Ganim Budget: No Tax Increase

Love him or loathe him, Joe Ganim doesn’t raise taxes and cuts them for qualified senior citizens.

The mayor will submit his budget proposal to the City Council Monday night, holding the line on taxes for the spending year starting July 1, where it will be referred the Budget and Appropriations Committee co-chaired by Scott Burns and Ernie Newton. Mary McBride-Lee, Jeanette Herron, Richard Ortiz, Fred Hodges and AmyMarie Vizzo-Paniccia complete the seven-member committee where the nuts and bolts of the spending  plan take place.

An area of contention for education advocates has been Ganim’s investment in schools the past several years. Ganim is expected to make a modest increase in school spending but nothing close to the $20 million city spending hike requested by the Board of Education faced with the fiscal cliff from died up Covid federal dollars and rising teacher salaries.

The budget committee has done some tinkering in recent years to provide additional resources to education.

Key as well is what happens during the state budget cycle underway that heavily finances local education. The local budget process will play out for the next two months with inclusion of public hearings.

Something to watch: Newton, running for state senate, leveraging his platform on the budget committee to heighten his candidacy profile against incumbent Herron Gaston. Jeanette Herron is Newton’s campaign treasurer.

See full council agenda here



  1. CT Post Sunday edition with news that Grand List is relatively soft or flat as to taxable properties eligible for an expectation of no tax increase. Yet Superintendent of Schools has brought reported tens of millions of necessary funding to provide learning, safety, and favorable learning opportunities for Bridgeport youth. Expectations led by leader commentary seem to be out of step with reality once again. Where will the subject be settled, politically, practically, and with some solid gains for educators who negotiate with the City for pay and benefits? Aren’t there increases from all union agreements that increase annual budget plans each year?
    How to hold taxes flat when you know that personnel costs and health benefits trend to increases. Where is the magic? Time will tell.


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