The State Elections Enforcement Commission on Wednesday approved a $30,575.00 public grant to the State House campaign of Downtown businessman Kelvin Ayala who’s challenging Democratic-endorsed incumbent Antonio Felipe in an August 11 primary.
Connecticut’s 130th State House District covers the South End and Downtown, stretching from Yellow Mill Pond on the East Side across the Pequonnock River rambling to the West End from North Avenue south to Bostwick Avenue.
Absentee ballots are now available to all district Democratic electors who’d like to vote that way due to the public health emergency.
Felipe has also qualified and received his public campaign grant.
The Covid-delayed presidential preference primary will also take place August 11 with Joe Biden, the presumed Democratic nominee, on the ballot.

Antonio Felipe is fine but Kelvin Ayala is better.
Here’s why:
Ayala is already effective in the district. Felipe’s handlers had to convince him to move there.
Ayala’s business experience will translate well in the world of Hartford politics. The language of business has become embedded in the wordage of all new laws.
As an urban planner, Ayala is well-equipped to write specifics into any legislation. He knows the turf.
Downtown Bridgeport needs a tweek or an overhaul and Kelvin Ayala is the best choice to make that happen.
Kelvin Ayala has my vote.
Does the DTC deny the optics of this situation, or that optics are important in Bridgeport getting maximum output for each member of its “Bridgeport delegation” team when in Hartford?
A young out of town resident with family affiliation to DTC historically is provided an opportunity to represent a Bridgeport district that provides 40% of the City tax base, both City Halls, only hotel and “downtown business center” while there exists a candidate, at least a generation more mature, experienced and well known as an activist, better educated, with his own downtown business, as well as consulting to other businesses??
What would happen were you to deliver both persons to a meeting at the Capitol and see the challenger, perfectly ready for “prime time” representation of this City district and the incumbent, a friendly young man who is able to hold the floor in a conversation on what topic of interest? Time will tell.
Awesome. For those who vote at Bassick, you’ll have the opportunity to vote for Kelvin and Marilyn! Line B for a better Bridgeport.
REPOST If we are going to compare fathers their are few as dedicated to the Puerto Rican community as much as Bridgeport as a whole than Kelvins’s , Manolin Ayala (former District Leader and Council person) Whom if I’m not mistaken served with you on the DTC, I’m sure that no ones mentioned to you that Kelvin is also Andy Ayala’s (RIP) brother. Kelvin is an Actual Bridgeport native (he lived next door to us on Burroughs St. when Born) and RESIDENT, I would encourage you to speak with both Candidates , than decide which of them you want representing the interest of your children and family. VOTE KELVIN AYALA…a Family that’s always been on the front-lines of Bridgeport’s