She has filed a complaint with the Connecticut health department claiming “unsafe and inhumane” working conditions in Bridgeport, but for about an eight-week period starting in January 2024 Janene Hawkins had an extremely healthy bank account doing a double dip as chief administrative officer for the city and as human resources chief for the Board of Education.
Problem? She was largely a no show for her CAO pay.
From the first week of January running through February 23, 2024, Hawkins banked $60,000 combined from city side and BOE pay, according to a review of public documents under freedom of information.
How did that happen?
According to several government sources, Hawkins had been on the hunt for a new position, even asking underlings in her CAO city department if they’d provide references in her search.
Hawkins had developed a chummy friendship with newly appointed school chief, now removed, Carmela Levy-David. Hawkins approached city mayoral staff about “loaning” a few hours per week helping the new super. It became much more than that.
Hawkins vehicle was parked far more frequently outside 45 Lyon Terrace, housing school administration, than 999 Broad Street, headquarters for senior city staff such as mayor’s office personnel.
On January 11, 2024, Levy-David issued the following memorandum to education staff: “Please arrange to begin compensating Dr. Hawkins as of Tuesday January 2nd for her role as CHRO in BPS.”
In fact, Hawkins was the only one interviewed for the job, raising red flags, especially in a district hemorrhaging money.

From that point forward Hawkins, according to pay stub records, received $3,653.85 per week from the school side spending and $2,931.71 from city side per week. She was paid for 80 hours but not doing 80 hours of work.
Surreptitiously, the flow of dollars continued for eight weeks. City employees inside 999 Broad Street, the Margaret Morton Government Center, saw little of Hawkins in the building to steward the CAO department. They had an absentee CAO.
Word of this also came to the attention of City Council leadership that didn’t hold back about what was pitched as a loan to the school district.
Hawkins, confronted by mayoral staff, postured defensively.
On February 14, 2024 Hawkins, under her personal letterhead, issued a formal resignation to Mayor Joe Ganim effective two days later, thanking him for eight years of city service. Prior to serving as CAO, Hawkins headed labor relations.
Publicly, Ganim thanked her for her service.
Hawkins banked a total of $60,166.11 during the two-month double dip, including vacation time buyout, sick days and holidays.
In total she received $227,754 in 2024, the most other than Levy-David.
No effort was made to recoup the cityside dollars during her no show.
Let’s fast forward several months. Levy-David appoints Hawkins chief of staff, a position that pays the most, after the superintendent of schools.
Friction builds between Levy-David and the school board over a variety of issues, including a growing financial mess. Levy-David is shown the door. Royce Avery becomes acting school leader and sets upon eliminating administrative positions to help close the financial gap.
One of those positions is chief of staff to the superintendent.
In early December 2024, Hawkins was moved from Lyon Terrace to the Bassick Library, which she alleged is moldy, and mouse-infested.
Other school district staffers also work out of the library, not just Hawkins.
For now, Hawkins remains on the payroll. But, for how long?
Hawkins critics suggest she’s trying to build a claim for another pay day, at taxpayers expense.
(Hawkins is welcome to issue a statement to OIB.)
Sounds like we need Elon and his Musketeers!
Hey Lennie, did you hear anything about Hawkins hanging out with Police Thief Roderick Porter? What period did she serve while on Labor Relations? How pervasive is this Double-Dippin, No-show, PENSION FRAUD? Why doesn’t Mayor Joke Ganim post the things on his Facebook page? Do you think I’ve been infected with the JML Question Galor Virus? Time is telling, are you listening?
Same ol’ Bridgeport,the names change but the scams stay the same..
Posting an article on OIB with 32 thumbs up at this moment indicates much readership who agree with the facts indicated. Perhaps this is the only way they know to show OUTRAGE of the manipulation of “official responsibilities”.
I speak not from personal relationship, but from pragmatic understanding, and assumed known to parties covered by the article. Having had leadership roles within City Labor Relations department, and then working directly with the Mayor as CAO, the former City employee had no more than 24/7 hours to “sell to the City” for the period of time in question. How do you EXIT one position to ENTER as new placement, in a different department and competently meet the demands of each job? How does the City communicate the coming and going of City officialdom on their website to inform the public of changes? Is this story an example of an authentic “double dip” having nothing to do with retirement or benefit payments? And the alert by the “double dipper” that working conditions are neither healthy nor safe for her and likely others, but filing a complaint with the State, without info to the local Health Department where leadership has also revolved frequently raises other questions. Where is the “common good” pursued by leadership in reality? Or is City employment a race to secure revenue from the taxpayer, without providing value by professional activity? A dash for dollars? Time will tell.