From Mayor Joe Ganim:
In anticipation of the pending snowfall due to impact Bridgeport, Mayor Joe Ganim is declaring a snow emergency for the city to take effect at 8:00 a.m., December 16, 2020. During the snow emergency, residents must move their cars off posted snow emergency streets. December 16th is an EVEN number day; therefore, residents should park on the side of the street with addresses that are EVEN numbers. Snow emergency streets are marked with white signs with red lettering. A list of snow streets can be found on the City’s website by clicking here or the full link:
The City of Bridgeport anticipates a significant snow fall starting late Wednesday evening and through the overnight which is projected to produce a minimum of eight inches of snow with the possibility of up to 16″ of snow along with forced winds. The Emergency Operation Center (EOC) will continue to monitor forecast updates. Current forecasts predict that Bridgeport will receive 8-16 inches of snow that will begin after 4:00 p.m. and last until Thursday morning.Emergency Operation Plan is in effect with enforcement of No Parking on Snow Emergency streets to ensure that plows and public safety crews can clear the streets. Emergency street listings can be found at Vehicles parked on snow emergency streets after the ban goes into effect will be subject to fines and towing.
For secondary roads, as the storm date is December 16th, an EVEN number day, cars must be parked on EVEN side of the street beginning this afternoon. The easiest way to tell the ODD- or EVEN-numbered side of a street is to check the street address of buildings. If the address ends in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) then that building is on the ODD side of the street. If the address ends in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) then that building is on the EVEN side of the street.
Snow Emergency Parking Lots
City officials advise residents to clear the streets and park on EVEN side. In the event that parking is not available for residents, Snow Emergency Parking Lots will be open to the public for parking which include all school parking lots in their district and the Health Department parking lot at 752 East Main Street.Parking in the school and City parking lots listed will be permitted beginning this evening. Vehicles parked at the schools should be removed by 8:00 a.m. Friday, December 17, 2020.
Vehicles Towed for Public Safety Enforcement.
Owners of vehicles that do not comply with the parking ban on emergency streets or alternate side of street parking will have their vehicle towed and incur a minimum $130 towing fee.Sidewalks
Commercial and/or residential owners who push snow into the streets or do not clear snow on the sidewalks in front of their buildings are subject to a $100.00 fine per ordinance for each incident.Adopt a Hydrant–residents are encouraged to clear snow and make a path to a fire hydrant in their neighborhood to assist the Bridgeport Fire Department in case of fire or other emergency.
Bridgeport Streets within the City are prioritized to clear major travel routes first. This allows public safety vehicles access to most parts of the City. The initial plowing activities also provide most residents a clearing within two-to-three blocks of their home and most destinations in the City. Other factors include locations of schools, hospitals, major commercial centers and other facilities with large public interest. For snow plowing issues, call 203-576-7130.Any plowing issues or concerns can be reported using mobile application Bridgeport 311.
Operation Care; to help protect the homeless population from unsafe temperatures, please call 2-1-1. Homeless Outreach Team has begun contacting the homeless population to connect them to shelter such as Prospect House and Operation Hope.
Sanitation and Recycling will be suspended on Thursday, December 17th due to anticipated snow removal. Services will resume on Friday, December 17th. If your normal pick up day is Thursday, it will be postponed until Friday. All other pick up dates will be one day behind the normal schedule. Please be sure that your trash and recycling toters are shoveled out so that crews may have access for proper removal. Transfer Station will also be closed Thursday, 12/17.
Snow Related Emergencies
During the storm, residents may call the Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center hotline at 203-579-3829 with any snow-related emergencies.If residents suffer a loss of electricity call the United Illuminating customer hotline at 800-722-5584 or 203-579-3829. Both numbers are for 24-hour emergency service.
Immediate danger to life and health issues call 9-1-1.
For the latest updates and information about the snowstorm, residents are asked to check, local media and follow the City of Bridgeport on Twitter and Facebook.
Lennie, I have a question off topic, do you know the election results for the Greater Bridgeport, CT NAACP election?
Paging JML.
Greater Bridgeport NAACP did hold a branch election for local officers yesterday, 12-15-2020. It was the first time such an event was held using strictly internet systems in the state. The Branch has over 400 members at the current time.
Rev D Stanley Lord, current President, running for President, was elected to lead the unit with 78% of eligible voters who voted yesterday. One other candidate garnered the other 22%.
Other members on the ballot winning office were, Rev. James Morton , First VP, Cynthia Maignan, Branch Secretary, Arlene Hartly, Assistant Branch Secretaru, Deacon Willie Wilson, Treasurer, Sharon Sutton, Branch Assistant Treasurer, and Executive Committee At Large membes Mary Burce, JoAnn Butler and Immacula Cann.
The next branch General meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, December 17, using Zoom. For added info, please go to GreaterBridgeportNAACP. Org. Monthly meetings, more than 15 active committees, and a welcome to new members who supportt today’s efforts to win the equal rights and justice for American citizens who are without, even today. Time will tell.
What’s a matta for you?
Who came in second for President?
Any other challengers for other officers?
How many people actually voted?
You get a C- in reporting
After all of you objections to my use of questions, your letter has four questions in five sentences. And then you choose to judge your last sentence. I assume that you are not a member of the NAACP locally or you might have known more about the contest. I did provide the names of winners, not losers, in this contest after what has been going on nationally. Join us if you wish, have a seat at the table and learn to respect the reasoning and feelings of others than yourself I suggest. Time will tell.
I was asking you John because who had answered originally. That is how it’s supposed to work. You answered the question but not completely.
To ask a question of no one specifically will normally not get anybody answering them.
JML should know the results. Hook a brother up. Give some answers instead of just questions??????
Jsut play, I’m out of here. BAM!
And not 1 comment except mine- and I waited a week- under the ‘small business Covid relief’ topic from December 9.
By declaring an emergency is Ganim absolved from any blame when clean up doesn’t go well?
And what is the difference between a snow emergency versus a COVID-19 emergency?
Paging Bill Finch!
School was canceled today even though they are utilizing Remote Learning.
Don,school was cancelled,as it should be.The teachers and kids needed this break from the very hard job of remote teaching/learning.”Snow Days”,are a welcome thing these days,a sense of normalcy,if you will.Kids need to enjoy days like this,not forced to stare at their dam computers all day..
So if it didn’t snow they wouldn’t need a day off?
Come on. Doesn’t make any sense.
Aren’t they off around Christmas and New Year’s?
Then there is MLK Day. Then Presidents Day.
And on and on and on.
Bob, the kids and teachers need the break of a snow day. Kids need to sled ride, build snowmen, etc etc.. and the teachers need the day to reset, like I said,remote teaching & learning is very stressful for all… the mental health for kids is just as important as their physical health..I hope they take off every snow day that comes up…
I have to agree with Harvey although his reasons are absurd. Considering the magnitude of the storm and the fact, I believe, teachers are required to show up at school for distance teaching, not to mention, they have to dig out too, canceling school was the right call. Come on people, let’s not looking for things for political criticism and argument. It’s what’s wrong with Port politics.
P.S I find it comical I was blocked by Maria because Lennie DIDN’T banning her, and I challenged her, actually, I suggested to her to put up a resolution for an increase in revenue for the extra money the city is going to put up for the amphitheater deal, and put all the others on the spot either supporting or not supporting more revenue for the city. Where all she seemed to want to do was excoriated the other side about how much revenue they are generating. Maria, how did that work out for the Port?
Yet now she and Tony Barr are going at it, who she, when to court asking a judge for a court order because he feared for her safety, which she is now insulting, saying he has a mental illness, and sparing with him on Facebook just like she and Ernie did on OIB before they nationally embarrass the city by performing a drug test. Speaking of drugs she is also calling him an ex-drug enforce who spent 20 years in person.
Maria, as I said, your political style is extreme and was wasting the court’s time, I will not research all the posts you made about going to court, but this current battle proves it. You generally don’t engage in an ex-drug enforcer, saying they have mental illness and substance abuse because they posted a picture of you and Ganim. I will give you this, there’s a mental illness and it’s called Port Politics, and not a drug test is going state otherwise.
Maria, Burn the Pictures.
Last thing, it seems Councilwoman Maria is aligning herself with victims’ families in the Port that are at odds with Ganim and other elected officials. I say Justice for Jayson should ask Maria to put up a resolution for an independent investigation into actions and procedures in the results of his death if the cop is going to be removed to see where the other stand, Without an independent investigation in favor of his removal, I can’t see it happing or without some other ruling like a lawsuit case that the city will most likely make a deal to avoid, JMO Peace out JS