News release from Ganim campaign:
Joe Ganim joined business owners in Bridgeport’s West End to call for the immediate re-opening of the closed Police substation, which had been built during Ganim’s tenure but closed by Bill Finch in a misguided effort to cut community policing costs. Ganim is also pledging support to the West End business community and vowing to create more jobs when elected.
Ganim met with Bridgeport City Councilman Bob Halstead and area business owners including West End Business Association President Rich Carraro. An economic round-table discussion at Chaves Bakery was held, followed by a tour of the former Police substation site. “This State Street area was a war zone twenty years ago and we revitalized it. I know we can do so much more to make this area a hub for small businesses,” Ganim said.
West End Business Association President Rich Carraro affirmed his support for Joe. “I appreciate Joe being here today and the stance he’s taking. He’s obviously the one to turn this neighborhood back around.”
“Joe connects with people, and I don’t think the current Mayor connects with anyone. You see the reception he’s getting all around this town. $2.5 million dollars secured by Joe and then washed away. That’s typical. A lot of people are seeing these things going on, and they’ve had it,” Bridgeport City Councilman Bob Halstead said.
“We had so many past accomplishments to clean up the State Street corridor. We worked hard to bring jobs to Bridgeport, and it is truly a travesty that Bill Finch closed this vital West End Police substation.”
The West End Police Substation was built and maintained from a $2.5 million Federal COPS grant obtained by Ganim.
Open it with your money, Joe.
Congrats to Mayor Finch for another great endorsement. Taking the city forward. What is the image Joe is trying to create? A dark, dangerous place where people do not want to live, work or play? I am sure your supporters who live in the city appreciate your Easton mentality. Keep Bridgeport’s image in the gutter the way you left it. Nice! Real nice!
Ganim mentions jobs he will create. What jobs will he create, more city jobs? Please, more promises.
Well, maybe Joe can buy the building back from Amodex who just expanded their business into the building and reopen his West Side substation which was never a substation at all but it was home of the traffic division so he should have done his research before making his statements.
His own supporters are getting bored with his taking advantage of a tragic shooting and turning into a one-man show on the road destroying the city’s image.
Destroying the city’s image?” Take a pill and get over it. The city’s image has been tattered and tarnished for decades. Finch’s incompetency have done nothing to improve the city’s image. He sits in the office all day, never gets out to meet the people of the city of Bridgeport, talk to the single mothers shopping at Compare Foods (and making their purchases with EBT cards), never gets out to talk with unemployed youth in the housing projects. He doesn’t even send Adam “Pecker” Wood to do that. Why? Because they both know the reception would be hostile.
Mayor Finch has created 700 jobs for youth. Compare Foods had the same single mothers with the same welfare cards with their grandchildren who were shopping for the 10-plus years Ganim was Mayor. East Main St. is becoming more vibrant now with the idea of Steelpointe and the Barnum Train. Bridgeport kid, Washington Park has never looked so good and those kids in the neighborhood are so much happier with the waterpark than showering in the roads with fire hydrants. Bridgeport Kid, Steelpointe will represent thousands of full- and part-time jobs. How do you believe people are not feeling hopeful and longing for the corrupt days of Joe Ganim? Honestly, the Finch campaign will be taking the horse and pony show on the road and Easton resident Joe Ganim can fight for his old job back. Picture this, Bridgeport 1989-2003. Picture this, Bridgeport 2007-2015. Two different worlds. John Fabrizi had to also deal with years of Ganim Corruption.
That place was never staffed, in fact they would park police cruisers there to make people think the place was open when it wasn’t.
Wasn’t it during the Ganim administration the substation on Arctic Street was closed?
Cousin Joe is hammering Finch with crime issues. Miss Mary-Jane is hammering him on economic issues. Both are pushing from opposite directions. It’s just a matter of time before his head pops off.