The article says he was arrested for his alleged involvement in a recent downtown party. Not an after hour or a speak easy, an after hour party! So why could this not be exactly what I referenced in my previous post? I know why because as a white cop you know better because you’re not only white, but a cop as well and everyone knows that white cops aren’t ever wrong in this America, well almost never!
I know your kind, you condemn these people while as a Stamford cop protector you fought long and hard to get dirty cops off irrespective of whether they were guilty or not. Whether they themselves broke the law. Whether their actions were racists and discriminatory or not! I know you were just doing your job and besides everyone knows that white cops are never wrong! RIGHT? How do you look yourself in the mirror or did you just get rid of all the mirrors in your house? Don’t come for me unless I send for you!
Whew!!! Now go have another nip and say goodnight Don.
*** I understand going after illegal businesses that don’t have the proper licence or permits to hold parties that go over fire safety requirements, are selling liquor to minors, etc… However, Bpt. investigators need to gaither the evidence needed, find & make the arrest of the shooters in these deadly incidents. ***