Ganim, Porter Welcome New Police Recruits

News release from Mayor’s Office


Friday evening, Mayor Ganim and Chief Porter welcomed fourteen new officers into the police force during a graduation ceremony held at University of Bridgeport’s Arnold Berhnard Center. The ceremony follows a six-month long program that took place at the Bridgeport Police Training Academy where the former recruits participated in a variety of training sessions and skill building, led by Lieutenant Angelo Collazo.

Mayor Ganim stated, “I want to congratulate all of the officers that completed their training and can now serve our communities in the best way possible. I commend them for their persistence towards wanting to keep our city safe and protect our residents.”

“It’s my honor and pleasure to welcome these new officers into the profession of Law Enforcement; particularly, those who are joining the Bridgeport Police Department. Those who join Law Enforcement accept and take on a call to serve their communities and fellow citizens. Such an act should be met with extreme gratitude and appreciation,” Chief Porter stated.

Lieutenant Collazo stated, “We appreciate Class 44 for choosing this noble profession, as we all know it’s not easy being a police officer. I know these officers will serve the community with the principles and values that this academy has instilled in them. I wish Class 44 much success and hope they remember this phrase: ‘If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.'”

See video of ceremony here.

The graduates that completed the academy are as follows:
— Sal Carollo
— Tamara Garcia
— Roger Hamilton
— Christian Lewczak
— Shawn Lynch
— Matthew Maciejko
— Christopher Matarazzo
— Emily McGinn
— Luisa Merced
— Valerie Perzanowski
— Fred Reid
— Paula Rocha
— Victor Rrapi
— Adam Salce



  1. Final thoughts on the matter. It is just a job, people, While it may have a sense of fraternity, and brotherhood identity and holds some emotional, and physical risks of the job when dealing with some, well lets say “combative behavior”, It is still just an occupation/job, deal with it. It is not even the deadliness occupation, It doesn’t ever hit the top ten.

    At any rate, think about it, good luck, I depart with the prophet.

  2. Just a thought, watching that clip and so many others when police pull over someone and it ends up where the person hops back in their car or just takes off. Being traffic stops are one of the most dangerous activities for police officers, so they say. Tactically speaking, you would think before a cop roll-up/walk up the driver’s window to engage in conversation with the driver. They would just quickly deploy some kind of device under the (passage IOP) tire to flatten it if shit gets out of hand for one reason or another and the driver takes off. It has many practical applications, it would less any engaging pursuit, the cop can just let the car go without trying to by jumping in the car window or getting dragged, and such, backup can come to engage a car that already is somewhat disabled. JS

    Can speak on what going through someone’s mind who wants to get away from the Police, will I can, though will some may seem rational to avoid arrest. but to con cop you gonna pee in his car those cuffs off, That’s creative, but you still have to think you have the driving skills to actually get away too. SMH 🤣

    Think about it, I depart with the prophet and the maestro.

  3. The big question is how many will go off to better cities now that they are trained and certified with Bridgeport dollars?
    The smarter ones will be gone as soon as an opportunity comes up. 😂


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