You don’t think church and politics blend? Former Mayor Joe Ganim is calling on Mayor Bill Finch “to keep his promise” to Walter’s Memorial Church in celebration of the church’s anniversary. Ganim posted these remarks on his Facebook page.
Walter’s Memorial Church has played an important role in Bridgeport’s history. Yet, Mayor Finch has not kept a simple promise to the church to dedicate a street and street sign to celebrate their 180 history as the oldest Afro-American church in Bridgeport. This disappointment was expressed to me by church members and others. I am calling upon the Finch Administration to keep this simple commitment to honor this historic Bridgeport institution.
Ganim knows where his bread is buttered.
Wow. That’s pretty lame of Finch not to follow through on something as simple as this. Brett must be too busy with the crime crisis to get this done. Or maybe his office staff is too busy on things they consider more important.
I think Ganim calling Finch on this is about as pathetic as you can get. Mr. Ganim, weren’t you the Mayor when the oldest Church in Bridgeport was 150 yeas old? What did you do? We can see now how you are bottom-feeding to get support. Everybody will remember what you did to the city. A dedication and a street sign is definitely a nice gesture. You should have done it 25 years ago. Better we focus on rebuilding the homes of the first free African American families in Bridgeport and turn the Freemen home into a museum. This is a real plus for our city and that Mr. Ganim is a fight worth fighting. Last I heard, ABCD owned the property.
It’s what I’ve been saying for months and months, Mayor Finch has completely ignored the black community.
Finch has never met a promise he could keep.
The only black church Mayor Finch is concerned about is Rev. Moales’ church. Walter’s Memorial Church is of no concern to the mayor. Finch expects Rev. Moales to bring along other black churches.
Joe Ganim pounces before he announces. That sounds like the kind of strategy his brothers would form. But until his fundraisers culminate in a campaign announcement, his postings are idle threats.