Incumbent Board of Education member Joe Sokolovic is going it alone against endorsed Republicans, chair John Weldon, Peter Perrillo and Mary Gaits, in the September 14th GOP primary.
Republicans may vote for any three and Sokolovic hopes he prevails among potential line splitting after he successfully petitioned onto the ballot.
From Joe-So:
I have served on the board of education with distinction for the last four years, and have been a staunch fiscal conservative when it comes to our tax dollars. For example, most recently I was the only Republican of the four Republicans serving on the board to vote no on the Superintendent’s 12% $30,000 raise.
If re-elected I will bring back free speech to public comment. I will re-write the by-laws passed by John Weldon, and five DEMOCRATS, that took away student’s voices at public meetings, and has allowed him to restrict public comment to agenda items only. These re-written bylaws have also allowed the unilateral cancelling of regular board meetings and has often replaced them with special meetings which eliminate public speaking altogether.
So, if you want fiscally responsible, transparent, open governance, vote only row B on September 14. I realize that you get three votes for the board of education but I am going to ask you to use only one vote for Sokolovic who stands alone on the board and on Row B.
Joe Sokolovic is a good man, always works hard for our kids!
Thank you!
Thank you!
His initial are MB and he was a vice president at the Bridgeport Brass Company and later he was a top officals at the University of Bridgeport, that should be the gift way hint.
Max Medina
Good luck Joe.
Thank you!
I tried not to like Joe Sokolovic, but time and time again he said or did something on the BBOE that made me think, feel and truly believe that he truly has the best interest of our children at heart. So to that I say, Good Luck Joe Sokolovic, the children of Bridgeport not only need you, but deserve you!
Lol! Thank you, I actually get that a lot.
Joe Sokolovic, who was the longest serving President of the Bridgeport Board Of Education?
I do not know the answer to that. Honestly, like many I only started paying attention, and getting involved, when something affected my son and that was about 8 years back.
I could research it when I get a minute to breathe.
Joe, he was a Republican with Democrat mayors.
An effective and well respected leader as I recall.
Bullet vote Joe So !
I may stand alone on the ballot, however I have a great group of diverse supporters behind me that transcend partisan politics. Partisan politics in this city do not work, as the line becomes blurred between the two “major” parties in Bridgeport.
It gets frustrating, and exhausting at times but I must fight on for my son and his 19,000 plus school mates.
Jesus Christ, Please.
Partisan Politics, You claimed switched parties to block the Democrat from being elected. It doesn’t get more partisan politics.
While I don’t know your politics per se and the lines become blurred between two major parties in the Port I can help but feel your heart is toward Democrats’. I somewhat agree with my comrade. Others than trying not to like you. I think you are more passionate than many other board members.
In my personal opinion for some reason, you couldn’t get enough support for the Democratic nomination, where your passion is. JS
P.S if you lose the R’s primary, with is the likelihood, the R’s tend to vote in the party line. A breakthrough in a primary of the party-endorsed candidate is not easy, for either party. Think about running as an Independent like Lieberman label an independent democrate. You might beat out an R’s SJ
There are two men named Joe in this City who have been elected by some voters to represent them in important policy and taxpayer dear resource expenditure. Joe Sokolovic saw the need to speak up and act to improve the education of his son. Mayor Joe G, in his first terms was there to speak up and improve his personal bottom line and desire for adulation. But what do we hear from him today about basic governance issues and municipal administration?? Very little. And less passion than ever?
We have short parades in Bridgeport these days, but the Mayor does not look like a happy leader at all. And Joe from the Board of Ed is accountable and honest with numbers and can share them or get them for you. But the leader of all “JOE” is not ‘data driven’ and does not share with voters the details that matter ultimately.
Joe Sokolovic, time does tell, but it is a long run and most folks fail in understanding the critical importance of each citizen caring about municipal matters. Kind of like “mask wearing”. Protects us while it also helps others, a lesson we are learning as individual citizens because unfortunately we cannot get a clear message (without criticism, lies and hate for others who are unlike you) from partisan politics. Not the first time that this has happened to voters in US.
I think my fellow voters can see the difference between our two ‘elected Joes’. Continue your messaging and ask folks to secure you ifirst on their ballot when November comes around. Stay the course. Time will tell.
You have outdone your self here. Comparing Joe Ganim to Joe S is totally absurd. There is no comparison between jobs, span of control, resources available, pay, none.
Just trying to be the smartest blogger on this site. And failing once again.
At least he’s honest and straightforward. Sometimes too smart.
Keeping with them, Please.–lHALcm0
Parting thoughts in my CRT responses. Speaking of Cubes, people of color, criticism, lies, and hate. Let’s not forget about the wine, finger, and bad guys The BBOE needs a Tony Montana on the ballot.
BAM I’m out of here.
Folks who can think and write, sometimes reach an audience with a comparison or a contrast that alerts them to the good, the bad or the ugly. Joe Sokolovic in this rendition (though he and the other Joe have different jobs, control, resources and money) for instance looks like the good guy in his valued attention to City youth. Mayor Joe Ganim in this rendition by comparing and contrasting on the issues selected may be the bad guy for wasting kid educations as a municipal priority. And Bob Walsh, sometimes good and other times bad, may be plain ugly in his understanding and comprehension. Time will tell.
Truth dat, Jesus thought in parables to reach an audience, however, are you being fair in the good, the bad, or the ugly in your comparison/contrast writings? Nearly 1/2 of the total city budget is spent on 19,000 of its 150,000 residents, who only spent 1/2 of a year, 180 days in the classroom on their education. Maybe, in contrast, maybe the other Joe will have more insight on educational matters for it is his priority function in his elected job.
To be fair, some of the most influential “folk” in human history didn’t do much writing, Socrates, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Confusion, probably more. JS
P.S this is not criticism, lies, and hate of your writing, just a comparison/contrast of it. Of course with a little TLC, I mean CRT, cathode ray tubes.
True dat, Jesus used a parable to reach an audience. However, are you being fair in your comparison/contrast? 1/2 of the city’s budget is spent on 19,000 of the 145,000 residents for 180 school days plus extra curriculum activities. Joe S would be better to address the bad guy/policies wasting Port’s kid’s education for it is his primary priority to elected Job as BOE member.
P.S don’t take this as criticism, lies, and hate. It is just a comparison/contrast to your folks who can think and write, sometimes reach an audience. Some of the world’s most influential figures thought but didn’t do much writing, Socrates, Jesus, Mohamad, Buddha, Confucius, some say even Moses, etc.
Thank you
Joseph Sokolovic, Michael Bisciglia serve the Bridgeport Board Of Education as its President as a Republican. I knew Mike when we both were employe by the Bridgeport Brass Company, we were seated across from each other during negotiation plus he was incharged of the United Fund where management would match the volunteer donation from employees. Mike had the people skills, management skills and the ability to work and get along with different groups. I was always saying to him that he needed to run for mayor and he said he would never do that.
The United Way Fund, and the union had concerns with funding going to Bridgeport children and Mike would show us line by line where fnding was going.
Thank you! I tried to research for about 15 minutes and came up empty on Google.
Sounds like we need more like him in the city today.
Joe, Bridgeport Republicans are playing the wrong game in northern big cities, staying on the side of local issues and not using Republican talking points but just showing you are trying to solve problems even if it’s the same position as Democrats, voters are looking results. Talking like Ethan Book and the right wing ideas of Trump won’t get you anywhere in cities like Bridgeport, that’s what Mike did, it’s about the children and nothing else those are the talking points.