Politics is rarely a game of instant gratification. It requires patience. You win, you lose … you lose, you win. Former Democratic Town Chair John Stafstrom has experienced both in the city. These days he’s feeling pretty pretty pretty good, and he should. When it comes to city politics–at least as it applies to gubernatorial action–Stafstrom’s the pol Governor-elect Dan Malloy will rely on to guide him on things Bridgeport. It won’t be Mayor Bill Finch and it won’t be party chief Mario Testa.
It doesn’t mean Malloy will not work with Finch and Testa. He may seek their input, but Stafstrom will be at the head of the line for any important Bridgeport decisions. Stafstrom, attorney with the respected city law firm Pullman & Comley, the city’s bond counsel of record, was an early supporter of Malloy for governor in 2006 when he lost a close primary to New Haven Mayor John DeStefano who was trounced by Mother Rell in the general election.

Malloy did not stop campaigning. He worked the party establishment and key progressive forces such as labor unions that turn out in primaries. When Finch and Testa backed Ned Lamont for governor–based on Lamont’s large spending advantage and Mario’s historic distaste for Stamford pols–Stafstrom and party pols such as State Rep. Andres Ayala stitched together factions of the party to help keep Malloy within a few dozen votes in Bridgeport, including an assist from an unlikely source State Rep. Chris Caruso who endorsed Malloy and worked for him in the weeks heading into primary day. Stafstrom and Caruso haven’t always been buds but for that moment in time they worked together and it carried into the general election.
Malloy croaked Lamont in the state wide primary, but Malloy’s inner circle was pleased to have run so close in Bridgeport given the mayor, the town chair and the mayor-appointed payroll was working for Lamont. Stafstrom and Testa have never been close. It was Mario who knocked off Stafstrom for control of the largest bloc of the party in 2008. Patience is a Stafstrom strength. When a lot of pols freak out over a loss, he’ll be the first to say okay, let’s not get crazy over this, we’ll have another day. Being Bridgeport party chair is nice, but much nicer if you have the ear of the governor. Mario doesn’t have that ear. Stafstrom does.
Dan Malloy is expected to visit Bridgeport Tuesday around 5:30 p.m. or so to thank Bridgeport supporters at Murphy’s Law on Fairfield Avenue downtown. He’ll have a litany of names he’ll thank, and no doubt there’s lots of credit to go around. But guess who’s at the top of the list?
Assist from an unlikely source State Rep. Chris Caruso who endorsed Malloy and worked for him in the weeks heading into primary day.
Must disagree, Lennie. As a Caruso backer gotta correct you. He announced his support 3 days before the primary. North End especially Winthrop for the primary was handled by Gomes and Stafstrom.
I agree with Mr BPT. I seem to recall that Caruso’s support for Malloy came pretty late in the game. It’s no secret Stafstrom is a long-time Malloy supporter but my guess as to why Mario and Co. backed Lamont would be because they thought he would be easier to control for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was because he needed them more.
Mr BPT, Caruso officially endorsed Malloy on July 28 for the primary that took place Aug. 10. (See OIB archives.) He had been working for Malloy in the week before the official endorsement so he was actively working for Malloy in the weeks leading to primary day. The Malloy folks tell me that Caruso’s support was key at a time they needed a momentum surge. As for Gomes (I assume you mean Ed Gomes), he supported Lamont in the primary and produced a nice number for Ned at Wilbur Cross. Eddie doesn’t work Winthrop School. He doesn’t represent that part of Bridgeport in the State Senate.
I think it was less than the 2 weeks you say but still that’s late to jump on the bandwagon. John Gomes worked Winthrop against Scinto. Curry worked against McCarthy at Blackham. I back Caruso but you got a mancrush on him!
Mr BPT, the Malloy people don’t think it was too late. Many primary voters don’t break until the last minute.
It’s late when you compare Caruso’s commitment to Stafstrom’s. No comparison.
So Mr BPT are you insinuating that John Gomes is aligned with John Stafstrom? If he is then he’s as part of a machine as any other proposed candidate and not as independent as we are being led to believe.
Not insinuating anything just pointing out that Caruso and his people were not the only ones working the North End.
I never thought Dan Malloy was a brilliant businessman but I do now!
TWICE he defeated a Greenwich millionaire who spent more on his campaign than he did and TWICE he won.
IN PRAISE of career politicians!
Part of being successful at anything is surrounding yourself with the right people. In this case at least, Malloy did that.
Well it looks like Bridgeport will be getting screwed again. Stafstrom is the head of what line? He is and always was a self-centered person. Don’t be fooled by his smiling persona, he is a snake that forgets his friends. Just ask the TC members in the 138th who came out for him for town chair before anyone else (he won that year). Stafstrom walked away and said see you later.
So Lennie based on your article Stafstrom is now the mayor and the town chair in Bridgeport. Malloy will deal with him first?
Bridgeport asked for it and we are now going to get it. For those die-hard Democrats Malloy always did what he could to screw Bridgeport and it will continue.
*** Good politically minded savvy lawyer, self-centered, people-user, good ego stroker, great fund raiser, not good @ returning phone calls & seems to forget people when no longer needed just to name a few! One of a few responsible for endorsing Finch, pick your poison, no? … *** FORGETABOUTIT ***
Please enlighten me. How exactly did Dan Malloy screw Bridgeport? He was mayor of Stamford, not Bridgeport.
Inquiring minds want to know.
TC I am so sick and tired of you kissing Mario’s ass. You are no better than the rest of them. You talk a good game but you are a Testacrat through and through. Mario has done so much damage to this city with his patronage payroll. He needs to be removed from town chair and get a swift kick out the door along with the rest of them.
CHS are you including Stafstrom in (the rest of them)?
CMS (responding to your comment): Mario has done so much damage to this city with his patronage payroll. He needs to be removed from town chair and get a swift kick out the door along with the rest of them.
I completely agree with you. The Bridgeport DTC needs a complete overhaul.
MAYBE Mayor Malloy was skeptical of Bridgeport but Governor Malloy might look at Bridgeport call it what Mr. Grimaldi did: a Kingmaker.
City Hall you read into it what you want. I don’t kiss anyone’s ass. Testacrat, what bullshit!!! What I wrote about was Lennie’s article saying that the governor-elect will be going to Stafstrom on things that affect the city. He did not say he was going to Mayor Finch (for better or worse). He did not say he was going to CC President McCarthy he did not say he was going to the TC. Like it or not, Testa is the town chair.
Instead of sitting on your dead ass and crying, get involved and I don’t mean by blogging on this site. You sit in the bleachers and piss and moan, call people names and effectively do squat. I have a message for you, Kiss my Ass. At least I am trying to effect change and get people thinking.
A Whole Lot Of Ass Kissing Going On Today!
Hey Ripper, Kiss My Ass.
Dems fightin’ words, cheek to cheek.
Is Stafstrom even on the Town Committee?
*** H.A.D., 132nd district, Councilpersons Walsh & Brantley. Both of whom ran on the Caruso ticket in ’07 when Stafstrom was DTC chair. *** New Rainbow Party in Bpt? ***
No he is not but you can bet he still controls the TC votes from his district.
TC control is a strong word aren’t he and Testa in the same district?
No they are not. Testa is in McCarthy’s district
And Stafstrom’s in?
Mojo gave you your answer Hector.
Lennie *** Caruso interview *** Oh Big Wave *** Mancrush *** YUCK.
Mr. town committee, you are right. You can become part of the solution or part of the problem. We all have to choose. If you don’t like the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, start a third party.
Today I can say, “Fuck Malloy and all his toy boys.”
Don’t be offended! For over 30 years, I’ve been saying the same thing about my birthday. The image below is one I’ve been seeing–around my birthday–for as far back as I can remember. I always remember November 22, not as my birthday, but as the day Kennedy was assassinated, one year before I was born. R.I.P. JFK.
www .youtube.com/watch?v=1q91RZko5Gw
If he were alive today he could give you a “cocotazo” for changing parties!!!
*** I was born on Hallow’s Eve & all I remember is the girls on Hunt’s Point (Bronx) @ night turning “Tricks for Treats!” *** FORGETABOUTIT ***
Joel, you were born on a great day. Today is my 30th wedding anniversary. God bless my wife.
Congrats to you and the Mrs!
Much love to you and the Missus. From me and my entire family!!!
TC Mario is actually in Monroe district do you think he, Ralph Lilly and the kids all live upstairs from the restaurant?
I KNOW where they actually live and your info is wrong. What the hell does Ralph and his family have to do with anything that’s said here? Am I to take it that we are now going after family members? Why don’t we hire someone to do an entire family tree on Testa, that way we will know where all the Testas in his family live.
So that puts John between a rock and a hard place. Stafstrom and (Finch or Caruso). Gomes won’t realistically be a player here and if Malloy puts his backing behind Caruso it is all she wrote for Finch. But can Stafstrom really back Finch now? Finch can delude himself all he wants but he is persona non grata with Malloy. Malloy didn’t need Mario or Finch to come within 60 of Lamont (probably would have won with a recount). Think about that … He didn’t need the Mayor or town chair. Caruso did make a difference when you’re talking small margins like that. Stafstrom wants to remain bond council; perhaps Dennis wants to go to Hartford? I don’t see Stafstrom going against the anointed Malloy choice or with the underdog. Finch is certainly in the doghouse and I don’t see Wood having any credibility at all since the Lamont fiasco, deadwood for sure. This past year has had strange bedfellows indeed. The gathering at Murphy’s Law will be interesting. Will anyone from the Finch crowd dare show? Or will Malloy do a Finch and forget the people who helped him?
*** Stafstrom will follow Malloy’s lead for Bpt Mayor since he would like his hubby to become a state judge someday, no? *** One never knows, do one! ***
They say J Gomes speaks 5 languages *** he can reach the most voters Mojo *** forgetaboutit *** Gomes will be Dannel’s choice.
Can someone please tell me what Dan Malloy did (back in the day) to “screw” Bridgeport, per Town Committee?
As of late, our Mayor (Finch) and Town Chair (Testa) tried to screw Dan Malloy by supporting Lamont in the primary in spite of what their constituents–Bridgeport voters–wanted. Finch and Testa are now screwed and in the process of getting themselves screwed, they have once again screwed Bridgeport–using two separate screwdrivers!
I believe Dan Malloy will do whatever he can to help Bridgeport. Helping Bridgeport will in turn help him. Dan Malloy knows this. However, Bridgeport has got to help itself. Our leadership must change! We need strong, competent leaders. And Caruso is not it.
There was a citywide vote prior to a special session of the General Assembly back in the fall of 1995 that indicated overwhelming local support for a casino. Subsequent legislation was defeated in the state Senate, though, with solid opposition from Stamford-area lawmakers, who claimed it would cause further congestion along the Interstate 95 corridor. Malloy lobbied heavily against the casino in Bridgeport and eventually the state senate voted against the casino despite the vote of the residents of Bpt.
The theory expounded by Malloy and others about traffic congestion was pure BS. Stamford was afraid of losing a low- to moderately paid work force to the casino. Let’s be honest, would you work at the casino for the same money you made in Stamford if you did not have to travel to Stamford everyday? Of course you would. That’s what worried the powers that be in Stamford, losing that workforce and having to pay higher wages to attract a workforce. Does anyone think Malloy gave a shit how long you sat on Rt95 in traffic? If you believe that I have a bridge for sale.