On Wednesday endorsements for Mayor Bill Finch’s reelection came from U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy. On Thursday Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen weighed in, crediting the two-term mayor with “rebuilding its image and, along with its image, its economy.” When he served in the State Senate, Jepsen had a scratchy relationship with former Mayor Joe Ganim.
It was Jepsen who led state legislation barring elected officials from appearing in taxpayer-funded ads during an election cycle after Ganim had leveraged millions of city marketing dollars to promote himself statewide for a run for governor.
“I’ve worked with many municipal leaders in my years of public service in the state of Connecticut, but few have been as passionate about their city and ensuring its future success as my friend, Mayor Bill Finch,” said Jepsen in a statement. “Bill has a genuine love for the city of Bridgeport, and he has demonstrated time and time again–be it during his years advocating for the city while serving in the General Assembly or while driving investment and economic development from his office at City Hall–his commitment to creating a Bridgeport where families want to work and live.”
Jepsen highlighted job progress at Steelpointe Harbor, and in repairing Bridgeport’s image.
“For Bill, it’s about more than concrete, metal, and asphalt. When Bill sees the strides made at Steelpointe Harbor during his time in City Hall, he sees construction jobs, service industry jobs, and union jobs. He sees revitalization that will bring to life a long-neglected part of the city. He sees opportunities for those in need of good-paying jobs, and he sees a city that is rapidly rebuilding its image and, along with its image, its economy.”
Jepsen also emphasized growing green jobs and an improving Downtown under Finch.
“From the critically important boom in downtown development to the growth of Bridgeport’s Eco-Technology Park–where green businesses have put over $10 million into the Park City’s local economy–Bill is working to grow jobs not just for our generation, but for our children and grandchildren. But there is much more work to be done, and Bill’s leadership and dedication are needed to help keep Bridgeport on the path toward a bright and lasting future.”
I understand outside endorsements are part of the political system so I would be foolish to be critical. However, what have these three State and Washington officials done for us, our struggling City? They come out from under their rocks when they need our endorsements to keep their well-paid political positions. How shortsighted, the present DTC will undergo a drastic change by the next cycle, then they’ll be praising Joe and those of us on the DTC to ask for our delegate votes. How tiring!
Lisa, are you upset the Mayor is being endorsed by current elected officials? People you probably voted for? I think it is extremely important officials outside Bridgeport weigh in on their perception, no?
Isn’t that positive perception better for our city than a convicted felon looking to open police substations all over the city giving the impression Bridgeport is no a place to invest, develop, live, work or play?
Lisa, you have to acknowledge Ganim’s obsession with substations is a real buzzkill for the great things happening in the city and Bob Halstead and Ganim have given patrons the impression Chaves, Modern Plastics, AKDO, Auto Zone etc. are questionable neighborhoods to patronize and Cesar Batalla is in an unsafe neighborhood. This substation mentality is not conducive to the city image.
Steve, I was not being critical of their endorsement. I stated that is part of the political process, I fully understand. I am critical of how little any of them has done to help improve our lot. And yes I did vote for them. But that’s not my point. I would feel the same about them, and it has nothing to do with Bill.
Well it may be foolish and I don’t care. Jepsen is another professional politician who could not make big bucks in the real world. Screw him and the rest of the Hartford crew.
I bet you Jane, Judy, Elroy and Astro see right through Finch.
Wicca, that was your best post yet.
Thank you.
Just look at Jepsen’s face, you can tell he doesn’t want to be there but Finch is now calling in all his chips because he knows he has lost already.
Steel Point would never have happened if it were not for the federal TIGER grant.
Don’t know who you want to credit for that, Blumenthal, Murphy, Himes, Obama but that is the bottom line.
Bob Walsh, wow, was there a compliment in there? Good for you!
After 30 full years and several inept mayors, it is sorely evident NOTHING has been done for the betterment of this once vibrant and important and largest city in the state of Connecticut.
1. There is no reason to go to downtown except to go to court. No substantial retail venues, no professional offices, only a shabby once-busy downtown.
2. Higher taxes each year with fewer governmental services.
3. An overbloated government loaded with flies and leeches whose only purpose is to keep their lifetime job with benefits the private sector cannot offer.
4. Both Bill Finch (who is a poster boy for term limits) and Joe Ganim (an unrepentant felon who violated his oath of office) deserve nothing more than the disdain of anyone with a modicum of intellect.
Bob is on the mark. There is no reason to go to downtown Bridgeport unless one is going to court.