They’re lining up to fill Chris Caruso’s state rep seat. City Councilman Carlos Silva says he’s let party regulars know he’d like to replace the Big Wave in the Connecticut Legislature. Silva challenged Caruso in a 2008 primary.
A bunch of names are floating out there. We’ll see how Mayor Bill Finch and Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa sort this out. The party will endorse a candidate for the March special election, one of a bunch that will take place around the state as a result of legislators grabbing state jobs, but candidates may qualify for the ballot through the petition route. One pol who says he’s not interested is veteran City Councilman Bob Curwen, co-chair of the budget committee. He says he’d rather run for mayor, but has taken no steps to show he’s a serious candidate. Charlie Coviello, a candidate for mayor in 2003 and again in 2007 before dropping out to support Bill Finch, is expected to file papers within the next few days for another mayoral run.
Connecticut’s 126th District includes portions of the Upper East Side and North End. Caruso had represented the district for about 20 years. He resigned his seat on Tuesday to accept a state job in the Malloy administration just before a state deadline prohibiting legislators from accepting an executive appointment during session. Will Caruso weigh in with his own replacement?
See, Caruso has already saved the state some money. He has agreed to leave behind the specially reinforced chamber chair he used for the past 20 years. Looks like Silva will appreciate the courtesy.
That’s true but he just tripled his pension for which he becomes eligible in 4 years.
View with skepticism people who collect a pension; understand others’ pensions and cannot even spell the word. TC is too frequent with his mistakes to excuse this one.
It is far better to save money than it is to collect a pension. Grow your own account and outperform 100% of all pension managers!
Yeah how are you doing???
tc, I’ve been producing more than I consume for over 30 years. Proving it has kept me continually employed under terms I approve.
When you want to compare results let me know how much you’re willing to wager. If you’re not afraid to challenge me, I’m not afraid to counter-challenge. I insist that you take risk.
Local Eyes to your above post, the only thing you have been producing for years is Pure Unadulterated Bullshit.
I’m glad Caruso has had the foresight to take care of his financial future by not seeking the mayor’s job opting for the salary and pension benefits associated with working for the state. I’m not sure how you calculate that he has tripled his pension though. He currently earns $32,000 and will earn $73,000. That’s double, not triple. But who cares? He will now have some security for his future.
I am concerned, however, that his sudden increase in income may have a deleterious effect on his health.
At an annual salary of $32,000 he doubled his girth since 1989. Can you imagine how many Merritt Canteen hot dogs he will be able to scarf down now that his resources have improved?
A March special election makes for a worthy Bridgeport political circus. This is an election for insiders. So props to Chris and Mario. Does Ed Gomes have a feeling about this? I think what he has to say may count for a teensy-weensy something. Or do I exaggerate?
Chris’ stepping aside obviously helps Mayor Bill as has been stated. But there are $3.4 million (and maybe more) problems for the Finch administration as reported by the Connecticut Post. Keila Torres’ story on the current city budget is worth reading. It should raise some questions.
*** HERE WE GO! ***
Carlos Silva is the only one in recent memory who tried and worked at beating Caruso for his Rep Seat. The rest of the names that will come forward are lazy do-nothings who will do what they have done in the past when they held or presently hold elective office and that is NOTHING.
“… The rest of the names that will come forward are lazy do-nothings who will do what they have done in the past when they held or presently hold elective office and that is NOTHING …”
Did I miss something? Did Councilman Carlos Silva resign while I was out of town or is he still presently holding elective office?
All of what you say MAY be true.
But it’s an open seat. You guys gotta back SOME body. (Whether you like it or not.)
T.C. the seat is in your district here’s an almost perfect opportunity for you to get some of the things you’ve written about in the past done.
Sorry Hector I do not live in the section represented by Caruso. My State Rep is Clemons. You see they have carved up the 138th and no one gave a shit. We have 2 state senators and 2 state reps. Double your pleasure double your fun and double getting nothing done.
Hey TC. Would you want to have Ernie Newton as your State Rep, State Senator, Mayor, or none of the above? Better yet, would it be a good idea if Lennie conducted a poll? If you do Lennie, don’t bother calling yahooy.
TC, you technically do not have to live in the district to RUN. You have to live in the district once elected to SERVE.
You don’t want to run, that’s one thing. But can you run? Technically, yes, if you’re prepared to move by whatever timeframe they require (that I don’t know).
ctatcher; Thanks for the input but as far as me moving across the street or down the block if I won makes no sense to me. In this bad housing market I would take a beating. Besides living in the same house for 41 years I am kind of used to it. You have 6 months after the election to move into the district you will be representing.
Lazy do-nothings???
TC for State Rep.
Doesn’t John Gomes live in this district???
John Gomes for State Rep!!!
Maybe he should try for another elective office before running for mayor.
Grin Reaper // Jan 5, 2011 at 5:24 pm
To your posting
Have you given thought about what Susan Bysiewicz might respond to your suggestion?
In Campaign 101, it says that candidates who appears to be jumping from from one campaign to another, THEY LOSE!
You mean to tell me this was working in the last storm? You have got to be kidding me.
What do they think GPS stands for?
Gotta Plow Snow
Public Works Department to Demonstrate GPS Snow Plow Tracking Program
Mayor Bill Finch will join Director of Public Facilities Charles M. Carroll in a live demonstration of the City’s GPS Vehicle Tracking Program during a press event on Thursday, Jan. 6 at 12:30 p.m., at the Emergency Operations Center, 581 No. Washington Ave., Bridgeport.
City snow plows are fitted with GPS tracking units in order to assist Public Works department supervisors in tracking the snow plows as they move throughout the City.
“Our GPS tracking program is an invaluable tool in helping the City increase the efficiency of our snow plow drivers, and allows us to track the truck’s progress during a snowstorm,” said Charles Carroll, Director of Public Facilities.
Weather reports call for another snowstorm to begin sometime late Thursday night, early Friday morning and continue through the day Friday.
Here’s a thought.
Being a State Rep is a part-time gig, right? Lots of Reps work jobs as well as attending to their respective elected office. Why doesn’t Caruso keep his seat and stay in the House?
yahooy asked,
“Why doesn’t Caruso keep his seat and stay in the House?”
Good question–probably lots of people wonder that.
My understanding is that legislators are forbidden from taking jobs in the state executive branch after a certain date. I think this year it was 1/4/11. The governor and other state agency heads had to act promptly, and with that date past can’t make any further selections from the legislative side now until the session is over.
town committee // Jan 5, 2011 at 4:41 pm
“… Carlos Silva is the only one in recent memory who tried and worked at beating Caruso for his Rep Seat …”
I’m taking TC’s twisted logic and straighten it up for him.
Mark Trojanowski is the only one in recent memory who tried and worked at beating Carlos Silva for his City Council seat. Silva’s voting record on the council clearly shows he goes along with whatever agenda this and past administrations put in front of him. Carlos Silva (along with others) is responsible for the $16 million deficit inherited by Bill Finch and the continuing budget fiasco the city still faces. How could anyone justify nominating people with a failing fiscal management record and who have fallen short in expectation? What ever happened to “CHANGE?” If Mark Trojanowski jumps in, I’ll be more than happy to help him with the petition.
Mr. Gonzales, If my memory serves me right you too held office in which you followed the same political trend. Now you grew a conscience and want to Monday-morning quarterback. I believe Mr. Silva was on Budget committees where the Mil Rate was always cut, the only year it went up he did not sit on the budget committee. I think he would do just fine for us in Hartford.
Go Silva!!!
You’re shooting blanks here. I served from 1995 to 2001. By the time I left, the city had $52 Million in its rainy day fund. Is that the same trend as the present?
I had a conscience before coming in and my position was safety not quarterback. Is it your position that only members of the Budget Committee are responsible or should be held accountable for the City’s fiscal failure? All Council members vote on the approval or rejection of the city budget. If this is your position, then mayor Finch in in the clear, as he is not a member of the Budget Committee. The worst kind of shooters are those with memory problems.
Joel plain & simple you are full of BS. My only point was that Silva did primary Caruso, other candidates never gave it a try. As far as Trojanowski is concerned if you call sticking a few signs in the ground campaigning then so be it.
I saw lots of your signs stuck on the ground.
Joel you are babbling, how did we go from my comments about Silva running against Caruso in a primary to Trojanowski running against Silva to me having a lot of signs in the ground?
Have you been talking to Local Eyes? You are beginning to sound like him.
It’s a compliment to be compared to a man with vision like Local Eyes. Thank you very much!
Joel Gonzalez // Jan 6, 2011 at 12:56 am
To your posting
Have you given thought to helping with petitions this year beyond the special March election for House Rep?
My first priority is to financially and physically support Republicans running in the special elections. One example is the mayor of New Britain who is raising money to run for the vacant Senate seat. I’ll apply my spirit of bipartisanship in primaries and elections. I will not support anyone with a record of failure or who has fallen short in expectations.
Now let’s take a peek at what Malloy has done and said so far.
“… I’ve told my transition team that we’re looking for the best and the brightest for every position we fill within state government. People who would like to join our efforts can send their resume and cover letter to us for consideration …” (See link below)
I dare Dan Malloy to release copies of the resumes submitted for employment consideration. Was he really looking “for the best and the brightest for every position”? Keep in mind that Malloy selected nine (9) elected members of the Connecticut General Assembly. That’s nine of the very same people who created the mess that he hired to help clean up. Does this mean that they are among the best and brightest he could find or bothered to apply? For all you Malloyalists OIB readers, I challenge you to click on the link below and try to collect on that promise of transparency from your new Governor.
Bridgeport CT is a quaint little city nestled along the peaceful, tranquil and utterly picturesque I-95 corridor. Visit soon.
www .discoverourtown.com/CT/Bridgeport/Lodging-1394.html
I gotta say nothing says tranquil and peaceful in the South End of Bridgeport than U.I. unloading coal barges at 2 a.m., a Puerto Rican baseball playoff in Seaside Park, or the sounds of waves slapping against the front steps of my old apartment when a nor’easter blew water over the seawall.
For months I have asked readers of this enlightened group whether anyone knew what the unrestricted City fund balance is, at any moment of the past 6-month period. No one has provided an answer, or even a guess. I choose not to assume you neither care nor know. That number is a basic fact of life in Municipal Finance 101.
So I started asking my council reps. (who did not know this number) and found yesterday that they had finally inquired of Budget co-chair Bob Curwen whether he knew that number. Reportedly, he did not know, and sad to say that number is currently not listed in the quarterly in arrears financial report that Council reps. receive from the executive branch. Therefore, Bob Curwen will ask Tom Sherwood and perhaps we will get the trickle-down effect, once and for all.
Downtown rumor is that Cafe Roma decamped from their Fairfield Ave. location this week. Report was that a kitchen inspection revealed $30,000 of sprinklers as required but not present. If true, that starts a whole train of questions as to how the place opened under other management initially and has been operating for years now.
Anyone put any flesh on the rumor bones? I have enjoyed the hospitality and energy of Cafe Roma for it has exhibited the small-scale economic development that is happening in the City with entrepreneurs who risk their own money. We are all waiting for the large-scale projects to show and in the meantime …
BEACON2, I think it would be a good idea to contact Keila Torres at the Post. She recently interviewed the person who has the answer to your question and fell short of asking such a fair and valid question. Better yet, call Councilman Silva and request that he give you the information in writing. If he is truly prepared to tackle a $4 Billion state deficit, getting this information for you should be a cakewalk.
Joel you are amazing.