Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill on Tuesday announced the shadowy political committee manufactured as a backup plan for Mayor Bill Finch’s primary loss failed to meet a key filing deadline. As a result the Job Creation Party will not appear on the November ballot. Now that he claims endorsement by the committee (Democratic nominee Joe Ganim lays claim to the endorsement as well), Finch may urge a judge to overrule Merrill. Recent relevant case law shows Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis rejected a similar claim by a prospective candidate in Easton for ballot access after the candidate failed to submit a statement of endorsement, according to state statute deadline. Bellis’ legal ruling here.
Merrill statement:
“As of the filing deadline of September 2, 2015, the Office of the Secretary of the State had not received a statement of endorsement pursuant to General Statutes 9-453o(b) from the Job Creation Party for the office of mayor and has received no such statement to date. Therefore, pursuant to Connecticut election law, no mayoral candidate for that party will appear on the November 3 municipal ballot in Bridgeport. I have no comment on the potential litigation mentioned in a statement by the campaign of Mayor Bill Finch. My office does not comment on potential or pending litigation.”
Finch political operatives, instead of petitioning the mayor’s name directly onto the ballot for November, hustled the surreptitious Job Creation Party using Black Rock used-car salesman Rich DeParle as a straw man in case Finch lost the primary. DeParle secured signature petitions to place his name on the ballot under the designation of the party and then promptly resigned as its mayoral candidate even before the signatures were sanctioned by the state, to provide an avenue for Finch. A key statement of endorsement, however, was missed by the September 2 deadline, as noted by Merrill.
Finch’s legal team argues because DeParle resigned before September 2 state law allows until October 9 for a DeParle replacement.
If Finch files suit, a court hearing will be set with evidence and potential witnesses submitted that could take a week before a decision is rendered. In lieu of a ballot spot Finch’s only alternative is as a longer-shot write-in candidate.
*** Who would have thought it would be Finch & cronies doing themselves in before the general election? No legs to stand on so might as well take it to court and waste taxpayers’ money, no? ***
God, my God, more than a few of us have been waiting for this level of political drama for eight long years, ever since Chris Caruso saw his mayoral campaign carried away by the outgoing tide.
I am voting for Finch. Do we have to write Bill Finch or will Finch do?
You are so funny!
Steve, stop making an ass of yourself. Finch is done! Finished! What don’t you understand? You should go over to his office and help him pack his shit! He should contact the governor for a job and stop embarrassing himself even more!
Excuse me Advanced Therapy, I do not think there was anything I said that would warrant you calling me an ass. If Mayor Finch is out of the race he may let me know before he tells Foster he is supporting her as I just read in the Post because if my candidate tells me he is done, I will support Ganim. I just do not see that happening. I imagine 12,000 people writing in Finch.
So you act like an ass and can’t understand why AT would tell you to stop acting like an ass. Finch is out so you will vote for a convicted criminal who robbed the city. You are not just an ass, you are a DUMB ASS.
Finch is out? Gee I heard on the radio he was supporting Mary-Jane Foster and I read in the paper he was supporting Mary-Jane Foster. She called him incompetent, I cannot imaging him giving her the time of day. But if he tells me he is supporting Mary-Jane Foster, I will tell the blog whom I am supporting and it should not concern you. Bridgeport Kid, if you are imagining Rick Torres has a shot you are not just an ass, you are a dumb ass! lololololol, you dumb ass! Wow, now I know how Fardy feels!
The movers are at 999 Broad Street! Can you come out and help? It was over September 16th. He should take the defeat like a man and move on!
Try just “Bill” because he’s going to cost you, if he hasn’t already.
Steve–How about writing in “Inept Lightweight?” I’m sure the vote counters will know whom you mean.
Just write in “The object of Steve’s desire” and hand in the ballot form.
Write “asshole.”
The best person to ask about this process is Keith Rodgerson. In 2007, he had the Bridgeport Party and leveraged it with Finch. Caruso went to him with hat in hand and then in no uncertain terms he told Caruso to stick his hat up his ass.
He told Chris he had missed the deadline!!!
*** Hey Steve, you can send in an A/B ballot for Finch even if his court suit fails, no? *** DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY! *** WHOOP! ***
Steve, a teacher asking that question doesn’t give us much confidence in the school system! 🙂
Quentin, you shouldn’t have much hope for the school system. It sucks! I support Charter schools, getting rid of the teachers union and firing half the teachers, taking all special-needs children with psychological and anger management issues out of the classroom. If you saw what I saw.
Now Quentin, did you want to answer the question? Will Finch suffice or does it have to say Bill Finch? If it says Finch will it count? If it says I want Bill will they think it is a different Bill? There is a huge city that will need to be educated.
Gee I know Ganim gave out pens, somebody gave me a box of them. Maybe Finch should start giving out pens and pencils with his name on them. There will be thousands of voters in the general election. I think Bill Finch has many thousands of supporters among them.
Wishful thinking, Steven. Wishful thinking.
Really Steve, give your pens and especially your pencils to Citizen Finch because mark my words, someday you will see Finch borrow Timpanelli’s monkey and organ and Tin cup selling those pencils at Main and Broad.
The school system can only do so much, we need parental support and involvement. Which we don’t have!!! The parents should be held accountable for the failing schools and lack of interest in their children’s education, nothing will change. And do us a favor get a job with the charters schools. So we don’t have to deal with your bullshit!
Steve teaches wood shop, showing all the retreads how to make ashtrays and bird houses.
The Finch Campaign petition to overrule Denise Merrill will be DOA in Bridgeport Superior Court. Even a non-attorney can appreciate the clarity of the relevant state statute and the similarity of the current Bridgeport situation and the 2013 Easton situation. Judge Bellis is not a judge with a reputation for bad or reversed decisions. Whatever Superior Court judge gets charged with handling this case is going to give it very short shrift. The Governor is so embarrassed by the comedy of errors of the campaign of his Bridgeport mayoral endorsee, he will turn his back on the proceedings even as he seeks to wipe his fingerprints off all aspects of the 2015 Bridgeport mayoral race. He wants to cut his losses, as do all the other Finch Campaign endorsers. Only the six people left in the Finch Campaign think there is still any high-level or popular support remaining for that campaign.
It’s time to get the Ganim/Torres/Coviello/Daniels/Barr debate schedule out to the public!
This will come down to what Gov. Malloy does because his stamp of approval was for Finch and that didn’t help Finch win, so now what does the number-one person in the state Democratic Party do, does he support the primary winner, Joe Ganim? How does Malloy save face, does he support Finch against a Democrat, does he sit this one out, does he ask Finch to drop out and support Mary-Jane Foster? The ball is in Gov. Malloy’s court.
How does Steve save face after Finch is buried by a stampede of voters running away from him?
Ron, or he could just offer Finch a job. He’s done that in the very recent past with another politician. And that person won his election.
Lisa, good point.
Interesting observation by SHU professor. Ron, this election is not just about Bridgeport, and Malloy must be getting some pressure these days.
Rose said a win by Ganim, who served time on 16 federal corruption charges, could negatively impact the party’s image.
If the election ends up affecting the party, it may hurt Democratic candidates in suburban towns and more rural areas, Rose said.
When you have Gov. Malloy, the two U.S. Senators, U.S., Rep. Himes and state leaders all Democrats all endorsing Bill Finch and their guy doesn’t win because a convicted felon beat their guy, they all need to find a way to save face, their word is on the line but so is the entire Democrat Party. Whom do they support now or do they sit on their hands and do nothing? Leaders lead.
Malloy has no choice but to back Joe Ganim, every elected representative should support the Democratic nominee for Mayor, it’s time to put differences aside and unite our party.
Joe Ganim played by the rules, and won!
While Bill Finch is running around looking for any slot to get on the ballot in November, even asking a Republican to vacate his seat!
Is Bill Finch still your choice for Mayor, Governor?
Finch became the first incumbent in city history to lose in a primary!
It’s time Governor Malloy take the advice from his Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, step up to the plate and declare Joe Ganim the Bridgeport Democratic nominee for Mayor.
Jim, has Wyman endorsed Ganim? Can you direct me to where I can find that statement because I missed it.
No, but she said she wouldn’t endorse anyone until after the primary, unlike the Governor.
Malloy has a choice. He does not have to endorse anyone. He already endorsed Tax Bill and he was bested by The Crook.
But if someone were to ask the Lt. Governor now, she would say Ganim!
I am calling her now. 🙂
Let’s be honest, that is bullshit!
Steve, you are swearing.
You would know, being an expert on bullshit.
Bullshit is all I need when I deal with people like you, dumb ass.
Take two steps back and slap yourself, Andy.
You caught me, I am not calling her!
This is not the end of the world for anyone. It’s politics! By December Christmas planning will be in full swing, and this will be but a memory. No Democratic candidate in the State, or towns, rural areas and more will be affected. Who has that crystal ball that says differently? When Joe settles in as Mayor, our City will be better, we will have an unconflicted CC, transparency, and hopefully he’ll find a way to soften the tax blow that’s looming. After all this drama for so long, we’re all going to have to detox, and return to our lives.
You really need to get yourself to a Ganim Supporters Anonymous meeting.
What’s the matter, Kid? Are you going after Steve for his commitment, and Gabby for hers? We believed in the choicees we made and honored them. What have you been doing during this primary cycle of the campaign, other than being a jerk? If it’s possible for you to do, use common sense. Or, oops, maybe you get off on being a jerk.
It is people like you who make it possible for a convicted felon to be considered. Get over yourself, Lisa. You’re just a shill for Mario.
Being a jerk? How do you come to that conclusion? You are the one groveling before a convicted felon, hoping he will give you a first-class ticket on the City Hall gravy train.
Still redlining up in Greenfield Hill?
How do we get to an “unconflicted CC” for example by December? “When Joe settles in as Mayor, our City will be better” sounds so much like the incumbent’s drumbeat about “getting better every day.” Where is the evidence or what is the hypothesis for your expression of faith? Can you share it with us? What will Joe change, from current governance practices, that will let him settle in comfortably and let taxpayers feel the same? Isn’t this a serious subject with lots of detail to cover? Isn’t he regarded as an administrative whiz kid? Time will tell.
John, with all due respect that is my opinion, and I’m sticking to it. While you are a financial genius, I’m quite experienced in politics. It will be done, and BTW, it’s not as difficult as you imagine it to be.
You’re quite experienced at keeping minorities out of the choicier neighborhoods in Fairfield.
Hey punk, yeah you, Kid, why don’t you use your name? Afraid someone will kick your ass?
Everyone knows who I am, so get over yourself. Who’s gonna kick my ass, you? Or will you send Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
No claims to be a financial genius! A little recognition at one time from the CT Post as to being a fiscal watchdog. To me that sounds like a better description and one I can live with. I am willing to look at the data, attempt to see what it means and report. I ask many questions. Most go unanswered. That is not necessarily a good thing because it means subsequent questions are not raised and settled. You and I have not spoken on the subject but I would like to hear you, or each of the candidates, explain how “simple” it can be (“not as difficult”) to make necessary changes. Simple means it should be easy to outline one or more actions in basic language so the average voter can “trust and verify.” Time will tell.
I wish Finch could tell me how going to court is going to help Bridgeport. Unfortunately, the way this third party was put together and how its convention was conducted, reeks of IMPROPRIETY. The last thing Bridgeport needs is more appearance of impropriety. We also do not need a mayor whose campaign could not come up with a respectable backup plan as other candidates did. I am not sure if this whole mess is due to arrogance or mismanagement, but I am sure it does not help Bridgeport. This is the type of thing that make people give up on politics.
S. Wilk, the “Job [Bill’s Job?] Creation Party” met on a stage at a theater yesterday to “nominate” Bill Finch three weeks after the deadline:
While Mayor Finch played bingo at Twin Towers:
www .ctpost.com/news/article/Job-Creation-Party-nominates-Finch-6528261.php
These “stage” and “bingo” scenes are right out of Saturday Night Live.
As for the message they send, well, they’re right up there with the “Titanic” life ring, appearing behind Finch’s head, at his campaign-kickoff bash, and Finch wearing a “Detroit” Tigers warm-up jacket to his meeting with former U.S. Comptroller General Walker to discuss our city’s fiscal outlook and solvency.
Jennifer, you would think with the political climate the way it has been in Bridgeport for years, the Republican Party would be busy increasing their membership by going into the black and Hispanic communities and listening to their concerns and issues and showing them why it is in their community’s best interest to join them, but no, the local Republican Party is acting just like their national party.
Ron, what makes you think the Republicans are not reaching out to those communities? And while I agree the national Republican party has serious problems, you will find locally we’re probably more in line with a lot of Democrat values, granted not all of them, but I think I’m pretty typical of most Republicans in Bridgeport. Which I am not sure it is a good thing or a bad thing.
Okay Jennifer, then tell me a few things residents in the East End are concerned about and the same for those in PT Barnum Apartments and how would the Republican Party be able to help solve those problems?
Walking down the street and being shot, gang violence and retaliation, drug trafficking, feeding their kids, paying their bills. Don’t want to live in public housing but nowhere else to go. Jobs. Blight. To name a few of the most pressing concerns. We have already:
1. Exposed and stopped the car booting which preyed on the poor.
2. Eliminate wasteful city spending, close second city hall, forensic audit of budget to reduce spending without reducing services.
3. Community police, full staffed force, introduce successful Black Rock neighborhood watch, very successful community/police group
4. Focus on small and medium sized business in Bridgeport rather than just large corporate business.
5. Create a path to homeownership for applicable public housing, it has been done nationwide in urban areas, co-ops type of system, pride in ownership often equals neighborhood pride.
6. Rick has already shamed the city into participating in a land-use tax pilot, which has been successful in revitalizing Pittsburgh.
And there is much more. Considering Rick grew up in Bridgeport projects and found the path to success, and runs his business with most employees from PT, pays them a LIVING wage and trains them how to be a better employee and citizen, he is, on the way he has lived his life, a pretty broad slice of the face of Bridgeport.
Jennifer, are those residents’ solutions? No they’re not. Rick is just one person, great for Rick but Rick’s travels are not those of others, in fact how many blacks and Hispanics have Rick brought into his business and trained them? What will the Republican Party do after Rick is defeated and there are zero members on the City Council? Where is there a Republican mayor in a large city in America who is doing any of the things you listed?
How many? Probably close to 200 over the 25 years he has been in business. A lot of high school and college kids. Antonio has been there from the start, still there. Rick did a pretty good job of convincing the city council to wake up to the over-the-top tax abatements, got them united and voting for the right thing for the taxpayers, including the booting program, so his experience shows, when he is right, he can wake rubber stampers up and get them to do the right thing. Even when the mayor manhandles them for their vote. I have no idea if the programs are done by Republicans in other cities, but in this city- the titanium mayor, Torres will do and has done these things. As to are they residents’ solutions? Beg to differ. PT participates in the neighborhood watch and are active and supportive. Compare the crimes in PT with the Green apartments. I think every citizen likes the anti-boot resolution, they did not know the option to stop it was available until Torres made it public and passed the resolution. He really is a pretty decent man who hates seeing the poor and underserved used for their votes and nothing done to really help lift them out of situations they would rather not live in.
Jennifer, that’s great about Rick but what about the Republican Party, what policy or plan do they have? Crime watch and booting okay great but that’s not creating jobs or putting food on someone’s table. In elected politics one must be able to get things passed, so how does one Republican City Councilman or mayor get things passed unless they get along with Democrats or they go over their heads to the public but the public has no connection to the Republican Party.
Ron, I think I have given you examples of how RICK is able to work with Democrats and convince them to do the right thing. As to jobs and putting food on the table, focusing on small business and midsized business and supporting them in Bridgeport, well small business is pretty much what drives local economies. His plan is to focus on small and not overfocusing on large corporate businesses. Of course that will be in the mix but until you give strong support to local businesses and midsized businesses then the local economy doesn’t thrive. I cannot speak for all of RICK’s plans, but starting with easing the burden on taxpayers by the land-use tax, closing down the extra City Hall because there is space at the old City Hall for everyone to work, and doing a real audit of the budget to cut spending without cutting services will ease some of the economy, and attract more people and businesses to move to Bridgeport. Honestly, how has the past 10 or 20 years in Bridgeport truly helped grow the economy and reduce taxes?
And I must add Ron, oh how I wish more voters in Bridgeport were like you. You ask in-depth great questions, you have a great rebuttal and you truly care about getting the truth to people. We may not always agree, but I have great respect for your insight and your opinions. And I am not sucking up to you.
Jennifer, this is something from Michael Steele, former head of the National Republican Party who is black.
On MSNBC, Steele defended his approach to minority and youth outreach, which attempted to apply GOP principles to “urban-suburban hip-hop settings,” he told the Washington Times in 2009.
“You come in, and you put boots on the ground. You go out and you talk to people directly. And you expose the party in a way that is not traditional,” he said on MSNBC.
“I argue taking the party outside of its comfort zone. A lot of members at the time thought that was a good idea until they realized this is going to require exposure on policy, exposure on principle, exposure on a lot of things that the party just didn’t want to be exposed on.”
Jennifer Buchanan // Sep 25, 2015 at 8:27 am
to your post
Oh yes, Darien has always been so concerned about Bridgeport. Just another statement from an entitled community, which has its own version of felony to play out.
Notice please the incumbent mayors of New London, Hartford AND Bridgeport were thrown out.
If the quote was from someone other than the Sacred Heart University professor, I would give you that. However there are a lot of communities that care about Bridgeport elections, otherwise why would you who lives in Westport be involved in this race?
Jennifer is right, Scared Heart University and its community have a very vested interest in what happens in Bridgeport. If SHU plans on expanding it may need to be within Bridgeport. A lot of SHU students live in Bridgeport. They should be taking an interest. As much as the surrounding communities hate to admit it, they need to be concerned about what happens here.
It’d be nice if they listed themselves as Bridgeport and not Fairfield.
It is spelled JOB.
Ms. Curry’s credibility was shot many many years ago, she should be living a peaceful QUIET life in Westport and keeping her nose out of Bridgeport politics.
I believe she has a vested interest in a business in Bridgeport. Also, we just stink to high heaven statewide with our one hand out begging to every other citizen of this state for their tax dollars while with the other hand we sit and watch a machine grind their own citizens into submission with these farces of elections, so I do not begrudge her involvement in elections.
Jennifer Buchanan // Sep 25, 2015 at 9:47 am
To your post
Darien talks about lost “business” and just do you know, having known Joe since ’91, it was helping Joe that was my goal, not any worry about business. You’ll find I’m one of many from many surrounding communities who want to support Joe, and who are not thinking lost business will happen to Bridgeport, but are thinking Joe Ganim.
Oh that it were 1991 and we could go back there knowing what we know now. This is a pretty good example of voting with nostalgia, rather than with reason and critical thinking.
Entitled community? Coming from a Westporter, duh.
I put it to Finch, the way he put it to his own sister when she was close to losing her job at the housing authority. “It’s politics, it’s all part of the game, you can get another job.”
Why are so many people against the splash pads? They are concrete slabs with a water hose underneath them. They cost a few bucks. The benefit outweighs the cost. They keep the kid safe. How can so many people be for kids playing in the middle of the street under open fire hydrants? Bridgeport is getting better every day. In this case the splash pads do make Bridgeport better and enhance the quality of life for the parents and kids. These things are not that hard. I find it insane this battle is over kids in where they can play.
The youth of our community need safe places to play that are age- and ability-appropriate, no question. Has that been our priority according to the Mayor for the past couple years? It has been his focus for photo-ops and the expenditure of more than $9 Million 10 months ago. If it is not our priority, then why has so much, and more, been spent in multiple areas, non-priority?
The youth of our community also need learning spaces that are prepared for effectiveness. Yes, $700 Million or more of school construction has happened in the Finch years, but what about learning in the classroom? What evidence would you use to argue the educational mission aside from bricks and mortar has advanced?
When you look in that direction with Bridgeport taxpayers providing about 60% of the dollars provided by New Haven and Hartford taxpayers, is that a wise thing? Has it been a priority?
Why is there a battle each year for BOE operating $$$? Is it because “ghost expenses,” make-work projects, project re-do’s costing extra, out-of-sight legal expenses with no oversight outside the mayor’s office, budget-busting OT from public safety annually for most of Finch’s years, airport settlements and budget overruns, etc. are so exorbitant and removed from CC monitoring that “classroom dollars” are ignored in favor of non-priority?
Public disgust and lost respect and trust is over missed priorities, confused planning, poor execution, too many City employees paid for non-priority efforts, etc. It is not about water parks. But if youth do not complete their school journey in good time and order, what jobs will be open to them? What road will they take then? Will the public expect today’s youth to be using those playing fields and water parks as adults who did not get the necessary classroom experience to develop their natural intelligence and urban skills? Who is caring and concerned about our City priorities? Where are the Watchdogs? Time will tell.
From my understanding, Finch or any other mayor does not have any say in how the education is run and is not responsible for the students’ outcome. Mayor Finch tried to take over the failing BOE that has failed Bridgeport students.
Tax revenue is based not on just development and jobs, it’s about smart investments and sustainable job creation.
www .ctpost.com/news/article/Hard-times-at-Derecktor-Shipyards-once-2166574.php
www .ctpost.com/news/article/Stop-and-Shop-closing-a-Bridgeport-store-3842961.php
www .ctpost.com/local/article/Dominion-buys-Bridgeport-fuel-cell-park-in-deal-4118693.php
Despite having children who attend or attended schools financed with public dollars in Bridgeport, the Mayor as community leader has a responsibility to fairly and equitably fund the schools. You do not have to “control” the schools to do that. You have to support capable, educated, and unconflicted members of the public willing to work for all the people of the City. That has not been his game, I suggest, because while crying for more State funds (because Hartford and New Haven get more), he has failed to let us in on the dirty secret local budgeting by the Mayor and Sherwood Forest has lagged so badly behind those other two cities. By keeping things from the public eye (other than his continuous photo opportunities), he has kept smiling until this week. What will the next month bring? Count on crazy, it seems. Time will tell.
I would consider $700 million support. If I were a teacher I would love to go to work in a new or renovated building. If the board controls the education system and police that drive the outcome students achievement, obviously the board was failing and Finch tried to take it over. I don’t think we can compare cities. Should we? Hartford has a higher violent and murder crime rate then Bridgeport. They even have a higher murder rate than Boston, a city of close to 700,000 citizens. He’s only one person. Take that 40-abatement project the council stopped it. Everything that happens is collectively done. I find it funny how he was going to bypass the council and then it was shot down when Ganim appeared. What is more saddening is for all intents and purposes he’s a convicted felon you stole for the city when he was mayor. So his power comes from those who are backing him. If Finch is so unlike and needs to be out of office why Ganim? I’m sure there are other horses to put in the race. The mayor is not just a mayor of the city he’s also a figurehead. The person who represents the city. Because we know a major project can be shot down if it’s not in the best interest of the city. We witnessed that in the recent abasement vote. So why Joe? Why would you pick a convicted felon who did what he did as the leader and figurehead of Bridgeport to the state and country instead of someone with a more reputable image to promote Bridgeport and appeal to investors to invest in Bridgeport. I don’t understand the logic behind tapping Joe instead of someone else. It’s illogical to me, but I’m a outsider. Scratching my head like every other person outside the Bridgeport Bubble.
He doesn’t have a message, Robert.
Knock off the repetition about the water slides. In the grand scheme of things water slides have no importance.
So are you saying Joe should stop talking about high taxes or Bill on Steel Point development? I like the water parks, they keep the slides that keep the kids safe. While it may not be in the grand scheme, it should be a priority, TBK don’t you think? They are our future we have to protect them not damage them with neglect.
Water slides keep kids safe until they have to walk home.
Finch’s solution to the education crisis was to cut school funding and build a water slide to keep inner city kids from opening fire hydrants. Children need to be educated, not farmed out to a playground. Don’t be a dunce.
I do not think people are against the splash pads, but if that is your top five things you have accomplished as mayor, perhaps your message is all wet.
He might want to try massaging, alas he may have to enroll at UB. Wait, there may be an alternative school that might accept him.
Finch & his closest Finchettes can all go to work for Ayala at the DMV for a few years until Malloy is voted out, sooner rather than later.
Only reason Finch got this sham nomination even though Ganim has the majority of the fake party signatures is Ganim won’t lend credence to the fake party but had to cover his ass in case someone stupid at the state level did.
Just seen some of ch.12’s coverage of the proceedings at the “Bijou.” Is that the Ed Malley people been mentioning here? Made me wonder what position he occupied to be at that table.
Lennie, can you confirm his involvement?
Ed Maley gets checks monthly from City taxpayers courtesy of the Purchasing Department. Years ago it was $7,000 per month and then $8,000 per month and in 2015 may have increased again. Why not ask Mayor Finch about the tasks for Attorney Maley, what representation agreement he has with the City, and what he has accomplished for the voters and taxpayers of the City in contrast to protecting the activities of the Mayor and those in his circle? He is not a Bridgeport resident at last view. Why is he necessary to the City? Time will tell.
Finch is OUT. Ganim’s out too. If he felt secure in his re-election chances, he wouldn’t be so aggressive in trying to neutralize Finch’s third-party bid. Time to rid the city of Bridgeport of the crooks and dirty politics that have sullied Bridgeport’s reputation since just after the Civil War.
Forty years ago England’s youth rebelled against an obsolete establishment and social order they felt was oppressive. One of the movement’s anthems included lyrics that can be applied to Bridgeport’s current political predicament. Joe Ganim and Bill Finch represent an established political machine that is as corrupt as those of Chicago and New York City a generation ago.
Oh God save history
God save your mad parade
Oh Lord God have mercy
All crimes are paid
When there’s no future
How can there be sin
We’re the flowers in the dustbin
We’re the poison in your human machine
We’re the future, your future
A day in the life of Mayor Finch
Mrs. Finch: Bobble! Oh I’m sorry, honey! I meant to say Bill.
MF: Oh sure, a FREUDIAN SLIP! So you think everyone is playing with their bobblehead dolls, and imitating my voice, and saying “come on Rick let me have your seat and I’ll give up the solar park, and fire McCarthy and Woody!”
Mrs. F: No honey, I think some people are just saying you lost the primary, but your love for Bridgeport is still there. After all, Woody and Secrest started your campaign too late, Bass Pro didn’t start until late 2014 and all your projects are still in the trunk of my flucking car!!! Those 100s of architectural renderings!!! Shit Honey, you have enough of those flucking renderings for every empty lot in Bridgeport!!! Honey, at some point I have to get to IKEA and Big Y!
MF: I can see Joe Ganim now, holding up one of my bobblehead dolls and mocking me! “But your Honor! We filed the right paperwork on time, but someone removed my name with whiteout!!!”
Mrs. F: Bill, Honey I have to get some sleep, I’m exhausted!
MF: Honey, you know what really pisses me off? I gave them flucking splash pads!!!
Mrs. F: ZZZzzzZZZzzz, you should have given them the $600ooozzzZZZzzzZZZ
Selling Bill bobbleheads on the corner of Main and Capital is technically a job, so Bill’s record could be six fired from and one firing pending.
How about we get rid of both Finch and Ganim and go with MJF, the only one with a clean record?
Finch can get a job at senior centers calling Bingo and Ganim can be in charge of the money.
MJF is like the paving of Bridgeport roads, or holding the line on taxes. She is only seen or heard from once every four years during a election year.
Finch is just trolling for a job after he loses the November election. Foster has neither the financial resources nor the volunteer phone bank to mount a serious challenge to “the boys.” After polling less than 10% of the primary vote she would look like an opportunist were she to reenter the race. Self-importance is not enough to get over the finish line ahead of the pack.
Foster told a CT Post reporter “Res ipsa loquitur.” Really, Mary-Jane? Try “Mea inflata ego ipsa loquitur.”
Well, I support Mary-Jane Foster. I will refrain from saying anything negative about Torres. I think that we would be better off with Torres than Finch. He also makes great cookies.
And those almond croissants.
I respect Mary-Jane Foster. Re-entering the race at this point would only serve the interests of The Crook.
BPT REBEL–MJF “only seen or heard from once every four years during an election year.” Really? Vice-Chair of the board of her Bpt church; VP at Bpt’s only university; on the board of BRBC; remaining active in several community organizations; etc. Compare that with your pal Ganim’s involvement in the Bpt community in the five years since he left his federal housing quarters, and where he lived since he was sprung.
Asolutely agree, she also worked tirelessly on the Moore and Gomes elections. But her citywide numbers in the primary is something to seriously consider.
Jennifer–Close to half of Finch’s votes were from those who preferred Mary-Jane but were concerned their votes would be “wasted,” thereby giving Ganim a better chance.
Just curious how you came up with half of the votes for French were really Mary-Jane supporters.
Yeah, I’d like to know how you came up with that figure. Mary-Jane Foster polled less than 10% of the ballots cast in the primary. The people chose a convicted felon and a compulsive liar, by the widest of margins.
If Foster jumps back into the race it will only make her look like an opportunist, draw votes from the reform candidate and ensure a Ganim victory. Do the people of the city of Bridgeport really need or want another four years of Testa’s rule? Joe Ganim has not apologized for his criminal activities, nor has he expressed remorse or contrition. Lisa Parziale thinks I’m a jerk because I am saying out loud what we all know to be true: Joseph P. Ganim is an unrepentant, recalcitrant crook. Given the opportunity, he will engage in the same activities that landed him in prison for seven years.
I’ve only seen her CT Post and OIB releases on POLITICS during her running for Mayor, being involved with her church and the CROOKED Timpanelli-run BRBC that will hand Finch a job after November is a black mark on her good resume.
Jennifer–A modern form of “exit polling.” If MJF gets back in, consider the historic impact on Bpt if Rick withdraws and throws his support to the only other honorable candidate in the race. And if Finch gets out, and endorses MJF, a real horserace between Ganim and Mary-Jane gives Bpt voters a realistic choice between machine career politicians and the real world for the first time in a long time. You’re smart, and a good Republican. I think I am also. Best.
I believe in the multiparty system. What you’re asking is to go back and continue with one-party rule in the city of Bridgeport. I happen to believe, looking at past numbers, Rick is equal to or even more viable than Foster in this race. Torres only lost to Stafstrom by 56 absentee ballots, and if you look up what Rick has managed to accomplish on city council, against all odds, he is a uniter of people for the common cause. Foster won’t even endorse Joe or Finch in the election if she drops out. When asked by the Connecticut Post whom she would vote for in the election if she were not a candidate, I believe she referred him back to her statement of I will not endorse any Democrat candidate for mayor. I suppose in the ideal world of Bridgeport it would only be Democrat against Democrat. Why bother with the general election? Let the primary results stand. Nope, I do not think it would be honorable for Torres to drop out. If they were both Republicans, then you would have a valid argument about one of the two should drop out. In my opinion, one of the things that make this country great is competition in elections. Asking Democrats to go head-to-head and throwing out any other party to me is not the American way. Finch may not think democracy works in Bridgeport, but there are those of us who hope and believe it does.
And with all due respect to your exit poll, the fact they voted for Finch over Mary-Jane, what on earth makes you think they were telling you the truth? If they believed in Mary-Jane they would have voted for Mary-Jane. With all due respect, if they were telling the truth, I believe that is a direct reflection of the loyalty people feel when they vote.
Lennie, great picture.
At the risk of causing offense, the list of MJF activities is impressive and not to be knocked unless you go into them and find deeper reasons than you offer. Her church just had a major renewal campaign and she was the volunteer leader of funding for that I believe. As a Community Relations person for the University of Bridgeport is she responsible for your impression of its suburban resident leader? No.
Most revealing is you admit to only two sources of info in your post. CT Post and OIB. The CT Post is not going to increase their coverage of Bridgeport activities for your benefit or any other Bridgeport reader. Can you remember the last time they took a serious look at any of a number of routine fiscal issues that will have a major effect on our taxes, no matter who becomes Mayor, in FY 2016 and beyond? At least Lennie keeps the marketplace for public discussion open by publishing what comes his way as well as what happens to be curious and/or timely.
Before you admitted you had limited knowledge of MJF activity, did you bother to do any research, Google search, or even get to someone who knows her and supports her? If you, using your own name, were held up to such a judgement as you have made in a public space, OIB, by someone who had not done the research, would you deem it fair? She is a candidate for Mayor whose integrity is not routinely questioned. Isn’t that a big thing this year? Aren’t you happy to have multiple choices in that regard? Time will tell.
Still did not say she attends city council meetings or BOE meeting or fights Finch through the newspapers or even OIB other than when she’s running, but I will let you have your biased say, have a good weekend.
Please introduce yourself to me the next time you are at a City Council meeting. Mary-Jane Foster has been at more of them in the past couple years than the opponents in my City Council district chosen by the local DTC. How about you? Have you spoken for any reason at a Council session? If not, does that mean you don’t care, or that you are perfectly satisfied, or perhaps confused? You have an opinion, good. When I express my opinion, you call it bias?
What are the qualifications in your opinion to run for serious public office in Bridgeport?
Residence in City?
Registered voter?
Pay a poll tax?
Attend City Council or other public meetings?
Have property on which taxes must be paid?
Have all your City taxes paid?
Knowledge of issues, integrity and lack of conflicts?
Just asking. Have a great weekend. Time will tell.
Bpt Rebel–Give it up. MJF was also one of several reformers who successfully publicly fought Finch’s unlawful takeover of the BOE and helped spark a legislative victory over neighborhood smut shops, and unsuccessfully sought a legislative reversal of Finch’s support of the Charter-violating conflict of interest situation with city council members being on the city payroll. To state that she’s not been active in the Bpt community between elections borders on either slander or a huge dose of being dumb.
BPT REBEL must be part of the Finch Comedy of Errors team. Dumb and Dumber!
Maria Pereira and Judge Lopez fought the state takeover and the other two you bring up were during her laughable run for mayor four years ago, but keep trying ,you might find one thing between 2011 and 2015, but I doubt it.
What happens to the water slides in the winter? Where are the water slides in the North End and Black Rock? There should be help for business development, jobs, crime control and lower taxes as a priority. A water park is not a reason to vote when there are so many other issues.
Bill Finch’s claims to fame are water slides, a closetful of artist’s renderings of planed projects, withholding police reports from the news media, lying about tax refunds and the democratic process and raiding the education and police budgets to pay for tax abatements given to wealthy developers. Gee thanks, Bill. That’s just fucking great.
In “greater Black Rock” or the 130th District that adds streets on the West Side of Bridgeport, there are at least two water parks, if not actual slides. One is at PT Barnum and another is located at Ellsworth Field.
Where has City leadership looked for input on City wants and needs, sitting around the table together? And after such “listening,” where has that same leadership showed focus through priority planning? And then where has leadership pointed, in an OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT and HONEST manner to its score card, successes, and achievements? Time will tell.
BPT REBEL–you call MJF’s run in 2011 “laughable?” What a weird sense of humor. As a then-political unknown, she won 42% of the Democrat primary vote against the incumbent Finch.
Steve, shouldn’t it be William Finch?
Ron, I can answer your earlier question about the East End/Side. I’ve lived in the lower East Side, on Dover St., my entire life (55 years) in those brick row houses. What the residents in these areas need more than anything is a FINANCIAL break! Anybody who comes in with promises of reducing taxes, better schools, more jobs, or new businesses that doesn’t start with “reducing spending” is either a fool or a liar. I said many times on this blog I could cut the spending budget by 10% the first year without eliminating any social programs. I have many years working with multi-million dollar budgets and I know it can be done. We just need someone who’s not in someone else’s pockets and are able and have the integrity and courage to make the tough decisions that need to be made and put Bridgeport first. First you cut spending, then you put together a “fair” budget that is not larger than the money coming in and then you tackle taxes. All this is done in front of the public with all involved. And that’s how this Republican can address the issues of the East End and East Side.
Okay, that sounds good, but after that’s done, then what?
Quentin, I agree with you. Great post.
*** Leave it to Bpt to always have some type of drama during election time! Mr. Green-jeans vs Joe D’excon vs Foster Grants. ***
*** When all is said and done and Finch is history in the Mayor’s office after 2015, how will his overall past rating as Mayor of Bpt be graded? *** “A” for absent minded, “B” for buffoon, “C” for careless or “D” for dummy! *** IT’S LIKE DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN, NO? ***
*** You can’t make shit up like these real life political drama reality stories out of Bpt. *** WHOOP! ***
*** I’ll be voting for the next mayor of Bpt come Nov. *** WHOOP ***
Ron, you have to start somewhere. After those three things start to take effect, then you have a city with a better business climate. With competitive tax rates you can lure business back without needing to give long abatements. Maybe five years max and negotiate the hiring of BPT residents for those newly created jobs. Now, those jobs will need a skilled and educated workforce and that’s when you start with the schools. If you look at schools being as businesses, no business would just throw more money at a failing business. They would either replace management or close all together. And the same can be said of the school system. First you give parents and their children all the choices available. The competition between those schools will weed out the bad ones. Then you look at how every individual school needs to be funded. I don’t believe as some do that teachers are the ones responsible, however, I do believe there should be consequences for the bad ones. I believe many of the school issues are because of the way they are run, i.e. management. Our first and only priority should be the children, not cronyism, not nepotism, not unions.
You’re out, charter schools.
P.S. I was a Teamster for 18 years and in management for the last 17 years so I have a vast experience between the two. I know of what I speak.
Ron, that’s a shame because freedom of choice is what makes this country great and lack of it is why Bridgeport schools are failing and our youth have no jobs. Are you also against vouchers?
Then fund all schools no matter the religion.
You can’t because of separation of church and state. If the state funded religious schools then that school would be under the state’s regulations, which as we all know most times conflicts with their beliefs.
Ron, question for you. What about the parents who send their children to private schools but still have to pay taxes to fund public schools?
That’s my point, public, charter, private and religious schools because the government is sponsoring education for all students.
I’m confused, are you saying the government should control all education?
What control does the government have over charter schools?
No, just fund all school systems, freedom of choice is what makes this country great and lack of it is why Bridgeport schools are failing and our youth have no jobs.
The undeclared voters will decide the election and; most of them will not vote for Ganim. Yes if in our Blue State we want a Democrat in City Hall, every disappointed Finch voter should turn to Foster so BPT will get the state and federal dollars we deserve. And the lesser candidates should endorse Foster. Can we mobilize this instead of just sounding off? The clock is ticking.
Maybe the Governor has to come out of his shell and endorse Foster, and so do Blumenthal, Murphy and Himes. Bridgeport’s reputation is at stake.
The governor is covering his own ass.
There you go, Ron. We give the parents vouchers that are good for the school of their choice; public, private, charter, religious, etc. Other than paying for the vouchers through taxes, the government gets out of the education business.
No, there have to be guidelines.
Ron, sorry I missed your reply. It’s probably too late you’ll never read this, but you’re right about the guidelines, but then the government gets out of the way and only monitors.