Happy! Lamont Presents CT Resident Keith Richards With Award Of Excellence

Okay, this happened in Westport today, not Bridgeport – (still there’s a port in it) Governor Ned Lamont, a pop culture enthusiast, presented the inaugural Governor’s Excellence Award to Keith Richards, a resident of Weston.

The thing about Keith so enduring, he looked 80 when he was 40, so he’s never really aged in 40 years.

Anyhoo…my Keith Richards story that has the added benefit of being true. (I’m a Boomer so Zoomers, please put up with me.)

For decades I lived in Redding, sharing a border with Weston, and enjoyed shows at the Ridgefield Playhouse. Peter Wolf, I’m a big J. Geils fan, was on the bill so I booked an aisle seat. I noticed the center aisle across from me had a number of seats cleared. This is just minutes before Wolf took the stage. A murmur stirred, then the crowd chanted “Keith, Keith, Keith.” It was nuts. Keith had an entourage of security, three on each side. He took a center seat about five rows back.

I never heard 500 people so loud in my life.

Wolf takes the stage and blasts out Must Of Got Lost.

They timed Keith’s egress minutes before the encore.

Place goes nuts again.

My date for the concert, she was just along for the ride, didn’t know much about pop culture, etc.

“Who’s this guy Keith?” she asks.

“Keith Richards.”

“Keith Richards?”

“He’s one of the founders of the Rolling Stones.”

“Is that a magazine?”

“Well, yeah, okay…”



  1. Watched this vid yesterday,my first thought was why would Keith agree to show up to this dog & pony show?? There had to be an incentive or something.You rarely see Keith make appearances like this..Can’t be a monetary incentive( god knows he doesn’t need that lol),maybe a donation to his foundation or charity??. Maybe a fast track building permit for his estate in Weston?..Gotta be something,right?


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